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[1.8] MandatoryRCS 1.8 & Part Pack 1.4 - Reaction wheels nerf, SAS persistence, rotation in timewarp


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I like Mandatory RCS very much.  Fills a need, well conceived, does what it claims: makes RCS relevant again.

There's only one thing that's keeping it from going on my "must have" list.

I'm seeing an interaction with MechJeb that is causing issues (KSP 1.3, MRCS 12for13 per linuxgurugamer, tons of other mods). 

Whenever Mechjeb timewarps, monopropellant is consumed at an extremely high rate whether RCS is enabled or not.  By the time I reach orbit, all my monopropellant is gone, from every tank (including an isolated tank which had the RCS systems feeding from it disabled, as a test).

I'm not sure why this occurs, but it's consistent and repeatable on my setup.  I haven't yet tried with just MechJeb + Mandatory RCS, and I do have a lot of mods installed,  so there could be something more complicated going on than just the two of them.

Just thought I should mention what I'm encountering.  Will try just running the two mods by themselves on a clean install and see what happens.

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I’ve definitely had a lot of problems when I do engage mechjeb (which is not often). Something about the control tuning means it will start a high-frequency oscillation, and in the process dump all the RCS rather quickly

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1 hour ago, fourfa said:

I’ve definitely had a lot of problems when I do engage mechjeb (which is not often). Something about the control tuning means it will start a high-frequency oscillation, and in the process dump all the RCS rather quickly

On closer examination I think it's just MechJeb being MechJeb, and not a bug.  MechJeb is having trouble staying on target (because nerfed RCS) and tends to oversteer during ascent warp.  Hence the guzzling of monoprop. Didn't realize that at first because I haven't gotten used to nerfed reaction wheels yet.

Still not sure how MechJeb managed to use up the monoprop that the pod with disabled RCS though...

Sorry for the false alarm Gotmachine, I should have been more thorough before posting.

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There are two things that can (and most likely will) go wrong when MechJeb is engaged :

  • MechJeb seems to expect the stock behaviour of "timewarping kill rotation" in some cases. MandatoryRCS "fixes" that behaviour. This can cause MechJeb entering in an infinite loop of timewarping and correcting attitude. In my quick tests, this does happen sometimes, and can be avoided by unchecking the MechJeb auto-warp feature while a maneuver is being performed.
  • MandatoryRCS reaction wheels "balance system" is dependant on the state of the stock SAS. If the SAS is off, reaction wheels are always in the "nerfed realistic torque output" mode. Since MechJeb force the SAS to the off state, reaction wheels are in this weak mode when MechJeb is engaged. This mean that every small attitude correction will be done by the RCS thrusters, causing huge RCS fuel consumption. For large vessels, this mean that they will be impossible to stabilize.

A few recommendations to keep your RCS fuel consumption under control when using MandatoryRCS, and other playing tips :

  • Have a good RCS thruster setup :
    • Use the RCS build Aid plugin and pay attention to the yaw/pitch/roll "torque output" of your RCS setup. This will help you to learn how to do an efficient setup.
    • Have your RCS trusters as far as possible from your vessel center of mass. Further away = exponentially more torque = exponentially lower RCS fuel consumption.
    • If you have some thruster nozzles that can't follow this rule, use the advanced tweakables to disable Roll / Pitch / Yaw on the part. A RCS nozzle with its thrust vector aligned with the center of mass will consume RCS fuel for zero effect in attitude control.
    • For in-space situations, don't have too many and too powerful RCS thrusters. A powerful RCS setup will allow you to rotate faster but at the cost of an exponential RCS fuel consumption. Tweak the RCS thrust limiter on small vessels.
    • Have a balanced RCS setup : put an even number of RCS thrusters in symmetry around your vessel center of mass.
    • Don't have RCS nozzles facing random directions, always have them aligned with vessel X, Y and Z axis.
  • Add/keep a good ratio of reaction wheels, especially on large spacecraft.
  • Micromanage the RCS on/off toggle ("R" key). Even when the vessel seems stable, keeping the RCS toggle ON will cause a rapid depletion of your RCS fuel. When maneuvering, engage RCS and as soon as you have reached the SAS target marker (or if you are in stability assist mode), reaction wheels will stabilize you vessel for free. Turn the RCS toggle off as soon as possible.
  • If you have the patience, do your manoeuvring in fine controls mode ("Lock Caps" key).
  • When in atmosphere or if landed, remember that reactions wheels will help you only in "stability assist" mode OR if you are already/still oriented toward the selected marker.
Edited by Gotmachine
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3 hours ago, Gotmachine said:

