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1 hour ago, Cheif Operations Director said:

This is outrageous, its unfair, how can you be on the council and not be a master. 

Pluto is from the Illinois Lounge. They introduced him in early XX and still treat as a master.

The Great Lounge of Aztecs, Inuits, and Hawaii tried to introduce other similar members, like Sedna, Quaoar, etc, but just made others to exclude Pluto.

Those conservators...

Edited by kerbiloid
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Pluto is Pluto and (in human longevity) will always be Pluto.  Meanwhile, fashion/nomenclature changes.

Therefore, (quick calculation) we can think with certainty that:


Pluto will return to Planethood in 2178 and disappear again in 2254.


Edited by Hotel26
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6 minutes ago, TheSaint said:

I've always found it amusing that all the people arguing about what Pluto is or isn't will be long dead before it finishes a single orbit. I don't believe it really cares what we think.

I dunno about that, I'm among the youngest who remember the reclassification, and I could see a few of us living 250 years.

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More posts have been removed or edited. We moderators are as interested in politics as you guys are, but our job is to keep the forum a polite and friendly place, and history has shown that politics and religion are subjects which CANNOT be discussed reasonably here, so we've had to rule them off-limits. We're not just being mean to you about this. We have the same rule for our internal moderators' chat, and for the same reason. And arguing with us about this rule in the threads just derails the threads, so please just move on, alright? If not, we'll have to start issuing warns. 

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On 2/22/2020 at 5:56 PM, kerbiloid said:

Lab tests showed that Darth Vader had 27 700 midichlorians, Palpatine - 20 500, Yoda - 17 700.

Others used antibiotics.

Remember that timely diagnostics and treatment is very important. You are not Yoda, don't give a chance to the midichlorians.


Alternative star wars.

Force sensitivity is contagious, but also comes with permanent flu-like symptoms.


"Awww maaaan I think Im coming down with the Force, I feel like poop warmed up."


"Know him? <koff> Well of course I, <ahrrrrrrm>, know, <aaHHRRRRM> know him! He's me! <SNNNNNNNNNOOOOOORT>"

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Looking at the starwars social ecosystem....it seems that human civilisation would do exceptionally better, could avoid at least one galaxy-spanning war if not many....if they totally eliminated at birth, anyone susceptible to force sensitivity


 I mean....its a moral quagmire but it seems that the Force has brought nothing but strife to their galaxy and civilisation.

It is implied that force sensitivity is incredibly rare, sacrificing the freedoms of a few tens of thousand seems like a good price for the security of thousands of worlds and quadrillions of people.

The only thing force-sensitives have done for the good of humanity is protect them from other force sensitives....and they couldnt even do that.

Shall we count the number of totally oblivious innocents that just died one day not even knowing that a conflict even existed, because of the actions of a few individual force sensitives? 10 billion? A trillion?



In other words:

  • Looked at from the above angle, starwars is a story about a civilisation so broken that it makes genocide seem like a viable option.
  • Looked at from another angle, star wars is a story that massively glorifies religious sects, religious war, martyrdom, suicide and terrorism. 
  • Even the most conservative approach reveals a story about a civilisation that has two classes of people - force sensitives, heroes that decide the fate of worlds - and "everyone else" whose only purpose is die at the hands of force-sensitives or crew their expendable navies (one of the whole concepts of the last movie was about the difficulty in finding simply the sheer number of people needed to crew a fleet. Who all died firey deaths in their first month on the job before even getting certified on their sidearms). A class system that you are born into, where "special" people do all the important stuff and "normals" are expended in any way that slightly assists a force-sensitive, dark or light.

...so Im trying to find the sweet, cool, inspiring fantasy story that we are supposed to show to children...?


Too cynical?

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