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[KSP >= 1.3.0] TweakScale - Under Lisias' Management - - 2024-1117


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On 12/2/2020 at 7:40 PM, Pointblank66 said:

I'm getting the following error with TweakScale and I would like to know which parts are causing this.

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TweakScale found 9 parts that failed sanity checks! See KSP.log for details.

Parts that fail sanity check had TweakScale support withdrawn. This was
necessary to prevent them to crash the game. At the present, there's no way to
scale them without with out nasty consequences - but they can be used normally.

Tweakscale is working to support these parts.



TL;DR: Don't worry. it's not an error and your game is safe. Next TweakScale release will finally get rid of it.

Long History: These ones as "Warnings", i.e., they are things that can annoy you but they will not hurt (but it would, if I didn't withdrew TweakScale from that parts).

These nine, in particular, are related to a thingy called Variant. It's a way to introduce... well.. variants... :) of a part without the need to create a new part, and so add more entries into a already near overpopulated Palette. When a Variant change Mass and/or Cost, TweakScale was failing to correctly scale the part, and sometimes the Cost ended up negative (and, so, creating a nasty exploit on the Career game), or negative (or, worst!, ZERO!) mass, and so leading the game to a crash (ruining the savegame).

 At that time, a huge lot of things were changing, and some of that changes were breaking third-parties add'ons, that by their time ended up blowing up TweakScale by side effect. And such avalanche of things to fix forced me to priorize - since only 9 parts were changing Cost and Mass, I gone to hunt everything else.

Now, however, things changed, and these 9 parts are the final technical debits on TweakScale really affecting a Stock (and DLC) game. And these ones is what I'm working on right now, by the way. You can follow what I'm doing checking the Issue #42.

TweakScale Beta, now, knows how to correctly handle Variants with Mass and Cost. This is past right now, the next TweakScale release will get rid of that 9 Warnings bothering you.

However, right now I bashing my SAS :sticktongue: figuring out how to handle Mirroring with scaled parts with Variants (yeah, this Variant thing is fighting fiercely...). I think this is the last job before releasing the new TweakScale. If you are curious, I'm talking about here.


On 12/2/2020 at 7:40 PM, Pointblank66 said:

Here is the KSP.log, I added the tag TS_Sanity to it

Yep. These are the ones (on a Stock+DLC installment):

[LOG 23:24:47.878] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate1p5 (EP-18 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate2 (EP-25 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate3 (EP-37 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate4 (EP-50 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube1 (T-12 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube1p5 (T-18 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Cost - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube2 (T-25 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube3 (T-37 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube4 (T-50 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0

Of course, some third party add'ons can inflate these list a bit. But, in a way or another, these ones will vanish for sure on the next TweakScale release.


On 12/2/2020 at 7:40 PM, Pointblank66 said:

I also have a different KSP.log for a different install that is being looked at for a different issue. Please ignore all the annotations, They are also not related to this Tweakscale issue.

Uh... Too late. I'm curious. :D

I don't know exactly what is the problem you detected on your 1.8.1 installment, but inspecting the other log I think you have wrong versions for Scatterer and K3P installed. These two add'ons are terribly tied to some internals that are changing heavily lately (been there, debugged that). However... You installed, indeed, the right version:

[LOG 18:12:49.820] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.055

So perhaps you have found a bug or incompatibility with something else. The exception is happening right on startup and, knowing how KSP works internally, this exception can be aborting something important. Talk with the Scatterer guys to check if this can be ignored.