There are two things that can (and most likely will) go wrong when MechJeb is engaged :

  • MechJeb seems to expect the stock behaviour of "timewarping kill rotation" in some cases. MandatoryRCS "fixes" that behaviour. This can cause MechJeb entering in an infinite loop of timewarping and correcting attitude. In my quick tests, this does happen sometimes, and can be avoided by unchecking the MechJeb auto-warp feature while a maneuver is being performed.
  • MandatoryRCS reaction wheels "balance system" is dependant on the state of the stock SAS. If the SAS is off, reaction wheels are always in the "nerfed realistic torque output" mode. Since MechJeb force the SAS to the off state, reaction wheels are in this weak mode when MechJeb is engaged. This mean that every small attitude correction will be done by the RCS thrusters, causing huge RCS fuel consumption. For large vessels, this mean that they will be impossible to stabilize.

A few recommendations to keep your RCS fuel consumption under control when using MandatoryRCS, and other playing tips :

  • Have a good RCS thruster setup :
    • Use the RCS build Aid plugin and pay attention to the yaw/pitch/roll "torque output" of your RCS setup. This will help you to learn how to do an efficient setup.
    • Have your RCS trusters as far as possible from your vessel center of mass. Further away = exponentially more torque = exponentially lower RCS fuel consumption.
    • If you have some thruster nozzles that can't follow this rule, use the advanced tweakables to disable Roll / Pitch / Yaw on the part. A RCS nozzle with its thrust vector aligned with the center of mass will consume RCS fuel for zero effect in attitude control.
    • For in-space situations, don't have too many and too powerful RCS thrusters. A powerful RCS setup will allow you to rotate faster but at the cost of an exponential RCS fuel consumption. Tweak the RCS thrust limiter on small vessels.
    • Have a balanced RCS setup : put an even number of RCS thrusters in symmetry around your vessel center of mass.
    • Don't have RCS nozzles facing random directions, always have them aligned with vessel X, Y and Z axis.
  • Add/keep a good ratio of reaction wheels, especially on large spacecraft.
  • Micromanage the RCS on/off toggle ("R" key). Even when the vessel seems stable, keeping the RCS toggle ON will cause a rapid depletion of your RCS fuel. When maneuvering, engage RCS and as soon as you have reached the SAS target marker (or if you are in stability assist mode), reaction wheels will stabilize you vessel for free. Turn the RCS toggle off as soon as possible.
  • If you have the patience, do your manoeuvring in fine controls mode ("Lock Caps" key).
  • When in atmosphere or if landed, remember that reactions wheels will help you only in "stability assist" mode OR if you are already/still oriented toward the selected marker.

Thanks very much!

I have found that engaging the R key only when it's really needed works quite well.  Will try out the rest of your advice as well.

Now that I'm getting used to it, definitely goes on the "must have' list.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys,

I would like to have some feedback and opinions on a few new features I'm currently trying to implement. Picture first :


This is a replacement for the stock SAS. It's build on top of MechJeb and will probably require MechJeb to be installed (the other option being repackaging MechJeb as a library and distribute it with the plugin, which I want to avoid). But this SAS (and possibly other features built on top of MechJeb) will be independent from the MechJeb parts and GUI. The MechJeb GUI and parts will still be available, but not visible if you don't use them.

I'm doing this because :

  • The stock SAS is struggling with large and heavy vessels, to the point it is impossible to stabilize them.
  • The stock SAS is atrociously inefficient and imprecise, leading to astronomical RCS fuel consumption
  • The stock SAS lack some very useful features.

