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[1.12] Stockalike Station Parts Redux (August 14, 2024)


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3 minutes ago, Catto said:

Yes, Including the expanded centrifuges.

I last used the mod a week ago and did specifically what you are trying to do, and worked fine.

Try saving and reloading the craft, reinstalling, and/or checking for interactions with other mods

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36 minutes ago, darthgently said:

We need deflatable Kerbal obviously.

Did you just suggest to give Jebediah, Bill and Bob a blow-up Kerbal :o* for their long, lonely journey in space? :/


*Seriously, who created that smiley and for what purpose?

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Before I go and break my install doing something I don't fully understand, am I correct in thinking that if I remove the SSPXr-StockPartReplacements.cfg from the patches directory that it would restore all the stock parts back to stock?  I like the updated models and color variants this mod provides but I like the ability to recolor the stock parts with Textures Unlimited more, and there's some kind of conflict between what this mod is doing and what Textures Unlimited Recolor Depot wants to do.

Edited by DeliriumTrigger
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This is a really cool mod!  Thanks @Nertea!
I have a quick question - is the PAF-1B 'Winston' inflatable module supposed to be the same mass as the PAF-1A 'Volleyball' inflatable module?  The part description seems to suggest it should be lighter.
If you had a few minutes to investigate that it'd be greatly appreciated.


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19 hours ago, RedRoyal25 said:

Suggestion: Low profile 2.5m docking port? making stations look seamless is really hard with the stock version...

I think your only recourse is to either clip it in or use the 1.875m docking port from Extra Docking Ports, unfortunately.

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On 5/7/2022 at 5:57 PM, Tangle said:

use the 1.875m docking port from Extra Docking Ports

Thanks for bringing that mod to my attention. A hole has been filled in my heart.

First thing Imma do at home is build a pretty new space station plus launch vehicle with aaall those pretty parts.

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Designing a station just now, I noticed that the PPF-B "Blimp" 2.5m inflatable hab has an entry cost of 9500, but the PPF-A "Dirigible" has an entry cost of 103500, about ten times as much for just twice the size.  I'm guessing one of those is a typo, but I'm not sure which — the Blimp costs less to unlock than the 1.25m Winston and Volleyball inflatable habs, but the Dirigible costs much more to unlock than the 3.75m habs.  The Blimp's per-part cost (after unlocking) is 10350, exactly one-tenth the Dirigible's entry cost, which is less than the Blimp's own entry cost (most/all of the other habs have an entry cost that's more than the per-part cost).

I can patch the parts locally to have a different price ratio, but I just wanted to report the possible bug in case there's another bugfix release.

(For my local patch, I think I'll make the Blimp cost 50% more than the Eclair for both entry and per-part since it's the same length and holds 50% more kerbals, and then I'll make the Dirigible double that.  But if the official numbers change in a later release, I'll adjust funds in my save accordingly.)

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@Nertea I have a question about the extendo-tubes. How long are they, in meters? I can just try and measure it with a bunch of tanks in different radial sizes as a makeshift ruler, but I figured you might have some exact value flying around. 

Reason being I want to build a custom centrifuge by essentially rotating a piece with motors and extendo-tubes acting as arms that connect to the endpieces. Since I 5 RPM is as slow as the motors'll go, I need to use a specific length to get my precious g's.

Only if you've got time, of course.

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1 hour ago, Chakkoty said:

@Nertea I have a question about the extendo-tubes. How long are they, in meters? I can just try and measure it with a bunch of tanks in different radial sizes as a makeshift ruler, but I figured you might have some exact value flying around. 

Reason being I want to build a custom centrifuge by essentially rotating a piece with motors and extendo-tubes acting as arms that connect to the endpieces. Since I 5 RPM is as slow as the motors'll go, I need to use a specific length to get my precious g's.

Only if you've got time, of course.

the engineer's report can give a pretty accurate readout for a craft size, within 10cm at least. The small one shows 4.4m and the large one shows 4.6m

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On 11/11/2020 at 2:35 PM, visssius said:

Hello and congratulations for the amazing work you did! I started to play the game with kerbalism mod and it is going so well... i love it!
But i have met a issue i think:
When i accepted a normal rescue mission in low orbit of Kerbin and went there to save the pure kerbal, he was stranded inside a "sunrise" habitation mudule... with no way to get out "Can't exit. Module has no hatch."... so my question is: was that made on porpuse? is it a bug? couse with no door he can't get out to be rescued... there is no docking port and stuff like that. Of course I installed also Kis and Kas mods but is that how it should be played? and not as stand alone mod?
Keep up the good work!

