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[1.12.3] Rocket Sound Enhancement - Plugin: v0.9.6 - 07/09/22 | Config Pack: v1.2.4 - 07/09/22


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Hello @Misguided Kerbal,

I toke a look into your ModuleManager.configcache files that you posted on your "Realplume refusing to work" topic and it seem you have something else than StockWaterfallEffects or WaterfallRestock that add a ModuleWaterfallFX module to your solid boosters, so you have two solutions:

  • Either you find what is adding ModuleWaterfallFX module to your solid boosters and remove it
  • Either you modify StockWaterfallEffects.cfg and WaterfallRestock.cfg patches

If you choose to modify patches, you can do something like this:

For StockWaterfallEffects.cfg:



For WaterfallRestock.cfg:



I hope that it will help you.

Edited by Vandest
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17 minutes ago, Vandest said:

I toke a look into your ModuleManager.configcache files that you posted on your "Realplume refusing to work" topic and it seem you have something else than StockWaterfallEffects or WaterfallRestock that add a ModuleWaterfallFX module to your solid boosters, so you have two solutions:

Yes, I have SRB waterfall effects installed that adds Waterfall configs to SRBs, and also uses Realplume for the smoke effects. I had no idea it might be causing problems, I'll uninstall it and see what happens.

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1 minute ago, Misguided Kerbal said:

Yes, I have SRB waterfall effects installed that adds Waterfall configs to SRBs, and also uses Realplume for the smoke effects. I had no idea it might be causing problems, I'll uninstall it and see what happens.

If it work and you want to keep this SRB waterfall effects, try to change "StockWaterfallEffects.cfg" and "WaterfallRestock.cfg" (in RocketSoundEnhancementDefault\Patches)  like I showed you.

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17 minutes ago, Vandest said:

If it work and you want to keep this SRB waterfall effects, try to change "StockWaterfallEffects.cfg" and "WaterfallRestock.cfg" (in RocketSoundEnhancementDefault\Patches)  like I showed you.

Alright, I added SRB waterfall effects back and modified the patches as shown, and everything is working now! Thank you very much!

So that was a rabbit hole of things - because of a missing bit in RSE's patches, when SRB waterfall effects and RSE are installed together, Realplume is broken. At least, that's what I think happened. Thank you all for the help!

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Rocket Sound Enhancement Plugin and Config Update!

Sleek new settings window, simplified settings options, improved features and bunch of performance improvement. Also proper muffling support for mods like GPWS, Soundtrack editor and Chatterer finally.



Rocket Sound Enhancement (Plugin) v0.9.2


  • New Settings Panel
  • Replaced Audio Limiter with Unity's Audio Compressor/Limiter
  • Audio Limiter Presets has been replaced with "Limiter Amount" slider in the Settings Panel.
  • Muffling Presets has been replaced with simpler "Muffling Amount" slider in the Settings Panel. (Still saved as a frequency value in the Settings.cfg)
  • "ClampActiveVesselMuffling" option for Audio Muffler. Allows the currently active vessel to have separate muffling from regular muffling by clamping the muffling amount to the InternalMode muffling frequency.
  • "CustomMixerRouting" config allows custom routing of existing static sound sources (modded, stock) to the mixer.
  • Audio Muffler now considers any sound source that has spatialBlend = 0 or position = 0 as a GUI Source and is ignored from the muffling. Can still be routed back for muffling (for example: wind sounds) via CustomMixerRouting config in Settings.cfg

Performance Improvements/Fixes

  • Fixed denormal numbers from AirSimulationFilter causing high CPU usage
  • AudioClips, AudioSources and AirSimulationFilters are prepared ahead of time instead of being created dynamically during update.
  • SoundLayers can now share AudioSources with each other if the layer has the same name
  • One Shot (eg: Engage, Disengage, Flame-out and Bursts) SoundLayers now share one AudioSource with each other. Issue: sometimes pitch is incorrectly applied.
  • Fixed audio clicking when the sound source is stopped
  • Fixed Null Exceptions from ShipEffectsCollisions
  • Fixed Loop Randomizer not properlly randomizing causing unwanted Comb-Filtering/Phasing
  • Various Refactoring and Optimizations

Rocket Sound Enhancement Default v1.2.1 (Config and Sound Pack)

  • Support for ReStockPlus
  • Kerbal Atomics Patch
  • Added Bursts sounds to SRBs
  • Decoupler sounds for Engine Plates
  • Fixed Waterfall Patches removing Particles
  • Reduced Twin-Boar, Mammoth and Vector Pitch
Edited by ensou04
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1 hour ago, ensou04 said:


  • "ClampActiveVesselMuffling" option for Audio Muffler. Allows the currently active vessel to have separate muffling from regular muffling by clamping the muffling amount to the InternalMode muffling frequency.

