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Entertainment for colonists in the far future.


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So... I'm not 100% sure if this thread belongs here, but I was wondering, what sort of entertainment would colonists have to occupy themselves with? If they have cards, would they still be playing Go Fish, or Speed, or Poker? What about chess? I know a lot of writers like to spice it up, but would they be contempt with regular chess? What kind of music would they listen too? Would they watch movies and tv? What about more recreational stuff? Do you see interstellar colonists dozens of light years away from Earth enjoying a game of pool? Or Foosball?

I've been reading this article (http://www.projectrho.com/public_html/rocket/futuregames.php), but I was wondering what else there could be, would they play games they have today? What about alien games? We meet an alien civilization that's aqautic, what kind of games would they play?

What about betting? Money might be completely different, it could possibly be used on vastly different things since stuff like food, water, and shelter would automatically be given to colonists, in exchange  for work.

What are your thoughts? Btw, this is for my WIP Infinitum... soooooo, replies would be nice :)

Edited by Spaceception
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Golf has managed to be played for a long time. Same with Football, of the normal kind and the American variety. Video games would likely be present, of course. Chess is very old, so are many other games... I think they'll continue for a while. Basically everything we do now, and have done for decades, if not centuries. Plays/movies, for example. Maybe some new stuff could be involved, like how plays evolved into movies  (plays still exist, of course). It really just depends on the technology you have.

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"the foreground often change but the background often remain the same" a rough translation from a think/g i wrote or read long ago i m not even sure

"le fond change mais la forme reste et est souvent la meme"

Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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One factor to consider, assuming that we are starting at the present time, is that developed nations receive a large amount of entertainment via the internet (as, I presume, we are all doing right now). This, clearly, would change, simply due to lightspeed lag. There would be a local instant internet and some kind of cache for the "full" internet. But that would really affect communication and how information is processed.

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I can't think of many things we do now to amuse ourselves that future space colonists wouldn't be able to do. Some gravity-dependent activities (like sports) would have to adapt to different levels of gravity (space quidditch, anyone?). The only thing I can think of that would be impossible would be something which required a two-way, real-time connection to Earth (phone calls, text chat, multiplayer games, etc.). Even those things would become viable again once the population of the colonized world grew enough. 

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6 minutes ago, Hotaru said:

I can't think of many things we do now to amuse ourselves that future space colonists wouldn't be able to do. Some gravity-dependent activities (like sports) would have to adapt to different levels of gravity (space quidditch, anyone?).

A Firebolt with a ducted fan -- oh heck yeah.

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Most "games" would be computer based, since that would take up virtually no mass, until someone has enough hobby time to carve some nice chess pieces out of martian rock. Ideally leisure time would still be productive; for example driving around the telerobotic construction and exploration equipment for fun and profit.

The interesting aspect of lower-gravity sports would be the reduced friction (reduced weight ╪ reduced mass) making it harder to change direction.

4 hours ago, Spaceception said:

since stuff like food, water, and shelter would automatically be given to colonists, in exchange  for work.

Sure, you can always fill your cup with nutritionally complete glop from the food machine, but I happen to have some nice, crisp leaves of lettuce...

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23 minutes ago, StrandedonEarth said:

Most "games" would be computer based, since that would take up virtually no mass, until someone has enough hobby time to carve some nice chess pieces out of martian rock. Ideally leisure time would still be productive; for example driving around the telerobotic construction and exploration equipment for fun and profit.

The interesting aspect of lower-gravity sports would be the reduced friction (reduced weight ╪ reduced mass) making it harder to change direction.

Sure, you can always fill your cup with nutritionally complete glop from the food machine, but I happen to have some nice, crisp leaves of lettuce...

In my book, they eat real food, not glop :)

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Forum rule 2.2c dramatically limits the variety of propositions.

Also that's why the DeepFreeze mod is strictly required IRL.

16 hours ago, Spaceception said:

it could possibly be used on vastly different things since stuff like food, water

Yes, Hunger Games in a colony ship. With self-made bows and axes.

16 hours ago, Spaceception said:

Money might be completely different

True money will be e-money, so only money surrogates would be possible (self-drawn tokens or so), working as debt warrants to be later exchanged. As usually IRL.
But anyway as the fastest way to pay their debts is to remove the lucky one robbed all other crew, this would be not very healthy thing, too.

14 hours ago, rkarmark said:

Wich kind of football 

The only one, of course. Where they kick the ball with a foot. Or did you mean rugby?

Karaoke. Requires nothing, washes the brains, swallows the time without chewing.

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i m bored to repeat, thoose who profaned pharoah tomb got one malediction, thoose who profaned million tomb don't get a single ... believe or prove what ever you want to i m gonna play gollum with my ring in the subforum aslo feel free to delete that post and make them them listen

still due amount they are a bit loudly ... call it ntmf and use whatever writing metaphor from whatever author, whatever book ... [insert disminiushing return and fart proudly whenever you attempt to abuse a process] 1659 1696 1751 1781 1789

also is what i like in this specifically is that due to aging if you expect thoose peeps to even listen your a bit dumb


Edited by WinkAllKerb''
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It's quite possible that people forced to live in each others pockets due to space limitations, will value "me time" a lot more than we do. So, maybe reading in a nice, comfy and most of all quiet sleeping pod will be best way to relax?

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I'd be curious if there aren't already such things on the ISS evolved for null gravity that came from MIR and other crewed stations.  Who knows if more time for null-gravity ping pong was the real reason for the Skylab mutiny.  In any event, I'd assume that you might see things like quidditch being played, only with wings attached to your arms (wasn't there a sub-plot of such in the "Menace from Earth", only that was on the Moon, not in null gravity).

Plus a few thousand years of various Earthbound stories, songs, and games.

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12 minutes ago, Scotius said:

It's quite possible that people forced to live in each others pockets due to space limitations, will value "me time" a lot more than we do. So, maybe reading in a nice, comfy and most of all quiet sleeping pod will be best way to relax?

A sleeping pod with a built-in 3D entertainment system? *drools*  But then i suppose there'd be problems prying people out...

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