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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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3 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Partloader: Part Beyond1999/servicepods/orep/oreref/oreprocess has no database record. creating

drag cubes not found - generating new drag cubes.

normal to KSP - when it finds a part that doesn't have a DRAG_CUBE in its part.cfg

can just filter all those out (normally)

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6 hours ago, ColdJ said:

Hi @Lisias

Sorry, know how busy you are but I hope you might translate the following for me. I don't know if the member was seeing it on the first install or every load.


Lately I'm more tired than busy :sticktongue: - one consequence of workloads that endures for months is that a lot of things on Real Life ends up getting sidetracked, and once the workload ends (by a reason or another), you have all that backlog to handle. :P 


6 hours ago, ColdJ said:

In my Log file I'm finding the following entry:

Partloader: Part Beyond1999/servicepods/orep/oreref/oreprocess has no database record. creating

drag cubes not found - generating new drag cubes.

There's a file called PartDatabase.cfg on your KSP's root. It's where all the parts' information are consolidated for easy access.

After loading the Textures and  Models, KSP starts to read and "compile" the parts from the config files. When a new part not present on that database file is fount, this message is printed on the log.

Delete the PartDatabase.cfg and then fire up KSP - you will see this message for every part found. Then quit KSP and fire it up again, and you will note that no issue of that log will be found. ;)

About the drag cubes, it's the same. KSP doesn't measures drag precisely, it uses on inaccurate approximation that it's good enough for the game purposes. This approximation is the drag-cube, literally a cube used to measure how much drag a part will cause - I do not really know how it is calculated, I just take this for granted, but if you go check that PartDatabase.cfg file you will get a long list of things like:

        url = AirplanePlus/Parts/Aero/bigwing/part/bigwing
                cube = Default, 1.247,0.9107,1.43, 1.247,0.1293,11.17, 3.729,0.5781,0.8552, 3.729,0.3346,1.992, 21.76,0.9629,0.4668, 21.76,0.9634,0.4668, -5.467,-0.182,-2.858E-07, 11.2,2.366,0.7374

And there it's your drag cubes. ;)

Some parts specify it's own drag cubes "manually", see the ./Squad/Parts/Aero/miniIntake/SmallIntake.cfg (took from KSP 1.4.3 as I using it to do some research now):

	name = miniIntake
	module = Part
	author = Porkjet

	<yada yada yada>

	tags = #autoLOC_500198 //#autoLOC_500198 = aero (air aircraft breathe fligh inlet jet oxygen plane subsonic suck
		cube = Default, 0.1813352,0.6919296,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6919321,0.4108824, 0.3032565,0.4,0.3950377, 0.3032565,0.942507,0.1303004, 0.1813352,0.6928801,0.4108824, 0.1813352,0.6909673,0.4108824, 0,0.1324531,-2.368446E-08, 0.625,0.3274064,0.6250001

See? You can specify yourself the drag cube (if you know how to do it :sticktongue:), or you can trust KSP to calculate it for you. When KSP does it, it prints that message about drag cubes on the KSP.log.


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@Lisias and @zer0Kerbal.

Thank you both for your responses. I was reasonably sure that was what was happening but the member had not specified whether it was a one time thing or not.

I am actually well versed with drag cubes these days and my newer mods actually rely on creating custom ones to put in the config files in order to get the results I want. I don't know how to calculate them myself, but what I do is create a simple geometric shape in blender that suits the dimensions I want, give it a basic config and have it loaded into the game. I then go into the Part Database config file and find the calculated Drag Cube and copy and paste it into my actual model's config file. Using this I have things like my Star Wars mods have ships that act like wing surfaces even if they aren't naturally shaped right for that.

One of the most useful things about custom drag cubes is actually for models you want to be able to sink or float. I spent so much time trying to work out the buoyancy parameter and failing. Turns out the secret was Drag Cubes. You give a part that is usually too big to sink ,without a lot of mass, a smaller drag cube and voilia, it sinks quite readily. The inverse for something you want to float, that usually would sink.