In case anyone isn’t sure what this means, it allows you to have only your active craft make sound, while muting nearby craft. Really nice for flying around a mining station in orbit for eg! Thanks for implementing @ensou04!

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8 minutes ago, Rodger said:

In case anyone isn’t sure what this means, it allows you to have only your active craft make sound, while muting nearby craft. Really nice for flying around a mining station in orbit for eg! Thanks for implementing @ensou04!

thanks for the suggestion!

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3 hours ago, Kwebib said:

Thanks for the update! Any plans to provide patches for NF Launch Vehicles?

Planned Mod Support:

Near Future Launch Vehicles
Cryogenic Engines
Kerbal Atomics (Complete)


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Rocket Sound Enhancement Plugin and Config Quick Update!

At this point the plugin is now feature complete. So this will be the latest update for a while until we iron out all the bugs and issues that might occur. Most work will now be done on the config mod adding support to other mods.


Rocket Sound Enhancement (Plugin) v0.9.3


  • AirSim Lite muffler quality. mach effects and sonic booms without the airsim filters
  • RSE_AUDIO, RSE_AUDIO_LOOP, simpler non-SoundLayer version of RSE_Modules for EFFECTS{} nodes.


  • Fixed code error with ShipEffects

Rocket Sound Enhancement Default v1.2.2 (Config and Sound Pack)

  • Updated Landing Gear Sounds to use RSE_AUDIO{}



A new EffectBehaviour that's a drop in replacement for AUDIO{} and AUDIO_LOOP{}.  It adds features present with RSE_Modules like AirSim and Stereo Spread.

You only have to worry about EnableLowpassFilter, EnableCombFilter and EnableWaveShaperFilter for the AirSim config Values, The defaults works perfectly fine but you can fine tune it to your liking. eg: You can tweak AngleHighpass to around 250 hz for quasi directional Audio (less bass in front, more bass behind an audio source). I also recommend 0.25 for spread for most audio sources. For Rockets and Jet Engines, I like to enable all Filters for the complete effect, for anything else I would only set EnableLowpassFilter to true and sometimes with EnableCombFilter, depending on the sound.

Another advantage of RSE_AUDIO from the regular AUDIO node is it routes itself directly to the appropriate MixerGroup for the muffler, eliminating audio artifacts like hearing the un-muffled version for a single frame.

Available Config Values:

        //regular config values
        clip =
        loop =
        channel = 
        volume = 
        pitch = 
        //new config values
        spread = Default: 0 (0-1), 0 to 360 degrees Stereo Spread
        //AirSim Config Values
        EnableLowpassFilter     = [True/False] Default: False
        EnableCombFilter        = [True/False] Default: False
        EnableWaveShaperFilter  = [True/False] Default: False
        AirSimUpdateMode        = [Full/Basic/None] Default: Full
        FarLowpass              = Default: 2500 (hz)
        AngleHighpass           = Default: 0 (hz)
        MaxCombDelay            = Default: 20 (ms)
        MaxCombMix              = Default: 0.25f (0-1)
        MaxDistortion           = Default: 0.5f (0-1)
    RSE_AUDIO_LOOP{} // the same with RSE_AUDIO


Edited by ensou04
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Is there a way to turn off the muting of sounds when the camera is in front of the vessel at supersonic and hypersonic speeds? I know that it's realistic, but I prefer to hear the sounds of my rocket throughout the entirety of ascent, as opposed to only at launch and in orbit.

