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What in the name of DUH did I just see?!


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bool foolsDay = (DateTime.Now.Month == 4 && DateTime.Now.Day == 1);
bool catDay = (DateTime.Now.Month == 2 && DateTime.Now.Day == 22);
nyan = foolsDay
	|| Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains("-nyan-nyan");

nCats = catDay
	|| Environment.GetCommandLineArgs().Contains("-ncats");


Edited by FleshJeb
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1 minute ago, DeltaDizzy said:

he probably thinks its forced, though this isnt really that forced. you just have to change the launch options.

Yea. I don't see why fun little things should be removed if they're completely harmless

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10 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

Why not? 

Because it’s a relatively obscure internet meme that has nothing at all to do with KSP?

What’s next - a little animation of Jeb doing jumping-jacks and singing ‘badger, badger, badger...’? 

It’s not like KSP is short of its own memes that could be turned into Easter eggs.

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Okay - avoidance of doubt time. Easter eggs are okay. I liked the Munar sandcastle for example. If mod writers want to include Easter eggs based on daft internet things then *shrug* - it’s their mod.

I just think that making the said daft internet Easter Eggs a stock feature would come a flat last in my Bumper List of Stuff I’d Like to see in KSP.



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11 hours ago, KSK said:

Because it’s a relatively obscure internet meme that has nothing at all to do with KSP?

What’s next - a little animation of Jeb doing jumping-jacks and singing ‘badger, badger, badger...’? 

It’s not like KSP is short of its own memes that could be turned into Easter eggs.

'Relatively obscure' 

We're talking about Nyan Cat here. Not about deepfried dank memes

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6 hours ago, The_Cat_In_Space said:

'Relatively obscure' 

We're talking about Nyan Cat here. Not about deepfried dank memes

I can honestly say that I had never heard of Nyan Cat before reading one of the many threads on this forum about that Easter Egg. Having just read the Wikipedia entry about it, this does not concern me greatly.  I have no idea what deepfried dank memes are and I'm not particularly interested in finding out.

Different folks, different internet strokes (probably best not to search for that - I can only imagine), different ages, different tolerances for YouTube junk (edit: probably best not to search for that either - *sigh*)


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On 2/25/2019 at 7:25 AM, KSK said:

Because it’s a relatively obscure internet meme that has nothing at all to do with KSP?

What’s next - a little animation of Jeb doing jumping-jacks and singing ‘badger, badger, badger...’? 

It’s not like KSP is short of its own memes that could be turned into Easter eggs.

Mushrooom! Mushroom!

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Hate to be that guy, but this [snip] is not worth adding more lag to the loading screen for. Yes it really does (somehow) make it run slower when there's a lot of these stupid orbiting poptart cats on the screen, I notice it picks up whenever they all gravity assist each other offscreen. It seems to show up more often than just the two days listed also, perhaps triggered by mods in need of updates or wonky MM patches? IDK but it always seemed like a rather weird, out-of-touch thing for a mod dev to put in the game, most especially a mod that's necessary for every other mod and therefore unavoidable. Don't add easter eggs or "funny" "jokes" to vital mods, particularly if they come with even a minor perf cost. [snip] If Squad want to add easter eggs to their game, they will, and they tend to have a touch more tact and sense about what to add than things like this, so I'd leave that job to them.

[snip] nyan cat of all things, like really?

Edited by Vanamonde
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