Drag Cubes are magic. :)


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6 hours ago, ColdJ said:

One of the most useful things about custom drag cubes is actually for models you want to be able to sink or float. I spent so much time trying to work out the buoyancy parameter and failing. Turns out the secret was Drag Cubes. You give a part that is usually too big to sink ,without a lot of mass, a smaller drag cube and voilia, it sinks quite readily. The inverse for something you want to float, that usually would sink.

Drag Cubes are magic. :)

Ahh!! So this is the reason that huge and terribly heavy wheels ended up floating!!!! :sticktongue:


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3 hours ago, Lisias said:

It's a you tube video, it should had rendered for you. Are you on mobile?

Nope, desktop with firefox. It still is just a big black rectangle now that I am back. I will imagine them instead. :)


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On 4/9/2022 at 11:52 AM, ttr said:


Latest version ( via ckan.
After reverting to VAB or loading saved craft,  tweak scale does not resize all info about parts - found out that fuel i being reset to part default size value.
Also some stacktraces in logs.

KSP.log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/vjkwrnz8fluzbl1/2022.04.09 - tweakscale - KSP.log?dl=0

Hi, @ttr!

I finally had time to gave this another look. Since the exception had happened between two KSP-Recall modules, I wondered if it could be involved somehow and opened this issue for it: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/KSP-Recall/issues/40

TL;DR, it's something on Deep Freeze for sure. But it's not exactly DF's fault, because I tested it on KSP 1.9.1 (while probing it on KSP-Recall), and it worked perfectly fine. So something changed on KSP 1.12.3 specifically (as on its thread is state it works on 1.12.x, so the change must be recent), and this change caught DF with its pants down.

The good news is that I pinpointed exactly where the problem is. As soon as I have time, I will try a fix myself and then do a pull request to the maintainer - but the problem is so easily fixable that if the maintainer is informed about it, he can release a new version with it fixed in half an hour - so perhaps you would want to report this to him ? You are the original reporter!


Edited by Lisias
It? I had called him 'it's? Gee! :P
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@Lisias I can see your video now, Seems YouTube has added a "YouTubenocookie" script and I use No Script to keep tight control on what pops up, so because it wasn't authorised it was just a black box. I have replied to your message too.

I hope that model was moving from Inertia, because wheels shouldn't have traction on water.

Edited by ColdJ
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Hey I'm having some issues with tweakscale and Interstellar extended (refer to the image) and after going through some of the earlier posts on this forum and checking the logs I found that a bunch of parts (14 in total) had an exception on sanity checks and a null reference exception (refer to the 2nd image), from one earlier post I saw that the parts that broke the ckecking process were just removed from being able to be tweakscaled and am wondering on how to do that. Tnx in advance for all responses.unknown.pngunknown.png

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3 hours ago, mmb300 said:

Hey I'm having some issues with tweakscale and Interstellar extended (refer to the image) and after going through some of the earlier posts on this forum and checking the logs I found that a bunch of parts (14 in total) had an exception on sanity checks and a null reference exception (refer to the 2nd image), from one earlier post I saw that the parts that broke the ckecking process were just removed from being able to be tweakscaled and am wondering on how to do that. Tnx in advance for all responses.unknown.pngunknown.png

Yay, it's some time since the last time someone reported one of these… I think more than an year.. :)

Well, I need the full  KSP.log in order to check what's happening. The parts you quoted are only telling me what happened, but not where and why - only the KSP.log has these informations.

Publish the whole thingy on dropbox or something and post the link here.

What I can say for sure is that someone else is borking when TweakScale checks its data on the Main Menu. Most of the time this happens because some other PartModule has inconsistent data on their own module data and borks when TweakScale "awakes" the Part to check the TweakScale's module data consistency and probing the total mass and the resources' mass in order to calculate the dry mass of that part (I need to calculate the dry mass of everything, so checking for problems is essentially cost free at this point).

Most of the time is due a faulty dependency, more likely patches - some parts ends up partially patched and when you try to use the parts, they blow up.

