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NESD's warehouse (9 oct 22 - New mod "SpikeX")


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On 11/15/2020 at 10:41 PM, NESD said:

Today is my 100th post . . . 100th . . . in FOUR YEARS

Yep, I'm unbelievable communicative and easy-to-contact person :D (especially on non native language)

to celebrate this milestone I bring you not one, but two mods


Stock TKS



First one from Soviet side. It`s a set of parts to build a TKS style spaceships, or any other vessels with rear crew access

This mod make a copy of stock pod and add heat shield and some attach parts to it`s top

also add stabilization cone with built-in RCS, de-orbiting engine, nose cone, attach base, fuel tank and small antenna

It work with stock pod and ReStocked one, also support Connected Living Space for bottom node and passable decoupler

So this was the Salyut... (or part of MIR)

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@RandomKerbal  Basically no . . . and yes.


Some info from NESDipedia :D


It`s a TKS (literally - Transport Supply Ship) lesser known part of Soviet space program, and also one of mostly used part.

This ship built to carry supplies and photo films to  Almaz stations, military spy variant of Salyut  equipped with

huge 4 meter long photo cam that required a lot of cargo to delivery to orbit, back to earth films delivered by automatic capsules


Also TKS is a first reusable pod, Gemini project also have some tests before, but this one intentionally made as reusable (up to  10 times)

This program also have variant for "around the Moon" flights



It have only 4 working and some test launches before program was cancelled

but many prefabs for rear, non returnable living and cargo section already was built

and later being used to make modules for Mir station (that actually is a Salyut-8)


So all four side modules with double cone ends is actually based on TKS rear parts.


And this program still not scrapped, like Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Shuttle  ( Vostok also still alive)

Module Zarya at Salyut-9 (aka International Space Station) also made from TKS parts

and one still not launched Russian module Nauka for ISS is TKS too


Also TKS reentry pod being used as one of variants for new Russian crew launch program, but not win contest


I have some ideas for this variants but waiting new @Nertea Mk-1.5 station parts to make it compatible

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@jpkerman  Original ASSET and DynaSoar don`t have abblator, so this thing also don`t have it and not suitable for direct dive even from Mun

Next time try 2-3 stage aerobraking or return with intermediate orbit at 80-150 km

18 hours ago, jpkerman said:

"Have no wheels, how can land?"


One parachute is enough . . .   or just jump. This thing have very small wings, you just can`t turn it to horizontal flight.

Unfortunately stock chutes always white, maybe ReStock team can add color changer for their model

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2 hours ago, NESD said:

@jpkerman  Original ASSET and DynaSoar don`t have abblator, so this thing also don`t have it and not suitable for direct dive even from Mun

Next time try 2-3 stage aerobraking or return with intermediate orbit at 80-150 km


One parachute is enough . . .   or just jump. This thing have very small wings, you just can`t turn it to horizontal flight.

Unfortunately stock chutes always white, maybe ReStock team can add color changer for their model

Or just clip it down into the craft. :) I agree though, it would be nice to have exterior 'chute container colors to match the primary paint schemes.

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  • 5 months later...

@NESD InternalRCS is a seriously underrated mod.  I thought it could use some love, so I gave it support for WaterfallRestock and StockWaterfallEffects.  I configured it so you can have WFRS and SWFE with no conflicts (from my patches. ;)) Your wellcome to ship the patch if you think they're good enough.

ReStock plumes; On the right Stock engines. On the Left InternalRCS and APUS. (Yes I did this for APUS Too.)




And it all fits in the tiny patch and accompanying template. The patch is designed to live in a dedicated patch folder (Eg: MyPatches/waterfall/Templates[folder] {files,...}), but it can go into the mod's patch folder. The template needs to be in a 'Templates' folder in the same dir as the patch.




