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Remove The Not_Rockomax Micronode

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Remove the Whaaaat!?

I mean this little bugger.


It's been in the game far to long and I BET you "ONE" thing.

There isn't a single ship on KerbalX, SteamWorkshop, Spacecraftexchange, dropbox, curse or any vessel in "What do you do in KSP today" topic that actually uses the bugger (prove me wrong......................... and it will be prove only..................... and the bugger will still be useless...................... point made :P)

People want to clutter the part list with new parts. I say let's shout out for a óne part cleanup and remove it in the next update ASAP.


It acts as a 6 way construtctional piece that is heavy (for no reason). Why need a 6 way constructional piece?

You can use a cubic octagonal strut and it has 6 way surface attachment. If you use autostrut on the attached parts a cubic octagonal center piece 6 way construction is as sturdy as one using the not rockomax micronode.

You also can't use 2 way symmetry on the micronode, why?

Either remove the darn item or add symmetry on the micronode and supply me with a plentiful reasons (plentiful is past 2 very good reasons)


Edited by Aeroboi
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7 minutes ago, linuxgurugamer said:

You can always use The Janitor's Closet to trim down your parts list

I love your mods including that one :P

It's simly that the not rockomax micronode offers nothing (imo)

Unless further replies are going to tell me otherwise it seems there's no value for this part. If this is a mutual opinion I would see the part gone.

To much people complain about a cluttered part list and mods add to it.

That would be one less part to complain about, my bet is most people complain about it as it clutters the list without ever using the part.

1 minute ago, Geonovast said:

I like it.  I use it.  I want it to stay.

Okay! Can you tell me what you use it for and why any other part con't do the same job?



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Just now, Gargamel said:

The moment Squad starts thinking about limiting the game, instead of expanding it, is the moment.... well I don't know where I was going with this, but removing a part just cause it doesn't get much use is a step in the wrong direction. 

Agreed. All parts have uses, some can be used in unexpected ways. And as you said, removing a part because of lack of use is a bad idea 

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7 hours ago, Aeroboi said:

Remove the Whaaaat!?

I mean this little bugger.


It's been in the game far to long and I BET you "ONE" thing.

There isn't a single ship on KerbalX, SteamWorkshop, Spacecraftexchange, dropbox, curse or any vessel in "What do you do in KSP today" topic that actually uses the bugger (prove me wrong......................... and it will be prove only..................... and the bugger will still be useless...................... point made :P)

People want to clutter the part list with new parts. I say let's shout out for a óne part cleanup and remove it in the next update ASAP.


It acts as a 6 way construtctional piece that is heavy (for no reason). Why need a 6 way constructional piece?

You can use a cubic octagonal strut and it has 6 way surface attachment. If you use autostrut on the attached parts a cubic octagonal center piece 6 way construction is as sturdy as one using the not rockomax micronode.

You also can't use 2 way symmetry on the micronode, why?

Either remove the darn item or add symmetry on the micronode and supply me with a plentiful reasons (plentiful is past 2 very good reasons)


I use it on occasion but not often for when I'm doing strut work for satellite launches, as for long haul satellites I may decide to put a smaller probe inside the satellite and need to use struts to do so.

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15 hours ago, Aeroboi said:

If you use autostrut on the attached parts a cubic octagonal center piece 6 way construction is as sturdy as one using the not rockomax micronode.

Except the majority of players don't use - or even knows how to use - autostrut. Leave the "always use the best way" minmaxing to the realism mods.

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36 minutes ago, Starhawk said:

I am curious about the data on which this assertion is based.

Happy landings!

1: Questions by people in "gameplay and tutorials" subforum that apparently are misguided on the existence of autostruts.
2: Many pictures in "what did you do in ksp today"and other picture exchange threads where people use half to over a dozen struts for vessel rigidity.
3: And I think some people don't know how to use autostrut.
4: Some people use joint reinforcement in their modded installs and are clueless about autostrut and use the part strut as a substitute.
5: Some people have never seen advanced tweakables because I see lots of threads where people are instructed about this option.

IMO the stock KSP UI isn't that complicated so I'm a little amazed why advanced tweakables isn't activated by default. It isn't like it adds a plethora of options.

@FleshJeb lol

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19 hours ago, Aeroboi said:

There isn't a single ship on KerbalX, SteamWorkshop, Spacecraftexchange, dropbox, curse or any vessel in "What do you do in KSP today" topic that actually uses the bugger (prove me wrong......................... and it will be prove only..................... and the bugger will still be useless...................... point made :P)

Used it on my mallard train on kerbal x


People have also mentioned it and shown it being used for other things. So yeah definitely not completely useless. Especially as a microversion of a node (tiny space station perhaps?)

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1 hour ago, evileye.x said:

May it's better to make it not so heavy?


Interesting designs, I haven't seen many but now that people share their results I find it may have aesthetic uses. I certainly won't copycat any of those in light of my ironic preassumption. Sad to say I haven't found any uses and haven't seen many of the results posted in this thread. Fun to see how many more people are going to show me otherwise but I believe the disinterest is at least shared among a bunch of people :) I'd be amazed to see if that isn't the case at all.

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One of my favorite sayings on the internet is: The best way to get a correct answer on the internet, is to first, yourself, post an incorrect one.  

I think we have found a corollary to that. 

I don't ever recall having used it myself, but thanks to this Micro-Node Awareness Thread, I think I might consider it at some point. 

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On 2/21/2019 at 8:51 PM, Gargamel said:

I don't ever recall having used it myself, but thanks to this Micro-Node Awareness Thread, I think I might consider it at some point. 

Exactly, before I read this thread, I had forgotten than this part even existed, and lost no sleep over its deficiencies. I don’t plan to use it in the future myself, but I have at least opened my mind to the possibility.

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