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Gene's Star (InDev Version)


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Props to:

@EricL For assistance with normal maps.

@The White Guardian For teaching me how to make planets, gas giants etc. via his YouTube tutorials.

@Thomas P. For making Kopernicus and maintaining it's status.

And everyone else who shows support for this mod! Anyways...

Hello, this is the development forum for my first planet pack called Gene's Star (A not-so-obvious ripoff of Barnard's Star), So included in this pack are:

Gene's Star: The star that is the center of the whole pack


Vulkan: A gas giant quite close to the star which carries the risk of high heat, you can get quite a bit of science from just a fly-by and has one moon.


  • Hestia: A tiny fiery asteroid not too far from Vulkan.
  • rnmbSDS.png

Himos: Despite It's vicinity to Gene's Star, it has a comfortable temperature and it has one moon.


  • Amirani: the small, oblate moon of Himos.
  • kcV1sMf.png

Zeus: The largest planet in the pack, it comes third after Himos and doesn't have any moons.


Vylo: A giant singular rocky planet that has witnessed some stuff in the past, meaning some good science.


Agustin: I would personally call this one of the main planets in the pack, it has four moons with varying terrain and a thin atmosphere.


  • Iturbide: A small desert moon.
  • Jy10Bee.png
  • Martinez: Another desert moon.
  • WashWTY.png
  • Barcena: Fair-sized moon, Minmus copy.
  • d3bmryX.png
  • Yanez: The furthest of the quartet, It has plenty of space to establish a station or colony.
  • 1dqLj5O.png

Duenus: This has the second-most moons (5 moons) in the pack and decent science scores,  has a strange pink atmosphere.


  • Arbyl: The first moon in the system, has decent views of the whole system.
  • ocUHlHp.png
  • Tota: The largest moon in this system, being the same size as The Mun.
  • bySWeNM.png
  • Ubfer: The farthest of the big three, even better views.
  • CDgeJfo.png
  • DU-10: An asteroid moon that goes close and far out over and over. (hedgehog is intentional)
  • M5NnQzS.png
  • Fchillo: The furthest of all the moons, orbits just in Duenus' SOI.
  • KGcvlX7.png

Cylar: The Dwarf planet filling the void between Duenus and Haglade, has two moons and blue ice.


  • Mu: Small-ish moon.
  • u6qiTYC.png
  • Nyth: same as Mu.
  • NE57x8I.png

Haglade: This would also be one of the main planets, with seven moons. Yup, you saw that right. Meaning that this has the most moons out of all of them.


  • Mettaris: a moon within Haglade's Rings.
  • 8qQtsjG.png
  • Pele: The first one of the Big Quartet, it is a strangely warm moon, getting up to 43°C, maybe it has something to do with Haglade?
  • eIZRyWE.png
  • Vulo: The second and smallest of the Big Quartet, It has some surface ice.
  • z4f6PEn.png
  • Titania: The largest moon in the whole system, over-sizing Cylar and Himos and about 2/3 the size of Kerbin, has a respectable atmosphere of 24km.
  • 5lDaNWv.png
  • Buriz: The last of the Big Quartet, it has the best views of the Big Quartet.
  • sbDi44T.png
  • Hemi: The asteroid moon orbiting between Buriz and Nusku.
  • FqjPphJ.png
  • Nusku: Same situation as Fchillo, except it's the second largest moon in the whole system.
  • hh4CCeI.png

Iceos: The final frontier of the system, it's so uninteresting that isn't worth mentioning (like Alaska)



Progress chart:

Not working on ATM


Almost done

Just need to iron out bugs

Ready for Release


Gene's Star


  • Hestia


  • Amirani




  • Iturbide
  • Martinez
  • Barcena
  • Yanez


  • Arbyl
  • Tota
  • Ubfer
  • DU-10
  • Fchillo


  • Mu
  • Nyth


  • Mettaris
  • Pele
  • Vulo
  • Titania
  • Buriz
  • Hemi
  • Nusku




Terrain is known to be glitchy (is known and will be fixed soon enough.)


Edited by NickRoss120
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OK dev talk: Y'know the rocky planets/moons I posted as images? Well they are pointing the wrong way from the star, like this for example:


I'm quite sure there's a basic solution to this, right?

Update: Plus, there's an issue where the terrain turns white and gets all glitchy and their appears to be no height whatsoever, just need these two issues resolved and I'll stop asking.

Edited by NickRoss120
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  On 7/21/2017 at 8:56 PM, NickRoss120 said:

OK dev talk: Y'know the rocky planets/moons I posted as images? Well they are pointing the wrong way from the star, like this for example:


I'm quite sure there's a basic solution to this, right?

Update: Plus, there's an issue where the terrain turns white and gets all glitchy and their appears to be no height whatsoever, just need these two issues resolved and I'll stop asking.


For the first problem: As I said before, the problem is with the normal map. You just need to convert it to the correct format (DXT5_nm) and it should work. Just export your planet maps using Kittopia.

For the second problem: I believe the problem is with the PQS. Can I see your config?