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1 hour ago, coyotesfrontier said:

Is there a way to turn off the muting of sounds when the camera is in front of the vessel at supersonic and hypersonic speeds? I know that it's realistic, but I prefer to hear the sounds of my rocket throughout the entirety of ascent, as opposed to only at launch and in orbit.

set Muffling Quality to Normal

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12 minutes ago, dok_377 said:

Does this version of the mod not work in 1.10.1? I'm getting this error as soon as I launch something, there's no sound at all, the button doesn't work either. Version 0.7.2 works just fine. 

KSP.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NnvwdXgcJbtkqZ-sVDdhoyEz-ArEL_bB
Player.log: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1DUXWRmgaNGr5Y7bFF9_A7PVKrFqNPdWB

ahh man I havent actually checked if this works in an older version. its failing to load the mixer and settings window even though the asset bundle is loaded. KSP 1.10 is using Unity 2019.2.2f1. Mixer and Settings window is bundled from Unity 2019.4.18f1. i should update the title because 1.10 is not supported anymore, You could try and go to the Settings.cfg and set EnableAudioEffects to false and it might work, youll get the new sounds but no muffling or any effects. button will still be broken though. I suggest only using RSE only on 1.12

Edited by ensou04
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19 minutes ago, ensou04 said:

ahh man I havent actually checked if this works in an older version. its failing to load the mixer and settings window even though the asset bundle is loaded. KSP 1.10 is using Unity 2019.2.2f1. Mixer and Settings window is bundled from Unity 2019.4.18f1. i should update the title because 1.10 is not supported anymore, You could try and go to the Settings.cfg and set EnableAudioEffects to false and it might work, youll get the new sounds but no muffling or any effects. button will still be broken though. I suggest only using RSE only on 1.12

That's fine, as I see it this mod is aimed more at video creators anyway, for a regular player like me sound doesn't matter that much in the game, it will be overtaken with background music/video most of the time. 

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Just out of curiosity @dok_377 why are you still in 1.10? Is it because of outdated mods? If so, which ones? I'm asking because besides a couple of planet packs the majority of the mods works in 1.12 without any problems

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46 minutes ago, Forked Camphor said:

Just out of curiosity @dok_377 why are you still in 1.10? Is it because of outdated mods? If so, which ones? I'm asking because besides a couple of planet packs the majority of the mods works in 1.12 without any problems

Subpar quality of the last two updates, 1.11 & 1.12, including performance losses. Will not go into much detail, lets just say that they are extremely bloated and poorly made. And no, I don't have old hardware, it's entirely on the game's side of things. I ran a lot of comparative tests and they just run worse than 1.10, especially with mods, this is something that I'm not willing to accept. I even had to stop my newly started career game in 1.12 because I started noticing irregularities, which led to this unfortunate discovery.

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Hello. Just started using this mod and it sounds great. Engines sound way better.

But there's this extremely annoying stutter whenever a scene change happens. Returning to space center from a flight results in like the last 100ms of audio looping until the scene change is finished, and it seems to happen with basically any audio.  Search turns up a mention of it a couple years ago on this thread, did you ever find out what caused it or anything? Any potential fix?

I know it's probably a stock bug that's simply exposed by this mod, but it's a somewhat glaring annoyance.

If nothing else, would it be possible to make some hacky fix as a config "nuclear option" to make sure the stutter noise itself won't happen? Eg. on scene change, set all / master volume to 0, then fade audio back in once the scene has loaded?

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4 hours ago, Hertzila said:

Hello. Just started using this mod and it sounds great. Engines sound way better.

But there's this extremely annoying stutter whenever a scene change happens. Returning to space center from a flight results in like the last 100ms of audio looping until the scene change is finished, and it seems to happen with basically any audio.  Search turns up a mention of it a couple years ago on this thread, did you ever find out what caused it or anything? Any potential fix?

I know it's probably a stock bug that's simply exposed by this mod, but it's a somewhat glaring annoyance.

If nothing else, would it be possible to make some hacky fix as a config "nuclear option" to make sure the stutter noise itself won't happen? Eg. on scene change, set all / master volume to 0, then fade audio back in once the scene has loaded?

it is a known issue yeah, even after performance improvements it never went away. I'm still looking for a proper fix but i haven't tried the "nuclear option". you're using Soundtrack editor too? its more obvious with that mod

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While trying to fix the scene change stuttering sounds, I may have figured out how the stock sound bug occurs (unfortunately, RSE didn't fix it). Whenever i switch between vessels that are out of range of each other. one from orbit and another one from the surface for example. That's when the bug happens, sometimes the sound can only be heard from the either left or right side when close and goes louder when you zoom out, or sometimes it sounds so far away and can only be heard from one side.

