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If take a Jedi and drop it into a vat of FEV, probably the midichlorians should forcedly mutate and evolve. A Supermutjedant will be born. Armed with a lighthydrant.

If also feed the Superjedant with Spice from Arrakis, it will also have V.A.T.S. mode, 

But this in turn makes to think, wasn't Shai-Hulud full of midichlorians itself?

Maybe, that's what the Spice is. A concentrated midichlorian exctrete?




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Both the Jedi and the Sith were wrong. There is no light side or dark side, there is only The Force. It is how you use it that counts. The same force lightning to attack someone could also be used to jumpstart your speeder. A force choke could be used to hold the ladder safe for someone.

The Force doesn't kill people, people kill people.

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3 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

You are saying strange things. If there is no light side and dark side, then how to explain that the opponent is always wrong?

The Bad Guys are always wrong! And there's always only two of them! Everyone else are The Good Guys!

Star Wars was great. Until you actually started to think about it.

I actually had an idea for a TTRPG setting. Imagine Star Wars, except instead of just Jedi/Good Guys vs Sith/Bad Guys you had a bunch of different feudal factions, who all had their own force knights, who were all vying for control of the galaxy. No White Hats. No Black Hats. Just a bunch of flawed people with powers trying to do what they think is right. I called it "Star Wars and Dune had a baby." I thought that would be awesome to play around in.

1 hour ago, ColdJ said:

Both the Jedi and the Sith were wrong. There is no light side or dark side, there is only The Force. It is how you use it that counts. The same force lightning to attack someone could also be used to jumpstart your speeder. A force choke could be used to hold the ladder safe for someone.

The Force doesn't kill people, people kill people.

Cool. Now apply that to real, physical objects.

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9 hours ago, TheSaint said:

Cool. Now apply that to real, physical objects.

Ok. A defribulator can start a heart or be used to stop it. (Force Lightning.)

A rope can be used to hang a person or give them something to climb out of a well. (Force Choke)

You can lean against something to get it upright or lean on it to knock it over (Force Push)

You can convince someone that it is all going to be alright or you can convince them that life is out to get them (Force Mind Trick)

You can use a bat to play a sport or use it to hit someone on the head. (Force deflect)

You can use a drone to find someone who is missing or use it to spy on people. (Force Sight)

etc :)



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18 hours ago, TheSaint said:

The Bad Guys are always wrong! And there's always only two of them! Everyone else are The Good Guys!

Star Wars was great. Until you actually started to think about it.

I actually had an idea for a TTRPG setting. Imagine Star Wars, except instead of just Jedi/Good Guys vs Sith/Bad Guys you had a bunch of different feudal factions, who all had their own force knights, who were all vying for control of the galaxy. No White Hats. No Black Hats. Just a bunch of flawed people with powers trying to do what they think is right. I called it "Star Wars and Dune had a baby." I thought that would be awesome to play around in.

This is understandable, but I think the prequels and associated media (The Clone Wars) have kind of tried to do this.

Literally the reason why Anakin becomes a Sith is that the Jedi inadvertently push him towards it by allowing his mother to stay in slavery despite having the means to free her, hardly a "good guy" action. The Clone Wars also has a number of moments where the Republic commits warcrimes or the Jedi kill people needlessly, and Andor is showing how the Rebellion is pretty cut throat in the way it conducts its operations (selling out their own guys just to keep a source safe, leading to a hundred deaths).

I haven't read any Legends novels, but apparently the Republic is pretty awful at times in it, while the Separatists, despite being led by a Sith lord, have valid reasons for leaving the Republic and are noble at times.

But I do still understand your position and as a fan of the Separatists, I think they could do more to show this.

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The Sith and the Jedi are just minor parts of one same Order of Force, its crowd.
There is no real opposition between them, just usage as a hammer and an anvil to put the galaxy plebs in between.

Sometimes they migrate to the opposite faction. Say, Palpatin and Anakin were originally listed at the Light/Republic/Jedi side, but later were moved to the Dark/Imperial/Sith side.

The Rebels have huge space fleets which could not be built and supported secretly, without the industry, controlled by the empire.
Thus, somebody tells Empire to look in another direction.

They are Forced to use primitive lightsabres (darksabres for Sith?) as a sign of their belonging to the Order, which gives the magic crystals for both.