[EXC 18:12:49.841] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.findCelestialBodies () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.Init () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    scatterer.Scatterer.Awake () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

Also found this on scatterer:

[LOG 18:14:30.180] [Scatterer][Error] Effects couldn't be loaded for Earth because of exception: System.Exception: No correct main menu object found for Earth
  at scatterer.Utils.GetMainMenuObject (System.String name) [0x0005f] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0
  at scatterer.ProlandManager.Init (scatterer.ScattererCelestialBody scattererBody) [0x00090] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0
  at scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.UpdateProlandManagers () [0x001d8] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0


KS3P, however, is not exactly compatible with 1.8.1, it's borking while initialisation - and more than one time;

[EXC 18:13:15.605] ArgumentException: Requested value 'fxaa' was not found.
    System.Enum+EnumResult.SetFailure (System.Enum+ParseFailureKind failure, System.String failureMessageID, System.Object failureMessageFormatArgument) (at
    System.Enum.TryParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Enum+EnumResult& parseResult) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a8
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1[T].TryParseEnum[E] (System.String enumString, E& parsed) (at <23a20b94782a4ba5a37d2f4fd9ad5f4a>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    KSP_PostProcessing.KS3P:Exception(String, Exception)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1:Exception(String, Exception)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1:TryParseEnum(String, Method&)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

Spacedock tells me that KSP 1.7.2 is the latest officially supported release (1.7.3 will probably work fine). KSP 1.8.0 changed the Unity Engine version, and this was a pretty huge change. Again, due some internal characteristics of KSP, these exceptions potentially can interrupt the initialisation process for some thingies, and it's impossible to foresee the consequences. If you have some weird misbehaviour on your game, it may be related to something that should had been initialised but it was not because some unhandled Exception broke its caller, that so aborted the initialisation thread that would do the job.


I also found something related to Reality Overhaul:

[WRN 18:14:19.045] [ROCManager]: Invalid CelestialBody Name Eeloo on ROC Definition EelooBerg. Removed entry.
[ERR 18:14:19.047] Exception handling event OnPSystemReady in class ROCManager:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
  at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <ad04dee02e7e4a8
  at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0
  at ROCManager.ValidateCBBiomeCombos () [0x00314] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0
  at ROCManager.GetROCControlFromCB () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0

Eelo is not being loaded apparently due some typo on a config file, perhaps? In a way or another, other than losing Eelo on the game, apparently this was handled propperly by Koppernicus.

In a way or another, Exceptions are, usually, bad news. When not propperly handled, they kill the thread that is running the faulty code - and then anything that would be done after that code are just ignored - and badly initialised code tends to inject collateral effects later on the game. So perhaps you would want to get rid of KS3P and Scatterer and redo the testings to see if you get the same results before applying for a bug report.

-- -- -- -- 

On 12/2/2020 at 9:47 PM, SpaceFaringOrBust said:

Hello, Thank you for being so willing to help out with this stuff. I've ran into an error and been having trouble figuring out the bad mod. If someone could help me, I be very thankful.

Related to TweakScale, I found 3 fatalities on your KSP.log. There're errors happens when more than one patch indiscriminately patches the same part, and so TweakScale risks screwing up things due conflicting rules:

[LOG 19:35:31.039] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part KIS.Container1 (SC-62 Portable Container) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 19:35:31.039] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part KIS.Container2 (ILC-18k Container) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0
[LOG 19:35:31.039] [TweakScale] ERROR: **FATAL** Part KIS.Container3 (ISC-6K Container) has a fatal problem due having duplicated properties - see issue [#34]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/34 ). at error:0

Well, this one happened because you forgot to remove all the old files before installing a new TweakScale version!

[LOG 19:34:09.054] Applying update TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/KIS_TweakScale/@PART[KIS_Container1] to KIS/Parts/container1/part.cfg/PART[KIS_Container1]
[LOG 19:34:09.419] Applying update TweakScale/patches/KIS_TweakScale/@PART[KIS_Container1] to KIS/Parts/container1/part.cfg/PART[KIS_Container1]

It's really a good idea to completely remove all the old files from an Add'On (except when you are told otherwise), since as new releases are issued, some files are moved or deleted and then this oldies play havoc on the game are these did to you. The good news is that, since these double patching is happening due old lefties lingering around and I know exactly what these oldies had inside, I can ensure you that nothing bad is happening - TweakScale is not exactly the smartest person in the World (no code is), so it can't tell when a double patching is going to hurt you or not, so it yells on every double patching.

