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[1.12.3] Rocket Sound Enhancement - Plugin: v0.9.6 - 07/09/22 | Config Pack: v1.2.4 - 07/09/22


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  On 3/17/2022 at 2:26 PM, DeadJohn said:

I have a question for those of you using RSE in KSP 1.12. Does it suffer from the general 1.12 sound bug (engine sounds stop working and don't return until a restart), or is RSE luckily unaffected by that bug?


I don't see this happening unless its a Unity bug because RSE is its own Sound Effects System independent of KSP's stock sound stuff

Edited by ensou04
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  On 3/19/2022 at 3:12 PM, Kwebib said:

@ensou04 I no longer see an option to disable the staging sound in the latest build. Is this intentional?


it has been moved to ShipEffects.cfg. but this is an oversight I only intended to move the audioclip sources fields. I'm gonna move it back to settings.cfg in a bit.

EDIT: moved it back to Settings.cfg. try the new build now


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I've found the source of Sound breaking in-game (eg: engines not making sound). It started happening to RSE ever since I added RCS sounds.

The sound limit for KSP was set to only 15 sounds that can be heard, which you can imagine will max out very quickly as you have RSE with a Cluster of 5 Engines + RCS Thrusters. Each Engine and RCS Thrusters uses at least 2 sounds at the same time. This rarely happens to Stock KSP because stock sound is simpler and minimal.
I fixed this issue by increasing the Real Voice Limit to 64. I'm considering making this configurable just in case anyone starts having performance issues caused by too many sounds playing in game.

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Rocket Sound Enhancement has been updated! The Config Pack is now a Separate Mod and has its own GitHub Repository.

The Plugin Mod is now ready for v1.0.0. Just need more testing and Basic Features (like in-game settings) and then we'll graduate this from WIP Status to Release.



Rocket Sound Enhancement v0.6.1

  • Setting Muffling to 0 now goes to silent.
  • Code Optimization on Audio Limiter

Rocket Sound Enhancement v0.6.0

  • Compiled on 1.12.3
  • Implemented a new Audio Limiter (Fairly Childish Limiter/Compressor)
  • Added RCS Part Module
  • Volume Settings are now controlled by Stock In-game Settings
  • Moved Audio Limiter and Muffler Settings to Settings.cfg
  • Increased KSP Real Voices/Sound Limit to 64 (originally was only 15)
  • Fixed Engage/Disengage Not Working Together
  • Fixed "Volume" Config Node for RSE_Wheels and RSE_Engines not being in code.
  • Change Muffling Settings to Internal Muffling only by Default

Rocket Sound Enhancement Default v1.0.0

  • Added RCS Sound Effects and Patches
  • Updated ReStock Compatibility Patch
  • Added Waterfall Restock Patch (not fully tested)
  • Added Waterfall Stock Patch (not fully tested)
  • Added Realplume Patch (Thanks Kari1407)
  • Remastered Rocket Engine Sound Effects
Edited by ensou04
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  On 3/20/2022 at 2:28 PM, Kwebib said:

Sweet! I know I've asked about this in the past, but is it still not possible to get complete silence in space? Currently you can still hear low rumbles, even with a setting of zero Hz on the low pass filter.


Not at the moment . I think I have an idea on how to do it. I'll give it a try and see how it works, if it works I'll push it to the master.

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Been working on this the entire day.

Settings for Limiting(Sound Effects Mastering) and Muffling now have Presets to make things simpler, but you can still customize your own by using the Custom Preset.

This build will be pushed to master later once I'm done working on the Saving Part.

Available Presets for Sound Effects Mastering:

  • Balanced (Default Preset)
  • Cinematic (Wide Dynamic Range, Quiet Sounds are mostly the same, Louder sounds are Louder without going too extreme)
  • NASA-Reels (Inspired by real rocket launch footage. This is the Loudest Preset, Quiet Sounds are Louder than Balanced and Stock)

Available Presets for Muffling:

  • Internal(IVA) Muffling Only
  • Muffled Vacuum
  • Silent Vacuum

R3WuROh.png  a0zZXzZ.png


Edited by ensou04
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Plugin Update!

