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What sort of KSP player are you?

Ho Lam Kerman

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Aesthetics Extremists, I'm usually focusing on aesthetic first (make the craft look good first) then focusing on functionality (do some dressing to fix design issues, mostly by adjusting center of mass placement or how can I make the fix fit the aesthetic). The only way I didn't care about aesthetic is when the mission's success is at a stake and I absolutely cannot afford any mistake

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Cheap counting beans stand-up guy. I aim to recover and reuse even the bolts.

I don't litter the Space, I bring everything back! Fuel is cheap, hardware is expensive (Spacex style).

I also delay any tech or facility upgrade until I exhausted any hope of carrying the mission without that. I try to work with what I have at hands. 

Of course, all of this is feasible because I make use of mods. Shamelessly.  :D

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  On 8/18/2018 at 7:37 AM, StarStreak2109 said:

I also learned a lot from @Felbourn (Bob Fitch), who did awesome KSP series.


Yea, those were great, I wish that guy was still making videos!

I'm a mix. I like realistic rockets, but I'm willing to stretch the bounds of what is realistic since it's a cartoony game too. I like recreating historical events in the game. I like modded parts that look beautiful. I like challenging missions, and I like adding mods that increase the difficulty.

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  On 8/24/2018 at 2:10 AM, Felbourn said:

Yea, those were great, I wish that guy was still making videos!

I'm a mix. I like realistic rockets, but I'm willing to stretch the bounds of what is realistic since it's a cartoony game too. I like recreating historical events in the game. I like modded parts that look beautiful. I like challenging missions, and I like adding mods that increase the difficulty.


So do I! We (I) sorely miss him... ;)

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Oof, trying to classify the kind of ksp player I am is a bit difficult. In some regards I'm all four, though the first one is usually by accident, I don't try to break the game, it does it on its' own! I guess I'm actually more of a combination of two and three, as I tend to try to replicate historical spacecraft, though I usually mish-mash them together for maximum results!

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  On 6/9/2018 at 3:03 PM, Geonovast said:

I have never seen a Scott Manley video


I submit for your viewing pleasure:

And I'm not Scott Manley :P No self promotion here.

Per the OP - I'm a rational player, I guess. Although I started playing KSP in Sandbox trying to make spaceships like BSG and Expanse, using massive part clipping and designing cool shapes rather than really function spacecraft.

But I quickly got more interested in using the parts in realistic ways (albeit with a lot of part clipping) and planning missions, etc.

I would also submit another Category: "MechJeb-Friendly" meaning, I know HOW to do a lot of the orbital maneuvers and stuff, along with transfers and rendezvous/docking and smooth gravity turns, but honestly I like MJ to do most of the work. We use computers in real life to handle this stuff, so I use "computers" too.

Edited by scottadges
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I'm in an odd camp of stock replica builders. I primarily build military aircraft, simply because those are the planes that interest me. However, I don't typically arm them (at least with effective weapons) due to the limitations of the stock game. Though I guess the aesthetics group also applies as well. I want the planes to look good, do everything the real thing can, and maybe match performance in flight.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Id say im mostly a sci-fi builder, albeit i tend to build things within the realm of "this could theoretically have been made if funding was infinite".  While the vast majority of my designs are capital ships, starbases, refineries, tanks, ect, all of them tend to be believable (with teh exception of SSTO dropships as those cant be made stock without abusing certain physics bugs) and i try to avoid unrealistic things like excessive part clipping (i make exceptions for asthetics but in general no clipping, specifically no engine clipping), RCS thrusters inside the ship's hull, CFG edits that alter part performance, ect.  I do still put a good deal of effort to make every single vessel i create look good though and not just a fuel tank strapped to an engine with a command pod atop it (no idea why, but i just really dont like the cylindrical asthetic, almost all my craft are more boxy/angly rather then circular like all real life vessels are normally.

I also tend to arm almost everything i make (with rare exceptions) and have stock battles with them (generally space as thats alot easier to do stock, but i occasionally do stock tanks as well even though those take forever to setup and half the rounds fired never come close to the target).  There is just something satisfying about having your newest capital ship attacked by another vessel i made earlier and seeing both sides take massive damage with debris being shot off.  Then after i try to save the crews (if they survived, and no i dont ever intentionally have any ship target another's bridge if i can help it), recover whatever can be salvaged, and bring everything back to each faction's homeworld (which is a mission in of itself).  All in all, i think i have a very good balance between engineering my ships, fighting with them, and just flying around the solar system (occasionally in wrecked ships, occasionally in brand new ones). 

I do also play with BDA on occasion, but i always end up going back to stock as its way more challenging imo to get right and i know that everything i do from guiding my own missiles to target to how i make the ship's armor takes alot more skill to pull off then slappiung a BDA weapon onto a set of wheels and teleporting however many of them i want to fight.



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 I play vanilla KSP as a mechanical contraption simulator.  It's fun to collaborate on projects with other forum users.  An occasional plane ride is fun also, especially trying out everyones' stuff on kerbalx.  I really enjoy seeing all the boats/ships everyone comes up with.  Space?  Who goes to space?

 Adding the hangar and runway was the best to ever happen to KSP.

Edited by klond
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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:43 PM, klond said:

 I play vanilla KSP as a mechanical contraption simulator.  It's fun to collaborate on projects with other forum users.  An occasional plane ride is fun also, especially trying out everyones' stuff on kerbalx.  I really enjoy seeing all the boats/ships everyone comes up with.  Space?  Who goes to space?

 Adding the hangar and runway was the best to ever happen to KSP.


I don't personally understand this, but it just shows how incredibly versatile the game is!  I live for going to space.

I have found recently that going to other planets just isn't as exciting as it was when I first got the game.  I rarely leave the Kerbin system anymore, and almost always stay in LKO.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:50 PM, Geonovast said:

I don't personally understand this, but it just shows how incredibly versatile the game is!  I live for going to space.

I have found recently that going to other planets just isn't as exciting as it was when I first got the game.  I rarely leave the Kerbin system anymore, and almost always stay in LKO.


Not sure if you're using any life support mod. I didn't really see other planets as a challenge until I had to include added mass to keep my crews alive. Using life support creates a whole additional series of challenges and mission profiles. The further you want to go, the more interesting it gets.

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  On 9/21/2018 at 3:43 PM, klond said:

 I play vanilla KSP as a mechanical contraption simulator.  It's fun to collaborate on projects with other forum users.  An occasional plane ride is fun also, especially trying out everyones' stuff on kerbalx.  I really enjoy seeing all the boats/ships everyone comes up with.  Space?  Who goes to space?

 Adding the hangar and runway was the best to ever happen to KSP.


I absolutely love to fly as well. I've just been experimenting with several different planet packs and by using the Mission Builder, have been taking long flights on other worlds, some in rocket planes, some with air-breathing engines. It is a blast.



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