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Copied and pasted from an actual student email:


Doc - just wanted 2 tell u I will be getting my exam late 2 u. More to liv than working on ur junk. B gr8ful I'm doing it at all b/c my tuition pays ur check. LOL. C u 2sday.


Firstly, is this even remotely English?

Secondly, the moron had five days to complete an on-line exam. FIVE days. Does he not realize that last night at midnight, the course's on-line shell took the exam off-line, as in NOT AVAILABLE? Yes, I set due dates and then set the settings to remove the exams from being available.

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17 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

B gr8ful I'm doing it at all b/c my tuition pays ur check. LOL.

Pretty sure I just read that same post (or one worded very much like it) somewhere over in the mods/plugins section of this very forum.....


In other news, I ran into the angry impatient in a hurry honking car horn guy from the Little Caeser’s pizza commercial last night (or somebody acting just like him). Y’know, this guy:

I was driving through a parking lot and people were being their usual “OMG how do I drive” selves and along comes Mr Angry. Somebody was parking too slowly for him so he lays on the horn and flys around them, coming up behind me. A car pulls out in front of me so I stop (which is always a mistake in Houston - just hit them, it’s cheaper), so he lays on the horn again, blasts around me and this other car. He drives full speed into a parking spot, still pounding on his horn, screaming something nobody can hear over said horn, and runs into a fast-food restaurant.

I feel bad for the underpaid grease minions that ultimately had to get his food. 

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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5 minutes ago, adsii1970 said:

Copied and pasted from an actual student email:


Firstly, is this even remotely English?

Im familair with that kind of language. The last time i saw this kind of gibberish, it was to be intended as a joke. 

I think this guy has been texting too much, since this is the kind of stuff you see being posted in chat groups, and probably isn't familar with the fact that e-mail doesn't have some kind of character limit.

This is a little pathetic, heck, i have been learning how to write formal letters since im was 12 years old!


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2 hours ago, adsii1970 said:

Firstly, is this even remotely English?

He knows that his tuition pays your salary whether he does the work or not... right?.... RIGHT?

You don't get a refund if you fail a class...

Edited by Geonovast
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5 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

He knows that his tuition pays your salary whether he does the work or not... right?.... RIGHT?

Actually, this is the biggest fallacy in higher education. For ONE class to make where I can get paid for it, I have to have at least 15 students in the course. But all their tuition doesn't go towards my salary. Most of it is absorbed into the general ledger and is used to pay for utilities, the required liability insurance, library subscriptions, and a whole host of other things. If I recall right - the way it comes out, I only receive about $10.00 directly from student's tuition. The rest comes from the annual budgetary grants from the state AND any grants I can find to help fund my position.  But 15 students per class only comes up to $150.00 per class (minimum) I get from direct pay. Anything under 15 students (and I have had the college force these on me), I actually get paid a small "tutoring" block instead of being paid for teaching a class. And at this particular university, I teach three classes a semester and my average pay per course (minimum 15 students) is $2,500 per semester, divided into eight pay periods. If I am forced to accept a class with a lower enrollment than 15, I only get $75 per student per semester. And those semesters suck kraken krud. This is why tenure would be great... because I would be salaried.

I teach at another community college, and also teach three classes per semester there. The pay is a little lower, $1,800 per semester divided over 8 pay periods, and the class has to have at least 8 students to make. Either the class makes it or it doesn't. But I've never had a cancelled class yet in nearly 10 years teaching here. Between the two, the pay isn't bad.

Oh, I love popping their bubbles. Fail the class, drop the class - doesn't matter. Doesn't hurt my paycheck one bit. Nor do I lose sleep any more (but at one time, I did...)

16 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

You don't get a refund if you fail a class...

Nope, and it gets really expensive the next semester when the Financial Aid department tells you you've got to repeat the class at your own expense...

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One of my co-workers just got a new laptop for his daughter, but the thing, of course, came with Windows 10 on it.  Even though neither of them are computer people, they both agree that that infection needs to be removed before she ever uses it.

It appears that people were able to put Windows 7 on it, so I'm making the attempt.  Being that this is a new 11inch laptop, it has no optical drive.

Refuses to boot from a Windows 7 USB installer.  It's possible I'm doing something wrong, as I've never done a Windows USB installer before, and it's so freaking picky that creating one from Linux is also being a headache.

Luckily, I have a USB DVD drive!  And a Windows 7 Pro DVD!  Which I spent like 5 hours searching for!