I did a lot of tests to compare the MechJeb SAS to the stock SAS, in various situation and with various vessel sizes. For the same sequence of events, the MechJeb SAS is between 25 % and 200 % more efficient with RCS fuel, especially with large vessels. I also did test using the TCA SAS, which is even better but unfortunately TCA is build in a way that make it very hard for me to use it as a dependency, plus it is missing a few features that MechJeb have and that I want to use.

Now back to the screenshot. The new SAS modes are :

Hold :
  Used to precisely hold an orientation, this is the default MechJeb Hold. The orientation is defined in two possible ways:
  - When hold mode activated, hold the current vessel orientation at time of activation
  - On pilot input key release, register the current orientation and then hold it

HoldSmooth (Default mode):
  Same as Hold, but on input key release angular velocity is killed and once the vessel has stabilized, the reached orientation is registered. The stock SAS Hold mode behave a bit like this.

KillRot :
  Don't hold any orientation, just keep angular velocity to zero. Great for consuming less RCS fuel.

ForceRoll (3 horizontal markers) :
  - center marker : toggle that activate/deactivate force roll. Icon change to reflect the current selected roll angle
  - right / left markers : buttons with arrows icons, add / remove roll angle by 45° increments
  Roll angle is relative to the current reference (ORBIT, SURFACE OR TARGET)

PitchOffset (3 horizontal markers + value) :
  Add a pitch offset to the current selected orientation. Disabled if Hold, HoldSmooth, KillRot or Maneuver mode is active.
  Useful for managing attitude in atmosphere, especially for reentry
  - center marker : reset pitch offset and set mode to HoldSmooth
  - right / left markers : increase / decrease pitch offset (2.5° increments)

ProgradeCorrected (target mode marker)
  To target, correcting lateral velocity
  This is the orientation you need to burn to so Prograde become aligned with Target
RetrogradeCorrected(target mode marker)
  Against target, correcting lateral velocity
  This is the orientation you need to burn to so Retrograde become aligned with AntiTarget
Parallel + & Parallel - (target mode marker)
  Keep the vessel parallel to the target, great for docking using lateral RCS movement

There are some other features I want to add, but maybe not in next release because it will involve a lot of navball GUI hacking and this is the most horrible task I've done since I begun modding for KSP.

  • SAS aggressively slider : basically how hard the SAS try to turn, less aggressive = less RCS fuel consumption (MechJeb functionality integration)
  • RCS auto mode switch : automatically disable the RCS toggle when reaction wheels are enough to do the job
  • Global RCS throttle slider
  • Maneuver autopilot : a basic autopilot that will execute the next maneuver node (Mechjeb functionality integration), to be used in conjunction with commnet
  • Navball markers for the new SAS modes

All these thing would be available from a nice stockalike popup menu accessed by right-clicking the SAS and RCS toggles on the navball.

Also, I'm thinking about redoing how the reaction wheels nerf is working. This could involve :

  • A "realistic torque output", available all the time for the pilot or SAS to use.
  • This realistic torque output would involve realistic reaction wheels saturation, meaning fully saturated wheel = no torque available.
  • A on request auto-desaturate function, that would involve automatically firing RCS thrusters to desaturate the wheels.
  • A "magical torque output", saturation free, available only for stabilization when the SAS is used.


Edited by Gotmachine
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Excellent mod, it makes the game more challenging, but not frustrating. (except I burned through too much monopropellant and am now stuck on the Mun ... again)


Here's a bug report: When you plant a flag, your mod throws this exception:


Regarding your SAS-Replacement mod that requires MechJeb, I'd appreciate if that was a separate mod as I don't like to be dependent MechJeb. :-) 
Edited by Thygrrr
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  • 1 month later...

Question - is there a way to further nerf the reaction wheels?  I find the transition from nerfed torque (during rotation) to full torque (attitude hold) to be a bit abrupt.  And with good design, ships don't really need the full-power OP torque to hold position.  Maybe 50%? Or even 25?

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On 11/8/2017 at 1:01 PM, Gotmachine said:

Hi guys,

I would like to have some feedback and opinions on a few new features I'm currently trying to implement. Picture first :


This is a replacement for the stock SAS. It's build on top of MechJeb and will probably require MechJeb to be installed (the other option being repackaging MechJeb as a library and distribute it with the plugin, which I want to avoid). But this SAS (and possibly other features built on top of MechJeb) will be independent from the MechJeb parts and GUI. The MechJeb GUI and parts will still be available, but not visible if you don't use them.

