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How do you name your spaceships?


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I'm not asking how you set the name of a spacecraft. I'm asking how one would come up with a good name for their spacecraft, namely ones sent out for specific missions (as opposed to reusable launcher designs.) I feel my names are a bit unimaginative and want to figure out how to name them better.

For example, here's a list of spacecraft names from my current career file.

-Kerbal 1, Kerbal 2, Kerbal 3 - Manned missions that did not break the atmosphere. Named for the Kerbal missions in First Flight.

-Moho 1, Moho 2 - Manned missions that broke the atmosphere. Named for the Mercury-Redstone missions.

-Orbiter 1, Orbiter 2, Orbiter 3, Orbiter 4 - Manned missions to get into orbit. Named for the fact they're orbiters.

-Hopper 1, Hopper 2 - Manned missions on sub-orbital trajectories for biome farming. No obvious inspiration.

-Muna 1, Muna 2 - An on-going program to send a manned capsule to the Mun. Named for the Soviet Luna missions.

-Eagle 1, Eagle 2, Eagle 3, Eagle 4, Eagle 5 - Manned airplanes. Named for the Eagle 5 blockade runner in Spaceballs.

I'm not a big fan of most of these names (though the Orbiter and Moho programs I kind of like) (the Muna, Kerbal and Hopper programs particularly annoy me) and I'd like to try and be "better" at naming my craft. How do you guys name your ships? Also, are there any good resources for spaceflight program names and spacecraft names?


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Here is my code naming conventions:

KSP Rocket naming conventions -> the codenames can change in flight (for example, Kerbals die because out of Life support Or if kerbals are removed from a vessel like in a rescue mission)
Needs rescue? if yes = prefix with 'Hx-'' (help), where x = urgency (1=non urgent, 2=moderate urgency, 3=high urgency)
  If rescue is not needed, leave prefix blank!
Is it a JUNK vessel? If vessel is intact, but for some reason classified as junk and no more wanted, prefix with: J
Is it a test craft? If yes, POSTfix with: -T, else: leave blank
Does it contain mod parts? If yes, prefix with: D, else: leave blank
Type of control? A = unmanned controllable
  M = manned/manual control only
  C =can be controlled automatically as well as by crew
Currently Manned? P = contains Kerbals(s)
(only if type of control = C and when rescue is needed) p = does not contain Kerbals(s)
What is the craft capable of? 1 = can return to Kerbin, I.e., can land back at home (=reusable)
  2 = Kerbin Orbiter (if only this option is selected, the craft is going to orbit Kerbin indefinately is unable to land on Kerbin)
  3 = Celestial body lander other than Kerbin, non-atmospheric
  4 = Celestial body lander other than Kerbin, atmospheric
  5 = Celestial body orbiter other than Kerbin
  0 = other
  6 = One time use only, i.e., disposable vessel!
  Combinations are possible, but you should begin with the highest nr first
  For example: 531 = Celestial body orbiter, Celest.b.lander (non-atmospheric) & Kerbin return Vehicle
Size of the payload sizes of the payload: S, M, L, combinations possible (SM = small to medium, SL = small to large, ML=medium to large)
Goal of the rocket -1 = Delivery of all kinds of goods (life-supply/elektric charges, parts, etc.)
  -01 = 'Engineering craft'; Delivery of all kinds of objects that fit in a transport box, i.e., maintenance craft (i.e., contains 1 or more 'boxes' of items) NAME OF VESSEL INCLUDES 'ENGINEERING'
  -02 = Transport of 1 or more larger objects into space (satellites, probes, etc. etc.)
  -3 = Some mission (ex.: for doing contracts)
  -4 = Science Craft
  -5 = Rescue mission
  -6 = Is permanently going to be part of another ship (for example, is going to be a part of a space station by docking to it for x amount of time)
  -7 = Is temporary going to be part of another ship (for example, is going to be a part of a space station by docking to it for x amount of time, for refuelling or goods delivery, for example)
  -8 = delivery of fuel
  -0 = other goal/test
  -00 = Probe (scanner)
  -99 = Probe (satellite or other indefinite, nonman controllable satellites, for example for communcations relay etc.)
  If option 7 is selected with kind of craft = 1, than it docks permanently, but in case of emergency can return to Kerbin
Code name SPACE & ' Name' (where name = Soyuz, for example)
  don't forget the '-sign!
  Same Codenames = Same kinds of vessels! i.e., the codename should be unique for each type of vessel!
Version nr.: SPACE & Mk.X (where X = romain number)
  The original vessel has NO 'Mk' suffix, so only the first iteration and upwards contain the Mk.X suffix!
State of uncontrollability - NC = no connection (to satellites)
  - NB = no battery
  - NF = no fuel
  - NE = no engine
  - NP = no parachute
  - NS = no survival resources (TAC life support)
  - NSp = no solar panels
Regarding Missions [MISSIONNAME][mission number / fllight number\] Flight name [flight number]



