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[WIP] Infernal Robotics - Next

Rudolf Meier

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hmm, a little bit confused here, the link for KJR is not working on the op page, git hub 404 !

The link for the latest release of robotics has two versions one for 1.4.2 is this the one people are trying on 1.6.1?

And the link for active struts has no release but the source only?


someone please help lol

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2 hours ago, Jiraiyah said:

what about the mod itself, is it the latest build for 1.4.2 working on 1.6.1?

I am playing in ksp 1.3.1 But surely it should work because if you see the last posts on this thread you see Lisias's videos playing ksp 1.6.1 with Infernal Robotics Next.

Edited by Agustin
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I have a Docking Washer on one of my planes that changes the angles at which the wings are deployed at. I have 2 presets, 32 deg (standard position) and 72 deg (swept back position). I already have those two presets set to switch back and forth using the 3 and 4 keys. However, I want to make it so it toggles between the two presets in the action menu. Is there any way I could make them toggle when brakes or SAS is applied

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I'm currently trying to find out more about joints and their strengths... I hope that I can learn something useful for this project and "something like KJR"...


On ‎2‎/‎21‎/‎2019 at 2:48 PM, Jiraiyah said:

hmm, a little bit confused here, the link for KJR is not working on the op page, git hub 404 !

The link for the latest release of robotics has two versions one for 1.4.2 is this the one people are trying on 1.6.1?

And the link for active struts has no release but the source only?


someone please help lol

has to do with "forum rules"... I'm not allowed to put a release online for a project that "I don't own" ... as they called it

and some others had a problem with the "form of the license file" :-) ... that's why I removed everything they complained about... and I haven't fixed it up to now

Edited by Rudolf Meier
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23 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:


I'm currently trying to find out more about joints and their strengths... I hope that I can learn something useful for this project and "something like KJR"...


has to do with "forum rules"... I'm not allowed to put a release online for a project that "I don't own" ... as they called it

and some others had a problem with the "form of the license file" :-) ... that's why I removed everything they complained about... and I haven't fixed it up to now

Post it somewhere else. 

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23 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

has to do with "forum rules"... I'm not allowed to put a release online for a project that "I don't own" ... as they called it

and some others had a problem with the "form of the license file" :-) ... that's why I removed everything they complained about... and I haven't fixed it up to now

Just to be clear-- so we're all on the same page here-- people are perfectly welcome to share modding work here in the forums.

However, there are some fairly simple and easy add-on posting rules that everyone must follow, if this is to be allowed.

So, you're welcome to post stuff, as long as you meet those conditions.  In particular,

  • if you're modifying/redistributing someone else's stuff, then please make sure that the other person's stuff has a license on it that allows you to do so (most mods do, but some mods have more restrictive licenses that would prevent you from doing this)
  • be sure to include a license with your updated version of the mod, as required by the rules
  • be sure to make your modified fork of the source code also publicly available, as required by the rules

Those are the rules that all the hundreds of modders who post here have been following with no trouble for several years now, so clearly it's not a barrier to entry.  ;)  Just takes a few minutes to guarantee compliance.

Thank you for your understanding.

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3 hours ago, Snark said:
  • be sure to make your modified fork of the source code also publicly available, as required by the rules 

IIRC, it was only thing violated at some point, due to rush to make binary available for others for quick testing.  Otherwise source code was available too, although slightly obsolete due to mentioned rush. But, yes, rules are rules and should be respected for everyone benefit on the long run, despite being tedious obstacle sometimes.

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18 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

as soon as it is "finished enough" ... I'll promise

I can only advice you once again, take your own pace of development when you enjoy developing it at the same time. I'm glad that you are still working on it, even it is not visible in public releases so often as it was before.

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7 hours ago, Svevlad said:

I can model anything you want regarding this mod, just say what you need. I love this mod! I stopped playing KSP when it became incompatible with this mod. So if there is anything you need, just ask

Brave statement ;)

Ever seen @SpannerMonkey(smce) Solid axle? That thing was fantastic! Love to see a new version of that come to life usig KSPWheel.

On 2/27/2019 at 1:52 PM, valis said:

Helloo, awesome that your keeping this mod up to date. 


Do you know if you can add the landing feet at all? They were one of the nest additions to this mod. I miss them

Are you looking for

@ZodiusInfuser‘s Rework Landing feet? I’m sure they’re still on his thread. If not PM me I still have them.