I'm doing this because :

  • The stock SAS is struggling with large and heavy vessels, to the point it is impossible to stabilize them.
  • The stock SAS is atrociously inefficient and imprecise, leading to astronomical RCS fuel consumption
  • The stock SAS lack some very useful features.

I did a lot of tests to compare the MechJeb SAS to the stock SAS, in various situation and with various vessel sizes. For the same sequence of events, the MechJeb SAS is between 25 % and 200 % more efficient with RCS fuel, especially with large vessels. I also did test using the TCA SAS, which is even better but unfortunately TCA is build in a way that make it very hard for me to use it as a dependency, plus it is missing a few features that MechJeb have and that I want to use.

Now back to the screenshot. The new SAS modes are :

Hold :
  Used to precisely hold an orientation, this is the default MechJeb Hold. The orientation is defined in two possible ways:
  - When hold mode activated, hold the current vessel orientation at time of activation
  - On pilot input key release, register the current orientation and then hold it

HoldSmooth (Default mode):
  Same as Hold, but on input key release angular velocity is killed and once the vessel has stabilized, the reached orientation is registered. The stock SAS Hold mode behave a bit like this.

KillRot :
  Don't hold any orientation, just keep angular velocity to zero. Great for consuming less RCS fuel.

ForceRoll (3 horizontal markers) :
  - center marker : toggle that activate/deactivate force roll. Icon change to reflect the current selected roll angle
  - right / left markers : buttons with arrows icons, add / remove roll angle by 45° increments
  Roll angle is relative to the current reference (ORBIT, SURFACE OR TARGET)

PitchOffset (3 horizontal markers + value) :
  Add a pitch offset to the current selected orientation. Disabled if Hold, HoldSmooth, KillRot or Maneuver mode is active.
  Useful for managing attitude in atmosphere, especially for reentry
  - center marker : reset pitch offset and set mode to HoldSmooth
  - right / left markers : increase / decrease pitch offset (2.5° increments)

ProgradeCorrected (target mode marker)
  To target, correcting lateral velocity
  This is the orientation you need to burn to so Prograde become aligned with Target
RetrogradeCorrected(target mode marker)
  Against target, correcting lateral velocity
  This is the orientation you need to burn to so Retrograde become aligned with AntiTarget
Parallel + & Parallel - (target mode marker)
  Keep the vessel parallel to the target, great for docking using lateral RCS movement

There are some other features I want to add, but maybe not in next release because it will involve a lot of navball GUI hacking and this is the most horrible task I've done since I begun modding for KSP.

  • SAS aggressively slider : basically how hard the SAS try to turn, less aggressive = less RCS fuel consumption (MechJeb functionality integration)
  • RCS auto mode switch : automatically disable the RCS toggle when reaction wheels are enough to do the job
  • Global RCS throttle slider
  • Maneuver autopilot : a basic autopilot that will execute the next maneuver node (Mechjeb functionality integration), to be used in conjunction with commnet
  • Navball markers for the new SAS modes

All these thing would be available from a nice stockalike popup menu accessed by right-clicking the SAS and RCS toggles on the navball.

Also, I'm thinking about redoing how the reaction wheels nerf is working. This could involve :

  • A "realistic torque output", available all the time for the pilot or SAS to use.
  • This realistic torque output would involve realistic reaction wheels saturation, meaning fully saturated wheel = no torque available.
  • A on request auto-desaturate function, that would involve automatically firing RCS thrusters to desaturate the wheels.
  • A "magical torque output", saturation free, available only for stabilization when the SAS is used.


Looks great.  It will be optional I hope?  I personally don't use mechjeb anymore. 

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On 09/11/2017 at 8:01 AM, Gotmachine said:


This is a replacement for the stock SAS. It's build on top of MechJeb and will probably require MechJeb to be installed (the other option being repackaging MechJeb as a library and distribute it with the plugin, which I want to avoid). 

