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4 hours ago, lllmaxlvllll said:

Even better , dinosaur zombies

"Eyewitness Account", by Stanislaw Lem. Anyone knows that humoristic take on different social models, set on a planet with two (originally 3) antagonizing powers ?

The ones have transformed their natural surroundings into an extremely benign intelligent sphere the provides everyone with everything and keeps people from hurting themselves or others, the others have chosen a more rudimentary way of life, live inside the cadavers of giant lizards which they move with handles and so. Being sent to the back is sort of a punishment ... Needless to explain that both hemispheres are not friends. A third, now extinct form has tried the same as the first group, but two such spheres could not co-exist.

And yes, that had a poltical background.

If you stumble upon it, read it.

Back under the shower :-)

Edit: o, crap, it apparently has not been translated into English. Guys, this is rare but in this case you're missing something. Original Polish "Wizja lokalna", German "Lokaltermin". But it is not suitable for a casual or learning speaker. Lem was an intellectual person.

Edited by Green Baron
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3 hours ago, kerbiloid said:

In the early days nuke urchins, when the beryllium captures an alpha, emits a neutron, and turns into carbon, isn't it a fusion.
Doesn't it mean that any fission charge starts from fusion.

Yup. "Fusion boosted" weapons were an early refinement, almost all fission weapons were/are "boosted". The fusion reaction doesnt add significant energy to the yield itself, but it catalyses more efficient fission.

Pure fission is very possible, but boosting much reduces the chance of a "fizzle" by providing a great many starting points for the fission chain reaction to start. Otherwise there is a chance that the weapon will detonate "in between" natural fission events (the timescales are very short here, a fission has to happen in the time it takes for the primary to compress the secondary, and before the secondary rebounds and starts to expand again) causing a sort of mis-start of the chain reaction and a "fizzle" with a greatly reduced yield.

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On 4/3/2019 at 3:39 AM, kerbiloid said:

If the vegan food is natural for the human, then why is the tag game so common everywhere?

Am I missing a meme or joke or something? I don't see what these have to do with each other.

And I'm not 100% convinced that limiting your diet to a small subset of what your body evolved to consume is actually all that natural.

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14 minutes ago, DAL59 said:

when the BFR actually lands on Mars.  

when or if? Cause we still haven't seen it fly yet, and who knows what could happen.

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16 hours ago, DAL59 said:

I can't wait to see Thunderf00t's reaction to when the BFR actually lands on Mars.  

I can't wait to see the BFR actually landed on Mars, even regardless of Thunderf00t's reaction. 

Edited by kerbiloid
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but i'm sitting writing that post, huh... wonder are there bot-mods? will the forum become mod-bots of level of roblox(i guess you can it's the lounge), huh?? HUH? nevermind gotta study some rocks fellas

and yes, this is not bout ksp, but about random thoughts, so moving the threat or deleting it makes no sense.

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1 hour ago, JERONIMO said:

but i'm sitting writing that post, huh... wonder are there bot-mods? will the forum become mod-bots of level of roblox(i guess you can it's the lounge), huh?? HUH? nevermind gotta study some rocks fellas

and yes, this is not bout ksp, but about random thoughts, so moving the threat or deleting it makes no sense.

Sounds more like a shower thought to me.... so I will merge it. 

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