Example: DA2-99 Satellite 1. This means D: it is a vessel with mod parts, A:is automatically controlled (i.e., probe), 2: Is designed to orbit Kerbin only, -99 is a Satellite. The name "Satellite 1"  is a descriptive name. The code distinguishes all my crafts.

[TEST] = for all testings


Edited by Cmaj6
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In my current Career, I am naming long living ships after birds.  The naming of a ship depends on the design and whim at the time,  For example a small quick craft with purplish lighting may be named after a humming bird like the violet ear.  Scanners and telescope equipped ships are named after owls....

Some ships that are not visited often I often add the remaining delta v to their title.   .

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I try to do certain programs, each with different objectives. Sometimes I name things randomly, or other times after Greek or Roman Gods. In my science mod, the first program, tasked to get to orbit with an unmanned probe, I called Ben. The next program was tasked to land unmanned probes and prepare a relay network for the manned missions, I called it Jerry. The next program was tasked to get Kerbals to high orbit, called Harold. the final program was the Carl mission, it was tasked to get Kerbals to other bodies, including Mun, Minmus, and a failed Jool mission.

Edited by Alpha 360
"Kouston, we have several problems, but that doesn't matter so we want to continue on with the mission."
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Any kind of Human polytheist divinities, the legendary characters coming with and sometimes some ridiculus names when my craft is based on a real one but with such a bad looking or with poor performances that it becames an insult to the original one. In the last case I made a terrible Dragon 2/Falcon 1.2 inspirated craft, it's so wrong and monstrous that it got the birth name of Sphinx 2/Struthio 1.2, or my Antares 100 became  Alpha Scorpii 100.

Other exceptions are the Soviet launchers and rover family, my old stock Soyuz (Union) was named Alliance, and the last Duna rover Singularity.

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For minor missions, I usually go with very literal, unimaginative descriptions.  Like "Tourist Orbiter," "Mun Lander" or "Eve Probe."

For more significant missions and capital ships, I like overwrought sci-fi-ish titles like "Vanguard," "Emissary," or "Leviathan Drill."

Bad puns are are also utilized wherever possible.  My first manned ship to the outermost planet is called the "Eelovator."  

Also: for some reason my spaceplanes are usually named either after birds, marine mammals, or pointy objects (dagger, javelin, etc.).

Edited by Aegolius13
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I like to name my reusable interplanetary ship chassis using appropriately Kerbalish adjectives. The Kerbal Nuclear Ship Undaunted is currently on a mission to Duna. The KNS Unprepared is performing a high-speed, out of window return from Duna. The KNS Headstrong just had a catastrophic accident while refueling on Minmus, so I'll need to come up with a new name for its replacement. 

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23 hours ago, eddiew said:

Usually some form of mustellid. 

Isn't that just weaseling out?  :)


In my own games, I tend to go bleakly functional.

