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[KSP 1.8 - 1.12+] - Probes Before Crew [PBC] Version 2.93


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  On 1/15/2019 at 2:47 AM, Benji13 said:

Hi @_Zee, would you consider adding KSP-AVC support to your mod?


Sure, I can add the miniAVC in the next release. 

  On 1/15/2019 at 2:47 AM, Benji13 said:

Also, will the Near Future patch include support for @Nertea's mkIV Spaceplane mod?


It wasn't planned for this release, but I'll take a look at it.

  On 1/15/2019 at 5:31 AM, Jesse-Lacey said:

I got an update today for CTT via CKAN with a version note of 1.6.9 so hopefully they'll put your mod up soon!


If and when you see my mod on CKAN please let me know!




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After updating some mods and adding others, my progress on the PBC contract line was reverted to Leave the Launchpad.  A little annoying, but the bigger problem is that now it doesn't recognize when I fulfill the contract a second time, so I'm unable to progress.  Is there a way to fix this, or do I need to start a new save?

Edit:  Nevermind, user error!  I didn't realize that my vessel type was being defaulted to relay instead of probe.  Still inconvenient that it reset, but changing it let me progress again.

Edited by Deckard
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Version 2.2 released

//// Version 2.2 Changes

*Added Near Future Support (all 7 modules; 257 parts reviewed)
*Added RealChute Support
*Added KAS Support (no cfg needed)
*Added KIS Support (no cfg needed)
*Added miniAVC.
Corrected typo preventing Atmospheric Analysis part from appearing in tech tree.
Shifted 0.6m vanilla RCS tank to flight control branch, one node earlier.
Shifted 1.8m and 2.5m vanilla RCS tanks one and two nodes later, respectively.
Shifted short-size 2.5m LFO fuel tank to same node as first 2.5m engine unlocks.
Shifted mid-size 2.5m LFO fuel tanks one node later.

This release includes support for the entire Near Future suite (chart) of mods. The Propulsion pack containing advanced electrical engines didn't need any changes and the cfg is just there to secure tech tree positions. For everything else; batteries, capacitors, solar panels, construction trusses, command modules, fuel tanks, engines, rcs blocks, drone cores, and reactors were all sorted and priced and essentially fill in the entirety of the remaining tech tree. I personally only use 5 of the NF packs, but all 7 are supported covering a total of 257 parts. A few minor shifts mostly involving fuel tanks were made to the vanilla core as well. 

KAS and KIS were also looked at for a support patch and all of it already fits perfectly, so no cfg is needed for now. If some crazy part movements happen in the future then I'll look at it again, but I doubt that will be needed.
RealChute also receives support (chart) with this release.
By request, the miniAVC.dll will be included in each release from here on. If for some reason you hate it just delete the miniAVC folder within my mod.

The mod folder structure has been reworked, so make sure you completely delete the old ProbesBeforeCrew folder when upgrading.


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  On 1/13/2019 at 10:15 PM, jpkerman said:

PCR only adds 1 crucial part, the JSI External Radial Mounted Camera.



I downloaded PCR and RasterProp and couldn't find this part anywhere, sorry.

  On 1/16/2019 at 2:11 PM, ellbristow said:

somehow I managed to download an old version of the mod



  On 1/16/2019 at 8:29 PM, Deckard said:

Edit:  Nevermind, user error!


Lol I'm glad you both managed to get things working. :D

  On 1/17/2019 at 1:18 AM, Bombaatu said:

Do you have any plans to add Wild Blue support in this?


I do now! :)
Added Wild Blue to the To Do List. 

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Hi awesome mod, remind me of "better than start manned". 

I have a question about contract. 

I activated your contract via the contract manager but now I have the "first...." in double?? 

First launch - > twice the same reward for exemple

Did I miss to uncheck something? 

It's the first time I use the contract manager :-) 

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  On 1/17/2019 at 11:10 AM, Shizen said:

@Zee Whats on the to do list, I want to make a a request but i don't want to overwhelm you.


