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[1.4.x] BDArmory Continued v1.2.2.2 [8/8/2018] + Vessel Mover, Camera Tools, BDMk22, Destruction Effects, Burn Together


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11 hours ago, DoctorDavinci said:

I understand that you raise a pertinant issue in regards to what the licensing allows, however at the very least @War Eagle 1 was being respectful of other peoples creations and wanted to be sure that they did not step on anyones toes which I give salutes to (thank you sir :))

Thank you sir. 


With that said NSI and I have decided to team up on the issue. He is creating new models for me to use rather than using older ones. 

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is there a way/modification that I can make to allow certain parts to share or transfer HP?
specifically my issue is that I am working with the hull breach mod, Large Boat Parts, and BDAc. 

I want to be able to do epic naval battles but I have run into a bit of a problem. That is that the issue of damage and ships going down with barely any fight.
under normal BDAc the guard modes automatically target the primary/Root/Core part. This is often the center of the ship. so once the part loses all its HP the center of the ship just disappears and any attached parts just tumble into the sea.
so I thought I could solve this with hull breach mod but the beta version of that adds more problems.

while it allows for parts of the ship to take on water as they get damaged which makes for a cool visual effect, it has a major flaw
The Hull Breach activates once the hull section targeted takes 25-30% damage, but due to a flaw in that mod it turns that hull section into an almost instant lead brick which yanks the ship down with such force that it often breaks the back of the ship and creates the same basic problem only now it happens with even less Hit points damage.

So would it be possible to make it so certain parts share hit points?
maybe something like a damage sharing Boolean so that when that part loses HP it draws HP from other parts of the ship?

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45 minutes ago, Warth_IX said:

is there a way/modification that I can make to allow certain parts to share or transfer HP?
specifically my issue is that I am working with the hull breach mod, Large Boat Parts, and BDAc. 

I want to be able to do epic naval battles but I have run into a bit of a problem. That is that the issue of damage and ships going down with barely any fight.
under normal BDAc the guard modes automatically target the primary/Root/Core part. This is often the center of the ship. so once the part loses all its HP the center of the ship just disappears and any attached parts just tumble into the sea.
so I thought I could solve this with hull breach mod but the beta version of that adds more problems.

while it allows for parts of the ship to take on water as they get damaged which makes for a cool visual effect, it has a major flaw
The Hull Breach activates once the hull section targeted takes 25-30% damage, but due to a flaw in that mod it turns that hull section into an almost instant lead brick which yanks the ship down with such force that it often breaks the back of the ship and creates the same basic problem only now it happens with even less Hit points damage.

So would it be possible to make it so certain parts share hit points?
maybe something like a damage sharing Boolean so that when that part loses HP it draws HP from other parts of the ship?

It sounds like some conflict somewhere, for starters because the pumps should be able to keep up with a regular breach without too much hassle. I wouldn't be so sure it's a flaw in Hullbreach that is the issue. You're using LBP which is just not good anymore, when taking into consideration what else is out there like SM Marine.

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1 hour ago, Warth_IX said:


Hi, the answer to your hullbreach question is given in the hullbreach thread,  however here i'll address the damage issue with LBP directly.  Although as my friend above states, things aren't generally like that anymore, your problem is out of date patches.   When those patches were created both HB and BDA damage  was very different, they did not talk,  HB simply responded to heat and sunk your ship, now that damage is properly (imo) set up, the original patches are very  wrong,  we had no idea of the way things would develop and the forces that would be involved, Now we do.

However this will not solve your problem, the modular hull design of LBP  is flawed, full stop end of story, when it comes  to combat vessels. 
Yeah sure build all the cargo ships you want it'll never be an issue,  but if you want to use it combat there is no setup that gets you a win, or for that matter sensible option. 
You point out the com centered targeting and it's been a constant issue since i became involved in ship and huge craft modding,  Its' something the BDA team have worked on , though time pressure and other more needed features took precedence.
This Com centered target method can only be countered in one way, with 1 part hulls with modular internals and upper works, the lego solution gets you variety but it doesn't get combat survival.

Whatever patch set up you  use, it will always be a compromise with LBP, you can have its core excessively armored and with stupid HP,  it'll take longer to start flooding,   or it'll destroy another section , perhaps containing the bridge instead which is game over mostly,   or destroy  an end  and leave half the ship intact ,  but whats not going change are those times when 4 16" shells all hit the center  section,   it's still going to destroy it.   

