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Kerpollo - A Complete Science Mode Run In 9 Acts

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23 minutes ago, jost said:

Dunapollo finished with whopping 4920 Science: https://imgur.com/a/4nKJv4g

Nicely done. I love those spindly motherships in LKO before a mission starts. So much potential!

I need to go interplanetary now that Breaking Ground has given us things to find. I blame JNSQ for making Kerbin's SOI so much harder to escape from :)

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On 6/22/2019 at 5:08 PM, jost said:

Dunapollo finished with whopping 4920 Science: https://imgur.com/a/4nKJv4g

It turned out to be a good idea to do atmosphere diving, not only for lowering AE for free but also for getting science.  My orbiter also had a Sentinel telescope for asteroid scanning and an orbital scanner. But most important: I had way to much delta v for the mission so i changed to a polar orbit and back to maximise science :)

All in all: A successful mission.

You really are so Good at Gathering Science, While I don't wanna restrain myself with bringing too many stuff, You should have things going smoother on you...

Should be able to Pull off Sheepollo (Joolpollo) with over 100 Experiments...No ISRU (And what are you guys Glaring at, if you do)

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On 6/22/2019 at 5:43 PM, GRS said:

Should be able to Pull off Sheepollo (Joolpollo) with over 100 Experiments



No more Paranoid, lets do the other 3 Peacefully but with as Much Science as Possible, Just Laythe and Tylo might be over Twice of Mohollo in Science gain, Then the other 3 Must reach 9000 or more after All are Summed, will also dip to Joolar Low Atmo for an Oberth Burn.


If you ever wonder what Took All the Stuff...Here's The "Sheepollo", with 8000 Tons and 560-ish Parts, It's the Second Largest Actually working Rocket I've made, That my Far Outdated Pentium with 6 Gigs and 2.9 Ghz Struggled a lot even when KSP is the only thing Running in My PC.

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@jost, Seriously dude...Try to be more Active, Post some Status Reports or Something...

Status Report : Landed on Vall's Pole with 139 Science Experiments, waiting to perform Ascent...Mother-Sheep in a Polar orbit with Simone, Jeb and Bill waiting for it (Jeb Landed on Tylo, Val Landed on Laythe and Vall, Bill will Land on Pol and Simone will land on Bop, Bob Lands on all Moons), I should be able to Finish Today.

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Sorry. I was quite busy at work. Finished Mohopollo. Turned out to be quite tedious since I used ions to boost my delta-v.  In the end I returned to Kerbin and had enough  delta-v to transfer to   mun and minmus to harvest science from the gravity sensor. After splashdown I had enough science to unlock  the remaining nodes of the tech tree. Today evening I will upload the screenshots. Yesterday I was way to tired for sorting the mess in imgurl.

@GRS What's your progress with Jool5?

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@jost, Cool...

Just finished my Jool 5 with a Satisfying result...it went over what i expect, also Jool 5 should've got easier with your Tech, though There's still Eve...

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Full Album here.


Kerpollo (64.7 Science Points)

Munpollo (227 Science Points)

Minpollo (570.2 Science Points)

Dunpollo (1881 Science Points)

Eeloollo (1804.8 Science Points)

Mohollo (2780.6 Science Points)

Purrpollo (1024.1 Science Points)

Sheepollo (14415.5 Science Points)

One To go...

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29 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Sweet! Love the commentary. or should I say le commentary?

And a Jool atmo dive. Very very nice. :)

Out of Likes...Yikes...

Also...yes, I'm quite good at making Narrations, though I have no idea why...Also...Do your Mission Seriously, a Half-@$$ed Mission will only Succeed if you're Skilled enough, a Serious Mission can be done even if you're not that Skilled, and I wasn't Half-@$$ing, all of those should be a good Motivation.

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2 minutes ago, jost said:

Germany aka UTC + 02:00 ( European daytime saving time)

Western Indonesia is UTC+07:00, Looks like i have to wait for 5 Hours to see those LOL.

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6 hours ago, jost said:

Finished Moho, visited the volcanic ridge, Eve flyby finished science tree


Seriously...it's hard to tell where are The Points that I'm better than you, As far as i can tell, I'm better in Faith that I can do it without MechJeb and 5 Kerbals on all Missions, Your Science beating my own is No Big Deal since you seems to be using Gravity Scanners, while I didn't brought some on mine, and still...Good Luck and don't repeat my mistake on Eve LOL ;) (Should've placed a Science Collector in the Lander but Nvm, The Challenge Level for Joolollo is raised too, and I goofed up the whole thing by Placing Smallest Docking Ports to Dock a Pair of Massive Pieces of The Sheep)

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I'll see how Over-Engineered Gigapollo (Drespollo) will be, will try digging as Many Legal Science as Possible from Dres and Science from other bodies, Gonna **** my Pentium so hard LOL.

@FloppyRocket, Got anything to ask about Evepollo ??? I know some tips to improve (For The Lander LOL)

I forgot something...




Sheepollo (Ignore that Mk2)

Both are SSTO Capable.

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33 minutes ago, FloppyRocket said:

@GRS No questions from me, I'm just not working on this project at the moment.

I'm writing a kOS autopilot script for sending unmanned probes to Minmus.

K, tell me when you are ready for The Last 2 Missions.

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10 hours ago, jost said:

Finished Moho

Everybody has trouble going to Moho so don't sweat it, but I've always found it easier to pretend it's a rendezvous and not a transfer. Meet Moho's orbit at the An/Dn, then burn retrograde there so you'll encounter Moho on the next orbit.

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59 minutes ago, 5thHorseman said:

Everybody has trouble going to Moho so don't sweat it, but I've always found it easier to pretend it's a rendezvous and not a transfer. Meet Moho's orbit at the An/Dn, then burn retrograde there so you'll encounter Moho on the next orbit.

Shortly, that's how i do it, not only for Moho, but anything with High Inclination Orbit.

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3 hours ago, 5thHorseman said:

Everybody has trouble going to Moho so don't sweat it, but I've always found it easier to pretend it's a rendezvous and not a transfer. Meet Moho's orbit at the An/Dn, then burn retrograde there so you'll encounter Moho on the next orbit.

I tried but the plotted manoeuvers would have eaten way to much fuel. So I did an MechJeb assisted Eve flyby to lower AE and did the Rendevouz afterwards

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20 minutes ago, jost said:

I tried but the plotted manoeuvers would have eaten way to much fuel. So I did an MechJeb assisted Eve flyby to lower AE and did the Rendevouz afterwards

How many ??? (As i can say, it shouldn't get too far from 2000 m/s at Max)

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7 minutes ago, GRS said:

How many ??? (As i can say, it shouldn't get too far from 2000 m/s at Max)

Can't remember it exactly. My first try to set up direct rendevouz ended with 7000-8000 m/s delta-v. Eve flyby and rendevouz around 6000 if I recall correct

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Just now, jost said:

Can't remember it exactly. My first try to set up direct rendevouz ended with 7000-8000 m/s delta-v. Eve flyby and rendevouz around 6000 if I recall correct

Hmm...must have Something to do with Breaking Ground...i guess...

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On 6/28/2019 at 4:04 PM, 5thHorseman said:

I'm love to see that maneuver setup. I can usually go from LKO to LMO with less than 6000 m/s.

How many does it takes to go beyond Kerbin SOI from LKO ??? in case that anything changed...

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