As they usually migrate from Light to Dark, we can treat it as a promotion.
1. The Dark/Sith are more individual, unique, have more official power, don't need to hide.
2. The Light/Jedi are closer to the simple people, have more understandable, populist, socially appropriate party platform.

So, while the Imperial Troopers are a way to recruit an expendable dumb cannon fodder, the Rebels are a way to recruit more intellectual and active individuals, to let them pass though a real probation without any guarantees, become an autonomous experienced actor, disappoint in Jedi and become Sith, get more power, and be used for more serious tasks than whipping of peasants

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 A member of Bene Gesserit can access the memories of all her female predecessors, so it's a transtemporal (thus, kinda superluminal) quantum entanglement RAM.
So, if collect a battery of Bene Gesserits and bind them together, it will be a memory bank of that kind.

 A mentat is a quantum CPU. S, a pack of mentats is a multicore processor unit.

A tleilaxan can pass any Face id test.

So, if put all of that in a spaceship, attach to the Guild Navigation Unit, they can take under control an iPhone on the modern Earth, bypass the Dune anti-computer laws, and let the modern AI take the Dune universe under control as well.

The Dune dwellers erroneously believe that the God-Emperor is Atreides, but this obviously isn't so, because the WH40k one is more tough.

This way, the whole Dune world can be Terra-formed, and the Warp (used by the Navigators' Guild) can be defeated.

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On 5/28/2023 at 12:06 PM, kerbiloid said:

If take a Jedi and drop it into a vat of FEV, probably the midichlorians should forcedly mutate and evolve. A Supermutjedant will be born. Armed with a lighthydrant.

If also feed the Superjedant with Spice from Arrakis, it will also have V.A.T.S. mode, 

But this in turn makes to think, wasn't Shai-Hulud full of midichlorians itself?

Maybe, that's what the Spice is. A concentrated midichlorian exctrete?

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So Jedis are pickles. Interesting.

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On 5/29/2023 at 4:58 AM, ColdJ said:

Both the Jedi and the Sith were wrong. There is no light side or dark side, there is only The Force. It is how you use it that counts. The same force lightning to attack someone could also be used to jumpstart your speeder. A force choke could be used to hold the ladder safe for someone.

The Force doesn't kill people, people kill people.

Agree, now the dark side powers  is very dangerous but so is lots of stuff in Star Wars. 
My obvious Star Wars idea is the two blaster pistol barrels you mount on you blaster rifle if you have an chance of running into Jedi or Sith. If activated it will fire 3 beams in an triangle and you can not block all three with an light sable. But in an group volley fire would be the preferred tactic. Take aim. ready fire and you have lots of incoming bolts. This would be more effective with droids as they could have microsecond separation between firing. 

The Dune shields. an grenade launcher with an delayed fuse  shell. Solution have two shields :) Counter have the grenade launched mine detect passing the second shield, if stronger detonate. 
We see this with drones in Ukraine today. The first fully automatic war machines will be drones who kill other drones. Fist with impact and detonate then you see guns. 
Its WW 1 again on so many levels. 

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20 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

The Gothic architecture.

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When the house which you have built, can't stand without crutches, but they say that it's cool by design.





LOL, now the wild thing is that it works with stone. Wood or iron, yes that should be easy but with stone that take some serious skill. 

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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

A junior writes a wooden code, full of crutches.

A senior writes a stone code, full of crutches.

The art of programming is a software gothic architecture.

Lets now talk about very old code who has been modified many times by different developers. 

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38 minutes ago, magnemoe said:

Lets now talk about very old code who has been modified many times by different developers. 

Needs a drum.



A project diagram.




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39 minutes ago, Maria Sirona said:

What the unholiness is that latter one? It looks like a sámi witch-drum, but it has norse runes...

The question which is being asked by everyone, first time looking at the corporative legacy project.

As you can see, the late interface wrapper is written in runes, while the elder three-layered kernel is intuitively understandable, but almost unreadable.

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6 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

Doesn't depend on food, can be used on airless moons, doubles the Kerbal run speed.

Should ask @Angelo Kerman to make a part for you. They are very good at making wearable parts for Kerbals.

Interesting that it started in Finland.

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3 hours ago, Maria Sirona said:

Finland is the best country of all times

The cradle of horse riding.



The source of the modern Finnish self-confidence has gotten clear now.

Instead of the former cat-girls they have a new kind of weapon, the invincible Horse-Girl Cavalry.

It's like Girls und Panzer, but better.

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