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[1.4.3] Gameslinx's Planet Overhaul v3.4.0 [UPDATE IN PROGRESS]


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9 hours ago, Submho said:

I'd love to try to help out with this. I'll give it a bit more research to make sure my syntax is proper (along with building something that lets me bounce from biome to biome a bit more easily. Good to take a look around for more inspiration). Wouldn't be much help if it required you to put in a bunch more work correcting my syntax. If nothing else, a free bump to bring the doc back to the forefront for anyone who didn't see it before.

That would be appreciated. Don't worry about messing stuff up. As long as you follow the template and the examples below, I can correct any issues :)

It's better than me typing essays, so I don't mind I people make some mistakes :)

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1 minute ago, Gameslinx said:

@The White Guardian @Galileo Do either of you know how to add terrain scatters? I'm putting LandControl in the PQS { Mods part of my config but I'm looking only for the scatters, not Latitude, longitude stuff (that's plain confusing lol). Are either of you able to help me out with adding scatters? Cheers!

I can add them for you if you'd like, just tell me what and where.

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8 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

I can add them for you if you'd like, just tell me what and where.

I'm trying to add pine trees (or any tree, I'd just like to see it work before I experiment more) on the land at Sonus. Anywhere will do. Thank you!

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6 hours ago, Destructogaming said:

i'm getting a visual glitch, can you help?

some of the celestial bodies in the mod are completely white for some reason. maybe i misplaced a mod?



this is what sonus looks like06FE8620653A0EC2236760C9E74F9EE9F2FD84A3 (1920×1080)

First thing is to make sure you're using KSP 64 bit, GPP textures are 4K, so they're too large to load into <4GB of RAM allowed by KSP 32 bit.

If that doesn't help, I had something kinda similar happen once when I unpacked stock EVE overtop of the EVE folder included with GPP. 

When in doubt, remove everything (EXCEPT SQUAD) in GameData, add back the GPP folders, then add back any other mods one or a few at a time. (Make sure to start a new game when testing without the full complement of mods loaded, to prevent flights in process that might be using parts from other mods from mysteriously disappearing forever.)


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6 hours ago, Destructogaming said:

i'm getting a visual glitch, can you help?

some of the celestial bodies in the mod are completely white for some reason. maybe i misplaced a mod?



this is what sonus looks like06FE8620653A0EC2236760C9E74F9EE9F2FD84A3 (1920×1080)

Sorry I missed your reply!

This is caused by two factors:

A) You have Stock Visual Enhancements AND Environmental Visual Enhancements in your GAMEDATA at the same time. If you so, remove SVE.

B) You MUST run KSP in 64 bit mode. The uncompressed size of the mod exceeds 700MB, and the 3 textures of every planet have to be loaded into RAM at nearly all times. The texture sizes are around 500MB uncompressed, so you need more tha 4GB of RAM to run this (run KSP in 64 bit mode by going to your Kerbal Space Program folder and opening KSP_64.exe)

Let me know if that resolves your issue.


Here's the install order if you have other mods.

From first to last:


Gameslinx Planet Pack files and folders (overwrite ALL when updating or installing for the first time)

Other mods.

Please don't install EVE, SVE or Scatterer over the top of the ones I provide in the mod folder. The scatterer config is in one file (PlanetList) which gets overwritten if you modify it.

(Addressing everyone):

As a note to anyone browsing the mod contents, I urge you to not delete ant of the cache files. These store the mesh and other attributes of the planets so that they don't have to be generate on the game launch, allowing for faster loads. Deleted a cache file will cause Kopernicus to regenerate it. For some planets with map decals this can cause terrain issues. Let me know before modifying ScaledSpace.

Also, dont mess with the PQSMods unless you know what you're doing. Butai has no height map which means it is generated entirely from PQSmods. Changing the seed changes the terrain.

Aside from that anyone is free to go to ham on the mod, as long as nobody redistributes it as their own.

Also be warned than proceeding to Gamedata > Olei > PluginData > Decals will reveal Easter eggs and spoilers. If you're investigating the mod contents, be prepared :)

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2 hours ago, Galileo said:

While searching for a thread, I had to type in GPP, and it led me here... ugh, this is going to get confusing.

In Gameslinx' answer right there I read GPP and honestly thought he meant our GPP so I raised a brow... Oh dear.

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1 hour ago, Gorbaez said:

Have some graphical glitches, too.

Even after a new install of KSP + mods



Modlist: http://pastebin.com/GgCBtv1f

output_log.txt: https://mega.nz/#!8A5EgJKJ!KdOTH6_y4Yi6-kNMmLwM_EQP15OaWzOJPSSx0Ko4bX8 (warning 13.1MB ) 


That appears to be scatterer. Seems like the shaders have crashed.

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Just now, The White Guardian said:

That appears to be scatterer. Seems like the shaders have crashed.

Glitches like that appear to be Scatterer, as the ocean and atmospheres are affected. Have you installed a version of scatterer over this mod? you used mega so I can't download the file on mobile, so I can't see what exactly crashed. As Guardian said, it's a scatterer shader issue.

I also don't know how well science mods and karbonite will cope with the mod, as they might look for aspects or properties of the planets which are null.

Let me know how you cope - remember to always use 64 bit. Try removing absolutely everything except your Squad folder, and do a default install of GPO (this mod).

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17 minutes ago, 影之瑒 said:

This is a great mod! I love it,cloud you please let this mod to surpport Kerbalism? by the way ,when I use the Scatterer and EVE,the effect of Eve and Jool is lost,why it will happen?

I assume by the effect of eve and jool you mean the clouds? Scatterer should still operate on them. I'll take a look into this!