In a way or another, the answer is on the KSP.log - I can't say I can fix them, I'll probably code a WorkAround to remove TweakScale from these parts to prevent TweakScale from touching them.

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16 hours ago, Lisias said:

Yay, it's some time since the last time someone reported one of these… I think more than an year.. :)

Well, I need the full  KSP.log in order to check what's happening. The parts you quoted are only telling me what happened, but not where and why - only the KSP.log has these informations.

Publish the whole thingy on dropbox or something and post the link here.

What I can say for sure is that someone else is borking when TweakScale checks its data on the Main Menu. Most of the time this happens because some other PartModule has inconsistent data on their own module data and borks when TweakScale "awakes" the Part to check the TweakScale's module data consistency and probing the total mass and the resources' mass in order to calculate the dry mass of that part (I need to calculate the dry mass of everything, so checking for problems is essentially cost free at this point).

Most of the time is due a faulty dependency, more likely patches - some parts ends up partially patched and when you try to use the parts, they blow up.

In a way or another, the answer is on the KSP.log - I can't say I can fix them, I'll probably code a WorkAround to remove TweakScale from these parts to prevent TweakScale from touching them.

Ok tnx for the help, heres the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0ju3xz33o05afk/KSP.log?dl=0  
Also another question, if I just don't use tweakscale on the 14 broken parts would it still be an issue or not?

Edited by mmb300
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15 hours ago, mmb300 said:

Ok tnx for the help, heres the link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/a0ju3xz33o05afk/KSP.log?dl=0  
Also another question, if I just don't use tweakscale on the 14 broken parts would it still be an issue or not?

Well, I took some time but built a KSP 1.12.2 test bed for your case. You are using KSP 1.12.0, but I don't have a working 1.12.0 available anymore, so let's check things on 1.12.2 - worst case scenario, I rebuild a 1.12.0 test bed on the weekend.

From the TweakScale point of view, yes. Not using these parts will not trigger anything on TweakScale - but these parts will be there lingering and waiting you forget about and use them by accident.

But ince they are blowing up Exceptions when TweakScale is installed (or besides TweakScale being installed),  it's better to just remove TweakScale from them. If the error persists, at least we will have one less variable to worry about.

In a way or another, I just fired up KSP 1.12.2 with the latest KSPIE (1.29.6) and found no issues on my rig. Worst, I didn't found any parts with the same name from the ones borking on your KSP.log, these parts are just not on my rig. However, looking for them I found this recent issue with the exact same problem you have among others, and by comparing this rig with yours and mine. I had noted that you both have something called Interstellar Technologies (I dumbly assumed it was part of KSPIE, but it doesn't) - and, in time, nice part set! I wish I had paid more attention to @ttr's KSP.log and noted it sooner! :) 

Oukey. Downloading it and installing it too.

Anyway, since the Interstellar Techonologies package is a bit old, I removed everything, installed the latest KSPIE and then only the InterstellarTechnologies one (avoiding overwriting newer versions with older), except by TweakScale, that it's up to date on that rig (newer version than the one on KSPIE).



finally reproduced your program on my test bed. Oh, well… @ttr you need to see this, I misdiagnosed your case. My apologies.

Right now, I don't have the slightest clue about the reason this is happening. What I know for sure is that the TweakScale data on the ConfigCache is valid, so no problems related to TweakScale will happen because of this.

I can only register what's happening in order in the hope of helping anyone from Interstellar Technologies to diagnose the root cause:

[LOG 21:14:55.289] [TweakScale] ERROR: part=Interstellar-Technologies.AMCatGasdynamicMirror (KSPIT KR-342 AM Cat. Gasdynamic Mirror Cell Fusion Drive) Exception on
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CreateCopy () [0x00006] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at GameDatabase.GetConfigNode (System.String url) [0x0002f] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter.GetMeThatConfigNode (Part p) [0x0002a] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter.checkForOverrules (Part p) [0x00000] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter+<WriteDryCost>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00417] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0  at error:0

The problem is on the CopyToRecursive method. Apparently, when we ask the GameDatabase for the ConfigNode using GetConfigNode, it internally gives us a deep copy of the object (to protect the original data from being mangled, probably). And by some reason, this ConfigNode is missing, corrupted or incomplete on the Main Menu scene.