Hold :

HoldSmooth (Default mode): 

KillRot :
(3 horizontal markers) :

PitchOffset (3 horizontal markers + value) :

ProgradeCorrected (target mode marker)

RetrogradeCorrected(target mode marker)
Parallel + & Parallel - (target mode marker)

  • RCS auto mode switch : automatically disable the RCS toggle when reaction wheels are enough to do the job
  • Global RCS throttle slider
9 hours ago, eberkain said:

Looks great.  It will be optional I hope?  I personally don't use mechjeb anymore. 

I love the idea of a rotation setting which would make rotating a whole vessel to simulate gravity (or constant rotating satellites a thing) through time warp.

I've never used MechJeb however, just a little kOS and a lot of KER and would also prefer any mechjeb stuff to be well hidden.


Edited by theJesuit
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I get this error on occasion, this happened as I passed 44km after launch in a 3.2 rescale world.  


[LOG 06:06:12.494] [Kopernicus] New object found near Kerbin: Ast. IHL-245!
[LOG 06:06:12.506] [OrbitDriver]: On-Rails SOI Transition from Sun to Kerbin.
 Transition UT Range: 115.48 - 115.5.
 Transition UT: 115.48. Iterations: 24.
[ERR 06:06:12.513] Exception handling event OnVesselSOIChanged in class MandatoryRCSGameScenesEvents:System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at MandatoryRCS.MandatoryRCSGameScenesEvents.onVesselSOIChanged (HostedFromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 
  at EventData`1[GameEvents+HostedFromToAction`2[Vessel,CelestialBody]].Fire (HostedFromToAction`2 data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 

[EXC 06:06:12.516] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
	MandatoryRCS.MandatoryRCSGameScenesEvents.onVesselSOIChanged (HostedFromToAction`2 data)
	EventData`1[GameEvents+HostedFromToAction`2[Vessel,CelestialBody]].Fire (HostedFromToAction`2 data)


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On ‎1‎/‎11‎/‎2018 at 6:22 AM, LastStarDust said:

I could be interested in this mod if it can act as a replacement of PersistentRotation mod in the sense that I want my ship always pointed prograde while it orbits a planet under time warp ... is this mod capable of achieving that?


On ‎1‎/‎12‎/‎2018 at 12:00 PM, fourfa said:

yes, it does that

@Gotmachine (and others): I think I am doing something wrong. I am interested in this mod in its own right, but I too am looking for a replacement for PR. What I miss is the functionality where my vessel always kept its rotation relative to a specific chosen body. I liked this functionality for vessels that had non-tracking solar panels (so that my ship doesn't rotate its panel away from the EC-giving goodness) and for roleplaying (ScanSat, mostly). I have this mod installed, but regardless of whether I have SAS activated or not, my vessel orientation continues to change. I am not in warp, and the probe core I am using doesn't have pro (or retro) grade hold, so I am talking SAS only. Does this mod act as a PR replacement in this regard? Also, is there any chance you would consider adding PR's ability to set rotation / orientation relative to a selected body? If I have a solar panel, I want to remain in the same orientation relative to Kerbol. If I am scanning my homeworld, I want my orientation to remain the same relative to Kerbin.

In any case, thank you for the work you've done on this mod. You, and the other modders, are what keep me playing KSP.

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15 hours ago, eightiesboi said:


@Gotmachine (and others): I think I am doing something wrong. I am interested in this mod in its own right, but I too am looking for a replacement for PR. What I miss is the functionality where my vessel always kept its rotation relative to a specific chosen body. I liked this functionality for vessels that had non-tracking solar panels (so that my ship doesn't rotate its panel away from the EC-giving goodness) and for roleplaying (ScanSat, mostly). I have this mod installed, but regardless of whether I have SAS activated or not, my vessel orientation continues to change. I am not in warp, and the probe core I am using doesn't have pro (or retro) grade hold, so I am talking SAS only. Does this mod act as a PR replacement in this regard? Also, is there any chance you would consider adding PR's ability to set rotation / orientation relative to a selected body? If I have a solar panel, I want to remain in the same orientation relative to Kerbol. If I am scanning my homeworld, I want my orientation to remain the same relative to Kerbin.

