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Will YOU be on the first BFR manned moon flyby ?

Green Baron

Will YOU be on the first BFR moon flyby ?  

39 members have voted

  1. 1. If i offered you a free ticket, would you ?

    • Yes
    • No

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  • Poll closed on 09/26/2018 at 10:59 PM

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5 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

I'd take the ticket and sell it on eBay.

That is ok for me.

I hope you ticked "no" then, because you are not on the flight.


I can't add more reactions today, so anyone explaining him/herself feel reacted upon :-)

Edited by Green Baron
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1 hour ago, Green Baron said:

That is ok for me.

I hope you ticked "no" then, because you are not on the flight.


I can't add more reactions today, so anyone explaining him/herself feel reacted upon :-)

Actually, I forgot to vote. That's not my ACTUAL answer but my actual answer is no. I would not. Once the first one landed safely I'd be up for the 2nd though.

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9 hours ago, ChrisSpace said:

This is different from what the title of the thread implies, and changes my answer from "I wish but no" to "where do I sign?"

There is an ambiguity ? I wrote the explanation of what i meant to clarify that the ship has demonstrated that it can work ...

Edited by Green Baron
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Sort of. Out of curiosity i made that poll, just to see if people would actually go themselves on such a trip if offered the opportunity. I know there is a strong bias here and if really standing in front of the hatch the one or the other may still falter, but i think we have a picture :-)

Edited by Green Baron
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Although I would really wish to go, I won't. There's still a lot of time I need to spend with my people, lots of my research to work upon.

Let the astronauts do space travel. I doubt a majority of civilians who can afford a ticket to the moon will be able to withstand the g forces and vibrations during launch ,that is, if the astronaut training doesn't break them. But still, the rich guys and girls will sponsor more fit guys and girls for a BFR trip to space, I think.

Edited by Sorabh
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52 minutes ago, kerbiloid said:

"After the violent spaceship accident in 2048 all spaceflights with humans onboard had been prohibited."

"After the violent lunar accident in 2023 where (name) died, spaceflight had increased funding"

Edited by adamgerd
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...Yes. Assuming a reasonable timeline, a non-transferrable ticket, and support from my legal guardians, YES.

But given the option (unless BFR has flown 100+ times with good reliability bu then) I would prefer to be transferred to the second or third flight. As enthusiastic and optimistic as I am about BFR, I try to have a healthy amount of skepticism... Since when do things in aerospace go perfectly the first time around? I'd rather have a 10% chance of death but not be first than be the first with a 25% chance of death (numbers pulled out of my hat, it is far too early to estimate the BFR's reliability).

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1 hour ago, Green Baron said:

you are not on the first ship due to safety reasons.

There is already 23 persons signed up for the first flight (see the poll).
Probably everybody except them should anyway wait for the second one.

Edited by kerbiloid
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Ok, i see this remark could be read as i was trying to influence things.

That's not the case. I only wanted to make sure that i understood @steve_v i mean @Ultimate Steve correctly.:blush:


I set a close date for the poll for tonight, 23::59.

The picture is quite clear. Thanks everybody :-)

Edited by Green Baron
Sorry Steves ...
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