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[WIP] [1.12.x] MOARdV's Avionics Systems - MAS Interactive IVA! (v1.3.7, 7 April 2023)


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Hey, all.  I thought I'd provide a road map for MAS going forward.

Starting with MAS v1.3.0, the ASET MAS update patch will be enabled by default (on purpose, not by accident like v1.2.1 :D ).

MAS v1.3.0 will include updates for all of the props used in the ASET ALCOR Lander, along with any other props that have been updated.  If you do not want to use the MAS prop updates, you will need to delete the Module Manager config file.

What I will need is players who will use the MM patch to try various IVAs, understanding that the update is not 100% complete. I've updated hundreds of props, and it is very likely that I typed something in wrong or missed some detail.  If you are willing to help beta test the MAS update, please submit bug reports - preferably, with a screen shot so I can try to identify which prop is configured incorrectly.

When the ASET RPM conversion is complete and I've gotten some feedback on it, I will bump the MAS version to v2.0.0 and call it a full release.


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Howdy, folks.  I've pushed MAS v1.2.2 out on GitHub.  This release is partially a bug-fix release, and partially an ASET prop conversion dump. :)   I've done a very cursory 1.11.0 test, and the suborbital Mk1 IVA seems to be working.  YMMV.

With this update, all of the Classic RasterPropMonitor props (the ones included in RPM) are replaced with MAS props.  There is also an optional patch that converts some ASET RPM props to ASET MAS props (a few hundred props are converted - which is less than half of them).  If you enable that latter patch, most of the ALCOR lander IVA will use MAS props instead of RPM props - the only prop that is still an RPM prop is the "kOS Terminal" prop with the keyboard.  The release notes tell you how to do enable that patch, for the adventurous.

Thanks to @theonegalen for the ASET Avionics conversions in this release, and to user vulkans22 on GitHub for the bug fixes.

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I've taken an interest in revisiting MAS over the past few months, and have been working on converting RPM props from the ASET avionics pack (Specifically from the modern folder, as those were of primary interest to me at the time). As @Beetlecat mentions, this is mostly an invisible effort as all these props are already working fine on RPM, but still an important but very time consuming step to undertake. Thankfully MAS makes this task much more straightforward to accomplish compared to RPM due to the many cool changes under the hood it has. Here's a bit of recording showing the NAV radios and HSI running on MAS:


Seeing as I've got lots of free time available, I'll continue working on the rest of the missing props and hope to share the end results with @MOARdV, hopefully with the full set of props available, more people can be encouraged to jump from RPM to MAS.

Much kudos to @MOARdV for all the grand work, all of us 20 IVA players salute you!

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  On 12/22/2020 at 11:06 AM, vulkans said:

Much kudos to @MOARdV for all the grand work, all of us 20 IVA players salute you!


I certainly hope it's more than 20 of us... maybe more like 25. ;)

The new KerbinSide Remastered/GAP update will certainly help with that! :D  It'll be a good time to review / possibly update these old charts to make sure the nav beacons are all correct with the new KSR:


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  On 12/22/2020 at 7:22 PM, Caerfinon said:

Any help I can provide, let me know.


I know this is drifting off-topic, but I can't remember if Alexustas ever found/provided the source pages for those charts (something in the recesses of time makes me think they were Corel Draw?) -- and there was some chatter about coming up with a common data format for navigation aids. Maybe the planets are aligning again for this... ;)

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  On 12/22/2020 at 7:10 PM, Beetlecat said:

I certainly hope it's more than 20 of us... maybe more like 25


Either of those are higher than *my* estimate. :)

  On 12/22/2020 at 7:51 PM, Beetlecat said:

I know this is drifting off-topic, but I can't remember if Alexustas ever found/provided the source pages for those charts (something in the recesses of time makes me think they were Corel Draw?) -- and there was some chatter about coming up with a common data format for navigation aids


I know I've got the PDF, but I've never seen the source files.  I know @alexustas and I discussed them once upon a time, but Real Life had become rather busy last time I talked to him.  I'd be amenable to a common data format, as long as it can support the information MAS needs to accurately simulate radio navigation.

  On 12/22/2020 at 11:06 AM, vulkans said:

Seeing as I've got lots of free time available, I'll continue working on the rest of the missing props and hope to share the end results


That would be incredible.  I would love to get the MAS props complete enough to really show off what they do, and how much better the player experience is because of the under-the-hood changes. I was >< this close (well, maybe >---< that close) to wrapping up the ASET MFDs, which would allow MAS to fully support the ALCOR lander, and possibly quite a few other IVAs.

There's definitely a down side to Alexustas having made so many props - they provide an incredible variety of style options, from 1960's tech to modern, but it means that there's a lot of work involved making conversions.  Especially the MFDs - I managed to get about 1 1/2 of the 3 MFDs update before I had to take a break.

The video is cool - seeing the radio nav stuff functioning is awesome.

FWIW, MAS enabled the entire kOS terminal prop (the one with the full keyboard below the screen).  I mapped out all of the colliders to softkeys, so MAS could possibly interact with kOS at a keyboard input level.

