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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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So, my oldest drew a deer tag this year, his first. Unfortunately, after a week of getting up at 4:00 and heading out to glass the hills, getting home every night at 7:30 or 8:00, we did not end up taking a deer. (We did come very close, but never lined up a shot.) All we came home with was a solid week of father-son bonding and memories.


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I finally managed to get a somewhat decent-ish picture of my kittens (even though the camera was a potato). They rarely stay still for long enough for me to take a picture, but I have found out that the optimum window to take a photo would be early morning and late afternoons when they have run out of their usual hyperactive energy.


5 kittens. The eldest of them (4 months old) is staring at your soul. She's the bodyguard/playmate/teacher for the rest of the kittens who are a month and a half old. All of them are strong and healthy, thanks to @tater's kindness and generosity.

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I spent the weekend and yesterday out in California moving my mom into assisted living. She's 88 years old, and has been independent for far longer than a lot of people her age. But my cousin (Who she is closer to than me. It is what it is.) found out that she has fallen several times in her apartment (without telling anyone), and so she convinced her that it just isn't safe for her to be on her own anymore. So we all drove out to California, and my wife an I spent three days helping to clean out her apartment. As I stated at the beginning of the project, our goal was to move the project from the "American Hoarders" category to the "slightly crazy regular apartment move" category, and then my cousins were going to come in at the end of the week, after she was actually moved out, and move out her furniture and whatever else was left. We got rid of her car, carted off four SUV-loads of stuff to donate to the local thrift store, and filled three dumpsters in the apartment complex with trash. I'm pooped.

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Today I found out that my right ear is slightly worse at higher frequencies than my left ear. Nice to know. Now, that isn't really a large problem since the most important sounds happen in the lower end of the spectrum - we're talking about >15000 Hz here. However, it turns out that these high frequencies really make a huge difference with instruments such as cymbals; if they're high enough I can't hear them at all on the right.
At this point, kudos to the human brain (psychoacoustics, really) for being able to adjust for that! This slight loss only becomes apparent if I cover the left ear, otherwise everything seems fine.

Hope it's nothing too serious and that it won't get worse. I have no idea why, though. I keep my volume at reasonable levels, if anything it's set too quiet and not too loud...


I also want to emphasize that this isn't a diagnosis or anything. I noticed that noise sound a bit strange and did some testing in Audacity. Not anything scientific.

Edited by Delay
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Got in car a little after five. 77°F out, car sorta warm from being in the sun. Start driving, iPod on random. Countdown by Rush comes on...

Even in the hot car, instant goosebumps, still.

(I can beat up on Shuttle sometimes, but what a cool vehicle)

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18 hours ago, tater said:

Countdown by Rush comes on...

Even in the hot car, instant goosebumps, still.

One of my faves, certainly my favourite Rush song


18 hours ago, tater said:

I can beat up on Shuttle sometimes, but what a cool vehicle

Yeah, it was much  more expensive than expected and had its flaws, but it was incredibly capable and a politically-constrained engineering tour de force

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/18/2019 at 10:07 PM, Gargamel said:

Made this major lifetime milestone today....


Ahhh yiiis.....

Covers 6 email accounts, some 22+ years old. 

Well... the forum search function actually worked well.       Lost about 8k when I upgraded my 10 year old phone this spring, but I'm back on track...


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19 hours ago, Gargamel said:

Well... the forum search function actually worked well.       Lost about 8k when I upgraded my 10 year old phone this spring, but I'm back on track...


I wonder what the limit for that counter actually is, and what will happen when that limit is reached. Maybe it'll go negative or something. Whatever it is, you seem to be well on the way.... :P

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2 minutes ago, RealKerbal3x said:

I wonder what the limit for that counter actually is, and what will happen when that limit is reached. Maybe it'll go negative or something. Whatever it is, you seem to be well on the way.... :P

Well about 20 minutes after posting the pic, my phone decided to find another 650 messages out of the blue.   So yeah, I'd like to hit 100k. 

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Encountered this while out driving today. Thought it was a really large dog at first.


It was a deer. Apparently it’s a thing around here, we have, like... Dalmatian deers...


(note the derpy little smile)

Also, found some folks who needed to re-home their critters, so to the Einstein-haired bunny and nosey black guinea pig, we added another guinea pig...


...and a small, oblong tribble. -_-

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