Hook it up, Windows installation starts.... barely.

"Hey, dude, I know I booted from a DVD drive, and I know I can't find a non-USB DVD drive, but we can't do anything without a DVD device driver for a device that doesn't exist.  Sorry." - paraphrased from the installer.


So now I'm back to the USB installer thing.  Know what just works with no problem?  Linux.  Plugged my installer driver into it and it booted straight into the live environment, wifi and touchscreen working perfectly.  But he's insistant on Linux being a last resort, even though she's using my guest laptop (with Mint on it) until this one is up and running just fine.

Even if I get Windows 7 installed on this thing, I know driver hunting is going to be a nightmare, as Dell only provides Windows 10 drivers on their website.

She basically needs this thing as a resume creator and a web browser.  Linux would be just fine.  But nooooooooo.


If my mom can use Linux, so can you.

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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

 If my mom can use Linux, so can you.

I have linux on my laptop and i don't even know how to update Java 8, after trying for like 10 times. Linux is just too 'manual' for me and the things i do. While Windows and iOS is pretty straight forward, press the buttons that look like candy and you are ready to go.

Updating/Downgrading to different versions of Windows, is a different story however...

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14 minutes ago, Ultimate Steve said:

TBH I don't really get all the hate towards windows 10. I use it and I don't see any huge problems, why are people so against it?

My biggest problem is that it forced its way into my computer over and over despite me saying no over, and over, and over again.

Microsoft didn't care at all about what their customers wanted.  They decided it was "better" and you should just take it because it's free, even if you didn't want it and/or your hardware couldn't run it.  When it finally worked and actually installed itself on my laptop, it took three hours to boot, move all of my stuff when I told it not to, and it lagged so bad it took an hour to hit the revert button.  Then it was too stupid to know what happened, because as soon as it reverted back to Windows 7, it started begging me to upgrade again.

It's built around a touchscreen when it shouldn't be.  The metro menu is insanely annoying and you can't make it go away.  It's simply built around giving you as little freedom as possible.  It follows the mentality that "the whole world must know what I'm doing, when I do it" a little too close for comfort. 

I like freedom.  I like my computer to be how I want, not how some money-grubbing customer-squashing corporation wants it. 

They moved too much.  Made it difficult to find things.  Cortana is useless.  Every computer I have ever used that had it, including brand new ones, was an absolute dog.

*The above statements are purely my personal opinion based on my experience with Windows 10.  I fully acknowledge that your experience likely differs, to the point of possibly actually liking the software.  It just tends to send me into a foaming, raging rant.  I am rather happy after my switch to Linux.  Although I do miss MSpaint. :(


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1 hour ago, Geonovast said:

My biggest problem is that it forced its way into my computer over and over despite me saying no over, and over, and over again.

Microsoft didn't care at all about what their customers wanted.  They decided it was "better" and you should just take it because it's free, even if you didn't want it and/or your hardware couldn't run it.  When it finally worked and actually installed itself on my laptop, it took three hours to boot, move all of my stuff when I told it not to, and it lagged so bad it took an hour to hit the revert button.  Then it was too stupid to know what happened, because as soon as it reverted back to Windows 7, it started begging me to upgrade again.

It's built around a touchscreen when it shouldn't be.  The metro menu is insanely annoying and you can't make it go away.  It's simply built around giving you as little freedom as possible.  It follows the mentality that "the whole world must know what I'm doing, when I do it" a little too close for comfort. 

I like freedom.  I like my computer to be how I want, not how some money-grubbing customer-squashing corporation wants it. 

They moved too much.  Made it difficult to find things.  Cortana is useless.  Every computer I have ever used that had it, including brand new ones, was an absolute dog.

*The above statements are purely my personal opinion based on my experience with Windows 10.  I fully acknowledge that your experience likely differs, to the point of possibly actually liking the software.  It just tends to send me into a foaming, raging rant.  I am rather happy after my switch to Linux.  Although I do miss MSpaint. :(


Windows 8 is designed around a touchscreen much more so than 10. 

Starting from 7 will definitely cause problems. But if 10 is the default it's actually alright. Not perfect by any means and, of course, your mileage may vary.

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I'm not thrilled by 10, but it's lightyears ahead of 8. With the later updates, and a bit of tweaking, 10 can be, functionally, almost identical to 7. And, yeah, a clean install is key. In-place Windows upgrades are almost always disasters waiting to happen.

