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[1.9.x] Kerbonov Kn-2 Cockpit Module Continued


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Forum user @Sam Hall made these nice parts, original thread is here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/60380-12x-k

The Kerbonov Kn-2 module is a compact 3 Kerbal cockpit for use with intermediate sized aircraft. It includes an IVA view.

The Kerbonov Kn-7 cockpit also seats 3, and is designed for use with the MK2 spaceplane fuselage parts.

Also packaged in the zip are several additional parts:

  • Hood ornament: A snazzy little chrome doodad for classing up your horrible spaceplane / rocket death dragster.
  • Probe RCS: A tiny, low powered RCS block with its own small monopropellant supply built in. Good for unmanned micro-probes.
  • Drop tank: Lightweight, streamlined jet fuel pod. Includes its own built in decoupler for when it runs dry.
  • Radial Micro Decoupler: What it says on the label. Now itsy bitsy ships can benefit from asparagus staging too.
  • RATO Booster: A bit like a bigger, heftier sepratron, except stackable.
  • Grid Fins: Fits a very large effective surface area into a compact (front to back) package. Can be retracted when not in use.
  • Heavy Duty Command Seat: A tougher, heavier, stack-attachable external command seat.
  • Small Inline Passenger Can: A single-seat, 1.25m diameter hitchhiker container for spaceplanes.
  • Mini Turbojet: A jet engine suitable for ultralight aircraft and UAVs.
  • VHF Antenna: A fixed, stack-mountable 5M-rated standard antenna.
  • a few others



One of the parts (a tank) uses some Squad textures.  Unfortunately, in 1.5, some of the textures it uses have been moved into the zDeprecated directory, and are not directly accessible during loading.  This causes some textures to be missing.

To address this, I've provided a pair of scripts, one to be used on Windows and the other to be used on both Linux & OSX.  These only need to be run one time

Windows Instructions

  1. Open the Kerbonov folder in Windows Explorer
  2. Double-click on the file Windows_CopyTextures.bat (note that on most systems, you won't see the .bat)

Linux & OSX Desktop Instructions

  • Open the Kerbonov folder Desktop 
  • Double-click on the file:  BashCopyTextures.sh

Linux & OSX Terminal Instructions

  1. Change to the GameData/Kerbonov directory
  2. Type the following:
        bash BashCopyTextures.sh




The Kn-2 module is a 1.25-meter cockpit with IVA view for use with smallish spaceplanes. It seats 3 kerbals, and is roughly intermediate in weight between the Mk1 and Mk3 cockpits.

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Also packaged in the zipfile are 6 additional parts:

Hood ornament: A snazzy little chrome doodad for classing up your horrible spaceplane / rocket death dragster.

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Probe RCS: A tiny, low powered RCS block with its own small monopropellant supply built in. Good for unmanned micro-probes

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Drop tank: A light, streamlined 50L jet fuel pod. Includes its own built in decoupler for when it runs dry.

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Radial Micro Decoupler: What it says on the label. Now itsy bitsy ships can benefit from asparagus staging too.

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RATO Booster: A bit like a bigger, heftier sepratron, except stackable.

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Grid Fin: Fits a very large effective surface area into a compact (front to back) package.

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Small Inline Passenger Can: A single-seat 1.25m hitchhiker container for spaceplanes.

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Heavy Duty Command Seat: A heavier, tougher, stack mountable version of the external command seat. Also has limited SAS functionality.

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Mini Turbojet: Basically a very scaled down version of the standard jet engine. Good for UAVs or flying rovers.

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Kn-7 Cockpit: Fits MK2 spaceplane fuselages. Seats 3. Narrow. Tall.

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MK2 Side-Loading Cargo Bay: Comes in 2 sizes. Intended to make designing a plane around the Kn7 cockpit marginally less awkward.

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Edited by linuxgurugamer
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Thanks for the update. I dont see anything in the changelog. Any major changes made to be aware of besides adding the scripts?


Also...if anyone can help me...ive been trying to make a mk2 vertical plane with the kn-7..but have had terrible luck. The drag always seems to make my plane fly sideways. I keep to the conventional meens of building(CoL behind CoM) with thrust from the rear. I tried recreating the craft in the screenshot and failed horribly. Am I doing it wrong?

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proposing to remove from the mod halfsized X200-8 and double sized FL-800:
they use old textures, so aren't in line with the new stock parts,
they don't correspond to the mod theme: "cockpit-ish & little-probe-ish",
they need launch .bat after install, so mod isn't ckan supported, because of these parts (just FL-1600 really)

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  On 11/16/2018 at 7:55 PM, Jesusthebird said:

Also...if anyone can help me...ive been trying to make a mk2 vertical plane with the kn-7..but have had terrible luck. The drag always seems to make my plane fly sideways. I keep to the conventional meens of building(CoL behind CoM) with thrust from the rear. I tried recreating the craft in the screenshot and failed horribly. Am I doing it wrong?


You're not doing anything wrong per se, it's just a quirk. The mk2 fuselage pieces are considered lifting bodies, and as such lift can occur on one side. I've built a plane that successfully avoids this, I'm not entirely sure why though; I think I installed one regular fuselage piece inverted compared to another. You might need to detach and re-attach the bodywork behind the cockpit so that things get recalculated.

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  On 11/16/2018 at 9:12 PM, flart said:

proposing to remove from the mod halfsized X200-8 and double sized FL-800:
they use old textures, so aren't in line with the new stock parts,
they don't correspond to the mod theme: "cockpit-ish & little-probe-ish",
they need launch .bat after install, so mod isn't ckan supported, because of these parts (just FL-1600 really)


Ummm, that's odd, CKAN supports it just fine.

