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[1.9.*, 1.10.*, 1.11.*] DockRotate - lightweight robotics - rotational control on docking ports (plus NodeRotate, make any part rotate)


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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Hello! I found a Bug that is really easy to replicate in my save (A single button!).

Basically after Undocking a ship, the rotate clockwise and rotate counterclockwise buttons disappeared!

Here's a video! I f you need anything tell me :)

I do not use any other mods at all except for KerbEngineer and the Alarm Clock which I don't think can interfer :D



Edited by sergih123
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  • 4 weeks later...

Has anyone had issues with the ports automatically rotating to 120 degrees, regardless of where you've actually docked them? Whenever I have a vessel load in, the ports are rotated to 120, and fresh docks have them rotate to 120 every single time. It's been wreaking havoc on my bdb skylab build, I can't get the airlock to align and the telescope mount refuses to stay rotated to the correct alignment. I've disabled rotation and it does nothing after reloading the vessel :( 

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  • 3 weeks later...
2 hours ago, DaveyJ576 said:

I am having the same problem as Hachiro. I will attach a log, but how do I do that?

Upload your player.log and/or ksp.log to a file sharing site, such as Google Drive, OneDrive or Dropbox.  Paste a public link to the document here.  Same thing for pictures -  imgur is good for this.

See the post linked in my sig block, below, for more guidance on reporting problems.

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  • 4 weeks later...

So, apologies for dropping off this thread after that post. It was only happening with the Kane docking ports, and it seems to have stopped mostly on its own after the BDB update. I'm having a different issue, now, and that's with there being a persistent "bade state" error that'll pop up on several docking ports when I'm loading up my ISS build in orbit. No idea what this might be :(


https://www.dropbox.com/s/k4rjk0ol2cwcu00/KSP.log?dl=0 <ksp.log

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I use this mod all the time.  So much more stable than either IR or the new stock robotics even and works for my purposes great.

tl;dr : So what is the easiest way edit a game file to turn a docking port into a lump of structural metal that will not interact with other ports as a port?

long version

I have a docking port issue and I'm betting the knowledge to fix it is here and I hope someone can help me.  I prebuilt several sections for a station and everything went fine until I went to dock them up at Minmus and found that one my very last edit of a major element I accidentally attached a docking port to the contents of a service bay instead of the service bay bottom and at assembly time the service bay collision mesh would not allow docking.  I tried fixing it with both KIS and EVA construction but the placement and orientation was critical and I couldn't get it right via EVA with that port.  It just kept glomming onto the TACLS container inside the service bay instead of the bay.  So I left it there and stacked another port on top of it that seems to be the solution.  The old port was centered perfectly so using it to EVA mount another seemed like a no-brainer.  But apparently the proximity of the buried port and the new port just confused them.

So what I want to do now is edit the game file and turn the buried port into a non-active lump that is there for purely structural purposes.  Looking at the file I'm not sure how far I should go.  Will setting the dock port state to Disabled do it?  It does not appear to have a docker/dockee partner, but the new port I stacked on it is in a state of Docked (dockee) and I'm not sure what to do with that.

So what is the easiest way to turn a docking port into a lump of structural metal that will not interact with other ports as a port?

This is what I did last week with DockRotate [edit: yes,the rotating assemblies are supported on both ends of the axle by port pairs so are quite strong structurally.  both sets are set to a step of 180, with one set set to "reversed", then action groups or kOS are used to rotate both at once with  "rotate clockwise"]


Edited by darthgently
added video link, added details for construction
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  • 2 weeks later...
15 hours ago, peteletroll said:

@Hachiro, your log shows some of the docking ports are misbehaving in a way DockRotate should be able to fix: it happened to me too.

Is the problem still there if you F5/F9 or timewarp a little?

Just to clarify, are you asking if I have the badstate error after time warping while maintaining focus on the craft, or if I focus the craft, exit/focus another one farther away, warp, then come back to the one with the issue?


Edit: Something I forgot to mention. These "bad state" ports tend to end up with two undock buttons in the right click menu, and even if they undock, they tend to be "stuck" where the joint is flexible, but will not separate. Unfocusing, warping, and coming back will let it drift out enough with no issues, but keeping focus and warping so that it drifts out of collision will invariably cause the entire setup to explode and send things flying every which way out of control.

Edited by Hachiro
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11 hours ago, Hachiro said:

Just to clarify, are you asking if I have the badstate error after time warping while maintaining focus on the craft, or if I focus the craft, exit/focus another one farther away, warp, then come back to the one with the issue?