NON modular hulls and ships based upon them are a different beast altogether and make LBP ships look like bath toys.  



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3 hours ago, Warth_IX said:

So would it be possible to make it so certain parts share hit points?

maybe something like a damage sharing Boolean so that when that part loses HP it draws HP from other parts of the ship?

My friends above have answered most of your questions and I can provide the final one for you ... The answer is that it would be possible, however some code would need to be written in order to achieve the end result of balancing HP over an entire craft as it takes on damage

This is doable although it could get quite complex in the code implementation ... As it stands, I have created NanoTech that repairs your craft using GLUE (Galvanized Liquid Universal Epoxy) which will be released in DCK FutureTech in the coming future but I'll delve into this idea and see if it is something that can be easily achieved ... Thanx for the suggestion :)

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2 hours ago, SpannerMonkey(smce) said:

Hi, the answer to your hullbreach question is given in the hullbreach thread,  however here i'll address the damage issue with LBP directly.  Although as my friend above states, things aren't generally like that anymore, your problem is out of date patches.   When those patches were created both HB and BDA damage  was very different, they did not talk,  HB simply responded to heat and sunk your ship, now that damage is properly (imo) set up, the original patches are very  wrong,  we had no idea of the way things would develop and the forces that would be involved, Now we do.

However this will not solve your problem, the modular hull design of LBP  is flawed, full stop end of story, when it comes  to combat vessels. 
Yeah sure build all the cargo ships you want it'll never be an issue,  but if you want to use it combat there is no setup that gets you a win, or for that matter sensible option. 
You point out the com centered targeting and it's been a constant issue since i became involved in ship and huge craft modding,  Its' something the BDA team have worked on , though time pressure and other more needed features took precedence.
This Com centered target method can only be countered in one way, with 1 part hulls with modular internals and upper works, the lego solution gets you variety but it doesn't get combat survival.

Whatever patch set up you  use, it will always be a compromise with LBP, you can have its core excessively armored and with stupid HP,  it'll take longer to start flooding,   or it'll destroy another section , perhaps containing the bridge instead which is game over mostly,   or destroy  an end  and leave half the ship intact ,  but whats not going change are those times when 4 16" shells all hit the center  section,   it's still going to destroy it.   

NON modular hulls and ships based upon them are a different beast altogether and make LBP ships look like bath toys.  

Based on your experience what mod selections would you recommend?
I am doing a series which will include Ground, Air, Naval, and Space as potential combat environments

I want to do some naval battles and I would like to have the potential for ships to survive intense battles with massive damage and limp back to naval bases to be repaired
I saw someone do it with the WW2 Warships Mod but I do not think that compatible with 1.3.1 KSP and I can't seem to find it any longer.

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Ok this is interesting, I think I may have found a solution to the issue.

Someone has revived the UbioZur Welding Mod Here is the forum page for it.
With this I should be able to simply weld the hull parts together and then BDAc and Hull breach should treat them as a single part sharing total HP across the board.

I will have to test this. Has anyone else tried this and if so are there any issues I should be warned of before beginning?


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Wow that works really well.
How complex was that to implement?
is it something that can be limited to certain parts? or is it all parts of any one craft?

It is definitely cool that you were able to put that test of concept together so quickly.

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1 hour ago, Warth_IX said:

Wow that works really well.
How complex was that to implement?
is it something that can be limited to certain parts? or is it all parts of any one craft?

It is definitely cool that you were able to put that test of concept together so quickly.

Currently it does hp ballancing across the whole craft with the exception of engines, decouplers, launch clamps and Kerbals ... the hp and armor auto calc in BDAc gets all out of whack if the hp or armor values are manipulated on those parts causing the kraken to appear

It could be limited to certain parts ... might even be able to make a menu so you could select the part types you want to include in the hp ballancing

Good idea, I'll do some digging :)

Edited by DoctorDavinci
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you might consider doing a couple different options for damage spreading

you could do a selected parts more where all of the selected parts share damage evenly
you could also maybe do a bleed over damage where a % of the incoming damage is spread to parts directly connected to the part taking damage

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On 11/3/2018 at 7:57 PM, SVS said:

Does anyone know how to make a decopler act like a BD armour missile rail? 

Not sure what you mean. Modular missile are using decouplers as rails. 

However, stock missiles can use whatever part with  an attach node. 

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