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[1.8.1-1.12.x] Modular Launch Pads v2.8.1: Launch clamps evolved: Real-style launch bases and towers [17 March 2025]


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3 hours ago, mrcharlesboispace said:

Hi,  thanks for the welcome, I have used the craft files and it worked, just another question, what shuttle mods does the mod use?

Both Cormorant Aeronology and Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit. The Shuttle launch base was designed around the Cormorant (Mk 3 cockpit-based orbiter) so it fits the best; using the SOCK orbiter and reDIRECT stack requires some adjustment.

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Issue with Modular Launch Pads and CryoTanks (with solution)

I have both Modular Launch Pads (version 2.1.1) and CryoTanks (version 1.5.5) installed, and get spammed with NullReferenceExceptions in the log file whenever I select the  "Static Test Stand - Engine Type" in the VAB (and the VAB editor slows down to be nearly unusable).

Investigating the problem showed that CryoTanks/Patches/CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg from CryoTanks added duplicate ModuleCryoTank nodes (for cryo tank boiloff properties) to the config which seemed to cause the error. 

In case anyone else stumbles on this problem,  here is a small ModuleManager patch with the fix/workaround:

// CryoTanksFuelTankSwitcher.cfg adds two duplicate ModuleCryoTank nodes with BOILOFFCONFIG 
// data to AM_MLP_TestStandEngine, which causes NullRefExcpetions. 
// Fix it by simply dropping the complete ModuleCryoTank nodes, since boiloff does not really
// matter for a static test stand with unlimited fuel supply.
    -MODULE[ModuleCryoTank],* {}


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What an mazing mod this is!

My launchpad dreams have come true!


Question: are there any plans to add the launch tower for the Titan IIIB (23B, 24B, 33B, 34B)?


I was eventually able to kitbash this somewhat oversized version of it, kind of sad I can't make it yellow.


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On 1/9/2021 at 6:57 AM, AlphaMensae said:

At the moment, nothing, as I'm pretty burned out on it.

Could you then release 2.2 Alpha, with the short description that you already have done in the 638 commits ahead of master in the dev brunch ?

Ignore this, I had got github history wrong

Edited by flart
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Hiya ... I'm hoping to get educated about launch clamps and their effects on dV calcs in the VAB.  I'm on MLP build 2.1.2, KSP 1.10.1.

My Saturn 1B has a TWR of 1.48 without the milkstool and mobile launchpad attached, and a TWR of 1.04 when the (mostly completed) launch stand is attached. Is this due to the mass of the launch clamps being factored into the dV calcs? Both KSP and KER report this huge jump when attaching the stand.

Moving the launch clamp stage to be first makes the dV calcs correct again. It can't stay there of course, but at least there's a workaround to check the numbers.

So these are my observations. Is this expected behavior?


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51 minutes ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Is this due to the mass of the launch clamps being factored into the dV calcs? Both KSP and KER report this huge jump when attaching the stand.

Yes. But after you stage the launch clamps, the TWR and dV of the craft should return to normal. However the TWR is false, since the clamp will do it's job and keep the Saturn 1B stuck to the ground until it's time to launch it. If you turn on "Fueling" on the Milkstool, or the launchpad, you can refuel the rocket. Very helpful for infinite fuel, and helps with dramatic shots.

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2 hours ago, OrbitalManeuvers said:

Hiya ... I'm hoping to get educated about launch clamps and their effects on dV calcs in the VAB.  I'm on MLP build 2.1.2, KSP 1.10.1.

My Saturn 1B has a TWR of 1.48 without the milkstool and mobile launchpad attached, and a TWR of 1.04 when the (mostly completed) launch stand is attached. Is this due to the mass of the launch clamps being factored into the dV calcs? Both KSP and KER report this huge jump when attaching the stand.

Moving the launch clamp stage to be first makes the dV calcs correct again. It can't stay there of course, but at least there's a workaround to check the numbers.

So these are my observations. Is this expected behavior?


Figure out dV and TWR without any launch base attached, then once things are the way you like, set up the base and stuff.

The Saturn Milkstool is a special case as it's a decoupler and not a launch clamp, so it's figured in differently.

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