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The Dunatian - BRING HIM HOME


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On 5/24/2019 at 2:47 PM, Mikki said:

Hi there, open your KSP folder/ Missions/ The Dunatian 2.4/ Ships/ VAB

Hope this helped

:) And welcome to the forums, great time to join!


Hi Miki,

  Thanks.    I found it and in my own sandbox managed to get the KRES V to a safe landing on Duna, and even left the other half in orbit.    Next I'll have to learn how to land near a target :-).

I have many general questions - things like do I do the entire KRES V mission, with time acceleration, with poor bill sitting in the rover attached to the DRV?   Or am I supposed to figure it all out?


Another thing I noticed is my shiny rover doesn't use battery power when time accelerated, which make driving around easier.    Also,  there seems to be some source of power on the shiny rover, if I deplete the battery I can sit for some number of hours and the battery will recharge on it's own.   How does that work?   KSP bug?


Great Mission!

Thanks,   Brynn


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Hi there @Tonkabot

glad you got the grip on your request.

Stock KSP Kerbals don`t suffer from any boredom, the missiongoals are mostly straight forward linear and Bob (Yeah it`s our clumsy scientist :confused:) can do whatever he desires while the KSC Managers (You :D) get the rescuemission going. No time limits however. 

The shiny rover has IIRC a 100 units battery attached... The behaviour as you`ve described doesn`t seem right to me, timewarp at 4x and above should drain them correctly while driving, so i can only guess;

1. you are running a mod that causes this (Dynamic Battery storage, or similar ones)
2. KSP 1.7 introduced a unknown bug (unlikely, but who knows)
3. ?
4. in case you`ve advanced in the mission and got a RTG attached to the shiny rover, it`s okay
5. ???

 ...I highly recommend to run this mission on a perfectly vanilla stock KSP installation, everything else i cannot give any support.

This mission contains difficult KSP endgame mechanics. I would recommend this mission only after finishing at least the normal careerplay with finishing the techtree and some endgamecontracts done.
I have disabled the Alt-F4 menu to ensure the true and honest "Die Hard" experience KSP can only offer :).

Good luck!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 5/29/2019 at 4:21 PM, Mikki said:

I have disabled the Alt-F4 menu to ensure the true and honest "Die Hard" experience KSP can only offer :).

No Alt-F4!?   You mean.....we can never quit the game!?!?   O.O

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Amazing mission.  So far, I have just brought the antenna rover back to the hab, and only had two points I was in need of a quicksave.  One was on the rover trek to the RTG, where a terrain glitch exactly broke my battery.  The second was when the PATHGIRDER broke.




Yeah, it became unusable, so I had to open up a quicksave back right before I set out.

I like how the story is mixed with the Kerbal universe.  It's exciting so far.  I will update when I complete it.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wow, that was amazing with an intense ending! Overshot and had to circle back. Fuel ran out and floated in on left-over monopropellent, hah! So Kerbal. Had to restart twice due to not paying close enough attention to detail early on. My hat is off to you Mikki. This is one of my most memorable experiences in what is currently ~900 hours of KSP. Take-Two owes you royalties for this gem. I'm sure this is what Squad dreamed of when this expansion was pitched. 


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  • 1 month later...
1 hour ago, infinite_monkey said:

Thanks for this glorious mission :) Had a lot of fun so far, but now I'm stuck: I brought back the antenna to the hab, but it still says "no usable, in-range Comms device on this vessel". What am I doing wrong?

1. Uhhhm ... antenna extended? 
2. Errr... have Ec`s? (activate some battery storage....) 
3. Kerbin occluded by Kerbol? (Wow, what a guess?!?)
4. Are you sure you`ve docked the antenna to one of the Habitat`s dockingports, i.e., the one with the solarpanels? (Who knows...)
5. Uhmmm... i dunno so far... :rolleyes:

6. Have line of sight with Kerbin? (Watch mapview...)

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13 hours ago, Mikki said:

1. Uhhhm ... antenna extended? 
2. Errr... have Ec`s? (activate some battery storage....) 
3. Kerbin occluded by Kerbol? (Wow, what a guess?!?)
4. Are you sure you`ve docked the antenna to one of the Habitat`s dockingports, i.e., the one with the solarpanels? (Who knows...)
5. Uhmmm... i dunno so far... :rolleyes:

6. Have line of sight with Kerbin? (Watch mapview...)

Aaaaah, line of sight... I'm stupid, just had to wait a couple of hours... Thank you :D

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After investigating the issue I found that when you collected the pathgrinder and are docked to the hab, you can't send the data when you still sitting in the command seat. So one has two options, either just board a crewcapsule and send the data from there or take out the data from the storage, board to the commandseat of the rover which is connected to the pathgrinder and then you can also send the data. weird:D But as you can see, there can always be a thousand possibilities why it won't work.

