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2 hours ago, linuxgurugamer said:

@The White Guardian

just an FYI, your github repo hasn’t been updated for the latest version

@The White GuardianCurious as to what your development system is, Linux or Windows?

I indeed haven't updated the GitHub page in a while. I'll be doing that with the next release.
I prefer having a jack-of-all-trades computer, so I picked Windows. Granted, Microsoft is a pain in the rear, but it works.

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16 minutes ago, The White Guardian said:

I indeed haven't updated the GitHub page in a while. I'll be doing that with the next release.
I prefer having a jack-of-all-trades computer, so I picked Windows. Granted, Microsoft is a pain in the rear, but it works.

Ok, you may  want to look at my KSP-Build-Scripts, might make it easier to do release builds.

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Hmm..... kept wondering how I was seeing bloom in peoples screenshots.  Figured it was just a cheap PS filer.

Turns out I missed someone taking KSP rendering to the next step.

@The White Guardian kudos and congrats on this mod.  Looks like it finally closes the loop on updating KSP to use some more modern rendering :)

(will likely be giving it a good testing/workout soon; seems like this + TU will be the key to some truly awesome screenshots)

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1 hour ago, Deplaisant said:

Hi, thanks for this mod it's very cool but i'd like to change the shaders to make ksp looking like this https://youtu.be/XhDXH2Wd7QU can you show me how to do it ?

EVE + Scatterer + KS3P bloom + KS3P included dirt (by the looks of it, one of the textures by @Galileo) + @JadeOfMaar's awesome sunflares

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1 hour ago, Deplaisant said:

Hi, thanks for this mod it's very cool but i'd like to change the shaders to make ksp looking like this https://youtu.be/XhDXH2Wd7QU can you show me how to do it ?

EVE  (probably SVE based on the terminator color) Scatterer, KS3P, TexturesUnlimited, and @JadeOfMaar sun flares. Probably Distant Objects Enhancements, And Planetshine for good measure.


Edited by Galileo
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This may be a dumb question (or should I say, a question which exposes my ignorance of post-processing), but is it possible to set it so the space scenes don't look hazy? It looks great in the atmosphere but the vacuum scenes aren't quite as crisp as I'd like. Also stuff in the corner of the screen seems to lose detail which is an effect I don't like at all.

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I have gotten KS3P to work as intended once again. There is some stuff that has to be fixed (for example I need to fix the waiting buffer of a coroutine to reduce an effect pop-in, and because I placed the yield-instruction of another coroutine incorrectly KS3P crashes KSP in flight mode but I've fixed that already) but I should be able to release KS3P V4.0 tomorrow. (Ergo in less than 24 hours)
Note that the ACES Filmic and Neutral tonemappers now work correctly and look phenomenal in KSP thanks to KS3P. I'll drop a few comparison screenshots tomorrow.

@blakemw currently KS3P does not support map view and tracking station, but I can work some magic there as well given enough time. I think what you mean however is texture res in scaledspace. SQUAD's galaxy texture, no offense to SQUAD, really isn't that detailed. KS3P does not support texture swapping but it doesn't have to - you can use TextureReplacerReplaced or the plugin Sigma88 wrote to replace stock files. With these mods you can update the skybox texture to a more HD version.

Besides that there's the mods KASE by @KillAshley and SVT by @Galileo that give the stock planets a facelift so they look better from afar.

As for detail loss in screen corners, I never noticed that personally. (Unless you're talking about KS3P effects such as vignette and chromatic abberation which can be disabled) If it's a stock problem, I don't know if I can fix it. I'll try though! :)

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Thanks for this mod, I just love it ! I tweaked the settings a tiny bit (the bloom effects were a bit dramatic) and it is now nearly perfect for perfect for my taste, however there is still one thing that I can't seem to get just right. The dark areas are just too black, and although PS can take care of some of that, it only affects vessels and planets and I don't get to see my spectacular skybox as much or as well defined than what I'm used to. What would be good settings to make the skybox and dark sides of planets pop out a litlle more ?

Thanks in advance, and once again, this mod is awesome ! It was much needed by ksp, and I can't wait to see how awesome it will be when 1.4 comes out with its new engine.

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What impact has this mod on memory used?


7. Don't be intimidated by the amount of results. There should be a few sliders and buttons on your screen. Click the one reading 'FREE ONLY'. This should lower the amount of results significantly. Look for the asset reading 'Post Processing Stack', by 'Unity Technologies', and click on the name of the asset once you've found it.

8. Press the download/import button to add it to your account and load it into your game scene. (hint: you can always re-download and/or re-import purchased items by heading to the Download Manager, the icon of an arrow pointing at a box in the toolbar, it should be in between the house and the shopping cart icons)


that "Post Processing Stack" says that needs unity 5.5, what can i do?