Just remove all TweakScale files, install a fresh copy immediately, this this will vanish from your installment.

EDIT: My answer complements (and not substitutes) what @Krazy1 answered to you. You should also fix the problems pinpointed by him!

-- -- -- -- -- 

On 11/13/2020 at 9:51 PM, Daniel Prates said:

@Lisias you're just tireless! Heads up, community members, this guy could at this very time (circa 9pm on a friday) be at the Bixiga neighbourhood having some excellent pizza ansd chopp, but instead here he is working for your enjoyment. 

No! I'm stubborn!! Incredibly stubborn!! :sticktongue:


Cheers for everyone!

Edited by Lisias
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14 minutes ago, Lisias said:

TL;DR: Don't worry. it's not an error and your game is safe. Next TweakScale release will finally get rid of it.

Long History: These ones as "Warnings", i.e., they are things that can annoy you but they will not hurt (but it would, if I didn't withdrew TweakScale from that parts).

These nine, in particular, are related to a thingy called Variant. It's a way to introduce... well.. variants... :) of a part without the need to create a new part, and so add more entries into a already near overpopulated Palette. When a Variant change Mass and/or Cost, TweakScale was failing to correctly scale the part, and sometimes the Cost ended up negative (and, so, creating a nasty exploit on the Career game), or negative (or, worst!, ZERO!) mass, and so leading the game to a crash (ruining the savegame).

 At that time, a huge lot of things were changing, and some of that changes were breaking third-parties add'ons, that by their time ended up blowing up TweakScale by side effect. And such avalanche of things to fix forced me to priorize - since only 9 parts were changing Cost and Mass, I gone to hunt everything else.

Now, however, things changed, and these 9 parts are the final technical debits on TweakScale really affecting a Stock (and DLC) game. And these ones is what I'm working on right now, by the way. You can follow what I'm doing checking the Issue #42.

TweakScale Beta, now, knows how to correctly handle Variants with Mass and Cost. This is past right now, the next TweakScale release will get rid of that 9 Warnings bothering you.

However, right now I bashing my SAS :sticktongue: figuring out how to handle Mirroring with scaled parts with Variants (yeah, this Variant thing is fighting fiercely...). I think this is the last job before releasing the new TweakScale. If you are curious, I'm talking about here.


Yep. These are the ones (on a Stock+DLC installment):

[LOG 23:24:47.878] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate1p5 (EP-18 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate2 (EP-25 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate3 (EP-37 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.879] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part EnginePlate4 (EP-50 Engine Plate) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube1 (T-12 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube1p5 (T-18 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Cost - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube2 (T-25 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube3 (T-37 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0
[LOG 23:24:47.886] [TweakScale] ERROR: Part Tube4 (T-50 Structural Tube) didn't passed the sanity check due having a ModulePartVariants with Mass - see issue [#13]( https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/13 ). at error:0

Of course, some third party add'ons can inflate these list a bit. But, in a way or another, these ones will vanish for sure on the next TweakScale release.


Uh... Too late. I'm curious. :D

I don't know exactly what is the problem you detected on your 1.8.1 installment, but inspecting the other log I think you have wrong versions for Scatterer and K3P installed. These two add'ons are terribly tied to some internals that are changing heavily lately (been there, debugged that). However... You installed, indeed, the right version:

[LOG 18:12:49.820] [Scatterer][Info] Version:0.055

So perhaps you have found a bug or incompatibility with something else. The exception is happening right on startup and, knowing how KSP works internally, this exception can be aborting something important. Talk with the Scatterer guys to check if this can be ignored.

