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[1.3] Community Localization Project (v0.6) - Translators needed


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On 2017-6-6 at 0:21 PM, Malah said:

Hello, I translated my mods to French with the stock localisation system, is it planned that this mod can translate others mods ?


On 2017-6-6 at 0:34 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

What @Malah said.  I haven't yet done any localization work, but when I do, would this be a thing to use?

Yes, If the user install this mod and changes the language to French, it should work for mods.

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Just now, Olympic1 said:


Yes, If the user install this mod and changes the language to French, it should work for mods.

Ok, then I'll look into using this when I'm ready to start all my localizations.  At which point it will become a required dependency


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@DarkFighter yes, but it does not use the functionality of KSP 1.3 or is currently compiled for it. To not split the community into different camps it might be a good idea to fuse these mods to a "one mod for every languange" version.

I'm still not that sure though if it is worth the effort to make complete translation or port of existing translation mod for KSP into a language that is still said to be added to stock in the (nearTM) future.

Edited by Nils277
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  • 3 weeks later...
35 minutes ago, ave369 said:

Why no Russian? KSP 1.3 has Russian support. I can translate mods.

When you want to help translate mods into russian, you can look here: 

This project is not for mods, but for additional translations of the stock game, where russian is already available.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Well, no-one said Portuguese is coming to stock anytime SOONTM, so I'm starting some work there.

@Olympic1 add me to roster please :D 

Oh, totally forgot. @Pesterenan has a translation going on here:

The link to spaceport is for 1.2, when translation was by mod, but since the topic says it's updated for 1.3 I've already messaged him asking about it. It's likely that he already translated it using 1.3's localization support. :) 

Edited by monstah
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I want to contribute to the de_DE translation effort. I will be going through the excel sheet and doing my best to make it work. Since there are a lot of keys it'll probably take some time. Is anyone currently working on it? I see that about 10% was translated already to a first draft.

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We are working on localizing the game to further languages, specifically German, French, Italian, and Brazilian Portuguese.

Squad just announced that they are working on more localization. Therefore, I will put my contribution to a halt. Judging from the decent quality of their existing offerings, I believe they'll be doing a better job than I and it's too much work for me to justify when the official translation might be coming out a few months after I finish this.

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I'm getting myself familiar with the localization support but I have a problem with the language switcher. When I set language = de and provide a dictionary file for de and en-us, KSP shows me the en-us keys ingame. When I delete the en-us dictionary file, the de keys appear.
KSP title screen shows de in both cases. I've looked into severel other mods but I don't know what I'm doing wrong.


Part config:

	title = #LOC_IFS_EC2501_title		// #LOC_IFS_EC2501_title = IFS Electric Capacitator (EC2501)
	manufacturer = #LOC_IFS_EC2501_manuf	// #LOC_IFS_EC2501_manuf = Flowing Energies Incorporated
	description = #LOC_IFS_EC2501_descr		// #LOC_IFS_EC2501_descr = Stores Electric Charge and Megajoules.


		// PARTS
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_title = IFS Electric Capacitor (EC2501)
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_manuf = Flowing Energies Incorporated
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_descr = Stores Electric Charge and Megajoules.


		// PARTS
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_title = IFS Elektrischer Kondensator (EC2501)
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_manuf = Vereinigung Fließender Energien
		#LOC_IFS_EC2501_descr = Speichert Elektrische Ladung und MegaJoule


    language = de



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  • 2 months later...

Support for SwitchLanguage?

I'm running into an odd problem where I'm adding strings to a dictionary and I'll get the #xxxLOC_xxxxxx tag instead of the actual text. This happens more with additions to agencies.

To observe the problem, grab the Kanadian Dictionary I just released yesterday, start a career mode contract, and you'll usually see one or more of the world-first contracts offered by "#kdnLOC_000005" instead of "Kerbin Broadcasting Corporation." Yet you'll see the full text in the agency description and in the contract's story text. Further, the agency back story will be missing. 

That's what I observe with an otherwise stock KSP 1.3.1 with only the SwitchLanguage plugin added. The really odd part is, if I also add Module Manager, it can take a couple of restarts but it will then display the correct text for the agency and their back story.

Further, I can't seem to replace some stock agencies' back stories that have 'NA' with a real back story.

Should I be asking these questions here, raise an issue at the SwitchLanguage repository, or have I done something incorrect when creating this dictionary?

[Update 20 NOV 2017] I found out that KSP wants to see en-us strings for localization tags, even if a plugin changes the localization setting. This happens for SwitchLanguage and for LocalizerHelper, which both change the localization setting after KSP launch.

As a short-term workaround I added a supplemental en-us dictionary for strings I originally had only in en-ca. In an otherwise stock game, KSP will always display en-us strings for non-stock tags. Using Module Manager alongside a localization plugin, Module Manager will slowly replace en-us strings with non-en-us versions in its cache after one or more restarts, but I'm not sure this is a good solution.

Edited by Gordon Fecyk
Added further testing results
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