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  On 12/23/2020 at 2:12 AM, Stone Blue said:

I also have a couple copies of the .pdf... I have one dated Feb 9, 2017, and one Nov 25, 2017. LMK if you need the newest one... vOv


And I've got Aug 22, 2017.  Yeah, I'd like to have the latest one, in case there are some changes in there that MAS needs to account for, please.  And so I can put it in the GitHub documents folder.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Seems to be working very well on 1.11 for me. OPT crafts are looking nice, makes me miss the old IVAs. Thank you so much for your efforts keeping this going, it's easily one of my favourite add ons.


How difficult is it to, for example, change 1 RPM-style screen to the upgraded version? One type of screen prop allows the cameras to pitch/tilt/yaw etc and have a wider FOV. I'm wondering if Part Tools is all one would need to make that change.

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  On 1/10/2021 at 6:48 PM, ElonsMusk said:

How difficult is it to, for example, change 1 RPM-style screen to the upgraded version? One type of screen prop allows the cameras to pitch/tilt/yaw etc and have a wider FOV. I'm wondering if Part Tools is all one would need to make that change.


You probably dont even need PT... you can probably just edit the cfg... replace the old with the replacement... might have to adjust the placement coords and/or the scaling, if its much of a different size than the one you are replacing

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  On 1/10/2021 at 7:05 PM, Stone Blue said:

you can probably just edit the cfg... replace the old with the replacement...


You were right! All I had to do was track down the name of the Monitor I wanted to replace it with and change out just the prop = X. Easy as beans. It did send me down rabbit hole looking for some kind directory of ASET parts and their names. Did I skip over it somewhere?

Just came across indication that there is an in progress documentation; very cool. I also realize I'm silly and can find what I need in the file structure.

Edited by ElonsMusk
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, i'm getting an error when going IVA. I'm using this mod with ASET Props, ASET Avionics, and RasterPropMonitor. The error in the ksp.log:

  Reveal hidden contents

Please help!

Thanks and  congratulations for your awesome work!

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  On 1/20/2021 at 1:03 PM, Linderoth said:

Hi, i'm getting an error when going IVA. I'm using this mod with ASET Props, ASET Avionics, and RasterPropMonitor. The error in the ksp.log:

Please help!

Thanks and  congratulations for your awesome work!


First, what version of KSP are you on? Also, what version of RPM? and is it the *original* RPM, or RPM Adopted?
Second, what IVA are you having trouble with?
Third, best to post a link to your *whole* KSP.log. Use Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, etc. DONT copy/paste the whole log in the thread. :P

It initially looks like the IVA may not be set up properly. Thats why it needs to be known whether this is an issue with an IVA mod, rather than MAS itself.

Edited by Stone Blue
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  On 1/20/2021 at 5:28 PM, Stone Blue said:

First, what version of KSP are you on? Also, what version of RPM? and is it the *original* RPM, or RPM Adopted?
Second, what IVA are you having trouble with?
Third, best to post a link to your *whole* KSP.log. Use Dropbox, OneDrive, GoogleDrive, etc. DONT copy/paste the whole log in the thread. :P

It initially looks like the IVA may not be set up properly. Thats why it needs to be known whether this is an issue with an IVA mod, rather than MAS itself.


Thanks for your reply!

The game and the mods are up-to-date: KSP 1.11 & RPM Adopted 0.31.4 & DE_IVA Extension 1.0.2 & this mod 1.2.2

The pod is stock Mk1-3 Command Pod



By the way, do I have to use the files in Propconfig-1.2.2.zip? Don't know how...


Thank you very much for your help!!!



Edited by Linderoth
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  On 1/20/2021 at 5:49 PM, Linderoth said:

By the way, do I have to use the files in Propconfig-1.2.2.zip? Don't know how...


No... those are to use as tool for people *making* IVAs... not needed at all for users.

But that brings me to another question: where did you download MAS from? If Github, mae *sure* you grab the release .zip from the releases page, and NOT from using the green "Download" button on the main page of the repo... nor the "Source.zip" from the releases page

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  On 1/20/2021 at 1:03 PM, Linderoth said:

Hi, i'm getting an error when going IVA. I'm using this mod with ASET Props, ASET Avionics, and RasterPropMonitor. The error in the ksp.log:

  Reveal hidden contents

Please help!

Thanks and  congratulations for your awesome work!


The part has a missing part module MASFlightComputer. It's a stock part so there should be MM patch adding this module.

It should look like this:

		 name = MASFlightComputer
                 gLimit = 150
                 baseDisruptionChance = 0.0
                 requiresPower = false
                 rate = 0.0



you can save this as blahblahblah.cfg (or Mk1-3MAS.cfg) and put it somewhere inside gamedata like this: PallasCatAerospace\Patches\Mk1-3MAS.cfg

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  On 1/20/2021 at 10:43 PM, Manul said:

The part has a missing part module MASFlightComputer. It's a stock part so there should be MM patch adding this module.

It should look like this:


MAS already has a patch to do that - MAS_mk1-3.cfg in the MOARdV/FlightSystems folder.  I'm not sure why it didn't work (although I haven't had a chance to look at the log yet to see if it ran - work has been really busy lately).  Although maybe I have something messed up with the MM patches in the last release....

Oh, wait.  The last round replaces JSI props with MAS props in IVAs, but I don't have an MM patch to add the MAS Flight Computer to all the command pods :/.  So, yeah, I do have something messed up with the MM patches.  Sorry about that - you can add a patch like @Manul suggested, or you can disable the MAS patching by renaming or removing MOARdV/Patches/JsiToMasUpgrade.cfg

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