[EXC 18:12:49.841] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
    scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.findCelestialBodies () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.Init () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    scatterer.Scatterer.Awake () (at <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    AddonLoader:StartAddon(LoadedAssembly, Type, KSPAddon, Startup)

Also found this on scatterer:

[LOG 18:14:30.180] [Scatterer][Error] Effects couldn't be loaded for Earth because of exception: System.Exception: No correct main menu object found for Earth
  at scatterer.Utils.GetMainMenuObject (System.String name) [0x0005f] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0
  at scatterer.ProlandManager.Init (scatterer.ScattererCelestialBody scattererBody) [0x00090] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0
  at scatterer.ScattererCelestialBodiesManager.UpdateProlandManagers () [0x001d8] in <a822e9740b51404b897e7cf406e4df3f>:0


KS3P, however, is not exactly compatible with 1.8.1, it's borking while initialisation - and more than one time;

[EXC 18:13:15.605] ArgumentException: Requested value 'fxaa' was not found.
    System.Enum+EnumResult.SetFailure (System.Enum+ParseFailureKind failure, System.String failureMessageID, System.Object failureMessageFormatArgument) (at
    System.Enum.TryParseEnum (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase, System.Enum+EnumResult& parseResult) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a8
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value, System.Boolean ignoreCase) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    System.Enum.Parse (System.Type enumType, System.String value) (at <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1[T].TryParseEnum[E] (System.String enumString, E& parsed) (at <23a20b94782a4ba5a37d2f4fd9ad5f4a>:0)
    UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object)
    KSP_PostProcessing.KS3P:Exception(String, Exception)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1:Exception(String, Exception)
    KSP_PostProcessing.Parsers.Parser`1:TryParseEnum(String, Method&)
    UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)

Spacedock tells me that KSP 1.7.2 is the latest officially supported release (1.7.3 will probably work fine). KSP 1.8.0 changed the Unity Engine version, and this was a pretty huge change. Again, due some internal characteristics of KSP, these exceptions potentially can interrupt the initialisation process for some thingies, and it's impossible to foresee the consequences. If you have some weird misbehaviour on your game, it may be related to something that should had been initialised but it was not because some unhandled Exception broke its caller, that so aborted the initialisation thread that would do the job.


I also found something related to Reality Overhaul:

[WRN 18:14:19.045] [ROCManager]: Invalid CelestialBody Name Eeloo on ROC Definition EelooBerg. Removed entry.
[ERR 18:14:19.047] Exception handling event OnPSystemReady in class ROCManager:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index
  at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException (System.ExceptionArgument argument, System.ExceptionResource resource) [0x00029] in <ad04dee02e7e4a8
  at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentOutOfRangeException () [0x00000] in <ad04dee02e7e4a85a1299c7ee81c79f6>:0
  at ROCManager.ValidateCBBiomeCombos () [0x00314] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0
  at ROCManager.GetROCControlFromCB () [0x00000] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0
  at EventVoid.Fire () [0x00127] in <9d71e4043e394d78a6cf9193ad011698>:0

Eelo is not being loaded apparently due some typo on a config file, perhaps? In a way or another, other than losing Eelo on the game, apparently this was handled propperly by Koppernicus.


In a way or another, Exceptions are, usually, bad news. When not propperly handled, they kill the thread that is running the faulty code - and then anything that would be done after that code are just ignored - and badly initialised code tends to inject collateral effects later on the game. So perhaps you would want to get rid of KS3P and Scatterer and redo the testings to see if you get the same results before applying for a bug report.

Yep. These are the ones (on a Stock+DLC installment):
Ah that explains it. Good thing it's only the stock and dlc parts.

Uh... Too late. I'm curious. :D
Haha well the other things were more tied to problems with RealFuels + the stock config where the fuel ullage was acting instantly when I was activating the next rocket stage, while in the past ullage was building up the more the rocket was slowing down. Not sure if the former is a bug but I do think it is, but that is for the whole RF team to look at.