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I actually upgraded from Win 7 to Win 10 on several computers, including one laptop.  No problems on any of them

In general, mainstream computers will have fewer problems than others.  I had good experiences with Win 10, others may vary

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12 hours ago, TheSaint said:

I'm not thrilled by 10, but it's lightyears ahead of 8. With the later updates, and a bit of tweaking, 10 can be, functionally, almost identical to 7. And, yeah, a clean install is key. In-place Windows upgrades are almost always disasters waiting to happen.

Im stilling using windows 8, im planning on updating soon, when i have the time do so and i don't want to play KSP for a while...

I somewhat dislike the people who are like 35 years old and just can't wait to tell 'back in my day' stories. They just assume im stupid and don't know what a floppy disk, walkman or an oxen plough is.

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19 hours ago, Geonovast said:


It's built around a touchscreen when it shouldn't be.  The metro menu is insanely annoying and you can't make it go away.  It's simply built around giving you as little freedom as possible.  It follows the mentality that "the whole world must know what I'm doing, when I do it" a little too close for comfort. 



I thought this was Windows 8 with the horrid touch screen interface? My Windows is more desktop-ey, but I have wanted to try Linux. I'm just too lazy and last time I tried messing with windows I ended up resetting my PC 3 times. 

Also, tech support. They assume you've never touched a computer! It's stupid!

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4 hours ago, NSEP said:

Im stilling using windows 8, im planning on updating soon, when i have the time do so and i don't want to play KSP for a while...

I somewhat dislike the people who are like 35 years old and just can't wait to tell 'back in my day' stories. They just assume im stupid and don't know what a floppy disk, walkman or an oxen plough is.

Well, good thing I just turned 50 then. :wink::D

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1 hour ago, Delay said:

Well, most of the time these statements are right. Not towards you, but in general.

Well, to 5 year olds, sure, they don't know much about the past. But to a person of my age, its pathetic, like we weren't told about how they used to carry heavy Walkman to listen to music, how they used to watch MTV all the time, or how they had to risk their lives hunting Mammoths to feed their family hundreds of times. Not to mention the bazzillion only 90s kids remembuh memes smeared all over the web. You'd think even a 10 year old kid would've wondered what these 90s blokes were bragging about in those memes.

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@NSEP If I would ask anyone in my class about how to operate a record player they wouldn't be able to answer. They don't know about the past because they don't care about it.

Granted, the oldest person in said class is probably from 2000 (the year, not the timespan) rather than the 90s.

But sometimes (read: pretty much all the time) I feel like I'm the only sane person in the room, surrounded by 29 idiots, all with a mental age in the negatives, and a teacher.

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Just now, Delay said:

they don't care about it.

Thats true, but operating a record player is something different than knowing what a record player is, and that is what these '90s' kids love to brag about, about people of my age, not knowing anything about their past, wich is absolutely not true, unless all the people i know are smarter than average, wich they are probably not.

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Bob Omb Battlefield is labeled on Ninsheetmusic as "Super Mario 64 Main Theme" and all this time I thought there simply was not sheet music for that one song, even though every other song and jingle in the entire soundtrack has been transcribed. I only looked at it today, and found out what that sheet was. Well, time to get to work then! I think it'd be cool to know the entire soundtrack, so I could have a friend play the game while I play the music on piano.

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Our neighbours dog keeps barking at me when im leaving/arriving at home and it still gets me everytime. Why didn't the neighbors question why the dog is barking at the door all time after all those years?

Yes, i know that dog won't bite me, but neither will a jumpscare in a video game or haunted house.

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I know it's still 2 - 3 (Time zones) days until it happens, but I can't be the only person on the planet who absolutely loathes April 1st, right?

I hate it. It makes me paranoid. It's a waste of my time and a dent to other's credibilities.

Fortunately it's a sunday, not a weekday.

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1 hour ago, Delay said:

I can't be the only person on the planet who absolutely loathes April 1st, right?

I can't stand it either.  I try to pretty much stay off the internet that day.  It's not just the stupid pranks, but all the people who fall for the blatantly obvious ones when they should know full well what day it is.

It started when I was a kid, as my grandfather died on April 1st.  Then as that faded, I just hated it because of how flat out stupid it is.  Especially given the problems with 1.4/1.4.1/1.4.2/MH, I will likely not be here on Sunday.

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