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Flat Kerbin Debunked

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Since the dawn of the Kinternet, flat Kerbin theorists have been annoying spaceflight and science fans. They never properly back up claims, ignore our evidence and complain about the taxes they spend on a 'fake' space program. To make them be quiet, we have to take them to space to see that Kerbin is round. The rules are strict to make sure they have no reason to reject the trip.


  • No mods (other than for information), cheats or debug menu.
  • Your craft must:
  1. Reach 250km high
  2. Have a safe abort system
  3. Have a low landing speed of under 5m/s
  4. Be completely safe with landing and abort systems
  5. Have pressurised cabins (no lawn chairs)
  6. Be able to be remotely controlled for testing
  7. Be able to be piloted by an onboard crew member
  8. Lose no parts on re-entry
  • The ship can and is recommended to be reusable. It can have more than one stage, but only needs be suborbital.
  • If the ship can take more kerbals than you can be bothered to add to the ship, just don't add them all

Tell me if you think I did something wrong or missed something out


The scoring is rather simple. It is the cost (C) divided by the amount of kerbals taken to space (K). So Cost per Kerbal. The lowest score wins. I may have a go later, but I don't have access to KSP


  1. - @digger1213 153.5 roots per kerbal
  2. - @qzgy 378 roots per kerbal
  3. - @Monkey29399 with 1548.5 roots per kerbal
  4. - @CairoJack with 2811 roots per kerbal
  5. - @Martian Emigrant with 4943 roots per kerbal
  6. -
  7. -


Edited by Skylon
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Im signing up!

Does the cost per Kerbal count for the pilot?

By the way, another question: do you have to use the cost of the spacecraft or the cost of the things that cannot be reused?

Edited by NSEP
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  On 5/7/2017 at 12:42 PM, NSEP said:

Im signing up!

Does the cost per Kerbal count for the pilot?

By the way, another question: do you have to use the cost of the spacecraft or the cost of the things that cannot be reused?


Cost of whatever can't be reused, including fuel. Sorry for not noticing this earlier

  On 5/7/2017 at 6:04 PM, MarvinKitFox said:

NoNo. a Bunny-hop to 250km is not how you retrain Flattards!


Launch them to orbit.

THEN ask them how much they are willing to pay you to get them down.



All they need is to see that Kerbin is round, and if they think there is a projection on the windows, make them EVA and take their helmets off.

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Here is my take on the Flat Earth Society.

imgur: http://imgur.com/a/YD1xa


19,770 Roots by 4 Flats Passengers= 4,943 Roots. Didn't take into account the return on the pods as this is Sandbox.

Launch Escape Testing, no pax.

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Go for launch



Ap: 302Km


Looks round



Unconvinced Flatter: It's a trick window! Trickery, Trickery. All of it. There is no Mun. It's a way to spend your taxes. Vaccines are the work of the Kraken.






Edited by Martian Emigrant
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Did it in a spaceplane. The landing is relatively safe... Vertical speed I think was lowish...

No parts mods. Just info.

Cost - 1508 roots/funds

Kerbals - 5 (1 pilot, although could be exchanged as it has a remotely operable unit)

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Score: 301, if pilot is a passenger and 377 is pilot is not.

Do I get a bonus for orbiting?

LES is in place and works. Main cabin can be seperated for landing, although warranty void if under 200 m.

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Sigh... more of this "Kerbin is round" nonsense.  We all know this is just a huge government conspiracy and Kerbin is as flat as a pancake.  In addition, there's no way a Kerbal could fly through the Van Kallen belts, even if Kerbin was round (which it isn't).  So that proves all these claims about Mun landings etc. are all fake and hoaxes.

Right rant over, now will you please sign my petition to have equal time committed to having Flat Kerbin Facts taught in our schools, and not just this Round Kerbin piffle and balderdash.


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  On 5/8/2017 at 9:47 AM, The Flying Kerbal said:

Sigh... more of this "Kerbin is round" nonsense.  We all know this is just a huge government conspiracy and Kerbin is as flat as a pancake.  In addition, there's no way a Kerbal could fly through the Van Kallen belts, even if Kerbin was round (which it isn't).  So that proves all these claims about Mun landings etc. are all fake and hoaxes.

Right rant over, now will you please sign my petition to have equal time committed to having Flat Kerbin Facts taught in our schools, and not just this Round Kerbin piffle and balderdash.



The Van Kallen Belt is also a conspiracy.

A belt would go around a round Kerbin. It should be called correctly the Van Kallen Band.

Said band goes much further than the edges of Kerbin.


Our group is joining force with the Kemtrails guys and chartering a remotely controlled boat to sail and fall off the edges. We are hoping to get telemetry and pictures of the pillars holding the ground up..............



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This is my craft, for this challenge. I forgot to name it, so call it the Unnamed. :D

I made two Imgur albums, one showing the failsafe system, and the other showing the actual launch.

For some reason, my first Imgur's text isnt loading in, but you should be able to see what is happening. If I did my math correctly, I should have 989 cost per Kerbal, with 84 kerbals. Not quite first place, but maybe I could modify this into a runway-lander...

EDIT: The first Imgur's pictures are all in the wrong order, and no matter what I do, they won't update. Why does Imgur always do this to me?


Edited by digger1213
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  On 5/9/2017 at 11:38 AM, digger1213 said:

This is my craft, for this challenge. I forgot to name it, so call it the Unnamed. :D

I made two Imgur albums, one showing the failsafe system, and the other showing the actual launch.

For some reason, my first Imgur's text isnt loading in, but you should be able to see what is happening. If I did my math correctly, I should have 989 cost per Kerbal, with 84 kerbals. Not quite first place, but maybe I could modify this into a runway-lander...

EDIT: The first Imgur's pictures are all in the wrong order, and no matter what I do, they won't update. Why does Imgur always do this to me?




Same problem for me. I fixed it using the re-arrange pictures button.

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So, I knew I could do better. So I made an SSTO capable of carrying 13 Kerbals to orbit.

This only took me several hours to get it to work. First, my internet goes out. Second, Imgur didn't save any of the numerous changes I put in. 3rd, I had to remake the entire screenshot list. 4th, I had to rewrite this forum post. 5th, I had to rewrite the Imgur. 6th, I had to redo the maths because that was on the Imgur. 7th, because the maths won't save onto the IMGUR FOR SOME STUPID REASON, I have to rewrite it here.

Since cost is 1996 dollars, and the total Kerbals to orbit is 13, the overall cost per Kerbal is 153.538461538 according to Google. About freaking time, that this got over with. I am really salty right now, sorry about that. I hope I didn't do any maths wrong.

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