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    Eskandare Heavy Industries

This thread is strictly for news, posts, mod discussion, and organization of my various mods stretched across the forums.



Currently Available for Download and in Development:

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Mods being Maintained by Eskandare:




This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


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On 5/26/2018 at 3:47 PM, GoldenKraken said:

Are you going to post Cities of Kerbin and supply and demand soon?


p.s can CVX be updated to 1.4.x?

I'm under a few projects... Darn my brain for coming up with new ideas.. CVX will be update to 1.4 shortly. Supply and Demend is being worked on still so please be patient. 

InterKerbin Rescue is another project I'm working on; Rocket and Plane parts based off of the British children's Sci-fi Thunderbirds

New parts for KRX including a series of parts for making 1.875m aircraft based off of Phantomworks.

And Kerbal Mecha; a series of one piece (unfortunately because of how animations and nodes work) mecha for exploring and some BD Inclusion (mecha based off of Full Metal Panic! and Patlabor) I'm currently working out if I can add blended animations into KSP (mainly for different stances and arm positions, including grapple.) All animated with kinematics. 

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  • 1 month later...

@Eskandare I have one tip for you with Eskandare Aeronautics. Make the 747 parts 3.75m wide and 5m tall because as @neistridlar has found in his/her thread, it is possible to create a twin-aisle setup using 3.75m wide parts. Also, right now I am making 787 parts, and those will be 3.75m by 3.75m.

On 6/22/2018 at 2:02 AM, Eskandare said:

And Kerbal Mecha; a series of one piece (unfortunately because of how animations and nodes work) mecha for exploring and some BD Inclusion (mecha based off of Full Metal Panic! and Patlabor) I'm currently working out if I can add blended animations into KSP (mainly for different stances and arm positions, including grapple.) All animated with kinematics. 


Now, it doesn't have to be only one piece,  because of @Katten's mod, AnimatedAttachment.


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4 hours ago, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Now, it doesn't have to be only one piece,  because of @Katten's mod, AnimatedAttachment.

No you flat out don't understand it will be using Katten's plugin, you simply don't know rigged animations. The weapons and equipment will be on Katten's plugin. The mech will have animation including grabbing stored weapons and equipment.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/15/2018 at 8:24 AM, GoldenKraken said:

I'd like to thank you Eskandare for not just leaving your great mods alone forever like most modders do!


You're welcome.

Right now I'm working on finishing up Easkandare Aeronautics, and Carrier Vessel Expansion (New Nimitz model, Wasp LHD, and Helicarrier) Then next is the updates to KSR. After that, I'll  be working on OPT Engineer's Edition and KAX.

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6 hours ago, Eskandare said:

Basically it is a mobile KSC.

I've always hoped Oceania for KerbalKonstructs (or something similar) would make a comeback :D ... I've missed me some Sea Launch sea launches :P

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3 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

I've always hoped Oceania for KerbalKonstructs (or something similar) would make a comeback :D ... I've missed me some Sea Launch sea launches :P

CVX is my replacement to my old Oceania KK release. @Angel-125 is working on a way to use EL directly from the VAB/SPH this will make the Ark very much the mobile KSC it is designed to be. The interior has a city section, a port for CVX carriers, a runway that supports Mk3 planes and a VAB/VLS system There are a small labyrinth of roads inside that connect to all the sections. The ship is 1500x300m and will be a playable craft when assembled. 

Eskandare Aeronautics is getting Mk3 747 parts and engines, 737 styled cockpit, hawkeye/greyhound styled cockpit, ERJ styled cockpit, V-22 styled cockpit, 1.875 fuselage parts, and rotors, updated rotors from KRX, the engines from Thermonuclear, AV-8 VSTOL Nozzles, AV-8 styled cockpit, F-4 Phantom styled cockpit, Alpha Jet styled cockpit, Mirage 2000 styled cockpit and Mk2 SR-71 cockpit. Also folding wing joints for storing aircraft in/on the carriers.

CVX release will have an updated Nimitz class model, Wasp class LHD, and Helicarrier. (Kuznetsov, Essex class, and Tuatha de Danann are in the pipe line.)

The Ark release will have one Ark class Mega Carrier, internal city with modular buildings and more.

All parts with have simple colliders for fast in game physics loading

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16 hours ago, Eskandare said:

CVX is my replacement to my old Oceania KK release.


Huh... I never knew that... I havent tried CVX... Once Alpha left KK, I pretty much stopped using it and paying attention to it. :P

Nice roadmap you have there. ;)

So... no C-130 revamp from FantomWorks? That was the "one" thing that had me considering taking over and redoing KAX+... lol
Granted that cockpit needs a complete revamp... the windows and geometry of the model are mostly incorrect. :(

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3 hours ago, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@Eskandare Believe me, there are enough mods with ERJ cockpits for 1875m fuselages and 1.875m airplane parts around.

There is about one to my knowledge, by blackheart. 

7 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Huh... I never knew that... I havent tried CVX... Once Alpha left KK, I pretty much stopped using it and paying attention to it. :P

Nice roadmap you have there. ;)

So... no C-130 revamp from FantomWorks? That was the "one" thing that had me considering taking over and redoing KAX+... lol
Granted that cockpit needs a complete revamp... the windows and geometry of the model are mostly incorrect. :(

I forgot about the C-130 cockpit, I'll add that too. Needs to be remade though.

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10 hours ago, Eskandare said:

There is about one to my knowledge, by blackheart.

yeah, as BottleRocket said, IIRC, Neist Airliner Parts has a nice set.


10 hours ago, Eskandare said:

 about the C-130 cockpit, I'll add that too. Needs to be remade though.

Indeed it does... :(
But a proper C-130 cockpit, with a matching IVA, seems like it would be outstanding with all the windows... :P

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8 hours ago, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

@Eskandare Yes, also one by @neistridlar

Yes, Blackheart and Neistridlar and I were talking about there being a need for the 1.875m parts. I started it off but they completed earlier. My project is a bit more complicated and only so much time permitting. Neistrider is using my GE CF6 engine sounds for his CF6, I also have a CF6 included with my Mk3 747 parts. The 747 was part of a request from Angel-125. So, no I am not going to stop my 1.875m parts because two other colleagues completed theirs first. 

7 hours ago, Stone Blue said:

Indeed it does... :(
But a proper C-130 cockpit, with a matching IVA, seems like it would be outstanding with all the windows... :P

You'll be out of luck with the IVA's for a while. An IVA is a lot of work and has very little return investment from the modder. Eventually I'll get to IVA's once everything else is done. CVX will also have an IVA for the interior decks of each ship, eventually.

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