Both would be great :)

By the way, this is the problem from your log:

[LOG 11:58:34.870] [DR:81296] [DockingStateChecker] Check report:
checking vessel IKSS
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2740319917 "Ready"
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857 "Docked (same vessel)"
      has docking joint -4557630, octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 > octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857
      other is octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 "Docked (dockee)"
      fixing octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 "Docked (dockee)" -> octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857 "Docked (same vessel)"
      fixed to octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 "Docked (dockee)" -> octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857 "Docked (docker)"
      *** redundant same vessel joint -4591844, octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857 > octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526, same vessel ***
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2972025719 "Ready"
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-660780187 "Ready"
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 "Docked (dockee)"
      has docking joint -4557630, octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.male-1309863526 > octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857
      other is octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-2835895857 "Docked (docker)"
      pair already checked
checking node octans.docking.port.s0p5.2.female-3157629700 "Ready"
checking node B10.APASv2-797386492 "Docked (same vessel)"
      has docking joint -4559572, B10.APASv2-2601923201 > B10.APASv2-797386492
      other is B10.APASv2-2601923201 "Docked (dockee)"
      fixing B10.APASv2-2601923201 "Docked (dockee)" -> B10.APASv2-797386492 "Docked (same vessel)"
      fixed to B10.APASv2-2601923201 "Docked (dockee)" -> B10.APASv2-797386492 "Docked (docker)"
      *** redundant same vessel joint -4591848, B10.APASv2-797386492 > B10.APASv2-2601923201, same vessel ***
checking node ht2.CBM-1928871713 "Ready"
checking node ht2.CBM-2062850118 "Ready"
checking node B10.APASv2-2601923201 "Docked (dockee)"
      has docking joint -4559572, B10.APASv2-2601923201 > B10.APASv2-797386492
      other is B10.APASv2-797386492 "Docked (docker)"
      pair already checked
checking node ht2.CBM-2952942123 "PreAttached"
      has docking joint -4561294, ht2.CBM-2952942123 > ht2.CBM-3140945412
      other is ht2.CBM-3140945412 "PreAttached"
checking node ht2.CBM-3127560415 "Ready"
checking node ht2.CBM-3140945412 "PreAttached"
      has docking joint -4561294, ht2.CBM-2952942123 > ht2.CBM-3140945412
      other is ht2.CBM-2952942123 "PreAttached"
      pair already checked
checking node ht2.CBM-4004225601 "Ready"
checking node B10.APASv2-47190655 "Docked (same vessel)"
      has docking joint -4562156, B10.APASv2-710710778 > B10.APASv2-47190655
      other is B10.APASv2-710710778 "Docked (dockee)"
      fixing B10.APASv2-710710778 "Docked (dockee)" -> B10.APASv2-47190655 "Docked (same vessel)"
      fixed to B10.APASv2-710710778 "Docked (dockee)" -> B10.APASv2-47190655 "Docked (docker)"
      *** redundant same vessel joint -4591852, B10.APASv2-47190655 > B10.APASv2-710710778, same vessel ***
checking node B10.APASv2-710710778 "Docked (dockee)"
      has docking joint -4562156, B10.APASv2-710710778 > B10.APASv2-47190655
      other is B10.APASv2-47190655 "Docked (docker)"
      pair already checked

The misbehaving port pairs are connected by two PartJoint instead of one: they have the regular joint between parts (Part.attachJoint), and a joint that is usually present only when you have multiple dockings, i.e. there's a loop in your craft structure (ModuleDockingNode.sameVesselDockJoint).

Since the docking pair is somehow docked twice, you get two "undock" buttons. And if you press one of them, you release one of the two joints, but the other one keeps connecting the ports together.

I had this problem once, and DockRotate is configured to solve it. It's weird it doesn't fix it for you.

A possible solution could be to "undock" the "multiple docking" joint (only way to find the right button is to try), then F5/F9, and check if the warning is gone. Backup your save file first!

Edited by peteletroll
Added technical detail, and the craft is definitely not stock
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Can confirm the craft is not stock, all the issues are cropping up with the Tantares (and, occasionally, HabTech) docking ports. I'll give the undock and quicksave trick a try, hopefully that fixes things. Will update when I can!

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@peteletroll So undocking, quicksave quickloading, then redocking *seems* to have worked to clear the bad states on the other ports on the station while I've kept them in load distance, and it made it so the "locked" port was no longer stuck, I could back up from it and then go forward. Defocusing to the tracking station, then another craft, then back to the station seems to be okay so far, too... I think that might've done it, but I'll report back with anything if it's no longer working! Thank you!!

Edited by Hachiro
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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm here after the new update, I'm guessing this mod could improve the functionality of the now in-stock rotatory ports, I've not tried them yet but from the gif KSP itself showed, there are no step buttons, no velocity buttons etc so maybe the mod could add some functionality, if the new rotating parts don't let me attach them to a keybind then I 'm not sure I'll be using them tbh

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3 hours ago, sergih123 said:

I'm here after the new update, I'm guessing this mod could improve the functionality of the now in-stock rotatory ports, I've not tried them yet but from the gif KSP itself showed, there are no step buttons, no velocity buttons etc so maybe the mod could add some functionality, if the new rotating parts don't let me attach them to a keybind then I 'm not sure I'll be using them tbh

The update hasn't released yet, the official post was just an announcement.

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I just thought of this mod the other day when reading about the next update. 

I believe the stock rotation will still be a bit limited, only allowing you limited 15 degrees in either direction for a part, with a combined rotation of only 30 degrees. 

So this mod will continue to be incredibly useful to those like me who find it very useful. Thank you for making this mod and continuing to support it, @peteletroll!


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