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Your avatar and your username


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NSEP stands for National Space Exploration Program. My profile picture now is a very beatiful drawing of the real me.

I normally call myself Jbaltus on forums, wich i am not gonna explain, you might geuss it but im not going to release too much info on myself.

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Way back when I was a youngster (well, in high school), I needed a user name for a random game log-in and we'd just learned about the Diazo copying process in class that day.


Wikipedia calls it Whiteprint Copying? Okay.

The name just sort of stuck.

Then I just didn't have an Avatar picture for years and when I got around to finally making one, Bad Apple was a huge video in the Touhou fandom so I grabbed a screen cap from that.


I originally used Flandre (0:55-0:56), but someone beat me to that on another forum so now I use Marissa (0:19), just flipped around so it looks like I'm flying in rather then flying out of the forum.


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My first exposure to computers came at the tail end of elementary school. Our teachers weren't really sure what to do with the high tech gadgets that were suddenly dropped in their laps, so we ended up using them to learn touch typing. We were also taught how to touch type on an adding machine, or a "ten key", as they're sometimes called. We would eventually get one of these "computer" things at home, and I taught myself a little bit of BASIC, but I would not use a computer in school again until college. And at that point, my programming skills were not where they needed to be and I paid for it. 

But I could type. And ten key. And I got my first real job one summer during college because none of the other applicants could pass the typing test. 

There is no such thing as wasted time. Certainly there are instances where it could be put to better use, but it is never truly wasted. And that's basically my excuse for the amount of time I kill on this forum. :wink: 

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I've used strandedonearth as a user name in many places for years now. The occasional time it's already taken (looking at you, Yahoo) I add "since1970," which is the year I was born (a very good year, as I think @adsii1970 would agree). I use it since I've always been fascinated by space and wanted to be an astronaut, but that didn't happen cuz reasons. So I seem to be stuck here. 

The friendly little fellow in my avatar is Kzanol, a thrint that has also been stranded on Earth for some 2 billion years. Read Larry Niven's World of Ptaavs if you wish to know his story. It seemed very fitting to use him (it?) as my avatar. Maybe as many as three forum users have figured that out. 

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Name? 4 letter string that is... uncommon.
Profile Pic - Some bad photoshop attempt at a killer rabbit (And no, I wasnt born in 1958 or whatever. I was born post 2000). Location and member title go along with it.

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8 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Name? 4 letter string that is... uncommon.
Profile Pic - Some bad photoshop attempt at a killer rabbit (And no, I wasnt born in 1958 or whatever. I was born post 2000). Location and member title go along with it.

I like it.


3, sir!

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"Jet Jaguar" (both the screen name and avatar) is a giant, Ultraman-like robot from the movie "Godzilla vs. Megalon".  I first started using it on the Mystery Science Theater 3000 usenet newsgroups back in the mid-90's (MSTie #54297).  I started using it on other forums so that people I knew from RATMM would recognize me, and it's been my standard online handle ever since.

BTW, I always use the same avatar to make my own posts easy to find.  I just scroll down until I see it, and then I know everything after are new posts.

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My name was chosen in a flight of fancy way back when I bought Minecraft. Because "narwhalz" was taken, as was "narwhalz1," I added numbers to the front of the name. Nearly nobody does that, so I get this name anywhere I go.

My avatar is a narwhal with the world in his flippers. Artist credit in sig.

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Username? Well, I wanted to go for something with the [word][word][number] style. Almost did something related to subatomic physics.

I have gone through far too many avatars. However, they have always been planets in real life, KSP, or Space Engine. A list of the ones I can remember...

-Othrys and Krios from my first planet pack


-Proxima b

-HAT-P-22 b

-HAT-P-7 b

-HD 189733 b

-An ice planet in Space Engine

-Some edited lava planet in SE

-Many gas giant pictures from SE

Current avatar is of a purple moon in front of its parent planet, also in SE.

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On 1/30/2017 at 4:14 PM, TheSaint said:


Oh, so now you want username info too? Way to change the goalposts after the ball has been kicked. :wink:

It was a nickname I picked up in boot camp because it was part of my last name, and I was one of the few Christians in my boot camp company who actually went to Sunday services. And that TV show was one of the few that I really liked when I was a kid. So, it works for me.

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Well, the name Slam Jones came from a character I made in DC Universe Online a few years ago.

The avatar started as my avatar for Euro Truck Simulator 2... I ended up finding the image of seeing a big-rig going by with this particular Panda driving it so amusing that I use it for basically any site that I need an avatar for.

Not the most exciting stories, I'll admit!

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14 minutes ago, pTrevTrevs said:

I'm going to change my avatar in a few days when the Falcons win the Super Bowl.

What you gonna change it to. If I am not mistaken it was that 2 engine cargo copter that I don't wanna try to spell the name of. I remember that because of when we had a debate about greenbay's colors being gold and green.:wink:

Edited by munlander1
Edited to carry my tone better.
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21 minutes ago, munlander1 said:

What you gonna change it to. If I am not mistaken it was that 2 engine cargo copter that I don't wanna try to spell the name of. I remember that because of when we had a debate about greenbay's colors being gold and green.:wink:

Before, it was a formation of UH-60 Blackhawks, and before that it was a Saturn IB launch.

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I chose my name because my name is Andy, and, well, in everything but sci, history, math, and PE I'm stupid, kind of specific

my avatar, I wanted something no one else had, and nobody had a probecore, so there :)

and V, I wrote a story called "the history of the walrus" that is nothing but a conspiracy theory, I tried to make one, but it just turned out stupid, I would publish it on here, but its slightly political, so I might edit out the page, but its SO FUNNY! so maybe not...

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