RSE is getting closer to release. If this update doesn't have anything broken. We'll finally be ready to Graduate to the Release Page :)




Rocket Sound Enhancement v0.7.1

  • Fixed Music being Muffled

Rocket Sound Enhancement v0.7.0

  • New In-game Settings Window (During Flight)
  • Audio Limiter/Sound Effects Mastering now has Presets Available through In-Game Settings
  • Audio Muffler Presets now Available through In-Game Settings

Sound Effects Mastering Presets:

  • Balanced (The Default Preset, Sounds are balanced with Reasonable Dynamic Range)
  • Cinematic (Wide Dynamic Range, Loud Sounds are Louder and Quiet Sound Are Quieter than Balanced)
  • NASA-Reels (Inspired by Real Rocket Launch Footage, This is the Loudest Preset with minimal Dynamic Range)

Audio Muffler Presets:

  • Interior-Only (Only Muffle sounds when the Camera is in IVA view)
  • Muffled-Vacuum
  • Silent-Vacuum

Other Changes:

  • Handling of Configs has been changed in code.
  • Code Cleanup
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Fixed some bugs specially with Wheel Collisions. I'm not sure if I got them all but so far I'm not hearing any scraping sound effects anymore to anything that's not supposed to be making noises.

I also tweaked how muffling behaves with the Orbit Map View. It will muffle the sound with either the Interior Muffling Value or the Vacuum Muffling Value, whichever is the lowest value.

For the Default Config Pack, I still have no Idea how I will approach the Jet Engines so if you have any ideas and references please share them!



Rocket Sound Enhancement v0.7.2

  • Potential Fix for Collision Loop Sound Effects Persisting after Impact
  • Custom Audio Muffler Settings now react instantly to new settings
  • Tweaked Orbit View Muffling
  • Removed "MuffleChatterer" from LOWPASSFILTER in Settings.cfg
  • Added "AffectChatterer" under RSE_SETTINGS in Settings.cfg
  • Code Optimization

Rocket Sound Enhancement Default


  • Fixed Waterfall Patches (Again)
  • Fixed ReStock Patch using the wrong :FOR[xxx] name


  • Fixed Waterfall Patches
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  On 3/23/2022 at 12:26 AM, ensou04 said:

I still have no Idea how I will approach the Jet Engines so if you have any ideas and references please share them!


JetSoundsUpdated does a pretty good job with the jet engines so I'm not sure you need to do anything?  Just a thought...

Edited by Joker58th
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Thank you @ensou04 for this great mod !

I saw a little issue with patch for Stock Waterfall Effects, you use this:



But with this you remove EFFECTS nodes where there is your module. So you remove EFFECTS nodes where there isn't modules of Stock Waterfall Effects and this is also remove EFFECTS nodes from other mode like RealPlume-Stock (I use it for SRB).

So, to remove sound provided by Stock Waterfall Effects, you just need to check if this part get the ModuleWaterfallFX module :


Well, I go back to enjoy with your terrible sounds !

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  On 3/23/2022 at 3:41 AM, Vandest said:

So, to remove sound provided by Stock Waterfall Effects, you just need to check if this part get the ModuleWaterfallFX module :


Thanks for the fix :D  I assume Waterfall ReStock patch should be like this as well.

  On 3/23/2022 at 3:41 AM, Vandest said:

Well, I go back to enjoy with your terrible sounds !


I don't know if this is a compliment or insult but do enjoy :P

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  On 3/23/2022 at 11:48 AM, ensou04 said:

I don't know if this is a compliment or insult but do enjoy :P


:D Maybe he meant "terrific".

Speaking of patches, I meant to tell you earlier, but didn't get around to it. Near Future Launch Vehicles have Waterfall configs and are silent with your patches. I think this just means they need RSE configs made?

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  On 3/23/2022 at 3:03 PM, Kwebib said:

:D Maybe he meant "terrific".

Speaking of patches, I meant to tell you earlier, but didn't get around to it. Near Future Launch Vehicles have Waterfall configs and are silent with your patches. I think this just means they need RSE configs made?


that's probably because of the old patch @Vandest pointed out. it shouldn't happen now with the latest Default Config. Although I do plan on making actual patches for Near Future stuff even using its own sounds on most parts but just through RSE.

Forget what i said. you're right, with the new patch, anything that has waterfall will have its sounds removed now despite not having RSE Modules with them. . . .

Edited by ensou04
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