Edited by Acvila
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Released KS3P V4.0

- KS3P now processes all found profiles instead of only one
- KS3P can now enable/disable itself - use left alt + 3 to enable or disable KS3P. Note that in order for this to work, KS3P must not have encountered a critical loading error. Second note: scene changes may be needed for the effects to re-appear.
- KS3P now correctly handles the Neutral and ACES Filmic tonemappers
- KS3P can swap post-processing profiles at runtime. The key combinations for cycling through profiles is left alt plus either the left or right bracket.
- KS3P profile bundles now require a 'Name' value. This value is an indexer for KS3P and cannot be left out.
- KS3P now has a settings.cfg file containing two values: Settings/Startup = X where X is the 'Name' of the post-processing bundle to be loaded on startup, and BufferTimeOnSceneLoad = X, where X is the number of seconds for KS3P to wait with updating the screen. By default this value is set to two seconds, but you should set it to roughly the time KSP takes on average to load a game scene (IE, the amount of seconds it takes to load the VAB for example)
- KS3P now correctly supports the map view and tracking station
- Source code has been streamlined for faster loading


15 hours ago, Acvila said:

What impact has this mod on memory used?


7. Don't be intimidated by the amount of results. There should be a few sliders and buttons on your screen. Click the one reading 'FREE ONLY'. This should lower the amount of results significantly. Look for the asset reading 'Post Processing Stack', by 'Unity Technologies', and click on the name of the asset once you've found it.

8. Press the download/import button to add it to your account and load it into your game scene. (hint: you can always re-download and/or re-import purchased items by heading to the Download Manager, the icon of an arrow pointing at a box in the toolbar, it should be in between the house and the shopping cart icons)


that "Post Processing Stack" says that needs unity 5.5, what can i do?

Memory impact is negligible.
It is true that the PP stack was built around 5.5+, but it will still work in 5.4.0. You should be able to import it regardless.

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Congrats on the new release! I can't wait to try this out.

Side note-- would you mind adding a link to this topic in your Spacedock listing? It's hard to find my way back here to appreciate the mod and see what the latest chatter is.  :D


Edited by Beetlecat
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8 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

Memory impact is negligible.
It is true that the PP stack was built around 5.5+, but it will still work in 5.4.0. You should be able to import it regardless.

i couldn't import it. i installed 5.5 to work...

i think something is wrong with version 1.4... every-time i try to play ksp with only your mod installed my swap memory is increasing till my computer become uncontrollably ... without your mod ksp works well! i tried with forced dx11

L.E. in dx 9 there are no problems...

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3 hours ago, Acvila said:

i couldn't import it. i installed 5.5 to work...

i think something is wrong with version 1.4... every-time i try to play ksp with only your mod installed my swap memory is increasing till my computer become uncontrollably ... without your mod ksp works well! i tried with forced dx11

L.E. in dx 9 there are no problems...

Can you retry with forced dx11, and afterwards send me the file KSP.txt? It should be able to tell me what is going on.

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2 hours ago, The White Guardian said:

Can you retry with forced dx11, and afterwards send me the file KSP.txt? It should be able to tell me what is going on.

i sent you on private the log file because i don't know to upload files here...

and a picture from task manager


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My only complaint really is that what I assume is a "Depth of Field" filter, is set way too high by default.  Like even from the runway, all the buildings of the KSC are super blurry.

I actually kind of like the grainy filter in the map view. Gives it more of a "computer screen" or "simulated display" sort of a feel.

I get what you mean by a "tech demo" though; you want to show off the features and what they can do. If you make it too subtle no one will notice.

I'll have to play with my .cfg a bit and get back to you with other thoughts. Nice job over all though!

Also, if it's not too much to ask; can we get some info on these DOF parameters and what they do?

            Focus_Distance = 10
            Aperture = 25.7
            Use_Camera_FOV = False
            Focal_Length = 149
            Kernel_Size = 3

Edited by Rocket In My Pocket
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11 hours ago, Rocket In My Pocket said:


            Focus_Distance = 10
            Aperture = 25.7
            Use_Camera_FOV = False
            Focal_Length = 149
            Kernel_Size = 3


Depth of field is basically dependent on multiple factors:

The wider (focal length is smaller) a lens is, the lesser the depth of field effect gets.

A more open lens (aperture is smaller), also reduces your depth of field effect.

And the nearer you get your focus distance (gets smaller), the lesser your effect around the plane in focus gets.

The kernel size was the size of the photographic grain in analog photography. A bigger kernel size gives you more bluring.


As I understand it, all this let's you override the KSP Camera Settings, in order to get your favorite blur. So, if I assume correctly, <Use_Camera_FOV = True> should ignore your config and use the settings of KSPs Camera? And as I see it, KSP uses a very wide camera, so the depth of field effect should be almost not visible.


@The White Guardian: Shouldn't your focus distance be dynamic. In most cases being the distance between the camera and the object in the center of the image? With a fixed value, your ship will only be in focus, when you zoom to match the distances.