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Here's one moon with my coding:

        name = Mu
        cacheFile = GenesStar/Cache/Mu.bin
            exportMesh = true
            update = true
            name = Gilly
            removeAllPQSMods = true
            description = Mu is the first and biggest moon of Cylar that was found. It was once an asteroid in the ancient belt of Gene's Star, until most of the material clumped into Cylar, and only Mu, Nyth, and other objects were left
            radius = 16175.4
            geeASL = 0.01
            rotates = true
            tidallyLocked = true
            initalRotation = 0
            isHomeWorld = false
            sphereOfInfluence = 32100
            timewarpAltitudeLimits = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
                landedDataValue = 9
                splashedDataValue = 1
                flyingLowDataValue = 1
                flyinghighDataValue = 1
                inSpaceLowDataValue = 5
                inSpaceHighDataValue = 4
                SpaceAltitudeThreshold = 0
            referenceBody = Cylar
            inclination = -1.21
            eccentricity = 0.02
            semiMajorAxis = 505571
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = -97.31
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 151.3
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = -126.47
            epoch = 2000.01
            color = RGBA(135, 95, 76, 255)
            type = Vacuum
                texture = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_color.png
                normals = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_normal.png
            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 6
            minDetailDistance = 1        
                    map = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_color.png
                    order = 500
                    enabled = true
                    map = GenesStar/Moons/5-Cylar/Textures/Mu_height.png
                    offset = -500
                    deformity = 1000.0
                    scaleDeformityByRadius = false
                    order = 20
                    enabled = true
                    deformity = 10
                    ridgedAddSeed = 123400
                    ridgedAddFrequency = 10
                    ridgedAddLacunarity = 1
                    ridgedAddOctaves = 5
                    ridgedSubSeed = 654321
                    ridgedSubFrequency = 12
                    ridgedSubLacunarity = 1
                    ridgedSubOctaves = 5
                        key = 0 0 0.1466263 0.1466263
                        key = 0.7922793 0.2448772 0.6761706 1.497418
                        key = 1 1 6.106985 6.106985
                    simplexHeightStart = 0
                    simplexHeightEnd = 6500
                    simplexSeed = 123456
                    simplexOctaves = 5
                    simplexPersistence = 0.6
                    simplexFrequency = 12
                    enabled = true
                    order = 40


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            maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
            minLevel = 2
            maxLevel = 6
            minDetailDistance = 1

You should increase the minDetailDistance, because this value will make the PQS super glitchy if you set that value too low.

See if that helps. :wink:

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@ssd21345 No it's not going to be replacing the stock system because that just feels like a lot of effort for not much, plus I just don't feel like replacing the whole system. Instead it's a star located about two light-years away (0.2 ly in reality) so it might just work with IA-Revived and it will most definitely work with KSP Extrasolar or whatever it's called.

@EricL Thanks, i'll try that out. I though that the more detail distance there is, the less detailed that it will be. :P

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I finally got it done, wew.

I'm not going to upload the pre-release today since I've done five straight hours of coding (except dinner break, of course). :confused:

Expect it to be up sometime tomorrow, i'll post the link to the download as soon as it's up  (Note: 64-bit is required to run this.)

Edited by NickRoss120
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Looks like a very detailed pack. Does this remove the entire Kerbol system or does it add to it like OPM? Also, were all of these planets made only with PQS Mods, or did you use SpaceEngine or GIMP as well?

Also, most of the moons have a reddish color about them. Could you change the overall color to bluish or greenish for a few of them to add variety?

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@UranianBlue Sorry for the delayed message, but first off, it's a whole system about 0.2 ly away from Kerbol so essentially, it's kind of like the Outer Planets Mod but not really in the sense that all the planets orbit a different star. The planets and moons are made of PQS mods and the surface maps are made with GIMP or Paint.net. if you were to look at the texture files, they're an absolute variety of colors, but they're reddish-orange because of the aforementioned star, not much I can do except change the color of which the star emits, but that would be a bit unrealistic.

Dev. Note: due to unforeseen consequences, the pre-release date will be delayed to late tonight or tomorrow. Sorry about that :/.

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@NickRoss120 Actually a revelation was made in the GPP thread (currently locked) about red vs brown dwarfs. Despite general assumption bias it would be quite okay for you to dial down the red in your sunlight and optionally the sunflare, and retrieve some or most of the natural color in your textures. Assuming you don't already know, Barnard's star is M4 class, which is listed in an image in one of the linked posts.

Now look at these two posts (on the same page). 




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@NickRoss120 I'm no Mathematician so if you're unsure of anything you can ping OhioBob or MaxL_1023 who debated with him about this subject. It's all a little weird indeed and yet it's really cool. I take it for fair assumption that the light emission from a red or brown star doesn't have much blue in it (duh :P ) so when Rayleigh scattering occurs in a terran sky, that lack of excess blue to saturate the sky results in a balanced fill-- white.

Side note, your planets don't seem to have anything for the universe (or some crafts) :wink: to float in. ...Is this intentional? 

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  On 7/29/2017 at 3:27 AM, NickRoss120 said:

@electricpants Well thanks! Since i'm still a bit new to Kopernicus modding, there will be some bugs and creepy-crawlies I don't know of. :/

Maybe you can help locate some that I don't know.



Well I can't play KSP right now, since my computer that runs it is in Pennsylvania, and I'm in New Mexico. :/

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