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What funny/interesting thing happened in your life today?

Ultimate Steve

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Finally found the load limit on the tractor. :cool:


Could lift this basket of alder but juuuust barely. Check how squooshed the front tires are, I could barely turn the steering wheel, either. Yup, split the whole load by hand, too. -_-

And of course by “by hand” I mean my hands worked the levers on the wood splitter. Yet I still somehow feel like I got hit by a truck. :confused:  And that’s not even half of what needs splitting. :wacko:

Also, this finally happened: 



Temporarily “installed” our Dishy in a horrible location on the perennially dirty squirrel porch table.  And right off the get go, Comcast decided to plotz and not stream anything so we broke it in with the first episode of Loki, which worked perfectly well despite the app reporting disconnects every few minutes. 
yes I drink the Kool-Aid, and it is sweet

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  On 8/23/2021 at 5:41 AM, CatastrophicFailure said:

Split the rest of the wood today. Everything huuuuuurrts. :cry:


But found some disgusting cool bugs: 

*pokes @cubinator with a stick*


"Hard work never hurt anybody."

LOL. Um, yeah....


Range day was great. Thing #3 took to her hunting rifle like a fish to water, ringing the gong at 100 yards almost immediately. Worked Thing #1 through a flinch he didn't even know he had. Got to spend a lot of the day working on rests and transitions. One of my other buddies came along, showed him my Super Secret shooting spot. Fun day, had a great time.

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Ok, so technically this was yesterday but whatever!

My dad and I drove to Minneapolis (about a 3 hour drive for us) to see Green Day+Fall out Boy+Weezer! HOLY COW....

it was a helluva show! We had pretty good seats (three rows up from the ground!) but man oh man....I’m not sure if visiting Starbase or this concert was the best day (night?) of my life! I can barely speak at this point lol and I work today (and I got home at 4!) so now I’m off the the pool...

I’ll post some videos at some point, need to get my pc working again. Lemme tell you....Getting to see all those bands was like the best birthday present ever! (Ya, this was for my 16th b-day) 

Edited by Lewie
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  On 8/24/2021 at 10:11 PM, cubinator said:

What's up guys - currently trapped in an elevator! Hopefully not for long. At least I've got my water bottle.

Update: I'm out.


I remember being trapped in an elevator at a game convention back when I was in high school. We, being gamers, immediately set about trying to escape. We had formed a human pyramid and were investigating the mechanism of how to dismantle the ceiling and access the roof to see if there was a hatch when the fire department opened the doors and released us. One firefighter said that was the first time he had ever opened an elevator and found the occupants not just sitting around waiting to be rescued.

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  On 8/24/2021 at 11:43 PM, TheSaint said:

One firefighter said that was the first time he had ever opened an elevator and found the occupants not just sitting around waiting to be rescued.


And added: "Never do this again, because the cabin may suddenly move when the electricians are guessing which wire to cut, red or green."

Also he had never seen before a partially disassembled elevator cabin hanging from the cables together with occupants and first thought that you are a pack of suicidal gremlins.

  On 8/24/2021 at 10:11 PM, cubinator said:

At least I've got my water bottle.


It's always wise to have a roll of thin garbage bags, regardless of elevator.

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since my ps4 is dead and being nursed back to health in a repair shop, my life has been boring as rot, save for some time spent playing elite dangerous <which im playing as i type this, have it running minimized lol. ANYWAY, my dad was out of town on a 1 week vacation and was scheduled to return to town tonight <24th> and I decided that since I knew when it was alleged to land I would go to a website called liveatc and listen to my cities approach air traffic control. I heard his flight make contact with my cities airport and started listening to the transmissions closely. I heard what runway his flight was headed for and did some plane spotting. I saw his flight land and took some pictures. Was fun listening to the light amount air traffic my city has at night and then hearing a flight coming in that I knew someone on was just added spice on the fun. Plane spotting can be fun :D 


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  On 8/25/2021 at 1:33 PM, Spaceman.Spiff said:

Montego Bay. 
Flying back to the states this afternoon. 


Never dove Jamaica, but I've heard it's good. My wife and I were big divers back in the day, went all over. I actually proposed to her on a dive off of La Jolla Shores. (AND I DROPPED THE RING! Luckily we were on the bottom over sand and I found it.) We planned our honeymoon around diving, stayed a week at Sandals in St Lucia (free two-tank boat dive every day) and then did a week cruise on Royal Clipper out of Barbados (where we turned out to be the only divers on board, it was like having our own private dive boat). We did a five-day live-aboard in the Coral Sea/Outer GBR. Done tons of boat dives and beach dives off of the California coast, Catalina, Channel Islands. Now, haven't been on a real dive in fifteen years or so. Every time I see our wetsuits and BCs hanging in the closet I just sigh. :(

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  On 8/25/2021 at 9:16 PM, Shpaget said:

Today I got a call regarding a job I applied for... 356 days ago.

We had a nice chat and the guy seemed polite and all, but he's kind of late.


Had a few such cases, too. I never realized I'm supposed to take my resume down despite plastering my current employment all over social media.

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In this case I sent an email directly to them, no middleman service. In any case the job and pay would be comparable to my current, but it's further away from my home, so I thanked the guy and we agreed to get back in touch if situation changes.

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Came back from a week-long trip home, saw signs for a satellite exhibition at the airport (because apparently they want to turn it into a spaceport too?), but the signs were pointing the wrong way and I couldn’t find the way in :(. Probably best not to accidentally trespass on an active airport, I’ve heard they don’t take very kindly to that sort of thing…

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