In any case, thank you for the work you've done on this mod. You, and the other modders, are what keep me playing KSP.

You read my mind, sir ...

anyhow I installed and tried the mod and ... call me selfish, but I soon found out that I should rebuild all my fleet to make up for the loss of attitude control of every ship without RCS.

In a new savefile, I would probably use this mod without second thoughts, but being as far in career as I am, it is a dealbreaker. I wish I could only use the time-warp-attitude-tracking feature without having the reaction wheels neutered ... but I don't think it is possible.

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45 minutes ago, LastStarDust said:

You read my mind, sir ...

anyhow I installed and tried the mod and ... call me selfish, but I soon found out that I should rebuild all my fleet to make up for the loss of attitude control of every ship without RCS.

In a new savefile, I would probably use this mod without second thoughts, but being as far in career as I am, it is a dealbreaker. I wish I could only use the time-warp-attitude-tracking feature without having the reaction wheels neutered ... but I don't think it is possible.

Check the settings menu, there is an option to do that. 

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1 hour ago, eberkain said:

Check the settings menu, there is an option to do that. 

@LastStarDustThere is an option, as @eberkain suggests. In your active game, go to the pause menu and look for this mod's settings there. You can tweak the effect this mod has as well as turn certain features on / off. It's really well done.

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@LastStarDust As was said, you can switch the reaction wheels part off in the settings menu.

@eightiesboi You can achieve relative orientation to anything by selecting it as a target in map view and then putting the SAS in "target" mode (click on the surface/orbit/target text on the navball) and then using the target/antitarget SAS markers. Note that depending of your solar panel orientation, you will need to have a control module (a part that has the "control from here" button) oriented the same way, I usually use a small docking port, it's cheap and light.

Also note that unfortunately, kerbol/the sun isn't targetable and I didn't found how to change that in the code. As a workaround you can target Moho, that will approximate a sun targeting not too badly if you are at Kerbin. In my game in turned this in a mission and launched a probe to low solar orbit to act as targetable object.

@eberkain I'm aware of this bug, but thanks for reporting. It happens when an asteroid changes SOI and may not cause too many problems, but I will fix this someday.

I don't have much time to work on KSP modding currently, so for now this plugin is in maintenance mode, new features are postponed.

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2 hours ago, Gotmachine said:

@LastStarDust As was said, you can switch the reaction wheels part off in the settings menu.

@eightiesboi You can achieve relative orientation to anything by selecting it as a target in map view and then putting the SAS in "target" mode (click on the surface/orbit/target text on the navball) and then using the target/antitarget SAS markers. Note that depending of your solar panel orientation, you will need to have a control module (a part that has the "control from here" button) oriented the same way, I usually use a small docking port, it's cheap and light.

Also note that unfortunately, kerbol/the sun isn't targetable and I didn't found how to change that in the code. As a workaround you can target Moho, that will approximate a sun targeting not too badly if you are at Kerbin. In my game in turned this in a mission and launched a probe to low solar orbit to act as targetable object.

@eberkain I'm aware of this bug, but thanks for reporting. It happens when an asteroid changes SOI and may not cause too many problems, but I will fix this someday.

I don't have much time to work on KSP modding currently, so for now this plugin is in maintenance mode, new features are postponed.

Thank you very much! 

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  • 5 weeks later...
On 11/8/2017 at 7:01 PM, Gotmachine said:

~Awesome plans for MJ integration~

Personally very excited by this. I love what this mod sets out to do, as I always wanted to have a motivation to resupply stations and be more wary of my maneuvers, but it does fight with MJ's Smart A.S.S too much currently, and the stock S.A.S just seems to get oscillations all the time. Somewhat of a pain. I can't wait. Keep up the good work

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11 minutes ago, MrMeeb said:

Personally very excited by this. I love what this mod sets out to do, as I always wanted to have a motivation to resupply stations and be more wary of my maneuvers, but it does fight with MJ's Smart A.S.S too much currently, and the stock S.A.S just seems to get oscillations all the time. Somewhat of a pain. I can't wait. Keep up the good work

You just solved a problem I was having.  Now I know what was causing it.

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