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[1.3.0] Kerbal Engineer Redux (2017-05-28)


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Is KER supposed to be compatible with realism overhaul? I have an issue where readings in the VAB keep changing every second or so, stages appear and disappear, delta-v changes, even the mass display on the bottom changes without user interaction. It can happen even with a simple rocket, as soon as there is more than one stage. Also, in flight, readings are not reliable (some stages display 0 delta v, suicide burn is not correct, etc.)

Anyone else having this bug? I really miss KER!

I've spent some time trying to find what mod causes this, but it appears i have the issue with the bare minimum (RO + KER), according to ckan. I've made sure no spurious file remained in GameData after uninstalling the other mods I use, but the bug is still there. Here are screenshots, including my mod list (in this example vessel, I've enabled crossfeed on decouplers, both screenshots are taken at a few seconds of interval without touching anything)


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5 minutes ago, Youen said:

Is KER supposed to be compatible with realism overhaul?

Yes, it is supposed to be compatible.  Unfortunately, a recent(-ish) update to RealFuels now means that KER is doing something a bit wrong when handling the engine thrust which causes these problems and, while I located the source of the problem a little while ago, I've not yet found the time to test that the fix doesn't introduce any other issues.

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OK, so there should be a workaround :) Do I need to install a different version of KER? Or RealFuels? Or both? If you don't know which version(s) are correct, I can make some tests and let you know.

2 hours ago, TauPhraim said:

Downgrading/holding KER back to is the solution I'm happy with.

I'm not sure if that fits with the explanation of Padishar saying that it's an update of RealFuels that started the issue?

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Yep, the KER versions work perfectly.

14 minutes ago, Youen said:

I'm not sure if that fits with the explanation of Padishar saying that it's an update of RealFuels that started the issue?

You can downgrade the RF version but then RO will not be the "Mr Nice Guy" anymore (if you are playing with RO of course).

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1 hour ago, Youen said:

I'm not sure if that fits with the explanation of Padishar saying that it's an update of RealFuels that started the issue?

I guess there's just a conflict between the two. Depending on the one you saw upgraded first, you can "blame" one or the other. It seems easier to me to downgrade KER, as it has less dependencies with other mods.

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3 hours ago, Youen said:

I'm not sure if that fits with the explanation of Padishar saying that it's an update of RealFuels that started the issue?

I didn't mean to imply that RealFuels was at fault for this.  RealFuels and KER have both changed to make themselves more compatible with KSP 1.0.5 but the ways they have implemented these changes conflict.  Can someone upload a very simple example craft (e.g. like the one in your report up thread) that reproduces this issue, preferably that just requires RF and the stockalike engine pack to be installed?

I don't understand how the changes between KER and could cause this issue (the results switching between two sets of values doesn't make sense) and only have limited time to look into it.

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33 minutes ago, Padishar said:

Can someone upload a very simple example craft

I'm not sure a persistent craft file would be enough (seeing the symptoms). I posted steps to reproduce in here 2 forum pages earlier, it's relatively easy (compared to installing RO etc).

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Here is my craft file : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B_n5I59NZyiDWVIxQU4zWllubWM/view?usp=sharing

I think you need the minimal Realism Overhaul dependencies to reproduce the issue ; I did test with RealFuel + stock and did not see the issue (it wasn't with the same craft though, maybe the issue is there and I didn't saw it, I'm still not sure when exactly it starts behaving like that). Easy to install with CKAN though (just check RO and uncheck all that's not required)

Reverting to KER did the trick, thanks :)

2 minutes ago, TauPhraim said:

I'm not sure a persistent craft file would be enough (seeing the symptoms). I posted steps to reproduce in here 2 forum pages earlier, it's relatively easy (compared to installing RO etc).

With my install of KSP (which I stripped down to bare RO to exclude other mods), I just had to open the craft file linked above, and it started showing weird results immediately, 100% reproduced on multiple KSP restarts. But I've seen other cases where everything was fine, and then adding a fuel tank breaks KER, and then exiting returning to the VAB "fixes" the issue, etc. Weird bug.

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1 minute ago, StevieC said:

I heard there's a test version of KER that's KSP 1.1 compatible. Where can I find it?

That's my question as well.  I can't run  mechjeb and KER seems like a viable replacement  until mechjeb is updated.  Any way to send us a link OR post it on the steam discussions so ppl there know it's a mod we can download to test would be great

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Can someone please tell me what the show hide hotkey has changed to?  \ does not work anymore.  I know ksp changed \ to be the hotkey for camera control view but it used to still show hide the ker gui but now it does not.

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KER pre-release version built for KSP is available to download from GitHub.

Built on KSP Experimental
Added: Asset bundle loading and integration.
Added: Styling system so that Unity UI objects can use KSP stock styles.
Added: Unity UI window system.
Changed: Thermal flux is now correctly indicated in kilowatts.
Changed: Complete rewrite of code underpinning the stock toolbar icons.
Changed: Flight Engineer toolbar menu recreated using Unity UI.
Changed: Replaced occurances of IMGUI using RenderingManager to use OnGUI directly.
Fixed: Toggling the 'Control Bar' now appropriately resizes the display stack.
Fixed: Part info tooltips in the editor remaining open when no part is selected.

Please note that this is also a pre-release version of KER to coincide with KSP. It will be subject to frequent updates as part of the overhaul to make use of new functionality now offered by the Unity 5 engine upgrade.

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46 minutes ago, Joe32320 said:

Cheers for the update, played 1.1 last night....other mods I can live without, without this one KSP just feels wrong, I need all the numbers!

I agree, I really don't understand why there is not a Delta V and TWR in the stock game, trying to build a rocket without that minimum of information is like trying to read a klingon poem off your cell phone while skydiving. . 

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For anyone experiencing issues with no Delta-V being displayed when using heat shields and desperately require a fix, please download and replace your KerbalEngineer.dll with the one available at https://github.com/CYBUTEK/KerbalEngineer/raw/experimentals/Output/KerbalEngineer/KerbalEngineer.dll.

A workaround without downloading would be to right click on the heat shield and set it to be staged. You can then move the stage around like any decoupler to fix when KER expects everything below to be dropped.

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Small bug report:

I'm using the 1.1 version and the impact biome doesn't show correctly.  For example head directly towards the water at launch and impact biome shows grasslands, this is with just a capsule and the smallest booster.  If you change direction over the water and head south (maybe north, I don't remember) it will change to highlands.  Maybe it is related to the delta-v not getting calculated right or something, and thinking it will go farther than it can.  I tried using the above dll fix but it didn't change anything.  Everything else appears to work as intended but I haven't really messed with the 1.1 update too much.  Obviously this isn't a major issue, but I thought I would mention it.  If it matters, I am on Linux x64, and no other mods at the time of testing.

And thanks for making this, I doubt I could hit the Mun without it.


Tried on a suborbital flight, AP of about 120km.  All the way up it kept changing impact biome; grassland, highland, shore, tunda.  After hitting AP and dropping to about 110km it changed to show impact of water as expected.  I seem to remember the game having a bug with respect to biomes not always being in the right spot, so maybe that is at fault.

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58 minutes ago, Astir said:

Any news on when your update for 1.1 will be on CKAN? Thanks.

When KSP 1.1 is released.  This is due to version 1.1 not being compatible with KSP 1.0.5. I wouldn't want people using the still current release version of KSP (which is 1.0.5) downloading and installing the version of KER for 1.1. That just sounds like a very nice way to be inundated with worthless bug reports.

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As for any bug report, please provide a complete output_log.txt/player.log file and a list of the other mods you have installed.

The error in the log is probably to be expected but the deltaV calculations should still work.

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