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[1.8.1-1] [PLEASE FORK ME] Kopernicus & KittopiaTech

Thomas P.

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Since KSP 2 was delayed until the fall of 2021, it really makes sense to still wait for the new version of Kopernicus. Therefore, let's be patient and thank the developer again for this wonderful mod without which people literally cannot live. Not many mod creators have made such amazing progress.

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22 minutes ago, Arco123 said:

Will post a 1.9.1 version here: (Recompiled and stuff.) [Let me get on my computer to post the link.] Don't know how legal it is but I'll try. 

You can do it for yourself but please don’t post it anywhere public, you aren’t helping the devs with that.

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1 hour ago, DAC-1 said:

If I want to show some love to the official maintainers of this mod, is there one place that has all their contribution information?

There is a link at the end of the first post of this thread.

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yeah I too attempted a recompile of kopernicus, but, not wanting to encounter a game-breaking bug that might destroy a save after I've made progress since a backup, I never installed it.  It'll compile cleanly against 1.9.1 easily, but... if it were THAT easy, the maintainers would have released it by now I'm sure, so.. waiting for the devs to make an official release.

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5 hours ago, ss8913 said:

It'll compile cleanly against 1.9.1 easily, but... if it were THAT easy, the maintainers would have released it by now I'm sure, so.. waiting for the devs to make an official release.

Don't be so sure. Kopernicus has many advanced features, many of which may be utterly useless for you, particularly if you're not adding new stars or other fancy things. Testing these things is not straightforward and they add developer overhead. They may also be working on optimizations that, while nice, are not essential if you're not running KSP on a potato. The latest commit was three months ago. I wouldn't hold my breath for maintainers actually doing anything here before 1.10.

I've been running a recompiled version for a while now. Granted, I didn't play that much, but it seems to work with JNSQ. Just make periodic backups, and if there's a bug, try to fix it yourself. If you succeed, you can shoot me a PM with the code snippet (or make a GitHub pull request, if so inclined) so I can put it in on my end.

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I would love to play with this and rss or some planet packs, but I have no interest in playing lower than current game versions...  here's to hoping anything like this does not treat players so poorly once ksp2 comes around.

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Considering that it had worked, at least in my experience, since March, and no commits were made since a month (to a branch that fixes issue with a system that, to most people, doesn't even need to be there), it would be nice to at least know if it's still being worked on. If whoever or whatever team "owns" this mod now can't provide updates, they should just say so. It has changed hands before, more than once.

Though TBH, I'd prefer to see a "Kopernicus Lite" which would only take the essential code and cut out all the cruft such as the solar panel code, or anything else related to the ability to have multiple stars or other such shenanigans. Mods that add stars are a minority, but from what I've seen of the code, a disproportionate amount of effort goes towards supporting them. 

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Isn't some sort of solar panel code needed for rescale mods?

While I don't do interstellar mods, I do like to scale KSP up 3x... and it would be pretty sucky if that resulted in solar panels producing 1/9th the power (sure, I could then go in and manually change the output of all the solar panel parts again, but still).

Code for solar panels that can work for different star systems though... that's not my thing (but maybe it will be in KSP 2)

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53 minutes ago, KerikBalm said:

Isn't some sort of solar panel code needed for rescale mods?

While I don't do interstellar mods, I do like to scale KSP up 3x... and it would be pretty sucky if that resulted in solar panels producing 1/9th the power (sure, I could then go in and manually change the output of all the solar panel parts again, but still).

Power output scales with the system.  That is, if you get 1e of power from a panel at the home world at normal stock scale, you'll still get 1e of power at the home world after the system is rescaled.

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Yes, and were that not the case (or you just wanted to, say, change the sun's overall intensity), it'd be a fairly straightforward MM patch, which would a much more robust way of doing that than putting anything inside the plugin itself. The only reason Kopernicus messes with solar panels is to handle multiple light sources, including, I believe, binary systems. That makes a simple (though already unreliable at high warp) calculation much more complicated, all to support a small fraction of mods that add such systems.

KSP2 will have multiple systems out of the box, maybe even including binaries, so assuming planet modding won't also be available out of the box as well, the plugin to do it won't have to bother with it. 

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Actually the rated power output of a solar panel is "at the home world".  It doesn't matter where the home world is or what the luminosity of the star is.  For instance, if in a solar panel's config we have chargeRate = 1.64, then that's what we get when the panel is located at the home world's distance from its star.  At other distances the rate changes according to the inverse square law.