Oh don't worry friend, I mod at my own pace. Feel free to throw out your requests and I'll get to it when I get to it. :)
To answer your question, this is the current To Do List:

/// Version x.x TODO

Add Kerbalism Support
Add 0.6m Rocket Part Support
Add USI Support
Add MkIV Spaceplane Support
Add Wild Blue Support
Add kspedia entries


  On 1/17/2019 at 3:37 PM, Cpt_wipeman said:

I activated your contract via the contract manager but now I have the "first...." in double?? 


Sorry, I don't understand. The contract is in your active list twice?
Which exact contract did this happen to, and did it happen with more than one contract?

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  On 1/17/2019 at 4:35 PM, Cpt_wipeman said:

I got "leave the launchpad" "reach upper atmosphere" and "enter space" twice.

All check as completed twice in the mission center.


Okay I saw this once before when I was first writing the contract pack. It's a bug in the Contract Configurator that pops up when autoAccept is set to true. I thought I squashed it by putting in a hardcheck thats supposed to prevent it from happening, but sounds like it's still there.

Here is the issue on the Contract Configurator Github. If anyone else has experienced this, please go to the link and politely mention the bug is affecting you as well, there's nothing else I can do about it.

If the doubled contract is also giving you the rewards again a second time, just use Alt-F12 to remove the extra money. autoAccept is only used for the Kerbin, Mun, and Minmus contracts, so it won't be an issue past that point.
You are the first person to report experiencing this, so hopefully its a rare bug. If anyone else has experienced this please let me know. If it turns out it has been something everyone has quietly been dealing with then I will consider getting rid of the autoAccept feature altogether if the bug doesn't get fixed.

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So I have noticed that ProbesPlus! undermines PBC a bit. The main problem being that it has it's own skins for the stock experiments, but they are considered completely different parts so they are on different nodes. Same thing with some of the skins it has for DMagic, since PBC moves the DMagic parts but the ProbesPlus parts remain.

Aside from that I think the rest of the parts that come with it fit pretty well, and it could almost be a part of the "Works well with" list as it just adds some variety from the standard probe cores in game.

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It's probably more accurate to call it the "Give This A Fair Look" List than the "To Do" list. I make no guarantees that all these mods will receive support patches! :sticktongue:  But I've definitely made a note to look at all of your requests and I'll do so as soon as time allows. :) 

I wonder if I could figure out a quick and easy way to let people just list every mod they'd like to see supported and then just automate tallying up all the mentioned mods and just prioritizing by most requested. Most requested is really the deciding factor at this point since every mod I personally wanted to support is supported now. 

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  On 1/18/2019 at 6:45 AM, BlackHat said:

Probably easiest to just fire up CKAN, and sort by most downloads.  That would give you an Idea of what the most popular or most used. :D 


No. Not everyone uses CKAN though.

Kerbalism is best downloaded separately for example. I wouldn't want miss out Kerbalism. I like Kerbalism.


Hopefully that bumps the priority for, and I'll say it one more time, Kerbalism. :D

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  On 1/18/2019 at 5:07 AM, _Zee said:

It's probably more accurate to call it the "Give This A Fair Look" List than the "To Do" list. I make no guarantees that all these mods will receive support patches! :sticktongue:  But I've definitely made a note to look at all of your requests and I'll do so as soon as time allows. :) 

I wonder if I could figure out a quick and easy way to let people just list every mod they'd like to see supported and then just automate tallying up all the mentioned mods


What about setting up a survey on survey monkey (or similar) you get emails when new responses are received and your dashboard will show you votes (and you can have a free format field too) it won't be perfect, but better than trawling the forum 

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Hi Zee,

  On 1/17/2019 at 4:35 PM, Cpt_wipeman said:

I got "leave the launchpad" "reach upper atmosphere" and "enter space" twice.

All check as completed twice in the mission center.


I am seeing this also. I am getting double. For now I just made the auto accepts false.

Thanks for the great work and time you are putting into this!! I am liking it a lot.

Edited by epideath
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