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What planets have you made it to?


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All of the stock planets with probe controlled vehicles (science probes, relays, rovers)....in other words: one way tickets. Out and returned Kerbals to Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Duna, Ike and Dres. So much to do still! :)

If only I would keep on playing in the same save(s). After a while I get kind of bored and start another install/save with different mods. I still need to find either my ideal mod-combination to keep me involved in a late game save, or a more beefy computer...

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I've logged 1200 hours in game, according to Steam. Crewed missions to Mun and Minmus, and a couple of small asteroid redirects just outside of Kerbin SOI. Landed a few probes on Duna. 

And that's all. Remotetech and life support mods make for much more cautious and slower gameplay. 

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All of them, plus a couple in one of the planet pack mods (can't remember which pack or or planets).

I'd guess that most people who make it beyond Duna end up visiting all the planets and most/all of the moons, if only to tick them off the list.

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I have far over a 1000 hours logged in KSP, but have never made it to Eeloo so far, nor Tylo. I've not returned Kerbals from any of the Joolian moons or Eve. So there is so much left to do!

I often face the problem, that by the time my career is ready to send a Jool-5 ship out, the game requires an update, mods brake, and I generally give up. Once everything is updated, I have to start all over again. Like @stibbons mentions, Life support systems make for a cautious gameplay, so career playthroughs can take quite a bit of time. 

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In sandbox: Landed on Mun, Minmus, Duna with return, and I think I landed on gully once with a rover to see how it was.

Orbited Jool, (Tylo, Laythe and Vall too), Eve (of course to get to gilly) I went through a period of atmospheric flight just as was getting good at interplanetary flight.

In career: Landed on Mun, Minmus

I think I may have orbited Duna in an old save

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I've legit delivered craft to every stock body except Eve, Gilly, Vall, Ike and maybe Tylo. But I've only landed on Duna, Laythe, Dres, yes, Dres, Bop, Pol and Eeloo (and of course, Mun and Minmus).

In Galileo's Planet Pack which I helped to make I haven't legit had anything arrive anywhere except Mun and Minmus Iota and Ceti. :mad: 

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Manned mission landing (and safe return from) all of them.  Moho is difficult due to the dV required to get there and slow down once you arrive.  Tylo was a nightmare to land on because of the fairly high gravity and lack of atmosphere to help slow you down, and it took me quite a while before I was able to put a mission together that was good enough to return from Eve, and I've only ever been there once with a manned mission.

Edited by Scarecrow
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In my 1.0 career, besides Mun & Minmus, I went to Gilly, Duna, Ike & Bop.

In 1.05, I established permanent presence in both kerbal boots and infrastructure, on and around Mun, Minmus, Moho, Eve, Gilly, Duna, Ike, Dres & Eeloo, with the prospect of doing the same on the Joolean system, which I was saving for last. This network of mining vessels, orbital refineries, surface outposts, exploration ATVs, orbital labs and landers, would be connected with what I appropriately named "Deep Space Liners". The end result, would be a reusable infrastructure, allowing for crew rotation and tourist contracts, without having to resort to monstrous designs. Science, flag planting and mining contracts also became easy money, since wherever the contract wanted me to go, I was there anyway.

I know, I could've just planted the flag and call it a day. But I could do so much more! That's why I'm doing it again.

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4 hours ago, Magzimum said:

My Kerbals have been to Dres.

... Nothing else matters, really.

Me too! Currently occupying Dres as well.  I think I have around 20 Kerbals there at the moment.  I don't get the hate.  It might be more of a pain to get to than most of the other places, but I like it there.

In stock I've been to the Mun, Minmus, Eve, Duna, and Ike, all manned.  Eveonauts did not come home.

Modded I've also landed on Moho.  I don't think he ever made it home, pretty sure he's still orbiting Moho.  Haven't played that save in awhile.

Despite all my trips to Eve, I've never been to Gilly.  Haven't been to Eeloo or Jool yet either.

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43 minutes ago, Geonovast said:

Me too!  Currently occupying Dres as well.  I think I have around 20 Kerbals there at the moment.  I don't get the hate.  It might be more of a pain to get to than most of the other places, but I like it there.

Not a pain at all, if you make an intermediate stop around Duna, as the DV requirement for a Duna to Dres transfer is significantly lower. If you have a miner with an ISRU onboard in the system, you just mine the ore from Ike, bring it to the craft in question, fire up the converter, refuel the thing as many times as necessary and it's ready to go.

This obviously isn't the Kerbal way of doing things -but using common sense every now and then, doesn't hurt -does it? :)

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I have made it on [1.3.1.] to the surface of Eve, Mun, Minmus, Duna, Kerbin, orbit all these and Kerbol(of course), and reached a flyby over Jool, Laithe, Vall, Tylo, Ike and Gilly.
Nowadays i'm trying to make a slingshot in science mode with a unmanned probe to reach Eleloo.
I haven't use any mod or cheats to make all of these.

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C = crewed | P = probe | L = landing ---> Example: Moho (P) means I sent a probe to Moho which did not land // Eve (C, PL) means I sent a crew into orbit, but they did not land. I also performed probe landings.


1.22  modded Career (paused at the moment): Moho (P) // Eve (C, PL) // Gilly (CL) // Mun and Minmus (CL, PL) // Duna (CL, PL) //  Dres (P) // Laythe and Vall (C, PL) // Tylo (C)

1.22 Realistic Progression Zero (current): Mercury (P) // Venus (C, PL) // Moon (CL, PL) // Mars (PL) // Jupiter and all Moons (P) // Saturn (P) 

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I've put probes into orbit around every body in the stock system. I've landed Kerbals on the Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Ike, Duna, Moho and Eve. I've made unmanned landings on Dres, Pol, Bop, Vall and Laythe, and of those only the Laythe landing was a one-way trip (the vehicle was an aircraft with only jet engines for propulsion and was never designed to leave the planet after landing.)

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20 hours ago, Epicdreamer said:

All of the stock planets with probe controlled vehicles (science probes, relays, rovers)....in other words: one way tickets. Out and returned Kerbals to Mun, Minmus, Gilly, Duna, Ike and Dres. So much to do still! :)

If only I would keep on playing in the same save(s). After a while I get kind of bored and start another install/save with different mods. I still need to find either my ideal mod-combination to keep me involved in a late game save, or a more beefy computer...

Nice, Im bad at the game so i can only really make it to the planets closest to me right now,

19 hours ago, purpleivan said:

All of them, plus a couple in one of the planet pack mods (can't remember which pack or or planets).

I'd guess that most people who make it beyond Duna end up visiting all the planets and most/all of the moons, if only to tick them off the list.

That's really good, since im not to good at the game i cant make it to a lot right now.

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Crewed returns from everywhere, including pre-1.0 aero Eve, except Tylo. In RSS I've sent probes or landers to Venus, Mars, and Callisto. In OPM I've sent probes to Sarnus and Urlum.

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19 minutes ago, GreenLight said:

Nice, Im bad at the game so i can only really make it to the planets closest to me right now,

You'll get it.  Every time you play, you'll learn something new.  When I first got the game, I didn't even know map mode existed.  My biggest accomplishment was managing to actually hit the Mun by point at it and going as fast as I could.

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Nice, Im bad at the game so i can only really make it to the planets closest to me right now,

Considering you are a new member to the forum, and perhaps new to the game - making it to Duna is impressive. It is not easy to do at all. I had to build a fuel mining base on Minmus and a orbiting fuel tank space station before I could pull it off.

Welcome GreenLight!

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