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Kerbal Space Program 1.3.1 is live!


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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:32 PM, XLjedi said:

Folks that D/L my craft won't care for that...  may have to just scrap my Marine designs that used the stacked Goliaths. :(

...or hope they might add it as a tweakable. 


I will add it to the suggestion. There's lots about the jet engines that can be improved.

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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:33 PM, Mrcarrot said:

You could include a MM patch for the engines.


Thanks for suggestions...

I specifically create everything to run in "Stock" so everyone can use them without mods...  If it doesn't get picked up as a tweakable that I can set for folks, I guess those designs are just gone.  I'll have to take em down once I install 1.31 and confirm the stacked engines explode.

Pretty deflating news after spending so much time working out all the weight/balance issues for a hydrofoil aircraft carrier. 

Edited by XLjedi
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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:39 PM, XLjedi said:

Thanks for suggestions...

I specifically create everything to run in "Stock" so everyone can use them without mods...  If it doesn't get picked up as a tweakable that I can set for folks, I guess those designs are just gone.  I'll have to take em down once I install 1.31 and confirm the stacked engines explode.


Well, ModuleManager doesn't add or change parts by itself, and I'm pretty sure most people already have it, so you could keep those designs, but say that they need MM to function properly. Your other craft shouldn't be affected.

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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:39 PM, XLjedi said:

Thanks for suggestions...

I specifically create everything to run in "Stock" so everyone can use them without mods...  If it doesn't get picked up as a tweakable that I can set for folks, I guess those designs are just gone.  I'll have to take em down once I install 1.31 and confirm the stacked engines explode.


I have the same problem with a number of my designs. However, I will not take them down. I don't know where you upload your craft but KerbalX warns if the craft was made for an older version number. Not everyone will update and those will be able to fully enjoy the creations. Others might want to download it and modify it so it works.

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  On 10/7/2017 at 5:20 PM, Daniel Prates said:

I know there is no stopping progress,  but the updates could be fewer and more hefty,  instead of a new version every 3 months or so,  with not that many changes.


Developers are damned if they do, damned if they don't. The entire ED forum is constantly ablaze trying to get the Devs there to release smaller updates more often to fix bugs or add their particular must-have gameplay tweak.

At least KSP, being a single-player offline, non-DRM game allows people to update, or not, as they please.

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  On 10/10/2017 at 11:23 AM, micha said:

Developers are damned if they do, damned if they don't.


Developers are damned if they don't, at some point post-beta, establish a stable API. That way mods require at most a recompile to function with a new version. If one must change the API mods are using, save it for major releases.

From what I see, pretty much every major release has been followed by a couple of minor releases to fix new bugs... which shouldn't have been in the release in the first place. This is annoying enough, without breaking mods (again) as well.

I'm fine with 1.2.x -> 1.3.x requiring code changes in mods. The same circus for 1.3.0 -> 1.3.1 is just a pain in the ass.

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  On 10/10/2017 at 5:04 PM, scy7 said:


Please translate: "orbital apogee" how "Апогей" and "perigee" how "перигей". Please... And thanks for russian transkation.


@SQUAD made the names be generic, always "apoapsis" and "periapsis" , regardless of  what you're orbiting. Just saying.

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Are there any plans to do a full balance pass on the game in the future? Normally the main barrier to doing any major balance fixes to a game after 1.0 is savegame compatibility, but with this latest update and enabling exhaust damage you've shown that you're willing to break craft files if necessary to improve the game. Balance in this case primarily refers to parts and their stats and cost, and also the tech tree and career progression, but more generally also to the full game. I would also like to see the upgradeable part system actually used in game to keep early game parts relevant even after the tech tree has been fully unlocked instead of becoming obsolete and cluttering up the VAB/SPH.

Also, I know you don't always like to comment on features in development, but are there any plans to implement an optional life support feature to balance the communications network that was added? The game was always skewed towards kerballed missions since you got extra free science experiments and infinite eva fuel (get out and push), and there's no penalty for leaving kerbals stranded. There's so many kerbal rescue missions that the funds cost to keep hiring new kerbals isn't even really an issue (not that funds themselves are even an issue past the first part of the game anyways). With the communications system feature probes got further penalties to control, making kerballed missions even more desirable. Life support would help balance this out by making probes much more desirable for long-term missions even with their drawbacks.

It would be nice to get some feedback on this, but even if not, I want to express my desire to see the game get a balance pass and have life support and other features (something like anomaly explorer contracts?) implemented to aid in this and improve game progression.

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  On 10/10/2017 at 10:54 PM, Delay said:

Command pods have monopropellant in them, right? The EVA jetpack could use those. Then you'd actually have a reason to bring the propellant with you AND you would no longer have infinite EVA fuel.


I think that was the original intent behind the devs adding monoprop to all command pods in the first place. But then somewhere along the way someone decided it wasn't a good idea for whatever reason (something about new players getting confused and frustrated when their kerbals ran out of jetpack fuel?) and kept the kerbals using EVA fuel, but forgot to take the monoprop out of the pods. There's a simple mod that makes kerbals use monoprop, but it really should be stock.

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  On 10/9/2017 at 4:45 PM, Mrcarrot said:

Well, ModuleManager doesn't add or change parts by itself, and I'm pretty sure most people already have it, so you could keep those designs, but say that they need MM to function properly. Your other craft shouldn't be affected.


Ya know... I'm gonna revisit this. 

I could post a link to the patch right on the craft page and describe it as just a reversal of the 1.3.1 update for: 

* Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage.

That is, assuming it's something I could manage with a MM patch.

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  On 10/10/2017 at 11:01 PM, XLjedi said:

Ya know... I'm gonna revisit this. 

I could post a link to the patch right on the craft page and describe it as just a reversal of the 1.3.1 update for: 

* Turn on Goliath and Wheesley Exhaust damage.

That is, assuming it's something I could manage with a MM patch.

		@exhaustDamage = False
		@exhaustDamage = False

Should work.


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  On 10/10/2017 at 11:23 AM, micha said:

Developers are damned if they do, damned if they don't. The entire ED forum is constantly ablaze trying to get the Devs there to release smaller updates more often to fix bugs or add their particular must-have gameplay tweak.

At least KSP, being a single-player offline, non-DRM game allows people to update, or not, as they please.


Oh sure. Fully agree. And as I said in my post,  there is no stopping progress. Its a good thing in general that the game keeps being upgraded. Its the mod-user's "cross to bear"  that they always ruin a mod build. But without any updates,  at all,  where would the game be now? 

Thats why I developed this habit. Whenener I am happy with a given build,  I move it elsewhere in my HD and play my savegame from there. No chance that a newer version will ruin it.

Then,  in parallel,  i download a fresh new version of ksp,  and see what goes on with the correspondent mod updates. I dont play it: it becomes a laboratory,  to see if it is stable with all the mods I have grown acostumed to. In my experuence it always takes some 3 months for all of them to reach the newest versions (some never do).

Now, for my point: 1.3.1. is one I am not even going to touch.... i'll wait for,  at least,  both making history AND mission builder. Because when 1.3.1. finally getw digested by the whole modding community.... .2 or .3 will already be out.

I am not complaining or anything. Just sharing my modus operandi with whomever have still not though of this yet!



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  On 10/6/2017 at 8:45 AM, Freshmeat said:

So, there goes the weekend.

Thanks for keeping bugfixing up, the modmakers will surely update eventually. Almost every mod I use is in active development and general bug fixing anyway, and the rest is picked up by @linuxgurugamer for maintenance.


All of my mods are now updated, except for one which is dependent on another mod

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