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[1.8.x] DMagic's Basic Mods - Basic Orbit 9.0 Basic DeltaV 6.0 [11-2-2019]


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Basic DeltaV: Download Version 6.0

Basic Orbit: Download Version 9.0


This collection of mods provides additional information and extends the behavior of stock systems in a way that was designed to seamlessly fit in with stock KSP.


Basic DeltaV - 6.0



Download from Space Dock | Curse Forge

Download from GitHub


Source is available on GitHub.

Basic Delta V replaces and improves upon the stock deltaV system in a number of ways. This version requires KSP 1.6 or above to function.

  • Extensive modifications of the stock dV system
    • All stock calculations disabled
    • dV and related calculations use modified version of the Kerbal Engineer Redux vessel simulator
    • RCS dV calculations are available for display in the stock info panels
    • Engine torque value available
  • Modifications of the stock dV toolbar app
    • Addition of Mach slider
      • Used to accurately calculate jet engine values at realistic flight speeds
    • Reference body list reordered to be more sensible
      • All planets are ordered based on distance from the sun
      • Moons are grouped together with their parent planet
      • The sun is placed last in the list
    • VAB and SPH will separately remember their atmospheric settings
    • New RCS dV toggle available
    • New Torque toggle available
    • TWR gauge and dV slider toggles available in flight
  • Additions to the stock UI
    • TWR gauge from old versions of Basic dV is still available
      • Used to display current max TWR on a log scale slider
      • Hover pointer over the slider for a tooltip with the exact TWR value
    • Stock dV indicator boxes modified to work as sliders
      • Displays current dV out of the theoretical max dV for each stage
  • Performance improvements
    • Stock dV calculations are slower and generate more garbage (temporary memory) allocations
    • Reduces the update interval for the stage panel info readouts
      • Readout updates 3 times per second rather than every frame
      • Results in significant reduction in garbage allocations


Kerbal Engineer Redux Note:

This mod uses a modified version of the vessel simulator code from Kerbal Engineer Redux. You can expect the information to be the same as that provided by KER and for the same limitations to apply. Please do not post bug reports to KER when using Basic DeltaV unless they can be independently replicated in KER.

Basic DeltaV review by KottabosGames:



Change Log:


- Update for KSP 1.8

- Fixed an issue causing the stage group dV indicator bar to become very large


- Add engine torque readout option
- Fix deltaV slider values to account for locked resource tanks
- Fix several bugs related to stage group info panels and remove unneeded log entries


- Complete overhaul for KSP 1.6

- Remove almost all UI components from old versions
     - Stock UI used for all dV and related info
     - On screen TWR gauge remains as an optional component

- Extensive modifications of the stock dV system
     - All stock calculations disabled
     - dV and related calculations use modified version of the Kerbal Engineer Redux vessel simulator
     - RCS dV calculations are available for display in the stock info panels

- Modifications of the stock dV toolbar app
    - Addition of Mach slider
         - Used to accurately calculate jet engine values at realistic flight speeds
    - Reference body list reordered to be more sensible
         - All planets are ordered based on distance from the sun
         - Moons are grouped together with their parent planet
         - The sun is placed last in the list
    - VAB and SPH will separately remember their atmospheric settings
    - New RCS dV toggle available
    - TWR gauge and dV slider toggles available in flight

- Additions to the stock UI
    - TWR gauge from old versions of Basic dV is still available
        - Used to display current max TWR on a log scale slider
        - Hover pointer over the slider for a tooltip with the exact TWR value
    - Stock dV indicator boxes modified to work as sliders
        - Displays current dV out of the theoretical max dV for each stage

- Performance improvements
    - Stock dV calculations are slower and generate more garbage (temporary memory) allocations
    - Reduces the update interval for the stage panel info readouts
       - Readout updates 3 times per second rather than every frame
       - Results in significant reduction in garbage allocations


- Updated for KSP 1.5

- New More Basic Mode
      - Alternate mode for simpler display of dV and TWR
      - New TWR gauge in the lower-left corner
      - New dV sliders next to the stage panels on the left
      - Several options for how to display the new information

- Option to disable stock dV calculator
      - Basic DeltaV will fill in all stock dV numbers from its own calculations

- Toggle atmospheric mode in the editor with Alt + Right click on the toolbar button
- Toggle to account for thrust vectors in calculations
- Added new Vessel simulator calculation for theoretical max dV for a stage based on full resource containers and all engines at max thrust
- Reduced garbage allocation for display panels
- Fixed bugs in KER simulator that were generating excess garbage and slowed performance
- Simulator now runs based on events in the editor, rather than on a timer, this reduces the performance overhead of the mod