// Add Waterfall/ ReStock(not rqrd.) and StockWaterfallEffects support to InternalRCS. It is safe to have bolth.
// Author: Snkiz

  // Removes the stock effect block, and replace it with one that has no particles
        channel = Ship
        transformName = RCSthruster
        clip = Waterfall/Sounds/Beale_Sounds/Sound_RocketStentor
        volume = 0.0 0.0
        volume = 0.1 0.0
        volume = 0.5 0.04
        volume = 1.0 0.1
        pitch = 1.2
        loop = true
	%runningEffectName = fx-rcsMP-running
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    // This is a custom name
    moduleID = IRmprcs
    // This links the effects to a given ModuleEngines
    engineID = basicEngine

    // List out all controllers we want available
      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = rcs
      linkedTo = rcs
      // This is the name of the template to use
      templateName = waterfall-rcs-jet-1
      // This field allows you to override the parentTransform name in the EFFECTS contained in the template
      overrideParentTransform = RCSthruster
	  position = 0, -0.09, 0
	  rotation = 0, 0, 180
	  scale = 1.1, 0.9, 1.1
			name = R1
			linkedTo = random
			noiseType = perlin
			scale = 1
			minimum = 0
			speed = 12
			seed = 1
	      @templateName = stock-rcs-jet-2
	      	  @position = 0, -0.09, 0
		  @rotation = 0, 0, 180
		  @scale = 1.1, 0.6, 1.1
				channel = Ship
				clip = Waterfall/Sounds/Beale_Sounds/Sound_RocketStentor
				volume = 0.0 0.0
				volume = 0.1 0.0
				volume = 0.5 0.05
				volume = 1.0 0.5
				pitch = 0.0 1
				pitch = 1.0 1.5
				loop = true
	%runningEffectName = fx-rcsLF-running
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    moduleID = IRlfrcs
    engineID = basicEngine

      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = rcs
      linkedTo = rcs
      templateName = waterfall-methalox-rcs-jet-1
      overrideParentTransform = RCSthruster
	  position = 0, -0.1,0.0
	  rotation = 180, 0, 0
	  scale = 1.1, 0.9, 1.1
			name = R1
			linkedTo = random
			noiseType = perlin
			scale = 1
			minimum = 0
			speed = 12
			seed = 1
	      @templateName = stock-rcs-kerolox-1
	      	  @position = 0, -0.08, 0.007
		  @rotation = -90, 0, 0
		  @scale = 0.4, 0.4, 0.2
        channel = Ship
        transformName = RCSthruster
        clip = Waterfall/Sounds/Beale_Sounds/Sound_RocketStentor
        volume = 0.0 0.0
        volume = 0.1 0.0
        volume = 0.5 0.04
        volume = 1.0 0.1
        pitch = 1.2
        loop = true
	%runningEffectName = fx-rcsMP-running
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    moduleID = IRrcsBlock
    engineID = basicEngine

      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = rcs
      linkedTo = rcs
      // This is the name of the template to use
      templateName = waterfall-rcs-jet-1
      overrideParentTransform = RCSthruster
	  position = 0,0.025,0
	  rotation = 0, 0, 180
	  scale = 1, 0.9, 1
			name = R1
			linkedTo = random
			noiseType = perlin
			scale = 1
			minimum = 0
			speed = 12
			seed = 1
	      @templateName = stock-rcs-jet-2
	          @position = 0,0.025,0
	          @rotation = 0, 0, 180
	          @scale = 1, 0.9, 1
        channel = Ship
        transformName = RCSthruster
        clip = Waterfall/Sounds/Beale_Sounds/Sound_RocketStentor
        volume = 0.0 0.0
        volume = 0.1 0.0
        volume = 0.5 0.025
        volume = 1.0 0.1
        pitch = 2.0
        loop = true
	%runningEffectName = fx-rcsMP-small
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    moduleID = IRgmrcs
    engineID = basicEngine