To have some fun: Now you can calculate the hyperfocal distance of your defined lens:

( focal length ² / ( aperture * kernel size ) ) + focal distance = hyperfocal distance

It's the distance, when you set your lens to it, everything from half the distance to infinity will be sufficiently sharp.

Edited by Benji
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Great job on the new release @The White Guardian! I'll look into Unity's post-processing myself some day when I have free time, but I want to ask a few more questions about post-processing, namely the DoF.

Like @Benji said above, DoF ought to be a dynamic system that sets the depth distance at a specified target. The target should be whatever's in the middle of the screen (something like how Minecraft shaders' DoF works). It'd be more interesting to see a target selection based on where the mouse is aiming at, ReShade (yet again) has an example of how that works, but I'd assume that's difficult to implement unless you have access to the shaders themselves. Also, is there bokeh support for the DoF? Currently, what I can see is that it just applies a general gaussian wherever is considered "out of focus", and while that is good enough I'd like to see some additional pizzazz by having the system highlight any points brighter than a given luminosity and applying bokeh to them.

Does a Sharpen shader exist? Sharpening on top of FXAA/TAA/SMAA helps to make the image nice and crisp without "jaggies", thus reducing the "softness" any anti-aliasing (especially FXAA, that algorithm tends to oversoften things) might bring about. (Extending off of this, I guess it'd be possible to import other post-processing suites that Unity has, right? All the fancy stuff like CTAA and all that on the forums.)

Last point,  Alt+3 does "kill" all the effects, but it doesn't bring them back with another press. Is that an issue on my end? I do understand that scene changes should bring the effects back, but I don't really want to have to change scenes all the time.

Thanks for all your efforts, and good luck on the in-game GUI! Looking forward to it.

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3 hours ago, moyevka said:

Like @Benji said above, DoF ought to be a dynamic system that sets the depth distance at a specified target. The target should be whatever's in the middle of the screen (something like how Minecraft shaders' DoF works). It'd be more interesting to see a target selection based on where the mouse is aiming at, ReShade (yet again) has an example of how that works, but I'd assume that's difficult to implement unless you have access to the shaders themselves. Also, is there bokeh support for the DoF? Currently, what I can see is that it just applies a general gaussian wherever is considered "out of focus", and while that is good enough I'd like to see some additional pizzazz by having the system highlight any points brighter than a given luminosity and applying bokeh to them.


Yes, a mouse-target-focus system seems way more practical. But I think this can be simplified a lot, because in space everything is either very far away (space) or very near (ship). So, pointing at an area somewhere in the middle of the screen blurs everything, let's say at greater distances than 2 km. Moving the mouse to the edges blurs the ship and everything nearer than 2 km.


Wow, introducing different types of bokeh would be awesome. Spherical, anamorphic and toroidal.

I think it is way over the top, but the next step would be to create different lenses that have mapped their bokeh and their aberrations to them.

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KS3P currently has a non-dynamic DoF because of how the Unity asset is built. I will look into improving this behaviour, but I cannot make any promises.

As for bokeh - I have never heard of it and have only looked into it just now. This would be an example of Bokeh, correct?


Specifically the hexagons in the background, not the dude looking like he just found out that someone stole his lunch. Note that the above image was actually made in Unity Engine, by the looks of the page that I have this from, it is a built-in feature. The manual was for Unity 5.5 however and KSP currently runs on Unity 5.4, so I do not know how much I can do here before KSP 1.4. Again, I'll look into this - should I get this built-in bokeh (assuming that I did not overlook something and it is indeed built-in) to work, then it seems that I can also force it into a user-definable shape. IE, you can choose any kind of bokeh shape (circle, hexagon, octagon, teapot...)


In fact, it seems like there are a lot of beauty features that ship with a standard assets package that I seem to have missed - including things such as sun shafts, lens flares on overbright bloom. These features do seem to be relying on DX11 however, and are all separate scripts. I therefore may have to work some magic.

Before I forget - I am also looking into HDR, because it works great with bloom. I will have to do some testing with KSP's built-in cameras however.

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Update: I have started Unity and - the effects are in fact there. Note that I am running Unity 5.2 on the system that I'm typing this on, therefore if all features work in this version, they will be fully supported in the version KSP runs on - 5.4

First thing I have noticed is that the effects are a bit flimsy and less easy to use than the effects KS3P currently has. Therefore I have decided to add these effects to KS3P as a pass on top of the current pp effect pass. Ergo, it is applied on top of the current KS3P configuration.

This new DoF programming does in fact support depth-based DoF and does spawn bokeh artifacts - it in fact looks pretty well (save for some artifacting caused by normals, will have to look into that). However, it uses a 'focus transform', IE it seems to focus on only one transform. I will be writing a custom script to patch this: instead of calculating the distance camera -> fixed target object, KS3P will use something called a 'raycast' from the camera to the object at the center of the screen. Note that this is more intensive than the DoF that KS3P currently has, and should therefore be used with caution. If your computer cannot handle it, switch to fixed distance DoF.

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