- Show actual thrust and TWR for the active stage in flight
- Fix fuzzy toolbar icons


- Update for KSP 1.4.5
- Some minor performance improvements
- Persistent setting for activation of panels is stored separately for the VAB/SPH and flight


- Updated for KSP 1.4
- Fix for deltaV calculation when using Engine Plates

- Allow for specifying label and readout text colors in the settings file
- Change default skill for crew requirement to AutoPilot (only affects new or clean installations)

- Fix errors in stage readout displays
- Disable calculations while in map view

- Updated for KSP 1.3.1 (KSP 1.3.0 not supported)
- Flight scene readouts added
- Several options for flight scene restrictions
      - All options available in stock difficulty settings panel
      - Toggle to disable
      - Require crew onboard
      - Require specific crew type
      - Level based restrictions for readouts

- Fix a UI loading bug that may occur on some machines (Linux probably)
- Fix a typo

Released under the GPLv3 License.


Basic Orbit - 9.0


Download from Space Dock | Curse Forge

Download from GitHub


Source is available on GitHub.

This addon provides three simple information panels. One carries Orbit and position information, another carries Target information, and the third carries Maneuver node information. The information shown is generally available in stock KSP, mostly hidden behind the map view markers, or is something that stock KSP asks for at some point, stock satellite contract orbit parameters for example.

The toolbar button allows for various adjustments to be made to the panels:

  • Show or hide each panel
  • Activate drag mode for each panel
    • Panels can be moved anywhere on screen when drag mode is on
    • The panel background transparency will switch to 0% while dragging
    • Panels are clamped to the screen edges
  • Set panel background transparency
  • Set UI scale for readout panels and toolbar window separately
  • Show or hide each readout module, or force the module to always be shown
    • Some modules are only displayed when certain other conditions are met (must have a target for all target info readouts to be shown, for instance)

Each panel will show or hide its readout modules depending on the current vessel situation (unless they are set always be on), target status, or maneuver node status.


This addon is also meant to serve as the basis for a Unity UI tutorial. It is created entirely with the Unity 4.6 UI and doesn't use any OnGUI (also called IMGUI, or Unity legacy UI). It borrows heavily from Kerbal Engineer Redux (which only uses the new UI for its toolbar button) for its UI and Unity setup, some of the readout modules also use a similar system for gathering information. None of the code used is copied directly from Engineer, but some of it is similar and so this is also released under the GPLv3 license. Basic Orbit also uses a modified version of the code from Diazo's Landing Height mod, used to display the altitude above the terrain from the lowest point on your vessel; it is also released under the GPLv3.


Review by KottabosGames



Change Log:


- Update for KSP 1.8

- Fix an error with the readout panel background image
- Add a total maneuver node dV readout
    - Shows the total dV when more than one node is created


- Fix errors in closest approach calculation
- Fix error in radar height calculation
- Fix fuzzy toolbar icons

- Update for KSP 1.4.5
- Some minor performance improvements

- Some UI related performance improvements
- Decrease in garbage allocation

- Updated for KSP 1.4

- Allow for specifying label and readout text colors in the settings file
- Fix bug preventing periapsis from being shown while in atmospheric flight

- Fix UI bugs for KSP 1.3.1

- Add a post-maneuver node relative inclination readout
      - Combined with standard post-maneuver inclination readout
      - Only displayed when maneuver node and target share the same orbital reference celestial body

- Fix an error in radar altitude calculations when on EVA
- Fix errors in phase angle and inclination calculations for orbits around different celestial bodies
- Change Terrain Altitude title to Terrain Height
- Some tweaks to the toolbar window UI

- Add vessel name and equatorial crossing node readout modules to the orbit panel
- Borrow SirDiazo's Landing Height mod method for the radar altitude readout
     - Below ~2km the radar altitude will be calculated from the lowest point on your vessel

- Fix error in readout panel UI scaling
- Better handling for target vessels with long names
- Properly indicate when a docking port is targeted

- Change readout panel background to that used by the staging panels (only the grey portion)
- Change readout text color

- Fix a UI loading bug that may occur on some machines (Linux probably)

- Update for KSP 1.3.0

- New UI style
      - Matches the stock KSP toolbar apps
      - Separate UI scaling for readout panels and the toolbar window