  • Unmanned vessel that's the first to go to body ___:  named "___ Pioneer"
  • ...unless it's a resource scanner, in which case it's named "___ Surveyor"
  • Comsats around Kerbin:  the first model is named "Comsat I", second model "Comsat II".  Add letters to distinguish copies of the same craft, e.g. "Comsat Ia, Comsat Ib"
  • Comsat for other body ___:  named "___ Relay"
  • Small manned vessel to go to body ___:  named "___ I" (e.g. "Mun I")
  • Large fancy crewed craft to do thorough exploration of a planetary system (typically with an orbiting mothership):  "___ Mission" (e.g. "Duna Mission")
  • Mining craft:  "___ Miner"
  • One-off throwaway ships (usually quickies for contracts):  all are named "Test"
  • Plus a few specific ships with specific purposes:  they have functional names, like "Rescuer LKO", or "Orbital Tourist III" (the "III" refers to seating capacity), that sort of thing
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Sometimes I'll come up with clever names such as the Kalileo Mk I or something like that.

Other times I'll give them stupid names such as in my let's play so far.

Most of the time though I'll make an acronym based on the vehicle's then put an hyphen and Mk "roman number" + "letter" if the vehicle has undergone slight modifications. For example I might name a rocket "LKOO - Mk IB" for Low Kerbin Orbit Orbiter if it's the first vehicle of its kind and has only one set of minor changes. For long-lasting missions I sometimes edit the name and add an extra hyphen at the end with a letter to differentiate, says, relay satellites or I might add a prefix name and an hyphen at the beginning for larger vehicles/stations. For example I believe I had a space station called "Haven I - EKSS Mk II" around the Mun. I think EKSS stood for Extra-Kerbin Space Station.

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1 hour ago, Snark said:

Isn't that just weaseling out?


Hey, he can play the way he likes, don't badger him about it.


On topic, I generally start with a series of Goddard 1.0, 2.0 etc until beyond orbit.

After that it's sadly imagination free: Commsat 1, Commsat Mun1, Lander Mun 1, Relay Duna 1, Probe Duna 1, etc.

Edited by Nathair
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Mostly named after what they do. 



mysql> select Mission.Name as Mission, Class.Name as Class, Vessel.Name as Vehicle from Mission, Vessel, Class where Mission.VesselID = Vessel.VesselID  and Vessel.VClass = Class.ClassID order by Mission.Ordinal asc;
| Mission                    | Class                 | Vehicle             |
| KSO-1                      | Dart I                | Science One         |
| KSO-2                      | Dart I A              | Science Two         |
| KSO-3                      | Dart II               | Science Three       |
| KSO-4                      | Dart II               | Science Four        |
| LKO-1                      | Dart III              | Orbiter One         |
| LKO-2                      | Dart III              | Orbiter Two         |
| HKO-1                      | Science Orbiter       | Explorer One        |
| Taxi A                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One A          |
| Taxi B                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One B          |
| LKO-3                      | Dart IV               | Explorer Two        |
| Taxi C                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One C          |
| Taxi D                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One D          |
| Mun Examination 1          | Mun Probe I           | Mun Explorer I      |
| Taxi E                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One E          |
| Taxi F                     | Taxi One              | Taxi One F          |
| Mun Examination 2          | Mun Probe I A         | Mun Explorer II     |
| MOL One                    | Mol 1                 | MOL One             |
| Minmus Examination 1       | Mun Probe I A         | Minmus Explorer I   |
| Docking Test (T)           | Karve                 | Romulus             |
| Docking Test (A)           | Karve                 | Remus               |
| LKORS Alpha Launch         | Station Hub           | LKORS Alpha         |
| Minmus Examination 2       | Mun Probe I A         | Minmus Explorer II  |
| LKORS Crew 1 Up            | Karve A               | Long Island         |
| LKORS Alpha Expidition I   | Station Hub           | LKORS Alpha         |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 1 | MOL Lab Launch        | Alpha Lab Module    |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 2 | MOL Hab Launch        | Alpha Hab Module    |
| LKORS Alpha Crew 2 Up      | Knarr                 | Altamaha            |
| LKORS Alpha Expidition II  | Station Hub           | LKORS Alpha         |
| LKORS Crew 1 Down          | Karve A               | Long Island         |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 3 | MOL Botany Bay Launch | Alpha Botany Module |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 4 | Station Hub B         | LKORS Alpha Hub B   |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 5 | MOL Hab Launch        | Alpha Hab Module 2  |
| LKROS Construction Crew    | Karve A               | Barnes              |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 6 | MOL Hab Launch        | Alpha Hab Module 3  |
| LKORS Alpha Construction 7 | MOL MPL Launch        | Alpha MPL Module    |
| Mapping 1                  | MOL Two               | PKOOS Bravo         |
| Minmus Landing 1           | Lander I              | Minmus Lander One   |
| LKORS Alpha Crew 3 Up      | Karve B               | Bogue               |
| Minmus Landing 2           | Lander I              | Minmus Lander Two   |
| Mun Landing 1              | Lander I              | Mun Lander One      |
| Mun Landing 2              | Lander I              | Mun Lander Two      |