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13 minutes ago, hieywiey said:

I have tested this in 1.6.1, and the powered hinges summon the hell kraken when reaching their limits.

Not trying to steel any of @Rudolf Meier's thunder. Next has some serious potential!! And I'm obviously watching and lurking from the shadows.

But for the time being. there is an "Unoffical IR Recompiled .dll" from @whale_2 for regular old Infernal Robotics

Also as a side note there is a new toy to play with in standard IR - IKRC Robotics Controller Which also brings with it a resurrection of @spudbean's RKE Kanadarm parts

Edited by V8jester
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4 hours ago, V8jester said:

Not trying to steel any of @Rudolf Meier's thunder. Next has some serious potential!! And I'm obviously watching and lurking from the shadows.

But for the time being. there is an "Unoffical IR Recompiled .dll" from @whale_2 for regular old Infernal Robotics

Also as a side note there is a new toy to play with in standard IR - IKRC Robotics Controller Which also brings with it a resurrection of @spudbean's RKE Kanadarm parts

Just for clarification... the main goal of IR Next was and is to solve the problems of the old IR. Which are e.g. movements of parts when you warp time, problems when you undock ships with parts and dock them in  a reversed way and stuff like that. And additionally there will be a project that brings inverse kinematics for IR Next. So, IR Next is not just an update to IR, but a completely new project... and almost everything has been written new (of course not without looking into the old code and using some ideas).

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4 hours ago, Rudolf Meier said:

Just for clarification... the main goal of IR Next was and is to solve the problems of the old IR. Which are e.g. movements of parts when you warp time, problems when you undock ships with parts and dock them in  a reversed way and stuff like that. And additionally there will be a project that brings inverse kinematics for IR Next. So, IR Next is not just an update to IR, but a completely new project... and almost everything has been written new (of course not without looking into the old code and using some ideas).

One of the best things with ksp in My opinion is how it makes things like this project possible by being a canvas. Imaginative, practical and really impressive. Very excited.

Edited by plausse
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so I have used magicsmoke and IR for almost every vehicle I have made, and I have been awaiting this release, as it has more to it.

so in my test ksp environment,t I have all of my mods updated and add this so I can see the new changes. using v1.6.1 and MM4.02

1st, I downloaded>> InfernalRobotics_v3.0.0_beta3_p7_for_1.4.2.zip>>(granted my test is in KSP v1.6.1)

2nd, I downloaded IR-Sequencer_v3.0.0_for_1.4.2>>(granted my test is in KSP v1.6.1)

 then I launched everything appears and worked however. in the latest of IR from the other version when launched, it provided and IR sequence windows as well as the IR Editor window.

that didn't happen in the v3 test, no IR sequence button shows up only the IR editor button, the only difference in files I see is the assest bundle folder where <ir.ui.objects.bundle> isn't present like it is in the version using IR-2.0.2+parts from IR 2.0.14+ IRSequencer1.0.3 final, when this is used I get both buttons and tested it to function fine.

other than that file difference(and I am not sure this is related) I see no reason this shouldn't give me both buttons. the parts show up and the core when placed(like in the older ver) doesn't add the 2nd button to the toolbar.

However it all works just no IR Sequencer window/button to launch it.

so I thought I would share this info.


any ideas or help as to what could be my the reason for this difference would be appreciated.

Thanks to all you Modders who to make this game as great as it is 

Still Having Fun after all these years




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1 hour ago, Jammer-TD said:

2nd, I downloaded IR-Sequencer_v3.0.0_for_1.4.2>>(granted my test is in KSP v1.6.1)

Have you trtied this one(one page back):

Probably it will help, but I haven't tried by myself, so, can't tell much more about it.

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4 hours ago, Jammer-TD said:

However it all works just no IR Sequencer window/button to launch it.


Thanks for the input... yes, that's because I never really worked on the sequencer... but, someone else did I think. And, side-note.... the button should only show up, when a currently loaded vessel does have at least one IRv3 part. I know, currently it's not the best mod. I had some other problems I wanted to solve first and... I'm still working on them. And it's hard to tell how long software projects take :wink:


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is there a fork or an update somewhere for 1.6.1 for IR next? i found a recompile of the DLL for the ye-olde magic smoke industries Infernal Robotics, but not one for IR next. i checked the forums and i couldn't find anything. the github was not updated recently so i dont think its for 1.6.1. any help?

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