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[1.12.5] Restock - Revamping KSP's art (August 28)


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6 hours ago, Psycho_zs said:

New PR for RealPlume here: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume-StockConfigs/pull/81

Edited configs available via the same URLs:


@Nertea, maybe you could boost it into title post until RealPlume updates. I see RealPlume-related questions pop up here periodically.

I've added it to the mod compatibility section. The rate of people actually reading the OP is.... bad though :P. 

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Hi (again),

I've noticed that the attachment nodes for the LVT-45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine are offset. I've tried removing the Squad and SquadExpansionfolders in RealplumeStock folder, and it had no effect on it. And it seems to be only that engine that has its attachment nodes offset. Removing Restock eliminated the issue for me, so I reckon it might be the cause of it too.


I think it might be a Restock conflict with the Squad engine configs maybe? Just a heads up.

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2 hours ago, pseudamin said:

Hi (again),

I've noticed that the attachment nodes for the LVT-45 "Swivel" Liquid Fuel Engine are offset. I've tried removing the Squad and SquadExpansionfolders in RealplumeStock folder, and it had no effect on it. And it seems to be only that engine that has its attachment nodes offset. Removing Restock eliminated the issue for me, so I reckon it might be the cause of it too.

I think it might be a Restock conflict with the Squad engine configs maybe? Just a heads up.

My guess is that you have Missing History installed. There are several parts in that mod that are no longer required if ReStock is installed. Delete the following folders from your install:

  • GameData/MissingHistory/files/PorkjetParts/Engine/
  • GameData/MissingHistory/files/PorkjetParts/FuelTank/

Once deleted, restart you game and see whether the issue is resolved.

If you have RealPlume install too, you can also delete these following files to fix the plumes:

  • GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-303.cfg
  • GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-909.cfg
  • GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T15.cfg
  • GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T30.cfg
  • GameData/RealPlume-Stock/MissingHistory/liquidEngineLV-T45.cfg
Edited by Poodmund
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Some updates!

Restock 0.1.3

  • Fixed animation of SC-9001 Material Bay
  • Fixed thrust offset on LV-909 (#553)
  • Fixed Mk1-3 Command pod still using old RCS FX (#546)
  • Fixed docking transform on Clamp-O-Tron Sr (#555)
  • Killed flameout effects on many engines (#549)

Restock Plus 0.1.3

  • Balance tweaks to Anvil SRB. Fuel increased to 7200, thrust increased to 2250 kN (#547)
  • Fixed light pivots not moving light emitters (#548)
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Is it a known issue that illuminators appears opposite on loaded ship in game?


In game:


I've checked the issues site, but didn't find anything about it. KSP 1.6.1, using ReStock updated today from CKAN

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This was posted in the reDirect thread, but it deserves mentioning here that Scott Manley appears to be using Restock in his video about commercial launches of Orion to lunar orbit:

23 hours ago, Drakenex said:

@benjee10Mr Manley uses ReDirect's Orion on his new video about EM-1


and the image on his video thumbnail comes from an SLS screen I've made with SSTU.. ha!


Nice to see how seamless Restock is with ReDirect!

Edited by PocketBrotector
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On 3/14/2019 at 9:26 PM, KaitoSSB said:

Thanks for the info, I tried it before but i guess I sidn't delete any pre-existing KSP files from the Steam folder with the fresh install (hence old parts) definitely fixed the issue!

For the life of me, I couldn't figure out what was going on with what I *thought* was a clean/fresh gamedir -- apparently I've been dragging along some older stock components and it was thwarting everything. Now I know what to fix in that vanilla stash.

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So Maybe I'm clicking in the wrong place, or maybe I've missed something, but it seems that when I click the Github download link for restock+ on the first page, it takes me to the github release for just restock? Can't seem to find Restock+, or is it included in the download of Restock?

Okay, correction when I click the github download links for both Restock and Restock plus, it gives me the download of Restockplus, but the Github page says Restocked, which confuised me. the spacedock links take me to the respective mods correctly.

Never mind, I'm a blind idiot.

Edited by vardicd
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Just now, Rawenwarcrow said:

@vardicd On the Github page, under the title"Restocked 0.1.3", then under the description, you have "assets (4)", then:

- ReStockPlus_0_1_3.zip 6.34 MB

- ReStock_0_1_3.zip 103 MB

That's it ;) 

Oh... Oh I feel like an idiot. I didn't see that there were 2 download links there. I only noticed the top 2. my bad.

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Happened to me couple times now, when selecting from subassemblies, and then when in flight scene, one of the engines have some kind of shroud, whereas it was not selected in editor. tried to reset the part variant, but it's still doing it.
Will also try with other engines to see to see if the issue apply consistently.



Edited by kurgut
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Take the parts off the vessel in the editor and delete them, save the vehicle, then pick a new copy of the part from the part list and add it to the vehicle. Resave the vessel, then create a subassembly from it. 

This should in effect flush any erroneous modules or part modifiers from the parts affected by removing and deleting them. 

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2 hours ago, The Kerbal King said:

Nice job. Anyway you might revamp the 1.875m heat shield so it looks like the new ones?

That's a Making History part, which are currently out of scope, going by pevious statements on the topic.

If you want to go about convincing the team otherwise, it's probably best to wait until all the stock parts are done. Because that's already a pretty herculean task.

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2 hours ago, The Kerbal King said:

Nice job. Anyway you might revamp the 1.875m heat shield so it looks like the new ones?

There are already plans for this particular 1.875 part, see https://github.com/PorktoberRevolution/ReStocked/issues/516, ETA unknown. With 1.875, the decouplers and fairing bases should already be available. Which leaves the 5m parts - you may want to try out Nertea's https://spacedock.info/mod/1434/Near Future Launch Vehicles while waiting, since it contains a ton of the 5m parts in a similar style. it does contain parts that overlap, so you may want to make a custom CFG to hide the extras.

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