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On ‎14‎/‎01‎/‎2017 at 10:19 PM, Icarus_Vice said:

I'm not a big fan of most of these names

Actually I think they're really excellent names.  Simple and to the point, I really like Hopper, it does exactly what it says on the tin.  I know I too am going to struggle with naming rockets, reading your list is a great pointer for how to do it.

Edited by The Flying Kerbal
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I like doing themes...

My orbital stations and large motherships have city name comming from my old days of fantasy D&D world that I was playing into when I was a teenager: Thyatis, Glantri, Specularum, Alphatia

For my common ships that evolve, I like using their weight to give them some kind of model number.

For example I have a small fleet of troop transport crafts that I mostly use to rescue stranded kerbals, move them between stations ... I have three of them: 

Lymo 277 (27.7 tons)

Lymo 370 (37 tons)

Lymo 480 (48 tons)

They are mostly docked at space stations waiting for mission assignments.

I like keeping the old models active as if the Kerbal grew some "feeling" for their old trusty ships.


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I don't really have a 'system' other than that the names usually describe pretty well what's going on. The missions are so varied, and I create so many ships/planes that I found that a good descriptive name is important.

  • "Jool-5 Mk4" was the ship that did the Jool-5.
  • "Dres Resort" is a resort that I placed on Dres. The "Dres Hopper" and "Dres Elcano rovers" (same shameless self-promoting link) also joined the fleet to Dres.
  • "Eve Splasher" was a drone that did a splashdown on Eve. The "Eve Lander" had the same planetary destination, but kept its feet dry.
  • "Moloo Eeho 2" is currently en route to Moho, after having visited Eeloo.
  • "Distant Relay" is also still en route to leave the Kerbol system forever with a bunch of relay dishes bolted onto it (I'm hoping 10 of them are enough to keep the lines open).
  • "Stunt plane" really does what it says on the tin.
  • "Contract trash"... eeh... I forgot what it did, but its name suggests I could forget about it.
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At first I was giving functional names to my vessels, but that started to look very boring. Searched the net to help me boost my naming creativity and found a cool site: http://fantasynamegenerators.com/

It helped me name many of my crafts and missions. I still use functional names, but they always go after a creative name in single quotes: 'Aquilla' Starbus'Oculus' Minmus SpySat, 'Providence' Heavy Freighter etc.

In my current save I went with mythological creatures: Phoenix, Gryphon etc plus some latin naming.

The best and the most kerbal name of my Kerbin station I consider "Daydream Terminal". It's what I use in my every save now instead of the boring KSS/ISS.

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