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SABR3 Sterling v0.4.0 Pre-release [KSP 1.7.x] [Apr 24, 2019]


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The age of RAPIER Clustering is near its end. SABRE Sterling brings power, functionality, efficiency and style that has not yet been seen in KSP concerning SSTOs, and brings your part count under control if you want visually accurate yet "stockalike" SABRE/RAPIER assemblies.

This part pack when released will provide two families of parts for building out a SABRE:

  • The "Advent" series (in 2.5m, based on the official thing which is marked for production, with testing expected to begin in 2020).
  • The "Precedent" series (in 3.75m, the early concept, super-sized, curved engine with 4 bells for the Closed Cycle rocket mode. The 3 in "SABR3" comes from here).

What the SABR3 can do for you:

  • Offer the engine in both composite form and component forms (separate) for more fluidity of operation of Air-Breathing and Closed Cycle modes.
  • The nacelle and intake will provide a velocity driven function for producing Oxidizer like the real thing will, featured in Thor Tech.
  • Adjust its performance envelopes for effective use in upscaled systems. Currently, only the intercooler adjusts, and will even show it in its part description. Optimized for 2.5x. Aiming for real scale.
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  • 3 weeks later...

This project hasn't died. But it's been a while and I've made progress on it.

The SABR2 "Advent" series have been setup except for textures and are playable.

The SABR3 "Precedent" series aren't in yet. I may be in need of some serious justification in order to finish them.


1StatbD.jpg s82mqPc.jpg




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The Precedent series and all basic functionality are in.

The short form (5m) of the nacelle pictured here is for use with stock Mk3 SSTOs meanwhile the longer forms (6.5m and 8m) are for larger and probably modded spaceplanes that need the extra capacity that comes with those lengths.




Ooooh boy is this series big.



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Huge progress. I'm going to be so burnt out now...

The component engines are in now, plus Tweakscale plus CryoEngine support (blue flames reserved for that). The component engines allow for much greater modularity such as:

  • Activating Closed Cycle without ending Air-Breathing mode
  • Attaching a fuselage or other rocket engine through the cavity of the ramjet ring
  • Using the rocket bell by itself as an upper stage engine

There's still a long way to go before being release ready.

gtpoho4.jpg 08MAKfi.jpg 

UqMY4J9.jpg mv0UrO9.jpg


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I wasn't expecting it to appear on his stream so...yes-- I wasn't even expecting RocketPC to stream today. How far from release in terms of progress? Not very far. In terms of time? I'm not sure. I'm waiting on some things and I'm burned out a bit from the jump in progress that I did.

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No matter how long it will take, I think that might be your figurehead of Mods. Mod technically it is quite unique in KSP. So take all the time you need to make something great out of it. Maybe a complete Skylon? ;) Just kidding, but maybe @Beale is interested in it since he's familiar with tea powered space flights: D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Pre-release time. :)  v 0.1

:: Come and get it ::


It should work just fine in 1.4.5. It's a pretty basic mod on its own.

There are a few tiny mesh problems, and a lingering issue with the normals. Those will be fixed.

Where's your 2.5x Skylon-alike?


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I tried making a LAPCAT A2 last night. Four SABR2 ramjets (without their rockets and scaled down to 2m), the body set to hold 100% LF through a new config I made to add B9PS fuel switching to all stock parts. It cruises at up to Mach 5.3 at 17km ~ 20km and while holding 30t Ore. It can theoretically do 1/3 maybe 1/2 a lap around 2.5x Kerbin but I lose signal range and hence lose connection. (I should turn CommNet off).

Having so much fun with this plane has motivated me to make the engine for this type of plane, the SCIMITAR concept. This SCIMITAR is nothing like the one made by Nertea for the MkIV spaceplane mod. The true SCIMITAR is not a hybrid engine whose rocket mode can help you get to space.


Honeyview_screenshot72.jpg Honeyview_screenshot74.jpg Honeyview_screenshot80.jpg Honeyview_screenshot82.jpg

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Great mod. I like bigger rapiers and I'm worried the MK4 mod support will end one day. I've swapped a 4x rapier cluster in spaceplane design of mine with the 2.5m engine from this mod. Is it balanced for stock? It looked like the plane had a bit too much thrust, but then again, maybe the original had about the same thrust anyway.

I've attached the engine to the stock mk2 to 2.5m adapter, and it looks like the engine is just a tiny bit underscaled. Here's a screenshot


The engine mount is slightly smaller than the 2.5 end of the adapter, so the adapter edges show. If this is not intended, I guess it's just a matter of scaling it up just a bit

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@juanml82 Thanks for the feedback. Yes it's balanced for stock, mostly. There will still be a modest and convincing challenge in using it to get to orbit if used to its fullest (with its intake and nacelle, and maybe if you play the intercooler's game). Same thrust as 4 RAPIERs, but 20% less combined mass due to the efficiency of the expected, advanced, irl construction material and process (and sometimes, a monolith is simply superior to a cluster), less drag (hopefully due to being just 1 or 2 parts vs the original 4 plus whatever is used to mount them), and modestly higher Isp.

My engines are not improperly scaled. They're designed to fit in their nacelle like the cork to its wine bottle and not really meant to attach to things other than that.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Finally... The SCIMITAR Advent 2.5m jet engine. The ultimate in airline propulsion, based on the real concept SCIMITAR, derived from the SABRE. The power of 4 RAPIERs, with afterburner for subsonic cruise, and efficiency that climbs past the Whiplash.


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v 0.2 changelog

* Added SCIMITAR 2.5m engine
* Added emissive animation to SABR3 Precedent engines
* Added Isp upgrade for most engines
* Updated patches

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@woeller I had quite a lot of fun with a replica of your plane. :) If you switch one of your Mk3 LF tanks for a Mk3 LFO tank, and then half-empty all Oxidizer, it can take 45 tons to 200km and deorbit, and cruise for a while in low atmo.




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@NHunter That's really nice, man. :o How's the Hydrolox working out? Since you enabled it and showed it off I have to ask.  It's disabled because personally, I don't use hydrolox, and KSP's mass balancing isn't encouraging...but I know that it's pretty cool and popular.

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IMO, spaceplanes actually become easier to CoM-balance in hydrolox version in a number of cases due to their dry-to-wet weight ratio being higher. That said, I found hydrolox version to be much harder to put into space since you have only so much volume to store fuel. But blue flames, IMO, are way cooler.

In the end, I edited the configs to give LfOx engine those cool blue flames in place of base orange ones.

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