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[1.12.x] Crew R&R - Crew Rest & Rotation


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This is a revival of the mod CrewQueue, which was orignially written by @enneract in 2015.  Original thread is here:  http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/97702-10x-crewqueue-crew-rotation-and-vacations/

The mod had been updated by @Starwaster for 1.1.3, which is where I cloned the source code from.

New Dependencies


Download: https://spacedock.info/mod/1324/Crew R&R

Source code: https://github.com/linuxgurugamer/CrewRandR

License:  MIT


Crew R&R

This mod is focused around the idea of encouraging the player to keep a deeper roster of crew, and to increase the value of individual experienced crew.

This mod gives crew members a 'cool-down' when they return to Kerbin, so that you need to use a more varied crew rather than just Bill, Bob, and Jeb. It also changes which crew are automatically selected, so that the most-experienced crew who has least-recently been on a mission is picked first.


  • Crew go on R&R after completing a mission, between 7 and 28 days in length, depending on the length of their mission. (configurable in the stock Settings page)
  • While on R&R, crew cannot be sent on missions.
  • The main pod is crewed with the highest-level crew who has least-recently been on a mission, creating a sort of 'crew rotation'.
  • Crew assigned to pods, either automatically or with the 'fill' button, will make some sense in regard to what that part does. For example, Science Labs will get mostly Scientists, Cockpits will get at least one Pilot, etc.



Download the latest Release from the link above, or use CKAN to install it

Once you've downloaded this file, simply unzip it and merge the GameData directory with the one located in your Kerbal Space Program installation directory, overwriting any files if prompted.

Strongly Suggested Mod

This mod give you a reason to spread the experience around:

Known Issues

  • Renaming Kerbals or changing their professions is unsupported. KerbalStats method of changing professions may work.
  • Most likely NOT compatible with KCT
  • Not compatible with Better Crew Assignment
  • Reported problems with Final Frontier. I have not been able to duplicate them (please report these bugs!)


I accept pull requests.


Edited by linuxgurugamer
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5 minutes ago, Starwaster said:

Interesting. Did any of the round robin code survive? (basically cycled crew to the back of the list after they were recovered to ensure that every Kerbal had a chance at flight experience)

It should have, I cloned your repo and updated it for 1.2, as well as fixing some bugs related to no crew being available.  I did it because of a request from @Galileo

Edited by linuxgurugamer
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@linuxgurugamer I finally had time to give it a go, awesome job! At first I couldn't tell if the mod was running until i looked in the advanced setting section in the difficulty menu. I love that. I am a minimalist at heart, and the lack of an app button makes me happy. noClutter = happyGalileo

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Oh, by the way, KerbalRenamer works perfectly with this. I haven't tried renaming via the f12 menu, but i assume that's what you mean when you say renaming isn't supported.

Kerbal Renamer is hard to find as its kinda buried in the Realism Overhaul repo. If anyone is interested, here is a link to it. https://github.com/KSP-RO/KerbalRenamer/releases

Edited by Galileo
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4 hours ago, Galileo said:

Oh, by the way, KerbalRenamer works perfectly with this. I haven't tried renaming via the f12 menu, but i assume that's what you mean when you say renaming isn't supported.

Kerbal Renamer is hard to find as its kinda buried in the Realism Overhaul repo. If anyone is interested, here is a link to it. https://github.com/KSP-RO/KerbalRenamer/releases

That's good to know as I am kind of in love with KerbalRenamer (can't stand having everyone named Kerman)

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Following this and will make KCT work with it. This falls under one of the requirements for the theoretical "Space-Time Continuum" mod set that I've got going in my mind (a set of mods that give time a meaning in this space game :wink:)

Edit: KCT dev build 17+ theoretically supports this, but I haven't tested it yet.

Edit2: Scratch that. 18+ should work since if there was a manifest already then it wouldn't pull from the modified list. That was fixed in 18. Still haven't gotten a chance to test it yet though.

Edited by magico13
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Finally had a chance to test this with KCT and it was definitely an adventure. A few things: you accidentally shipped a CrewQueue.dll in your release, the files not being renamed to match the classes/namespaces is pretty confusing (and there are files that should be deleted as well), the APIProxy should probably be public and not private since the wrapper is using GetExportedTypes which only shows public types, the wrapper was specifically looking for private Properties and Methods in the getProperty and invokeMethod calls despite all the actual members of APIProxy being public (even with the class itself private), and to top it off the wrapper was trying to get an Instance property that doesn't exist and made all the calls to any of the wrapper properties/methods instantly fail.

I'm guessing you mostly just renamed all that stuff, so I am not at all surprised that KCT supposedly wasn't working with CrewQueue, since that wrapper was apparently designed for an entirely different API. The good news is that I managed to fix that in KCT so that the wrapper does hit all the right points and properly filters the list to exclude kerbals who are on vacation. KCT build #19 is tested against CrewRandR and appears to work fine with it :) Feel free to copy the fixed wrapper back over from KCT, but if you change the APIProxy to be public then switch back to GetExportedTypes from GetTypes (and let me know so I can do it locally)

Edited by magico13
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  • 4 weeks later...

Could this mod add alarms to the Kerbal Alarm Clock of when a Kerbal will return? Like as KCT does for when a craft will be ready? It would be of great help early in a career when we are short on moneys. Would it be too dificult?

Again thanks for keeping so many great mods alive!

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  • 2 weeks later...
8 hours ago, Nightside said:

Thank you @linuxgurugamer! For whatever reason I love this little mod, it really makes the Kerbals feel like they have a bit of personality somehow. 

I went ahead and tossed the issue @magico13 mentioned on the Github, hope that helps.


13 hours ago, magico13 said:

Still shipping with a build of CrewQueue.dll in the plugins folder.

Thanks, and fixed.  Same release, I uppated the files

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Hi! @linuxgurugamer, first off, thanks for the mod. I've found a bug in the persistant.sfs that causes the vacation time to be multiplied by 10 instead of .1 when the crew is past the minimum and below the maximum


            VacationScalar = 10    <-- duplicate variable as down 3 lines, changing this to .1 fixes the issue, havn't tried deleting this variable yet.
            enabled = True
            AssignCrews = True
            vacationScalar = 0.1
            MinimumVacationDays = 1
            MaximumVacationDays = 30

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