      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = rcs
      linkedTo = rcs
      templateName = waterfall-rcs-jet-1
      overrideParentTransform = RCSthruster
	  position = 0, -0.025, 0
	  rotation = 0, 0, 180
	  scale = 0.48, 0.4, 0.48
			name = R1
			linkedTo = random
			noiseType = perlin
			scale = 1
			minimum = 0
			speed = 12
			seed = 1
	      @templateName = stock-rcs-jet-2
		@position = 0, -0.025, 0
		@rotation = 0, 0, 180
		@scale = 0.48, 0.3, 0.48
			channel = Ship
			clip = Waterfall/Sounds/EnsouSounds/Loop_Liquid_SuperLight_High
			volume = 0.0 0.0
			volume = 1.0 0.15
			pitch = 0.0 1.4
			pitch = 2.0 1.4
			loop = true
			channel = Ship
			clip = Waterfall/Sounds/KW/sound_sps
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 1.5
			loop = false
			channel = Ship
			clip = sound_vent_soft
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 2.5
			loop = false
			channel = Ship
			clip = sound_explosion_low
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 2.5
			loop = false
    @name = ModuleEnginesFX
	%runningEffectName = fx-omsMP-running
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    moduleID = IRmpeng

      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = throttle
      linkedTo = throttle
	  engineID = basicEngine
	  responseRateUp = 0.03
      responseRateDown = 0.2
      name = Random2
      linkedTo = random
	  noiseType = perlin
	  scale = 0.5
	  minimum = -0.5
	  speed = 10
	  seed = 40
      templateName = waterfall-hypergolic-vernier-upper-2
      overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
	  position = 0, 0, -0.095
	  rotation = 0, 0, 0
	  scale = 0.42, 0.42, 0.6
	      name = Random3
	      linkedTo = random
		  noiseType = perlin
		  scale = 1
		  minimum = 0
		  speed = 5
		  seed = -20
	      name = Random4
	      linkedTo = random
		  noiseType = perlin
		  scale = 0.5
		  minimum = -0.5
		  speed = 10
		  seed = 33
	      @templateName = stock-aerozine50-upper-1
		  @position = 0, 0, -0.095
		  @rotation = 0, 0, 0
		  @scale = 0.066, 0.066, 0.08
	      templateName = stock-hypergolic-core
	      overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
		  position = 0, 0, -0.095
		  rotation = 0, 0, 0
		  scale = 0.064, 0.064, 0.075
			channel = Ship
			clip = Waterfall/Sounds/EnsouSounds/Loop_Liquid_SuperLight_High
			volume = 0.0 0.0
			volume = 1.0 0.15
			pitch = 0.0 1.4
			pitch = 2.0 1.4
			loop = true
			channel = Ship
			clip = Waterfall/Sounds/KW/sound_sps
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 1.5
			loop = false
			channel = Ship
			clip = sound_vent_soft
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 2.5
			loop = false
			channel = Ship
			clip = sound_explosion_low
			volume = 0.3
			pitch = 2.5
			loop = false
    @name = ModuleEnginesFX
	%runningEffectName = fx-omsLF-running
	%engineID = basicEngine
    name = ModuleWaterfallFX
    moduleID = IRchENG

      name = atmosphereDepth
      linkedTo = atmosphere_density
      name = throttle
      linkedTo = throttle
	  engineID = basicEngine
	  responseRateUp = 0.03
      responseRateDown = 0.2
      name = R1
      linkedTo = random
	  noiseType = perlin
	  scale = 0.5
	  minimum = -0.5
	  speed = 10
	  seed = 40
      templateName = waterfall-methalox-vernier-1
      overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
	  position = 0, 0, -0.1
	  rotation = 0, 0, 0
	  scale = 0.48, 0.48, 0.5
	    @moduleID = IRlfENG
	      @templateName = stock-kerolox-vernier
	      	  @position = 0, 0, -0.12
		  @rotation = 0, 0, 0
		  @scale = 0.46, 0.46, 0.2
	      templateName = stock-kerolox-core
	      overrideParentTransform = thrustTransform
		  position = 0,0,-0.0925
		  rotation = 0, 0, 0
		  scale = 0.2, 0.2, 0.02
  @description ^= :$:. Tweaks by Snkiz. Adapted from StockWaterfallEffects. Plume by Waterfall.:


Template, waterfall-methalox-rcs-jet-1.cfg



	templateName = waterfall-methalox-rcs-jet-1
		name = plume
		parentName = RCSthruster
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 0.0500000007,1.29999995,0.0500000007
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive (Dynamic)
				randomizeSeed = True
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.945098042,0.388235301,0.0901960805,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 1,1,1,1
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 5.66221333
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 6.06665754
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3.26082826
					floatName = _ExpandLinear
					value = 1.71888626
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 137.499786
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 5
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 0.545000732
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.707776666
					floatName = _FadeIn
					value = 0.00999999978
			name = brightNess
			controllerName = rcs
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.5 0 0
			name = expando
			controllerName = atmosphereDepth
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _ExpandLinear
				key = 0 8 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
		name = core
		parentName = RCSthruster
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 0.0500000007,1.29999995,0.0500000007
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive (Dynamic)
				randomizeSeed = True
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.90196079,0.800000012,0.678431392,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.541176498,0.129411772,0.654901981,1
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 5.66221333
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 4.65110397
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3.26082826
					floatName = _ExpandLinear
					value = 1.71888626
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 128.399796
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 4
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 0.545000732
					floatName = _ExpandOffset
					value = -1.01110959
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0.783609867
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 0.556110263
			name = brightNess
			controllerName = rcs
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.5 0 0
			name = expando
			controllerName = atmosphereDepth
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _ExpandLinear
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0
		name = plume2
		parentName = RCSthruster
			path = Waterfall/FX/fx-cylinder
			positionOffset = 0,0,0
			rotationOffset = 0,0,0
			scaleOffset = 0.0700000003,2,0.0700000003
				transform = Cylinder
				shader = Waterfall/Additive (Dynamic)
				randomizeSeed = True
					colorName = _StartTint
					colorValue = 0.298039228,0.337254912,0.792156875,1
					colorName = _EndTint
					colorValue = 0.431372553,0.0745098069,0.384313732,1
					floatName = _Falloff
					value = 5.66221333
					floatName = _Fresnel
					value = 2.02221918
					floatName = _Noise
					value = 3.86000562
					floatName = _ExpandLinear
					value = 5.30333281
					floatName = _SpeedY
					value = 132.444244
					floatName = _TileX
					value = 6
					floatName = _Brightness
					value = 0.545000732
					floatName = _ExpandOffset
					value = -0.80777669
					floatName = _FresnelInvert
					value = 0.101110943
					floatName = _FadeIn
					value = 0.0353888348
					floatName = _ExpandBounded
					value = 2.62888479
					floatName = _TintFalloff
					value = 2.60111094
			name = brightNess
			controllerName = rcs
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _Brightness
				key = 0 0 0 0
				key = 1 0.5 0 0
			name = expando
			controllerName = atmosphereDepth
			transformName = Cylinder
			combinationType = REPLACE
			useRandomness = False
			randomnessController = random
			randomnessScale = 1
			floatName = _ExpandLinear
				key = 0 5 0 0
				key = 1 1 0 0



Edited by snkiz
Added link.
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@snkiz That`s nice (again), but my 16Gb RAM can`t eat more mods to check it

Update for IRCS and some other mods almost ready, so this config being included

Also one more mini mod approaching to release


Simple, standalone IDSS/IDA style docking ports (not compatible with Habtech)

just need some tweaks for cap and LES tower (that have adjustable in VAB side thrust)

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16Gb RAM, i7-4770, GTX1060 no SSD

not too many mods, 2 DLC, Near Future/Station Parts, Restock and Restock+, Kerbalism, Universal Storage all my mods

and some other small mods with overall size of Data folder around 5gb

After 3-5 switching between SPH/VAB and game map KSP grow to 13+Gb and my PC start kicking

other programs from RAM

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13 minutes ago, NESD said:

no SSD

This is what's killing you. I keep kebal on an NVME. I only have a 1600x and a oc'd 580. But 32gb memory and fast storage make all the difference. I play Cities skylines. I have enough mods on that to boot stuff out of ram( it loads to 26gb) still not that bad with background being pushed to swap(pagefile). The system while a little slower, is still responsive. Most of my page file still lives on an ssd because I don't want to wear out my OS drive to fast. But I feel your pain, Nerta's Near Future stuff is a rabbit hole. All their stuff is a rabbit hole lol.