Lmao, this happened to me too. I will install rescue pod validator going forward, and I suppose I'll have to cope with cheating to resolve this minor inconvenience...

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46 minutes ago, Rodger said:

the engineer's report can give a pretty accurate readout for a craft size, within 10cm at least. The small one shows 4.4m and the large one shows 4.6m

Excellent, thank you. 

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My first small station in my current save, built for a "space camp" contract.  And it fits perfectly in a KW 2.5m expanded fairing!


(Doesn't have enough hab space for all the kerbals that'll be staying there for 40 days, but I figure that's OK since it's a space camp: the campers will take turns living in the hab ring, the core station parts, and their own docked crew capsules, to get a breadth of different experiences.)

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2 hours ago, Wyzard said:

Doesn't have enough hab space for all the kerbals that'll be staying there for 40 days, but I figure that's OK since it's a space camp: the campers will take turns living in the hab ring, the core station parts, and their own docked crew capsules, to get a breadth of different experiences.

I like it overall.  Though the 4 Clamp-o-tron Jr dock ports are so tucked-in and hard to access I think they could be relocated or left out.   Looks good though and fitting the fairing is a bonus

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5 hours ago, darthgently said:

Though the 4 Clamp-o-tron Jr dock ports are so tucked-in and hard to access I think they could be relocated or left out.

Yeah, I don't actually need those, nor even have any specific use in mind for them — just wanted something to fill the otherwise-empty space there, and figured it might be handy at some point to have an 0.625m docking option.

Edited by Wyzard
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  • 2 weeks later...

Question: How do I upscale the 2.5m 6-way connector with tweakscale?

I saw the 1.875 version upscaled in the gallery for the 2.0 release.



So it must be possible. Tweakscale refuses to let me do it, though.

Any advice? Or rather, is there some setup required for it to work? I know TweakScale disables scaling on parts where it thinks it'll break.

Edited by Chakkoty
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7 hours ago, Chakkoty said:

Question: How do I upscale the 2.5m 6-way connector with tweakscale?

I saw the 1.875 version upscaled in the gallery for the 2.0 release.

  Reveal hidden contents


So it must be possible. Tweakscale refuses to let me do it, though.

Any advice? Or rather, is there some setup required for it to work? I know TweakScale disables scaling on parts where it thinks it'll break.

Install TweakScale Companion for PKMC. :)

There's also Living Style with scaling receipts for more Station's add'ons. ;) 



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Small 2.07 update:

  • Fixed description string for 1.875m attach tube
  • Fixed string for non-specific Kerbin Landed telescope experiment
  • Fixed tech location for 5m greenhouse without tech trees installed
  • Fixed tech entry cost for 2.5m inflatable habs
  • Fixed some seams on some parts
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On 5/17/2022 at 2:34 AM, Ivy said:

Lmao, this happened to me too. I will install rescue pod validator going forward, and I suppose I'll have to cope with cheating to resolve this minor inconvenience...

I know of 2 approaches to this. Neither involves cheating or extra mods. One I came up with long ago was to grab the module with a claw and drag the whole thing down to Kerbin. Takes a bit of care to make a rescue vehicle that can safely do the trick, but it's doable. Besides the obvious fair amount of parachute, you'd want enough retro delta-v to keep entry heating modest. But after I once posted something about that, someone else (sorry I can't recall who to give the credit to) told me that once you use the claw to connect the vehicles, you can then transfer the Kerbin; the claw basically acts like a docking port. (Sure doesn't look like it ought to be possible to climb through it, which is why that didn't occur to me). Then just release the claw and you are home free. That way is actually pretty easy. I suppose one might consider that capability of the claw to be a "cheat" in a way.

[Edited to add appropriate credit]

Ah. It was in the thread on KSP rescue pod validator that @TBenz pointed this out to me.


Edited by rmaine
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