So perhaps you have found a bug or incompatibility with something else. The exception is happening right on startup and, knowing how KSP works internally, this exception can be aborting something important. Talk with the Scatterer guys to check if this can be ignored.
As far as I know it should be right version for the version of ksp and RSS i'm running, but could be a incompatibility indeed. So far it has not given me any game breaking issues. But thanks a lot for relaying it with the scatterer guys.

KS3P, however, is not exactly compatible with 1.8.1, it's borking while initialisation - and more than one time;
I'm aware that initially KS3P is not compatible with 1.8.1, so the error might be bc I'm using a unofficial fix that I found thanks to PingoPete. I'm using it to run their config, that they made as eye candy for the RVE64K mod, to get a very realistic lighting effect that are almost the same as if you were seeing it IRL or as seen in those ISS orbit livestreams on youtube.

I also found something related to Reality Overhaul:
I got the same comment from someone in a KSP discord server but that is something related between RO and MM from what I understood. Maybe bc I'm running RSS without RO.

So perhaps you would want to get rid of KS3P and Scatterer and redo the testings to see if you get the same results before applying for a bug report.
I do need Scatterer for the RSSVE mod tho but I can try to use some more up to date versions to see if that fixes the issue. KS3P however, I'm gonna keep bc of the config I am using for the playthrough. I am aware of the exceptions and issues it might bring but I'm making regular backups so I should be fine for the time being.

I wanna thank you for looking through the log(s) and taking the time to let me know what you found. :D:D

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, DaOPCreeper said:

I cant get it to work 
(see pictures)

You need to install Module Manager! :)

If you are on KSP >= 1.8, download this one.

If you are on KSP <= 1.7.3, download this other one.

Algo, keep in mind that you need to install 999_Scale_Redist.dll on the GameData too, otherwise TweakScale will not work neither.


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4 minutes ago, DaOPCreeper said:

im on 1.10.1


Use the one that works on KSP 1.8. That one works for KSP >= 1.8, i.e., it will work fine on 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.9.0, 1.9.1, 1.10.0 and 1.10.1 . :)


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Is it possible to disable the warnings that pop up every time KSP loads? It isn't a fatal warning it just says that some parts can't be scaled, which is fine, I just don't like the warning appearing every time I launch the game.

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13 minutes ago, kostik said:

Is it possible to disable the warnings that pop up every time KSP loads? It isn't a fatal warning it just says that some parts can't be scaled, which is fine, I just don't like the warning appearing every time I launch the game.

Yes, and this happens automatically. From .21 and forward, the Warnings are only displayed when MM rebuilds the cache (to tell you the true, the Warnings go away when the current time is 1 hour later than the timestamp from the MM ConfigCache file).

If the Warnings are not going away after one hour of the Cache rebuild, you have error(s) on some third party patch(es) that are preventing MM from building the cache at first place, and the only solution is to hunt and fix that errors so MM can build the cache - and then TweakScale will suppress the Warnings one hour after.

Edited by Lisias
Eternal typos from the Englishless Mind.
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Hey everyone,

I'm new so not sure if this is the place to post this...  Just got back into KSP, grabbed a few mods. Running Once the game booted I was shown a Tweakscale Fatal error.. Viewing the log I see a few Fatal errors listing KIS. Not sure how to fix this...

Heres a dropbox link to my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6nau393qwfm2art/KSP.log?dl=0

Would be super thankful if anyone would know how to fix this..

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3 hours ago, EpionOutcast said:

Hey everyone,

I'm new so not sure if this is the place to post this...  Just got back into KSP, grabbed a few mods.

Hi! Welcome back! :)


3 hours ago, EpionOutcast said:

Running Once the game booted I was shown a Tweakscale Fatal error.. Viewing the log I see a few Fatal errors listing KIS. Not sure how to fix this...

Heres a dropbox link to my log: https://www.dropbox.com/s/6nau393qwfm2art/KSP.log?dl=0

Would be super thankful if anyone would know how to fix this..

You didn't cleaned up older TweakScale files before installing the new one!

