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Help me prioritize 76+ mod updates - Updated

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  On 3/14/2018 at 3:49 PM, flart said:

I meant what if copied text has "\n" inside, then it split to variants in the form, so you just need copy column from google sheets and it become 130 variants in the form


I understand, but having 130 entries in a form just invites too many clicks.

This way is better, it forces people to think about what they want.

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Hi @linuxgurugamer,

so many good mods...

IFI Life Support
Refocused Camera Focus Changer


Tokamak Refurbished Parts

Some of which already work in 1.4.1 like HullCamVDS, and Tokamak, although I think there was (is) an issue with the basemount legs not retracting?

But KEI and IFILS are biggies for style of play.  Thanks! and Peace.

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Wow, lots of mods here I didn't know you maintained, some I didn't even know about! (Maneuver Queue? Where can I get myself some of that?)

Anyway, here's my 2 cents:

- CorrectCOL
- RCS Build Aid
- Navball Docking Alignment Indicator CE-2

These are the ones I really care about, but since you said 3-4, here's a bonus one (I wasn't aware you were taking care of the Quick* family!):
- QuickStart

Thanks again for doing this. I might be able to go back to supporting you soon, if all goes well :)

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Made it through the first pile of parts only mods.

Better Science Labs Continued - all good.
Tokamak Industries  -  I saw the comment that there was a problem with the legs.  These require firespitter.  I tested with the most recent (compiled for 1.3) version of FS on Github and no problems.  I did NOT fully test Firespitter against 1.4, but the animation module at least worked.
2.5m Shuttle -  Hey, some of those parts look familiar.  I think this is the most playable shuttles mod I've ever found.  It could use a texture pass some day though, now that I look at it in more detail.
KW Rocketry - All good.  Man, those are gorgeous engines, aren't they?  To some extent Stock is overtaking this mod... as larger tanks and more nosecones and engine variety becomes part of the game... but it's still a great set of stock replacements for people who ust want their rockets to look better!
Munar Industries MFT - This one's staying installed permanently.  There are some really useful tank sizes here that aren't available in stock or other mods!  And it looks great too!
TripleZ Space Telescope - All good, apparently.
EVA Handrails Continued - Seems to work.  Why aren't these stock too?  
Bargain Rocket Parts Recycled - Yup...  th duck tape is still holding.
Bolt-On Mission Probes - Checks out!
Vapor Vent - And most importantly...  don't worry...  vapor vent still works flawlessly.  

I'll try to keep chugging at these later tonight if I can!

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  On 3/14/2018 at 11:43 PM, artwhaley said:

Tokamak Industries  -  I saw the comment that there was a problem with the legs.  These require firespitter.  I tested with the most recent (compiled for 1.3) version of FS on Github and no problems.  I did NOT fully test Firespitter against 1.4, but the animation module at least worked.

Vapor Vent - And most importantly...  don't worry...  vapor vent still works flawlessly.  


These two mods have code which needs to be rebuilt, but good news on the others, I'll get to them ASAP since it's a very minor change


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I really don't play, so I don't have much skin in the game, but just wanted to toss you a quick 'thanks' for keeping so many mods going.

And, this is a possibly irrelevant question (as I am not a programmer), but if you know people you'd trust would you ever consider handing some of the mods off to keep your workload manageable? Though, I suppose that this sort of thing is only an issue when the game updates?

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Logged in just to ask that you give quantum strut an update if it is an quick/easy one. I know you must be busy tho. I have been searching all my life for that very mod, no more ship/station wobble with those bad boys. Honestly waiting for QS, SSTU, and all the Near Future stuff before I start playing again. I cant play without those mods lol.

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@linuxgurugamer It's irresponsible to start so many projects knowing full well they'll get broken by the next update!

*bounds off to bounce between 10 unfinished Blender projects.*

Also, Refurbished parts is the only one I know offhand. SO.... that one?

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Janitor's Closet is a must have!

I also vote for:

1) HullCam,

2) Flight Plan

3) Tokamak Parts

4) Kronal Vessel Viewer


PS are you not maintaining RealGecko's Overdrive by some chance? :wink:

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