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SpaceDock.info (Mod Hosting Site)


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2 hours ago, DMagic said:

What's the best way to handle moving all of our old CKAN references to SpaceDock?

  • Wait a few days for things to shake out.
  • PRs to NetKAN to change things over
  • Some automated system for changing them over
  • Asking this question in the CKAN thread :D


So far (IMHO) the best course is to post PRs for Netkan, I think. That's what I ended up doing with my mods. Unfortunately when the mods are re-uploaded to SpaceDock, the mods get new ID numbers and the old KerbalStuff IDs no longer apply. This makes it a bit impractical to write a translation layer. So my suspicion is that netkan metadata that doesn't get updated may only get pointed to a historical mirror of the KerbalStuff files, without benefiting from new updates on SpaceDock.


But yes, go with what the CKAN folks tell you, instead of me. ;)


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Howdy! I wanted to find a way to contribute, sadly, I can't monetarily. But what I can contribute is a little bit of graphic design. This is my attempt at a slightly different logo for SpaceDock. Jqu3FsV.png

If it isn't good enough to be used (I understand, I'm terrible at edges), it could be a start. I'd like to see SpaceDock look a bit different from KerbalStuff, maybe a recolor or something. But that's just my opinion, and honestly, that probably is the lowest of the low on the list of you guys' priorities right now.

Either way, I support you, and I've replaced my KerbalStuff bookmark with this.

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8 hours ago, inigma said:

The SpaceDock team reports SpaceDock.info is now live and fully operational. CKAN should be able to pull now from SpaceDock without issue. The team is celebrating now in #spacedock at this accomplishment.

Awesome work by all, and thanks to all who helped get this project up and running!


Ops, activate all moorings in preparation for new arrivals. 

Coms, send out a sector wide transmission on all frequencies that Spacedock is ready to begin receiving vessels.

Break out the bubbly ladies and gents, job well done! 

Three cheers for the intrepid crew of Spacedock!




(Edit) A bit corny I know but, considering the site name and the fact that I have begun recently re-watching DS9, well, this is what you get lol.

Edited by JamesL86
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i lost track of time but its daylight out there.

still tired but noticed some slowness again...NOT AGAIN!

restarted the webserver. that helped. but something is still fishy.

calling for backup....everyone asleep.

need coffee.

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The fact that the goal amount was achieved so quickly says alot IMO.  You guys are rocking and rolling right along. We are very appreciative of this. Thanks to all involved in making this happen. I'm sorry but Curse who? :P

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sometimes i just activate everyone still unactivated. but thats manual.

thank you Redneck and John for your pledge. due to the succsess ive upped the goal to get some upgrades going and compensate for patreon and wireing fee losses.

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All I hope for is nothing. To put it a different way, I hope for a transparent experience where the user can almost forget they are using a website and CKAN will `just work` with it to use a phrase from a well known company.

It really seems like that is something that is well on the way. It`s moments like this that give a user great hope for the community and the future of the community.

So, thanks again @SirCmpwn for the original kerbalstuff and thank you guys for the spacedock. Your efforts are what makes this place so good.

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Please forgive me if this is not the place for this comment. My experience may not be typical but I'll share anyway. There are several mods I always grab with each new release of KSP. Only a few do I update between releases. I find most of them from the forum and just click through from there to where ever they are hosted. Sometimes I find them through a google search.

That all said, on the rare occasions I do start with a hosting site, In the past I have preferred Curseforce. Don't shoot - let me explain first. I really like the tag system used on that site. If I am looking for an engine as example, I don't want to wade through several pages of totally unrelated mods (as cool as they might be). I would love to see SpaceDock develop an even better system to sort mods by type. Newest and most popular are too broad of a stroke at least in my opinion. 

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22 minutes ago, Red Shirt said:

Newest and most popular are too broad of a stroke at least in my opinion. 

I agree. I remember looking through pages and pages.


On the side of money...

I do not feel that a premium will much good. A good Ad system could work.

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2 hours ago, HebaruSan said:

They've already hit their Patreon donation target, so we can probably consider the money issue to be sorted.

They've hit their first basic target (which I think was a kinda tentative, 'lets try patreon out' target).  it's now 72 of 120 for the next target and from what's been talked about it's going to need something like 200 a month to be really financially stable with some room to grow (plus the guys really deserve a pizza or two!).


2 hours ago, BinaryDude said:

A good Ad system could work.

VITAS has said that;

On 18/02/2016 at 6:09 PM, VITAS said:

Ads are not an option.

which is a decision I respect.

A site like Spacedock might be hard to setup something like google adsense on anyway as there isn't that much text. quite lot of mod pages just have some pics and a couple lines of text and the adsense bots (which are apparently literary critics) won't like that.

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5 minutes ago, katateochi said:

They've hit their first basic target (which I think was a kinda tentative, 'lets try patreon out' target).  it's now 72 of 120 for the next target and from what's been talked about it's going to need something like 200 a month to be really financially stable with some room to grow (plus the guys really deserve a pizza or two!).

You're right. May I rephrase? "The Patreon fundraising effort is going pretty well so far, so it's probably not necessary to suggest premium membership, ads, or other funding streams with down sides. But go pledge anyway if you use mods."

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6 hours ago, hoojiwana said:

In the process of uploading my mods, it's as smooth as I remember Kerbal Stuff being.

Thanks again for all the hard work this week SpaceDock team!

Yep, mine are all uploaded now, some basic banners (I had a HDD crash about a month ago and can't find most of my saved banners) and putting in text and so on is done.  CKAN guys have got spacedock set up as a source now, so converting over the netkan files is p*ss easy.  Now I just have to go through the forum posts and convert links there.

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58 minutes ago, katateochi said:

They've hit their first basic target (which I think was a kinda tentative, 'lets try patreon out' target).  it's now 72 of 120 for the next target and from what's been talked about it's going to need something like 200 a month to be really financially stable with some room to grow (plus the guys really deserve a pizza or two!).

Maybe KerbalX.com needs some "timeout" as well to remind people of the value it brings to their ksp experience?

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3 minutes ago, swjr-swis said:

You go wash your mouth with soap right now, mister, and take a good long think about what you just said... :huh:

Just looking at the patreon site of KerbalX: https://www.patreon.com/KerbalX

Many patrons for spacedock.info, after kerbalstuff is dead. But non for KerbalX, while it is alive...

A timeout as a reminder is a small price for changing that.

Edited by Yemo
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