How this happens is a mystery  to me. Interstellar Technologies is a parts only add'on, no code - all the code is on KSPIE, that doesn't behaves like that on its own parts. You (and @ttr) will need to reach both IT and KSPIE maintainers for further help on diagnosing this one - even by being something I can do on TweskScale, I need to know what's happening first.

Alternativelly…. You can apply this WorkAround on your GAMEDATA (I suggest GameData/__LOCAL for easy finding it later and avoid deleting it by accident).

— — WORK AROUND — — 

Work Around:

*"image below"
Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 22 56 14

Source: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/245

Edited by Lisias
stay tuned
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7 hours ago, Lisias said:

Well, I took some time but built a KSP 1.12.2 test bed for your case. You are using KSP 1.12.0, but I don't have a working 1.12.0 available anymore, so let's check things on 1.12.2 - worst case scenario, I rebuild a 1.12.0 test bed on the weekend.

From the TweakScale point of view, yes. Not using these parts will not trigger anything on TweakScale - but these parts will be there lingering and waiting you forget about and use them by accident.

But ince they are blowing up Exceptions when TweakScale is installed (or besides TweakScale being installed),  it's better to just remove TweakScale from them. If the error persists, at least we will have one less variable to worry about.

In a way or another, I just fired up KSP 1.12.2 with the latest KSPIE (1.29.6) and found no issues on my rig. Worst, I didn't found any parts with the same name from the ones borking on your KSP.log, these parts are just not on my rig. However, looking for them I found this recent issue with the exact same problem you have among others, and by comparing this rig with yours and mine. I had noted that you both have something called Interstellar Technologies (I dumbly assumed it was part of KSPIE, but it doesn't) - and, in time, nice part set! I wish I had paid more attention to @ttr's KSP.log and noted it sooner! :) 

Oukey. Downloading it and installing it too.

Anyway, since the Interstellar Techonologies package is a bit old, I removed everything, installed the latest KSPIE and then only the InterstellarTechnologies one (avoiding overwriting newer versions with older), except by TweakScale, that it's up to date on that rig (newer version than the one on KSPIE).


  Reveal hidden contents

finally reproduced your program on my test bed. Oh, well… @ttr you need to see this, I misdiagnosed your case. My apologies.

Right now, I don't have the slightest clue about the reason this is happening. What I know for sure is that the TweakScale data on the ConfigCache is valid, so no problems related to TweakScale will happen because of this.

I can only register what's happening in order in the hope of helping anyone from Interstellar Technologies to diagnose the root cause:

[LOG 21:14:55.289] [TweakScale] ERROR: part=Interstellar-Technologies.AMCatGasdynamicMirror (KSPIT KR-342 AM Cat. Gasdynamic Mirror Cell Fusion Drive) Exception on
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x00000] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CopyToRecursive (ConfigNode node, System.Boolean overwrite) [0x0014a] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at ConfigNode.CreateCopy () [0x00006] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at GameDatabase.GetConfigNode (System.String url) [0x0002f] in <8861f4ca916d41ddac4d879a32ad34b2>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter.GetMeThatConfigNode (Part p) [0x0002a] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter.checkForOverrules (Part p) [0x00000] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0
  at TweakScale.PrefabDryCostWriter+<WriteDryCost>d__3.MoveNext () [0x00417] in <126b44db42594e4685eedd1483b9eaa0>:0  at error:0

The problem is on the CopyToRecursive method. Apparently, when we ask the GameDatabase for the ConfigNode using GetConfigNode, it internally gives us a deep copy of the object (to protect the original data from being mangled, probably). And by some reason, this ConfigNode is missing, corrupted or incomplete on the Main Menu scene.

How this happens is a mystery  to me. Interstellar Technologies is a parts only add'on, no code - all the code is on KSPIE, that doesn't behaves like that on its own parts. You (and @ttr) will need to reach both IT and KSPIE maintainers for further help on diagnosing this one - even by being something I can do on TweskScale, I need to know what's happening first.