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18 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Actually the rated power output of a solar panel is "at the home world".  It doesn't matter where the home world is or what the luminosity of the star is.  For instance, if in a solar panel's config we have chargeRate = 1.64, then that's what we get when the panel is located at the home world's distance from its star.  At other distances the rate changes according to the inverse square law.

This is why, if you want solar panels to work worse at the homeworld than in stock (for instance, because you made the sun dimmer or moved the homeworld away), a blanket patch would be needed to adjust these values. TBH, I don't know if Kopernicus even has that feature, maybe you'd have to do it that way regardless.

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6 hours ago, jo_jo_binks said:

Agree with posts above, it would be great to have "kopernicus lite" just for rescale and don't wait so long for update.

I too would like to see a Kopernicus for each KSP version sooner.  But I realise this is all done in the modders' leisure time and I have to be patient.

In case you hadn't thought of them, I'd like to point out the several issues connected with cutting down a complex mod or cutting it apart into separate mods.  I can't answer them for certain because I haven't studied the code.  But I have studied complex code and can imagine.

  • Can it be cut apart relatively easily?
    • How interconnected are the various functions now?
    • Can these functions be separated easily or at all?
  • Where do you cut it apart?
  • Finding the time to put in a massive change to a mod on top of fixing bugs and upgrading it for KSP version changes.

Right now, I'm still playing KSP at its stock 1/10th scale (sigh, I'd wished Squad hadn't done that), so what matters more to me is using Kopernicus to replace planetary textures, like for these mods below from @Rodger, @GregroxMun, @Snark, and @Poodmund (plugging them all here because like those who maintain Kopernicus, they don't get enough appreciation).

Of course, when I move onto rescaling the whole system, I'll care about both features, retexturing and rescaling.


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How do I properly change the location of my KSC?

I use the JNSQ System and would like to move the KSC off of the equator. That was not much of a Problem, I just edited the Location in the JNSQ files.

But only the Runway is snapped to the surface while everything else is floating in the air. I'm pretty sure I have to edit the Mapdecal, to flatten the surrounding terrain, but I have no idea how to do that.

When I checked the JNSQ file for Kerbin I found the MapDecalTangent configs, but I don't know how to change the location to match the longditude and latitude of my new KSC.

I also tried to use Kerbal Konstructs but since it is not possible to move the KSC Parts, it didn't help.

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7 hours ago, Maniaex said:

When I checked the JNSQ file for Kerbin I found the MapDecalTangent configs, but I don't know how to change the location to match the longditude and latitude of my new KSC.

You have to change latitude and longitude to a position vector.  A vector of 1,0,0 points to 0 latitude, 0 longitude.

If you tell me your latitude and longitude, I can do the conversion for you.

Instead of using a position vector, I think you can also do something like,

     latitude =
     longitude =

but I'm not sure of the syntax.  You might have to give an altitude as well.

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21 minutes ago, OhioBob said:

You have to change latitude and longitude to a position vector.  A vector of 1,0,0 points to 0 latitude, 0 longitude.

When latitude is + North, - South, and longitude + East, - West, is it....

( cos(LAT)*cos(LONG) , cos(LAT)*sin(LONG) , sin(LAT) )


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9 hours ago, OhioBob said:

Instead of using a position vector, I think you can also do something like,

     latitude =
     longitude =

Thanks for your help! I already knew that I needed to edit the position vector but I didn't know how to calculate it, or where I could look that up. But I should have known that it is possible to rewrite the position definition using longitude and latitude since it is used for the flat area around the Monolith(That was pretty stupid) which I now also edited to fit the KSC. Both worked perfectly.

9 hours ago, Jacke said:

When latitude is + North, - South, and longitude + East, - West, is it....

( cos(LAT)*cos(LONG) , cos(LAT)*sin(LONG) , sin(LAT) )


Thanks for that equation! I double checked if this solution also works, and it does. But I would not have found that on my own.


Now I still have the Problem of the Orientation of the KSC. I know I have to edit " reorientFinalAngle " but I don't know how to calculate the value.

I already checked the Kopernicus Wiki, but found no solution. So I would be greatful if you guys could help me with that as well.

The new Position is: latitude = 24.6778213805329, longitude = 28.3327823273785 (I didn't bother to round the values, sorry) . But if there is a simple equation for that as well, I would appreciate it if you could state that, so I can help myself in the future.

Once again, Thank you very much! I really appreciate your help!


Edited by Maniaex
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1 hour ago, Maniaex said:

Now I still have the Problem of the Orientation of the KSC. I know I have to edit " reorientFinalAngle " but I don't know how to calculate the value.

From my experience, you don't calculate the orientation.  You just figure out by trial and error what best fits the surrounding terrain.

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