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Russian Launch and Mission Thread


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In the United States, there were a number of proposals for robotic missions to explore asteroids or comets in the 1970s or 1980s, such as the following-





Vega 1 and 2 flew to Halley's Comet, but were there any proposals before this? Have there been any since?

Also, have there been any asteroid defence studies made in the USSR or Russia?

I am particularly curious if there was any analog to this, perhaps involving either the N-1 or Energia.


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1 hour ago, SunlitZelkova said:

Vega 1 and 2 flew to Halley's Comet, but were there any proposals before this? Have there been any since?

Vegas were repurposed Veneras, using their orbiters to fly-by the comet, which was coincidentally approaching close that year.

1 hour ago, SunlitZelkova said:

Also, have there been any asteroid defence studies made in the USSR or Russia?

Roscosmos is constantly raising this topic in press.

It's a pity, that somebody thinks that 11 km/s things descending from the high orbit (like the rods-from-gods) can come from any direction and are at the low end of the bolide velocity range, too.

1 hour ago, SunlitZelkova said:

I am particularly curious if there was any analog to this, perhaps involving either the N-1 or Energia.


Any professor may dream, but yet nobody has given him money.

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Roscosmos will develop new spaceships for the new orbital station due to the currently going redesign process.


Earlier Rogozin suggested to name the new orbital station modules after the regions of Russia.

(Not posting to avoid political arguing.)

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TFW you base your geopolitical analysis on a laundered article from The Daily Mail


Also - critiquing the Mail, pointless, I know - SVR's press statements are not particularly rare. Naryshkin has been getting increasingly vocal, and he's as hawkish as you'd expect from someone in his position.


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3 hours ago, DDE said:

TFW you base your geopolitical analysis on a laundered article from The Daily Mail

Which itself is basing its article, even more hilariously, on quotes from Channel One TV host Dmitry Kiselyov, who is of course a renowned expert on space satellites and anti-satellite missiles.

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