Results seems consistent on how far my camera was before i switched vessels, the further the camera, the quieter the sound would be on the next vessel. This seems to only happen whenever switching between vessels that prompts a loading screen in between (this is also the time that the sound stutter mostly occurs). The bug doesn't seem to happen if you switch back to the space center first before loading a new vessel. I'm gonna dig further and see if it can be fixed.

Regarding the stuttering sounds on scene change, the "nuclear option" seems to work fine, although you'd still hear a bit of stuttering but it only happens for a single frame.

EDIT: I figured out what's happening with the stock bug: The audio listener is not aligned with the camera whenever you switch vessels. What happens is every time you switch to another vessel, the audio listener is left behind and retains its old position. This is why when you switch between vessels from different planets, sound is basically silent at this point because the audio listener is so far away.

Here's the log:

Vessel In Orbit:
[RSE]: Current Camera: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[RSE]: Listener at: AudioListener Active: True Position: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)

Switching to another vessel on Kerbin:
[RSE]: Current Camera: (0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
[RSE]: Listener at: AudioListener Active: True Position: (29.4, 553.0, 1480.1)

The fix: just zero out the local position and rotation of the AudioListener every time a scene loads.

Edited by ensou04
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A nice change of pace that fixing a bug reveals how to potentially fix another bug rather than causing another bug. :D

9 hours ago, ensou04 said:

you're using Soundtrack editor too? its more obvious with that mod

In my case, Chatterer background chatter is being the biggest earsore. As the scene initially switches to a vessel, Chatterer cues some background radio report to play, then the game properly finishes loading everything in and that's when the audio stutters like mad. The radio report doing the "play the last 100ms on a loop" thing until everything is loaded is very noticeable.

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18 minutes ago, Hertzila said:

A nice change of pace that fixing a bug reveals how to potentially fix another bug rather than causing another bug. :D

In my case, Chatterer background chatter is being the biggest earsore. As the scene initially switches to a vessel, Chatterer cues some background radio report to play, then the game properly finishes loading everything in and that's when the audio stutters like mad. The radio report doing the "play the last 100ms on a loop" thing until everything is loaded is very noticeable.

ikr, was constantly switching back and fourth to cause the stutters and see if it improves, that's when i started seeing the bug pattern of the disappearing stock sound bug.

the stutter seems like a DSP issue, it only seem to happen when the mixer is loaded. the nuclear solution works fine though. I just set the listener volume to 0 every scene change and luckily, the game resets it back to normal after loading. it's a temporary fix until I find a better solution

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On 6/6/2022 at 12:29 PM, Hertzila said:

A nice change of pace that fixing a bug reveals how to potentially fix another bug rather than causing another bug. :D

In my case, Chatterer background chatter is being the biggest earsore. As the scene initially switches to a vessel, Chatterer cues some background radio report to play, then the game properly finishes loading everything in and that's when the audio stutters like mad. The radio report doing the "play the last 100ms on a loop" thing until everything is loaded is very noticeable.

Hello @ensou04,
Same for me, only Chatterer as another audio mod. So we can ear it a lot when we switch scene from a manned craft, but it's also obvious when we switch from KSC with stock audio (eg: KSP_SpaceCenterAmbienceDay) or any another scene with stock audio.
Also, I noted that more you revert a flight (eg: revert launch), more any scene loading is longer and so, more audio stuttering is longer and this until we restart game. This is certainly a stock issue but it's more obvious when add mods (more things to load), so maybe more RAM can help but it seem to be an issue that is in KSP deep.
If this is the case, so maybe hiding misery is the only solution (nuclear option), but if you can found better it would be wonderful !

It seems to me that the old mod "Audio Muffler Redux" had same issue and by take a look on the topic, I found someone that talking about of this:

Maybe it can help ? I will try.

Except this, RSE make sounds of rockets, rovers, planes or any craft we can build so much immersive ! I've already saying you thank you for the audio mixer, but I also wish to say you thank you for your sounds library (RSEDefault).

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