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Rate The user Above you...Like...Overally


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The rules are simple, rate anything you know about the user above you, ANYTHING (kinda).

I'll start...


You can't rate a forum.

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Who the hell do you think I am!? The reputation of Team Gurren echoes far and wide. When they talk about its badass leader - the man of indomitable spirit and masculinity! KAMINA! Go beyond the impossible, and kick reason to the curb! That's how Team Gurren rolls!!

The rating system is off the scale!!!!

Badass / 10

(Sorry, can't resist it, it's 10/10 ;))

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Sorry guys, gotta lock this one.  I know it's meant in good fun, but the potential to go badly wrong is just too much.

Remember:  the way we all keep the forum civil, friendly, and welcome is that one of our important rules is do not make personal comments, please.  "Address the post, not the poster" is a constant refrain you'll hear from the moderator team, and with good reason.

So far the posts here have been either positive and encouraging (which is good), or playful-poking-fun-at-the-target meant in good fun (which is also fine... as long as it's actually meant well and as long as the target knows and understands this).  But just because the barn hasn't gone up in flames yet isn't sufficient reason to let people continue tossing lit matches around for fun.  ;)

So anyway... no harm done, and we're sorry to have to rain on everyone's parade here... but this has gotta go.  Forum games are fine, but please don't base one on personal comments.  Thank you for your understanding.



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