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Kerbal Space Program update 1.4 Grand Discussion thread.


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1 minute ago, Ace in Space said:

The new rockets are fine, I just can't stand the new jets. They sound like a dialup modem being murdered and made me want to land my plane ASAP just to not have to hear it anymore. But maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's just the particular jet I was using. I haven't tested to see if different jet engines sound different.

What jet were you using? Just curious.

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1 minute ago, Ace in Space said:

The new rockets are fine, I just can't stand the new jets. They sound like a dialup modem being murdered and made me want to land my plane ASAP just to not have to hear it anymore. But maybe it's just me. Or maybe it's just the particular jet I was using. I haven't tested to see if different jet engines sound different.

I haven't tied the jets, will go now.


On a related note, the new engine cutoff sound is sweet!

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Well, time to see if the persistent ID thing that was added to parts is something I can tie into with ScrapYard. I had been rolling my own method for that up to this point, but if I can use the stock functionality then I'll be content :)

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1 minute ago, fourfa said:

I'll happily mod them to whatever I want as soon as MM works.

Probably maybe hopefully someone could make a mod to put ye olde soundes back into the game for the engines. For nostalgia or if we don't like the new ones.

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I think they used the same sound file as each other for Juno, Wheesley, and Goliath, probably used to be wheesley’s before. For Panther and Whiplash: seriously? You couldn’t stick to the sounds we had? They sound like (for lack of a better term) a vacuum cleaner to me. I’ll probably be modding them to what they were as soon as I can. 

Also, the reentry effects off the XM-G50 show through other parts. 

On a positive note: the new textures look cool, and the personal parachutes are fun, but I couldn’t get them to do loops...

Edited by 53miner53
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I gather no one at Squad actually moused over the new Themes button thingy before publishing :wink:

EDIT: or thought about the user interface of it, for that matter. It should be something that you can do while looking at the parts you're working with, a flyout menu of some kind.. 

Edited by AccidentalDisassembly
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1 hour ago, Gaarst said:

the Unity update; will it break everything or will we be fine? (Pinging @RoverDude and @linuxgurugamer because they know their stuff)

@RoverDude would have a better answer since he has been working on the new release, however, an educated guess here would be that some mods will work, but IMHO all mods should be recompiled for the new version.  Safer that way.

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1 hour ago, ZooNamedGames said:

As nice as this update is, it’s breaking quite a lot. Old flags are experiencing issues, and saves/craft files are broken as they don’t use the old fuel tanks. This was an update I was actually eager for but I’ve been playing too long to see several of my best saves just crumble to dust because T2 entered the picture.

Sorry, but it’s 1.3.1 for me. Unless T2 wants to be fair to those of us who have been upgrading saves since .21. 

Very shiny and new. But internally, all of my old tools and friends are dead.

Yep, this is what happens when a big money-hungry company buys out your game. They fill it with shiny trinkets and break half the features. Isn't corporate consolidation fun? :D

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56 minutes ago, qzgy said:

Yay! New update.

Not do diss or douse the party, But could we really not have found a better name? Like, KSP 1.4 - Lost in Translation?

"Far Away With Words" was my guess and they could add one "Far" every time a language comes in.

But its just a name, the release is great, obrigado (gracias, thanks) @SQUAD.

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