- Several minor bug fixes and performance improvements
      - Information not always updated every frame
      - Fix for some potential errors in the maneuver node panel
     - Fix some window draw order problems

- Updated for KSP 1.2.2; should work in any 1.2.x

- New readout modules for post maneuver node orbit parameters
- Prevent readout modules from flickering when on EVA or using a rover
        - This was particularly noticeable on low gravity bodies, with frequent landed to sub-orbital transitions
        - Only works with EVA Kerbals or vessels marked as the Rover type
- Fix some errors when showing the maneuver node readout panel with no target selected
- Fix some potential errors with NaN or infinity values

- Fix persistence of "Always Show" toggles
- Fix improperly displayed rendezvous encounter information on the maneuver node panel when not in map view

- Update for KSP 1.2.1

- New readout modules
       - Surface horizontal and vertical velocity components
       - Phase angle readout for target
                 - Readout for current orbit position
                 - Readout for maneuver node position
       - Show angle to prograde for maneuver node position

- Toolbar window can be dragged

- Fix inaccurate distance, terrain height, and radar altitude readouts
- Tweak readout display behavior for terrain height and radar altitude
- Fix relative velocity readout when target is landed
- Fix improperly displayed rendezvous encounter information when not in map view

- Add maneuver node info panel
     - Contains info on the next maneuver node
     - Incorporates info from Better Burn Time if that is installed
     - Gives target rendezvous information if any are selected

- Target panel changes
     - Add target name readout module
     - Target rendezvous readout modules ignore maneuver node orbits
     - Target rendezvous readout modules calculated correctly when not in map view

- Only one Panel Settings window can be opened at the same time
- If the Toolbar window is below the mid-point on the screen the settings windows will spawn above it

Released under the GPLv3 License.

Edited by DMagic
Basic DeltaV 6.0
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These look amazing, both aesthetically and in terms of presentation.

1 hour ago, DMagic said:

Kerbal Engineer Redux Note:

This mod uses the vessel simulator code from Kerbal Engineer Redux. You can expect the information to be the same as that provided by KER and for the same limitations to apply. Please do not post bug reports for KER when using Basic DeltaV unless they can be independently replicated in KER.

If I understand KER's implementation correctly, this will result in doing all of the simulator logic twice if both are installed, right? I'm toying with an idea that relies on the simulator as well, and so far I was planning to list KER as a dependency, but that would make me less compatible with Basic DeltaV, which I can definitely imagine some people will prefer. Do you see any possibility for factoring the simulator into a standalone mod that could be shared cleanly by multiple downstream consumer mods?

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@drtedastro As the version numbers suggest, Basic Orbit and Maneuver Node Evolved have been available for quite some time. All older versions are available from all of the download sites.

@HebaruSan The simulation code only runs when you tell it to run, so in Basic DeltaV's case that means when the readout panels are active and you are in the VAB/SPH. In KER's case that means when the VAB/SPH window is open, or when something that uses the vessel simulator is active in the flight readouts. It would only run twice if both mods were installed and both had their displays open, which would seem a little redundant. VOID also uses KER's vessel simulator, but it's also probably unlikely that people would use those together, either.

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10 minutes ago, DMagic said:

@HebaruSan The simulation code only runs when you tell it to run, so in Basic DeltaV's case that means when the readout panels are active and you are in the VAB/SPH. In KER's case that means when the VAB/SPH window is open, or when something that uses the vessel simulator is active in the flight readouts. It would only run twice if both mods were installed and both had their displays open, which would seem a little redundant. VOID also uses KER's vessel simulator, but it's also probably unlikely that people would use those together, either.

But if you have two simulator-consuming mods that you do want to run at the same time, say one that displays the info and another that acts on it, the situation changes. This would be the case for the concept I have in mind, and I'd like to allow the user to pick the display mod they prefer, without having to bundle the simulator itself into mine.

(Or maybe I'll just switch my dependency to Basic DeltaV, to encourage people to switch. :))

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@Waxing_Kibbous It's hard to say without log files. The only obvious problem might be some kind of installation error, though it could also be something Linux-related when it tries to load the asset bundle for the UI.

@HebaruSan A separate assembly for running the simulator code would be nice, but such things are a huge headache for the person responsible for it. For Basic DeltaV it isn't really an issue anyway since the simulator is only run in the editor where performance isn't as much of an problem.

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I installed Basic DeltaV, and I'm seeing essentially what @Waxing_Kibbous described. The toolbar button shows up in the VAB, but nothing happens when I click it.