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It`s more like KSP(or mod) problem than a PC

I can make a many hours mission with 400+ parts rocket launch, multiple dockings, switching

between 300+ parts vessels, landing on other planet and return home with whole RAM usage not exceed 60-70%

But if I go to SPH and start ship test launches, every switch to map and back give KSP 10-20% more Ram usage

until it overfill (and I make a LOT of test launches, even for simple ship design :D)

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3 minutes ago, NESD said:

But if I go to SPH and start ship test launches, every switch to map and back give KSP 10-20% more Ram usage

This might explain why ksp runs like... well you know after a few hours for me to. I've had out memory related blue screens while playing to. Could have been HW related(I had an ssd die recently) or KSP slowly filling all of it. yikes. I test ships a fair bit as well. Not as much as you I'd imagine bug testing your mods.

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It`s slightly easier than you imagine, for mod testing I have separate install, most stock as possible,

only with some simple mods that show parts and ship info, without anything that can change parts

behavior or visual, but maybe I temporary add Waterfall to it



KSP slowly filling all of it

Yep, it started with around 6-7Gb RAM usage but grow to 12-13 after multiple SPH enter

Edited by NESD
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6 minutes ago, NESD said:

It`s slightly easier than you imagine, for mod testing I have separate install, most stock as possible,

only with some simple mods that show parts and ship info, without anything that can change parts

behavior or visual, but maybe I temporary add Waterfall to it

Yup that's what I did to make those. just the mods I was messing with and the squad folder. (well The MH to folder when I remembered that's where the white panels are) Speaking of, since your pushing an update soon. I don't use them, but I can have a look at your KeR-7 engines if you like. Save you some low level effort.

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1 minute ago, NESD said:

I vote for parallel "ApusRCS" mod for those who want only it`s RCS

InternalRCS already have a lot of parts ( and it`s "internal" )

It's your picnic, IMO they are the same nozzles are they not? Not uncommon for component companies to do stand alone parts to demo their products. That my 2 cents.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@TaintedLion They both already have stock IVAs, TKS cabin  is just a copy of stock config with some tweaks and details,

ASSET  intentionally built around  stock cockpit for maximum compatibility with all stock IVA replacers

Possibly RPM use modified copy of stock cockpit and you need patch that change file path to RPMs IVA in my mods

(I dont have RPM and can't check it)


@Dominiquini rear part with RCS have sound config, you play stock or restock game?

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16 minutes ago, NESD said:


@Dominiquini rear part with RCS have sound config, you play stock or restock game?

@NESD I had ReStock installed, but I uninstall it waiting upgrade to 1.12! I don't remember if when I tested this mod I have it installed or not. I will check it again! 

But I remember that the sound of some RCS works, some didn't, depending on the orientation of the burn...


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On 7/17/2021 at 5:14 PM, NESD said:

I need to check it

@NESD I tested here again, and only the left RCS (looking from behind) in the cylindrical section of the fuselage have sound! All the others don't make any sound!


Edited by Dominiquini
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check it and found a bug in config

you can make quick fix by your own hands, it`s fast and easy


Open AssetRSS.cfg in notepad ( can be found in - Your KSP folder \ GameData \ AssetMk1 \ Parts \ 2 )

then change AUDIO to AUDIO_MULTI_POOL inside EFFECTS section (case sensitive)

and add transformName = RCSthruster line where it marked on picture






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