Alternativelly…. You can apply this WorkAround on your GAMEDATA (I suggest GameData/__LOCAL for easy finding it later and avoid deleting it by accident).

— — WORK AROUND — — 

Work Around:

*"image below"
Screen Shot 2022-04-27 at 22 56 14

Source: https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/245

Ok, thank you very much! I know someone that worked on the design of the engines for IT and sent him this to forward it to the people that coded it.

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I've recently ran into a problem while bloating my game with mods, Tweak Scale is throwing a feat on start up, showing Show Stopper error (can't find DLLs but I don't even imagine which) and "Missing Class: The type initializer for 'KSPe.IO.Hierarchy`1' threw an exception".

The log is conveniently placed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FuCmDtLIUjIocBQOuIopvT82RwCo5mLW/view?usp=sharing

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a wrong thread or have been answered several times already, I'm fresh as a Bamby to these forums.

P.S. It worked just fine until I installed Interstellar, Interstellar Fuel Switch and the Interstellar redistributable, so I suspect it has something to do with that? Also, everything is installed with CKAN, if that helps.

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3 hours ago, Postalover said:


I've recently ran into a problem while bloating my game with mods, Tweak Scale is throwing a feat on start up, showing Show Stopper error (can't find DLLs but I don't even imagine which) and "Missing Class: The type initializer for 'KSPe.IO.Hierarchy`1' threw an exception".

The log is conveniently placed here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FuCmDtLIUjIocBQOuIopvT82RwCo5mLW/view?usp=sharing

Thanks in advance and sorry if this is a wrong thread or have been answered several times already, I'm fresh as a Bamby to these forums.

P.S. It worked just fine until I installed Interstellar, Interstellar Fuel Switch and the Interstellar redistributable, so I suspect it has something to do with that? Also, everything is installed with CKAN, if that helps.

Uh, dude. You got bitten by a nasty KSP bug on a thingy Assembly Resolver yada yada yada. TL;DR. when something borks being loaded due a faulty dependence, everything else trying to load something (or to use a thingy called Reflection) borks relentlessly due the bug. And since TweakScale makes heavy and critical use of exactly these two things. TweakScale yells when it detects this happened (because a faulty TweakScale will ruin your whole savegame).

On your rig, the problem is a old release of Firespitter:

[ERR 13:01:28.990] [AssemblyLoader] Exception when getting assembly attributes: Exception of type 'System.Reflection.ReflectionTypeLoadException' was thrown.

Additional information about this exception:

 System.TypeLoadException: Could not load type of field 'Firespitter.FSparticleFX:pEmitter' (4) due to: Could not resolve type with token 01000057 (from typeref, cl

 System.TypeLoadException: Invalid type Firespitter.FSparticleFX for instance field Firespitter.engine.FSgroundParticles:particleFX

 System.TypeLoadException: Invalid type Firespitter.FSparticleFX[] for instance field Firespitter.engine.FSvelocityController:particleFX

When KSP migrated from Unity 2017 to Unity 2019, some older code that was still relying on deprecated assets on 2017 broke on 2019 because the deprecated things were, well, removed. Firespitter is one of these. The latest Firespitter has this solved - update it and the problem will go away.

Edited by Lisias
Some entertaining grammars made less entertaining.
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13 minutes ago, Iso-Polaris said:

I'm using Tweak Scale with KSP Interstella Extended. Some of it's part shows "Tweak Scale: Disabled" in their part info menus, while I check for their part and couldn't find anything that could've disabled TS.

What could cause this ?

Someone explicitly disabling them by code or by patch. :)

You should be able to enable it again (by clicking on the respective button), unless the same dude that disabled them made the part also Unavailable - but by then, you would be complying about them being Unavailable.

Send me your KSP.log, your MM Patch Log and the MM Config Cache and I will give it a peek - but chances are that you had clicked on the button by accident.