[LOG 23:13:39.272] Config(@PART[KIS_Container1]) TweakScale/Deprecating/patches/KIS_TweakScale/@PART[KIS_Container1]
[LOG 23:13:39.279] Config(@PART[KIS_Container1]) TweakScale/patches/KIS_TweakScale/@PART[KIS_Container1]

Completely remove all TweakScale files from your installment, them reinstall the latest TweakScale.

This will fix your issue for sure.


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KSP 1.11.0 just arrived with some changes on how Kerbals handle their mass.

Since the mass of the Kerbal is not included anymore on the crewed parts on the prefab, TweakScale will render such parts sensibly lighter now (as the part will be scaled with the "kerbaless mass", and not with "kerbalful mass" as it was being done before).

Additionally, since the craft will lose mass as Kerbals go to EVA, and will earn mass as Kerbals come back (including materials collected too!), how it will cope with TweakScaled parts is still unknown. I hope the engine use the living part's mass data, and not the prefab's data (as it happened once), otherwise TweakScale will be seriously affected.

In a way or another, it could be a good idea to postpone updating to KSP 1.11.0 until I finish downloading it in order to test these things.

And, as always, please use S.A.V.E. (just in case)....


SteamClient is downloading KSP for me at ~150KB/s... So I think this is going to take a while... =/


SteamClient just closed for updating on me, and I had to restart the download_depot command. (sigh). I will go to bed and check this on the morning! :P

Scale Safe!

Edited by Lisias
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No misbehaviour was found on the scaling process, Squad implemented the new feature (see  here) in a way that didn't affected TweakScale. The whole story is on #Issue 147 if you are curious.

SO... I'm reducing the scope of the 2.4.4 release to allow it to be on the wild sooner (right now, I'm struggling to handle symmetry on scaled parts with variants that change Attachment Points, so I will get this out of the initial release). will get rid of the pesky Advise about TS 2.4.3 not being known to run fine on KSP 1.11 , will get Parts with Variants with mass and/or cost scaled correctly (eliminating some Warnings), but will not allow scaling parts with Variants that changes attachment points yet (so some Warnings will linger for some time yet).


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9 hours ago, Lisias said:


No misbehaviour was found on the scaling process, Squad implemented the new feature (see  here) in a way that didn't affected TweakScale. The whole story is on #Issue 147 if you are curious.

SO... I'm reducing the scope of the 2.4.4 release to allow it to be on the wild sooner (right now, I'm struggling to handle symmetry on scaled parts with variants that change Attachment Points, so I will get this out of the initial release). will get rid of the pesky Advise about TS 2.4.3 not being known to run fine on KSP 1.11 , will get Parts with Variants with mass and/or cost scaled correctly (eliminating some Warnings), but will not allow scaling parts with Variants that changes attachment points yet (so some Warnings will linger for some time yet).


so what the eta on an update that works with 1.11?

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19 minutes ago, DaOPCreeper said:

so what the eta on an update that works with 1.11?

0. It's already there. :)

The ETA is for a update que will eliminate the warning on running on KSP 1.11, and to publish some of the features I implemented in the past months. I think 2 or 3 days, but Murphy is around making a fool of me every time I publish a deadline so take it with a grain of (Himalayan) salt :)

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1 hour ago, DaOPCreeper said:

Read the Warning. It's saying that, at that time I had compiled the binary, it was not known if TweakScale will work with KSP 1.11 . This doesn't means that it will not work, it means that was not known if it will work.

Well, today I determined that yes, it works fine on 1.11 .

So you can hit Cancel to dismiss the Dialog (as hitting OK will close KSP to avoiding damage if the worst case scenario happens).

Current TweakScale is working with KSP 1.11. So the ETA is 0, all you have to do is click Cancel and let KSP run.

The next release will be taught that it works fine on 1.11, and so don't need to panic on it.

--- Post Edit --h

And you need to install Module Manager! I think that nowadays you wil want this file.


Edited by Lisias
Talking about Module Manager
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