I'm also on Linux, in case that does turn out to be relevant.

KSP.log has:

[LOG 23:51:14.439] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BasicDeltaV' from assembly 'BasicDeltaV'
[LOG 23:51:14.442] [AddonLoader]: Instantiating addon 'BasicDeltaV_Loader' from assembly 'BasicDeltaV'
[EXC 23:51:14.451] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
        BasicDeltaV.BasicDeltaV_Loader.loadSprites ()
        BasicDeltaV.BasicDeltaV_Loader.Awake ()
        AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)
        AddonLoader:OnSceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)
        UnityEngine.SceneManagement.SceneManager:Internal_SceneLoaded(Scene, LoadSceneMode)

Added a few Debug.Log statements in that function; the crash is on this line:

			appFrame = typeof(ContractsApp).GetField("appFramePrefab", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).GetValue(prefab) as GenericAppFrame;

Good old Unity prefabs!!

Basic Orbit has the same function in BasicOrbitLoader.cs, and the description in Github says "New UI" and "12 hours ago". Looks promising as a cause there as well.

Edited by HebaruSan
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these are very very great tools indeed! so extremely handy

so much so that I must ask - any chance of a backport to 1.2.x? - it's gonna be a WHILE until 1.3 is actually standard, and there are a vast number of players, myself included, who have not made the switch, and probably won't until a reasonably long time when all the mods we cannot go without have been brought up

I would reckon (as some modders have done) that there is enough of us making this choice as to warrant offering the backwards-compatible option... 

I understand that would be adding some extra work, but for many players this is keeping us from actually enjoying your wonderful work


just thought I'd ask, for the lot of us


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I seem to have run into some sort of bug in basic deltaV. Im trying to build an Apollo style rocket, and no matter what i do i seem to always have one of of my stages not displaying a deltaV panel. I have had it where wheel i remove the rest of the rocket the offending stage will then geta deltaV panel like it should, but then when i re-attach the rocket the window disappears again. I have been unable to figure out exact reproduction steps, but am starting to wonder if using subassemblies has anything to do with it. 

Anyone have any ideas?

EDIT: I've narrowed it down to the stock LES part. What ever stage comes before the stage the stock LES is in wont get a readout.

Edited by Errol
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@DMagic some feedback about Basic Orbit:

  1. Panel scale setting did not saves itself and switch back to 100% at scene change, but slider still indicates 110%
  2. Transparency of panels somehow differs with vertical position on the screen. Panels distinguishable more transparent on the top and more opaque at the bottom of the screen.
  3. Definitely need a current craft name string on a Orbit Panel. Like target's name but for current controlled vessel - very useful on a cluttered bases and after crashes :D
  4. More uniform, even strait plain background panel texture would be highly appreciated!
  5. Ability to move and swap around info strings on a panel would be very useful for better personal experience.

Basic DeltaV is absolutely gorgeous! :rep::rep::rep::rep::rep: Nothing more, nothing less. Now I dont even know, do I need a Kerbal Engineer in VAB any more!

Thx for you wonderful work! :)

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@Errol Depending on where I put the LES I can get some seemingly weird results, like if I put it before a decoupler and engine for an upper stage it won't show a panel for the LES stage, but it just assumes that you'll fire the LES, then the decoupler, then the next engine, so all of the dV is shown for the final stage. I think it might be treating the LES like a sepratron, and assuming that it's never used like a normal booster. In any event, I don't see it erasing the panel for the stage below (if it does, that probably implies that the simulator thinks you'll fire both stage at the same time), and I see the same behavior in Engineer.

Generally I would expect people would put the LES in the last stage and assume it never gets used, then set it up with an action group or the abort key, rather than ever fire it through staging.


@ZobrAA Thanks for the feedback.

The panel scaling looks like it's reading the scale for the toolbar window whenever it starts, instead of its own scale. That is an easy fix.

I don't see any difference in panel transparency. Keep in mind that when dragging is active for a panel it will immediately revert to full opacity until you turn off the toolbar window or cancel dragging.

A vessel name readout is good, I've actually thought about just making a vessel info panel, but have never gotten around to it.

I think I agree about the panel background, sometimes that stock window texture can be annoying the way it transitions colors in the middle.

Changing readout order is another thing that's been on my list forever, but that I haven't gotten to. I want to do it with a drag-and-drop function in the toolbar window, but I've just never looked into it.

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