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Release is available for downloading, with the following changes:

  • Fixes a not so subtle but definitively insidious problem reported by @Alexsys. Thanks and sorry, dude!
  • Closes Issues:
    • #246 New bug related to IVA and Cameras when TweakScale is installed
    • #222 Update KSPe.Light for KSPe

See OP for the links.

The Hero of the day is @Alexsysthat not only reported a pretty annoying bug on TweakScale, but for two days helped me to overcome my stubbornness until I finally let pass trough my thick dull head that the problem was on my side!


By last, but not the least...


No Module Manager was harmed during the development of TweakScale.

— — — — —

This Release will be published using the following Schedule:

  • GitHub, reaching first manual installers and users of KSP-AVC. Right now.
  • CurseForge. Right Now.
  • SpaceDock (and CKAN users). Right Now.

(All your Distribution Channels are belong to us! - Updating everything almost at once this time)

Edited by Lisias
All your Distribution Channels are belong to us!
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14 hours ago, Lisias said:

Someone explicitly disabling them by code or by patch. :)

You should be able to enable it again (by clicking on the respective button), unless the same dude that disabled them made the part also Unavailable - but by then, you would be complying about them being Unavailable.

Send me your KSP.log, your MM Patch Log and the MM Config Cache and I will give it a peek - but chances are that you had clicked on the button by accident.

Which button could enable it again? I can't find it.

Also, I found this in MM congig cache

			name = TweakScale
			type = stack_interstellar_225
			defaultScale = 2.5
			scaleFactors = 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80
			active = false
			available = false

And, where do I find MM patch log

Edited by Iso-Polaris
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44 minutes ago, Iso-Polaris said:

Which button could enable it again? I can't find it.

And by a good reason, see below!!


45 minutes ago, Iso-Polaris said:

Also, I found this in MM congig cache

			name = TweakScale
			type = stack_interstellar_225
			defaultScale = 2.5
			scaleFactors = 1.25, 1.875, 2.5, 3.75, 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 30, 40, 60, 80
			active = false
			available = false

And, where do I find MM patch log

Yep, TweakScale was deactivated and made unavailable on this part. There's nothing we can do, except by forcing our hands on the issue using a :FINAL patch, obviously! :) 

The feature is working as designed, someone decided that this part should not be scaled and deactivate it (to save cpu cycles) and made it unavailable so users can't activate TweakScale back.

From this point, we will be stepping on the author's toes - be aware that he may not be willing to provide support to you if you do that, he choose to deactivate TweakScale for a reason (you may ask him for it, but keep in mind that he is the author and it's his decision).

You will find the MM Patch log on <KSP-ROOT>/Logs/ModuleManager (IIRC). And I will need also the ConfigCache from your GameData in order to check the name of the part (or parts) in order to make the counter-patch. (don't tell anyone I'd did , ok? :sticktongue:).

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3 hours ago, Lisias said:

And by a good reason, see below!!


Yep, TweakScale was deactivated and made unavailable on this part. There's nothing we can do, except by forcing our hands on the issue using a :FINAL patch, obviously! :) 

The feature is working as designed, someone decided that this part should not be scaled and deactivate it (to save cpu cycles) and made it unavailable so users can't activate TweakScale back.

From this point, we will be stepping on the author's toes - be aware that he may not be willing to provide support to you if you do that, he choose to deactivate TweakScale for a reason (you may ask him for it, but keep in mind that he is the author and it's his decision).

You will find the MM Patch log on <KSP-ROOT>/Logs/ModuleManager (IIRC). And I will need also the ConfigCache from your GameData in order to check the name of the part (or parts) in order to make the counter-patch. (don't tell anyone I'd did , ok? :sticktongue:).


I found out the reason, the author did NOT disable TS for that part, instead it was a mod conflict. It is disabled because of waterfall core mod

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I can't figure this out and it's almost game breaking. Basically can't use any subassemblies etc. Essentially, Merging a craft loads it with all its' axis spread out.
Is this Tweakscale? Or is it Procedural Parts?

Edited by ElonsMusk
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