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Call for serious naming of Kerbin rivers and drainage basins - suggest your hydronyms


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I've noticed there's a really small number of flowing water on Kerbin and managed to count only 8 systems and out of those, only 1 that's not flowing into the ocean.


(map printed from Temporary Kerbal maps; numbers are in rough order of system size)

Closeups, taken at the penultimate map enlargement.




I think we should get proper, officially supported toponyms for all significant geographical features on Kerbin so that lore connection between players can occur. Kerbin is truly underappreciated planet, but offers the most.

It seems to me these drainage basins are the most scarce ones so it might be a good idea to start with them. Hopefully, one day the names will get official.

Any ideas? They could be kerbalized Earth's hydronyms or something you made up. Use the numbers from the map and suggest a name.

Edited by lajoswinkler
added enlarged maps
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4 hours ago, KerbolExplorer said:

Area number 1:River Kile.

The longest river on Kerbin,Tons of turist come to this river for its nice views and to have a relaxing time rowing or sterring a boat trought the river.Its aswell a popular place to go fishing.


I like this one already. Kerbalized, silly, and only if you think about it does it make you realize it rhymes with Nile. Though to be funnier, I think it should be spelled Kyle River.

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1 hour ago, Xurkitree said:

I think 3 should be named after the great lakes, because it sure looks like one of them.

Speaking of which, not many people go explore Kerbin neh?

People do. There have been many threads of this nature in the past (Kerbin Geographic Society, or something similar, was a big one). But flying for hours over empty terrain is fairly boring. Requires patience and doesn't lead to many explosions. So people rarely post it.

Edited by kmMango
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Yes, Kerbin Geographical society, but it focused on everything. There is an overwhelming amount of geographical features on Kerbin. After all, it's a planet.

Task of naming all of them is just incredibly difficult and people got lost in the endeavour. Thread lasted for a while and then died off, so I didn't want to bump something with a stench of forum decay.

This thread is about merely 8 features. Easy to focus on, easier than the more plentiful lakes or mountains (sadly, not even the tallest ones have names, yet).


Lake Erie and Lake Ontario are connected by Niagara river. #3 on the map could be named something like Kiagara or Niakara... or Kiakara.

#1 could be related to the Amazon because it's truly an enormous disharge area on Earth and #1 dwarfs everything else on Kerbin.

#8, the only island river on Kerbin, could be related to Australian rivers, largest of which is called Murray River.


Other important rivers to consider: Nile, Yangtze, Yellow river (could be called Green river), Ob, Volga, Syr Darya, Zambezi, Danube.

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Area 8:River Kir

Located on the Kirland continent of Kerbin,Its an atractive place for snow lovers to visit due to its proximity with the Frostlask region of the planet.it has a small river going from the klenky mountains,to the kasific ocean.The river originates on the top of these mountains,the river is only present on spring and after heavy rains do to it originating thanks to the ice that melts on these mountains.


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2 hours ago, razark said:

I would like to propose naming #1 "River With A Name Not Starting With 'K'".  #2 Should be "Another River With A Name Not Starting With 'K'".  #3 would be "Yet Again, A River With A Name Not Starting With 'K'".

And so on.

I'll meet you halfway here.

"Kriver kwith a kname knot karting kith R"

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Let them be named starting with N-.
Anyway in English you can write Kn- or N- as one prefers and read this alike.

Also, Q- can replace Kw-or Kv- in writing.
Kh- and H- are more or less similar.


Are all these names in Kerbal?
Kerbals have their well-known language, they should name the rivers kerbally.
And hydronyms are the most stable part of linguistic ancestry, so the rivers are the first candidates to be Kerbal-named, that's why I suggested Oir-Ednarg or Ednarg-Oir..


Edited by kerbiloid
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13 hours ago, Bottle Rocketeer 500 said:

Here, there is a map at the bottom of the page.

Here is the comment with the map:


No, this is certainly not about adding more biomes. No need for that mess and it's indeed a mess. This is just about naming rivers and their systems.


13 hours ago, razark said:


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I'm still partial to calling the large round-ish body of water at the NW of 3 "Lake Fortunate", but that's interjecting my own canon into things (which I'd rather not do). Calling it Crater Lake is too... obvious or perhaps lazy and too prone to K-ification  

It looks rather like a balloon, with its string dangling off to the southeast. Blue Balloon Lagoon? Lac Balloon Bleu? (No, that has issues too....)

Edited by Cydonian Monk
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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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