And for supporting kerbalism... It's a very large mod. I'm going to wait until I support planet dependencies (resources, customasteroids, all biomes) before moving to scientific mods.

I hope you'll understand. Support will come eventually, it's just not that high on my priority list so far.

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Hey everyone! I'm working on adding the clouds back to the EVE mod (already completed as of 16:00 GMT today) for @影之瑒 . 

As well as this, I am ordering the flightglobalindex values accordingly to difficulty. Someone commented saying that they got a mission to Olu'um before Olei, which shouldn't happen. I feel as if this is tied to FlightGlobalIndex.

There will be a build releasing today or tomorrow with these fixes. Thanks!



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@Gameslinx Kerbalism support doesn't appear that hard. It's mostly science definitions for that mod's single added science part, not biome-specific at all, and then some radiation profiles for some of the worlds. You'll have to find a Kerbalism fan who knows the finer details of radiation belts and who enjoys your planets. @CatastrophicFailure and @Chimer4 offered some for Galileo's Planet Pack.

My offer still stands to do resource configs for you. I'll start with the Kerbalism ones and PM you.


Also I came up with something insane to do with Olu'um.


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40 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Gameslinx Kerbalism support doesn't appear that hard. It's mostly science definitions for that mod's single added science part, not biome-specific at all, and then some radiation profiles for some of the worlds. You'll have to find a Kerbalism fan who knows the finer details of radiation belts and who enjoys your planets. @CatastrophicFailure and @Chimer4 offered some for Galileo's Planet Pack.

My offer still stands to do resource configs for you. I'll start with the Kerbalism ones and PM you.

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Also I came up with something insane to do with Olu'um.


Ooooo. I'm interested in the resource configs. If you pop me a PM outlining what you would do so I have an idea of what to expect/prepare, I'll look into seeing what you can do! If you like, PM your spoiler suggestion as well if possible :D 

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First let me say thank you for this amazing mod, you've got some amazing talent for this, the worlds you've built are just amazing.  Keep up the amazing work, I await each release with baited breath :-)


I've noticed your release has an old version of ModularFlightIntegrator version 1.2.2, is there a reason for this? The latest version is now 1.2.4 http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/106369-122-modularflightintegrator-124-march-23th/

If there's a reason great, if not for now I'll leave it out when I install it for the time being



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13 minutes ago, narvster said:

've noticed your release has an old version of ModularFlightIntegrator version 1.2.2, i

Ah thank you!

If you remove and install the newer version of MFI alongside the Kopernicus folder I provide, are you able to tell me if the planets load up or appear the same as usual? I'm not at my PC and I'd like to update it for Sunday's release. - If possible, just let me know what happens if you update MFI.


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Just now, Gameslinx said:

 are you able to tell me if the planets load up or appear the same as usual?

I'm not sure about 1.2.4 as that was only released yesterday, but I've been using 1.2.3 fine with Olei then Gameslinxs planet pack without any issues.  However, looking at the notes for the releases I think it fixes some large issues so it's probably well worth the update.

I won't have a chance to try 1.2.4 until tomorrow unfortunately..

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3 minutes ago, narvster said:

I'm not sure about 1.2.4 as that was only released yesterday, but I've been using 1.2.3 fine with Olei then Gameslinxs planet pack without any issues.  However, looking at the notes for the releases I think it fixes some large issues so it's probably well worth the update.

I won't have a chance to try 1.2.4 until tomorrow unfortunately..

OK, no worries!

The only annoying thing is that I'm unable to find a change log for MFI apart from 'fixed a bug'. I have mo idea what actually changed and whether that will affect kopernicus or not.

I'll experiment with updating it - I'm sure it will be fine, and should have it out for Sunday.

I'm also going to look into adding more biomes to planets and perhaps varying Olei's terrain a tad more. Since version 0.1, it's gotten a lot flatter due to my user errors on the way. Dusk also needs a Brushup, as with Verex. I'm not adding Vega for a few weeks because frankly it annoyed me quite a bit!

Anyone got any ideas for Verex? It's one of those darn planets that hate to comply! Only note is that it cannot be atmospheric because I've hit the limit for those :)

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@Destructogaming @Gorbaez I've found the cause for your graphics glitches.

@The White Guardian @Gameslinx The scatter atmo and ocean configs for some mod planets have bad assetpaths or mismatched body names. Scatterer is looking for stock planet shaders (not installed) to add to some mod planets. Scatterer's planetList.cfg also has an entry for "Balos" which does not exist. These are why Kerbin's sky is black, missing ocean, and some bodies are white voids. Unrelated, the Resources.txt should be Resources.cfg, better yet "Ore.cfg" and should be in a folder for the several resource configs you'll receive from me soon.

Uh oh. I left it alone and am getting Null Spam again. :huh: ???

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45 minutes ago, JadeOfMaar said:

@Destructogaming @Gorbaez I've found the cause for your graphics glitches.

@The White Guardian @Gameslinx The scatter atmo and ocean configs for some mod planets have bad assetpaths or mismatched body names. Scatterer is looking for stock planet shaders (not installed) to add to some mod planets. Scatterer's planetList.cfg also has an entry for "Balos" which does not exist. These are why Kerbin's sky is black, missing ocean, and some bodies are white voids. Unrelated, the Resources.txt should be Resources.cfg, better yet "Ore.cfg" and should be in a folder for the several resource configs you'll receive from me soon.

Uh oh. I left it alone and am getting Null Spam again. :huh: ???

Ah... I see. I haven't been getting those since I remove the assets for the stock planets to save file space when uploading. I'll remove Balos from the cfg file and make sure the atmospheres point to the right place.

By Null spam I assume 'Null exception, not set to a body' or something like that? That one's caused by Balos.

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