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19 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

Next antenna problem just popped up - what does the controllability of the KRES IV depend on? I somehow managed to launch it into orbit, but now I'm unable to control it again. I have an indirect link to the Kermes through the Polar Survey probe, but it doesn't allow me to control the KRES IV :(

... the Ec storage is limited, find a way to get as much as possible sunlight and reduce overall EC consumption. There should be a extendable solarpanel around IIRC. Fine control and reduced torque on the reaction wheel might help aswell...

Make sure you have line of sight with Kermes, and extend the appropriate antenna... :wink: 

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6 hours ago, Mikki said:

... the Ec storage is limited, find a way to get as much as possible sunlight and reduce overall EC consumption. There should be a extendable solarpanel around IIRC. Fine control and reduced torque on the reaction wheel might help aswell...

Make sure you have line of sight with Kermes, and extend the appropriate antenna... :wink: 

IIRC it worked once the Kermes was closer than about 31Mm, which is the range of the Communotron 16 with a level 1 Tracking Station... If that was the problem, it is weird however that I managed to launch it at all :D

EC? Hmm, I thought I paid attention to that, but it could explain some of the problems, like SAS turning on and off spontaneously, the vessel not being controllable until thrust was > 0.

Anyway, I managed to reach Kerbin on the 2nd try (1st time the Kermes was waaaaay too fast), and even landed on the runway (well, touchdown was a few meters off the side of the runway :confused:) after one hell of a toasty reentry with some stuff exploding. Who needs a nosecone anyway?

Thanks again for this wonderful mission!

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...well, there might be a reason why very few people show off their successfull mission here :cool:

Launching with the KRES IV is intended to be thrilling like in the cinematic...

(Therefore i have slightly overpowered the ascender, anything else is on Bob - and Bob is a scientist, not a pilot...)

Please post your mission success (F1, Imgur or similar)...

Congrats! Awesome! Glad you liked this "Die Hard" Kerbal adventure! :D


Edited by Mikki
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Hi @Mikki, just finished the mission... what a great adventure!
You have no idea how many times I told my girlfriend that "I messed up in that part of the film that the big ship come back for rescue..." :D
The concept for using dockport-as-lego blew my mind, congrats for the good work.

Some questions...
Kermes was kind of hard to maneuver for docking. Didn't manage to properly use RCS, and the wobbling made it extra hard. I had some problems with RCS maneuver on DreamChaser too... Is it planned to test my flight skills or I just need to get back to docking training?

The idea that "time" doesn't matter was a surprise to my, because I tried super hard to make Dune encounters as fast a possible... And missed the delta-v to retrograde multiple times. It would be nice to know beforehand what counts toward fail/points.

Talking about point, my suggestion is to add more hardcore mode. Easy could be the more forgiving, just follow the storyline. Medium could be the actual score system... that relies on precision. Hard could be time challenges or Alternative vehicles with less delta-v.


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3 hours ago, beik said:

Kermes was kind of hard to maneuver for docking. Didn't manage to properly use RCS, and the wobbling made it extra hard. I had some problems with RCS maneuver on DreamChaser too... Is it planned to test my flight skills or I just need to get back to docking training?

Hello beik, I would say it should be obvious that you are supposed to dock the supplyprobe to the kermes and not he other way around.:D Bring the Kermes to a normal or anti-normal position and let the dockingport face the probe/ship which you want to dock. Then switch to the probe/ship and dock it to the kermes. So I'd say, just practice a little more and all will be good. The crafts are very well balanced.


3 hours ago, beik said:

The idea that "time" doesn't matter was a surprise to my, because I tried super hard to make Dune encounters as fast a possible... And missed the delta-v to retrograde multiple times. It would be nice to know beforehand what counts toward fail/points.

Talking about point, my suggestion is to add more hardcore mode. Easy could be the more forgiving, just follow the storyline. Medium could be the actual score system... that relies on precision. Hard could be time challenges or Alternative vehicles with less delta-v.

The hard mode is to meet every objective without messing things up. You don't get all points when you fail to land the supply probe on duna close enough to the hab for example. Or if you mess up the duna encouters in a way that the kermes would have an earlier encouter than the supply probe for duna, you would be a little late for ascend and rendevous because the kermes would have already flown past duna, when you don't get to the ascend vehicle in time. So there already is some kind of easy- and hardmode if you like.