I'm not adverse to dropping them, but would like to hear from others first

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  On 11/18/2018 at 5:26 AM, Beetlecat said:

x200-4 is unique-ish


FuelTankPlus has one, and I think some other tank's mods


Launching .bat is needed for FL-1600, so x200-4 can be leaved there, or separate these parts

  On 11/18/2018 at 3:10 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

As in a secondary mod



Edited by flart
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  • 2 months later...
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  • 4 months later...

I've spent almost an hour trying to find out which mod added 2 black fuel tanks. It's this one. And it's not even a conflict, much to my surprise!

@linuxgurugamer This screenshot is from a vanilla KSP 1.9.1 instance with nothing except for this mod and its one dependency installed. That's it. Is this mod incompatible or just bugged? They're the FL-T1600 and the Rockomax X200-4. I installed this mod using CKAN.


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  On 4/15/2020 at 5:12 PM, Krzeszny said:

I've spent almost an hour trying to find out which mod added 2 black fuel tanks. It's this one. And it's not even a conflict, much to my surprise!

@linuxgurugamer This screenshot is from a vanilla KSP 1.9.1 instance with nothing except for this mod and its one dependency installed. That's it. Is this mod incompatible or just bugged? They're the FL-T1600 and the Rockomax X200-4. I installed this mod using CKAN.



Looks like some textures got deprecated.   I’ll see what i can do.

Thx for the report

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  On 4/15/2020 at 5:12 PM, Krzeszny said:

I've spent almost an hour trying to find out which mod added 2 black fuel tanks. It's this one. And it's not even a conflict, much to my surprise!

@linuxgurugamer This screenshot is from a vanilla KSP 1.9.1 instance with nothing except for this mod and its one dependency installed. That's it. Is this mod incompatible or just bugged? They're the FL-T1600 and the Rockomax X200-4. I installed this mod using CKAN.


I guess you didn't bother to read the installation instructions, listed in the OP and in the mod itself.  The T1600 is fixed with the instructions, I do have to do an update for the X200:


One of the parts (a tank) uses some Squad textures.  Unfortunately, in 1.5, some of the textures it uses have been moved into the zDeprecated directory, and are not directly accessible during loading.  This causes some textures to be missing.

To address this, I've provided a pair of scripts, one to be used on Windows and the other to be used on both Linux & OSX.  These only need to be run one time

Windows Instructions

  1. Open the Kerbonov folder in Windows Explorer
  2. Double-click on the file Windows_CopyTextures.bat (note that on most systems, you won't see the .bat)

Linux & OSX Desktop Instructions

  • Open the Kerbonov folder Desktop 
  • Double-click on the file:  BashCopyTextures.sh

Linux & OSX Terminal Instructions

  1. Change to the GameData/Kerbonov directory
  2. Type the following:
        bash BashCopyTextures.sh


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  On 4/15/2020 at 8:45 PM, linuxgurugamer said:

I guess you didn't bother to read the installation instructions, listed in the OP and in the mod itself.  The T1600 is fixed with the instructions, I do have to do an update for the X200:



Sorry, I didn't notice the installation instructions. This may sound like a rant but it's not supposed to. I didn't expect having to manually install a CKAN-compatible mod.

You should change the mod's name from "Kerbonov Kn-2 Cockpit Module" to something like "Kerbonov cockpits and other parts (READ THE FORUM OP)". I didn't even know this mod added fuel tanks because the current name is misleading.

By the way, is it illegal to include Squad's deprecated textures with the download just so the installation is automatic?

  On 4/15/2020 at 8:57 PM, kspnerd122 said:

guys im thinking of a new planet mod where this thing would be perfect(mk1 sized hitchhiker module)


This Mk1 hitchhiker is so perfect that it should be in the stock game!

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  On 4/17/2020 at 7:54 AM, Krzeszny said:

By the way, is it illegal to include Squad's deprecated textures with the download just so the installation is automatic?


Yes.  I have requested permission several times, but never got permission.


  On 4/17/2020 at 7:54 AM, Krzeszny said:

Sorry, I didn't notice the installation instructions. This may sound like a rant but it's not supposed to. I didn't expect having to manually install a CKAN-compatible mod


It makes sense to me, that if you are having a problem with a mod to read the OP and some of the topic before reporting a bug.


  On 4/17/2020 at 7:54 AM, Krzeszny said:

You should change the mod's name from "Kerbonov Kn-2 Cockpit Module" to something like "Kerbonov cockpits and other parts (READ THE FORUM OP)". I didn't even know this mod added fuel tanks because the current name is misleading.


Sorry about the problem you had.  Mods cannot be easily renamed in CKAN, besides thats too long.  That was the name when I adopted it, so I just added the “Continued”

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  • 1 month later...

I've never been good at planes, building them or flying them, but these parts have inspired me to give it another go.


Not too bad. Built from scratch. Lifts off from the runway at 40 m/s. I've even been able to land it on the runway. Craft file at https://kerbalx.com/CaptKordite/Kerbonov-KN-1


Took the stock Aeris and swapped out the cockpit. Pretty agile. Lifts off the runway at 60 m/s.


I like this one. Kind of a slug to get off the runway (100 m/s) but I've only broken the bottom engine off once.

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  • 7 months later...
  On 6/6/2020 at 11:00 PM, CaptKordite said:

I've never been good at planes, building them or flying them, but these parts have inspired me to give it another go.


Not too bad. Built from scratch. Lifts off from the runway at 40 m/s. I've even been able to land it on the runway. Craft file at https://kerbalx.com/CaptKordite/Kerbonov-KN-1


Took the stock Aeris and swapped out the cockpit. Pretty agile. Lifts off the runway at 60 m/s.


I like this one. Kind of a slug to get off the runway (100 m/s) but I've only broken the bottom engine off once.


Seriously. This is one of the best parts packs. :)

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