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Does anybody else think Jeb and Val should hook up?


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On the subject of Kerbal breeding: while they may not know "love", it seems clear there are two possible genders for kerbals, or at least very strong phenotypal variations.

However, let's face it, sexual reproduction is a fairly good way to pass one's genes: it's less error-prone than asexual, and, while it gets outclassed by asexuality on the short term (think geckos), on the long term asexuality is an evolutionary dead end, as it doesn't favor a broad gene pool at all, and thus leads to extinction because of things where diversity is needed, such as diseases or so.

Hence, it is safe to say kerbals do reproduce sexually.


As of the idea of love itself, you may want to consider why there were such as "arousal", and such. The truth is, to make us breed as much as possible, and hence promoting our genes, evolution made sex pleasant, and it did so rather early during the history of life. But humans behave differently. We have few children compared to other species, and they are born very underdeveloped, as a price to our sapience. This implies stability in the couple, as a child will need years to be able to thrive. So, to seek the perfect "mate", the one we'll spend our life, or at least a large chunk of it with, we got this "compatibility test" we call love.

And such, that's why love exists: because we make babies that have a lot to learn.

So, you may say it is "possible" for love to be shared by many alien species, even without interaction, as love is evolutionarily selected for when you're a sapient.

Of course, that's not perfect, as aliens TV tropes would describe as "starfish" would probably have a fairly bizarre biology, bringing all what I said down; but if kerbals behave relatively  like humans -hint: they do, as far as we see-, well, it stands.

EDIT: wow, that was deeper than I expected it to be.

Edited by MinimalMinmus
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In my imagination, Val has a crush on Bob and he doesn't recognize. Jeb and Bill tried to hook them up by sending them both on a Jool 5 mission. What happened is that he only did science all the time and she recognized how boring he is.

He didn't get any hints. "Oh, look! Vall and Bob look like they orbit each other". This caused Bob to lecture her about orbital mechanics. When she asked "Wanna get down on Val?" He jumped right into the lander and descended on Vall.

Edited by Physics Student
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  On 4/20/2017 at 9:52 PM, Slam_Jones said:

No.  I think Jeb and Val are collections of pixels, and you're putting way too much thought into this.

In general, this whole "shipping" thing is ludicrous.


videos are a collection of pixels too yet people find it entertaining. So no reason why they cant hook up. Kerbals being mysterious adds to the fun of the game.

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  On 4/19/2017 at 1:25 PM, Just Jim said:

I still shouldn't have lost my temper, and I'm sorry. Sometimes I get a little... over-protective... of the fan fiction area. 



  On 4/19/2017 at 12:47 PM, Matuchkin said:

You were rightly upset. I genuinely insulted you. I mean, writing a story on anything is a good idea. As much as it may not be appropriate for a large novel, KSP is a good topic to write on, especially on a forum where it is prominent.


oh, gawd. don't turn this into an argument.


what I mean is:


"i'm sorry."

"no thats fine, i was mean, im sorry."

"I shouldn't have gotten mad."

"yes you should have."

"no I shouldn't've!"




*technical difficulties please hold*

lol not trying to be rude.

had a lot of fun writing that, though...

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  On 4/22/2017 at 12:11 AM, imkrazy said:


oh, gawd. don't turn this into an argument.


what I mean is:


"i'm sorry."

"no thats fine, i was mean, im sorry."

"I shouldn't have gotten mad."

"yes you should have."

"no I shouldn't've!"




*technical difficulties please hold*

lol not trying to be rude.

had a lot of fun writing that, though...


We didn't start the flame war!

Peeps were hatin' on it 'fore I left my comment!

We didn't start the flame war!

Let the whole wide world know that I'm a big, known a**hole!

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  On 4/19/2017 at 6:02 PM, Just Jim said:

This is actually a really good point... we think of kerbals as small, lovable, green critters... but they are also an alien race... maybe the concept of "romance" is totally alien to them...


Well, as you know Jim that's been Kerbfleet canon since Day 1... General Order 34 and the infamous April 1st 2016 "egg incident" notwithstanding :) 

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  On 4/28/2017 at 5:27 PM, JoeNapalm said:



Kerbals are all clones!

They don't reproduce!

Their genders are a hairstyle, not a lifestyle, choice!




Maybe kerbals are like ants or termites, there's a Kerbal queen and that's why all kerbals have the last name Kerman?.. 

Next question: do kerbals eat wood?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  On 5/26/2017 at 3:27 PM, snkiz said:

Not trying to necro here but this is the most recent relevant post. I think it's happened, Squad hasn't said anything but look:

  Reveal hidden contents



Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all...? (1:50)

Edited by LoSBoL
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Actually, Jeb and Bill worked out a plan to hook Val and Bob up.

They sent them both on a Jool 5 Mission. Unfortunately, Bob didn't get any hints and did nothing but science all the time. 

After that, Val didn't have a crush on Bob anymore.

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I don't know why there are so many ppl sayin' they wouldn't get along well but as some said before I think they are a darn good match. By far better than Val hookin' up with stupid Bill, or even worse, Bob, who gets scared as soon as any craft he's on starts moving and won't calm down until it stops again!


But I guess that's really every manager's own choice, and mine is that whenever I need to have 2 ppl on a ship and they can both be pilots it's them. Coz whenever I've got Bill or Bob on a mission I can be sure that at some point (if not all the time) there's gonna be someone drowning all radio chatter in their screaming unless I can stuff them into a separate area of the ship so that the cockpit remains quiet.

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