The problem with delta-v is, that it depends on the initial kermes orbit which could be an elliptical orbit or already a hyperbolic trajectory, and that is different on every install I would say, but I also could be wrong.:cool:

Edited by Dexter_D
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6 minutes ago, Dexter_D said:

I would say it should be obvious that you are supposed to dock the supplyprobe to the kermes and not he other way around.:D Bring the Kermes to a normal or anti-normal position and let the dockingport face the probe/ship which you want to dock.

Lol, now I sound worst player than I really I'm. I was just trying to do some fine tuning to the port alignment, but in some axis Kermes was having a hard time to follow SAS directions. Probably I messed up something, but after the supply everything went fine. Thanks for the norma/anti-normal reminder, I'm going to stick to this :)



The hard mode is to meet every objective without messing things up. You don't get all points when you fail to land the supply probe on duna close enough to the hab for example. Or if you mess up the duna encouters in a way that the kermes would have an earlier encouter than the supply probe for duna, you would be a little late for ascend and rendevous because the kermes would have already flown past duna, when you don't get to the ascend vehicle in time. So there already is some kind of easy- and hardmode if you like.

The problem with delta-v is, that it depends on the initial kermes orbit which could be an elliptical orbit or already an escaping orbit, and that is different on every install I would say, but I also could be wrong.:cool:

Makes sense. My feeling was that even with all the different skills that you need, a couple of save-load during landings can get you a gold score. 

Thanks for the quick reply!




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On 8/11/2019 at 7:08 AM, beik said:

Some questions...
Kermes was kind of hard to maneuver for docking. Didn't manage to properly use RCS, and the wobbling made it extra hard. I had some problems with RCS maneuver on DreamChaser too... Is it planned to test my flight skills or I just need to get back to docking training?

Wait, did you Dock the DreamChaser to the Kermes? I found that impossible to do, as the downwards RCS thruster didn't seem to work. So I just EVA'd... Was I cheating? lol

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1 hour ago, infinite_monkey said:

Wait, did you Dock the DreamChaser to the Kermes? I found that impossible to do, as the downwards RCS thruster didn't seem to work. So I just EVA'd... Was I cheating? lol

Could it be possible that you switched control to the docking-port of the dreamchaser? I believe that doesn't work because of some reason.

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2 hours ago, infinite_monkey said:

Wait, did you Dock the DreamChaser to the Kermes? I found that impossible to do, as the downwards RCS thruster didn't seem to work. So I just EVA'd... Was I cheating? lol


EVA`ing Bob is legit, the Dreamchaser has only little RCS authority around the center of the vessel... But docking should be possible. I might have tweaked some thrusters "accidently" the wrong way... what gives... :rolleyes: :blush: ;)


Sorry i`m actually quite busy in RL; i`m glad you found your way around to meet the missiongoals, and please forgive me for some hardcore "KSP-Pro" tasks then and when...
I just couldn`t resist to make it a real hard trip home for Bob. :) 

Everyone who can get Bob home with or without some advice or little help is a true Kerbal Scientist and worth being honored for the mission success!


..Thanks for helping me out and taking care for the forumers here the past few days... :) 

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5 minutes ago, Cataclism said:

Hello, Mikki!

I´m glad you posted on Event Horizon´s thread, so I was able to see your signature and to "discover" this topic.
I see a lot of stuff-for-fun around here! \o/ :cool:

.. I am tempted to say "Bring him home" to you aswell...:) But keep in mind, this mission is a thrill...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey, new to the forums, and I absolutely love the mission. I have run into few bugs while running the mission, where I enter the radius of something or create rockets which are both not detected by the mission. A couple of them resolved themselves, but I am stuck trying the create the kaijang khen rocket and have it detected by the mission log. The Kermes V Supply detected the vessel as soon as it was on the pad, but not the second rocket. I couldn't find anyone else with a similar problem anywhere, and I've restarted the mission twice but run into this issue every time. Do you have any ideas for a fix? (Playing on unmodded 1.7.3)

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33 minutes ago, Camnew said:

Hey, new to the forums, and I absolutely love the mission. I have run into few bugs while running the mission, where I enter the radius of something or create rockets which are both not detected by the mission. A couple of them resolved themselves, but I am stuck trying the create the kaijang khen rocket and have it detected by the mission log. The Kermes V Supply detected the vessel as soon as it was on the pad, but not the second rocket. I couldn't find anyone else with a similar problem anywhere, and I've restarted the mission twice but run into this issue every time. Do you have any ideas for a fix? (Playing on unmodded 1.7.3)

Hi there, try to verify your game cache, quite hard to guess what is causing the issue from here... good luck!

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